Tables :: Adding A New Field When A New Record Is Added In Another Table

May 12, 2015

I have a table A in which I write down orders for cars. A record is an order. A single order may contain multiple cars in varying quantities.Each car has its components. Some cars may have some of their components common. There is a table B which indicates each car and its components required with their quantities required to build the car. There is a record for each different car.

Now suppose there is a new car we are going to produce so we need a new record in table B for the car and all its components. Also we need a new field in table A because people can now order the new car(in some quantity).

With form for table B we can introduce a new record. But how can we add a field in table A automatically after a record is added in table B?

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Tables :: Create A New Field In One Table Whenever A Record Is Added In Another

Feb 6, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to automatically create a new field in one table whenever a new record is entered in another table. The name of the field would be the primary key entry of that new record.

I have one table (table 1) in which each record corresponds to a particular mouse with a unique ID number, and each field is the ID number of a particular genetic marker. The table overall shows what genotype (+ or -) a mouse has at each marker.

In the other table (table 2) the primary key of each record is the ID number of a genetic marker, and the fields are several different bits of information about the marker (e.g. what chromosome it's on, its location on the chomosome, etc.)

I would like to have it set up so that if I enter a new genetic marker in table 2 a field named after its marker ID will automatically appear in table 1. Is there a way to do this?

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Tables :: Create A New Key For Each New Record Added In Child Table With ID

Aug 22, 2014

Table has a relationship with master table. Joined on TractID primary table - auto number, TractID child table - number. This works as it should when adding a new record.

What I am trying to do is create a new key for each new record added in the child table with an ID that looks like this: TractID.A, TractID.B, TractID.C etc. for each new record added in the child table. if so where do I look, how to accomplish it?

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Tables :: Add Username To Table As Default Value When New Record Is Added

Dec 26, 2013

I am still new to Access code.

I was wanting to know if there is a way to Add the Username to a table as a default value when a new record is added. I know you can add =Date() to get the date. Is there a simple way to get the ID of the person logged into Window?

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Tables :: Record(s) Cannot Be Added - No Corresponding Record On One Side

Feb 28, 2013

I've created two tables, one containing order data, the other additional order data. Not every order has additional order data.

First i've created them with no specific relationship and filling in data via form worked fine. If i added additional data, a new record in the additional order data table was created automatically.

Later i changed those tables to a "one to one" relationship by setting the long int field that links to the order data table to no duplicates. I just did it because i thought that's how it should bew. But since then i can't add additional order data via the form anymore, but get the error "Record(s) cannot be added; No corresponding record on the 'one' side" instead. I could just revert back to the one to many relationship, but it bothers me.

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Adding New Record To All Tables For 1 Table Primary Key Entry

Oct 20, 2006

Hi, I have 7 tables in my database and 1 form corresponding to all the fields in these tables (linked by a query by recordsource). My problem is that the form will only show a record if ALL 7 tables have manually had the primary key entered (not good when i have information that needs to be added at different times). How can I make it such that if I create a new record on the form that all primary key fields will be updated, and this record will be present every time i open my the form??


Tania :o

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Adding A Record And Specified Field In Table?

May 20, 2013

I am using a form to add a record to a table and need to be able to specify one of the fields in the table that will be added to. This field is predetermined by another form selection. If there is a way to force a value on a title box with a control source this would also do the trick.

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Tables :: Adding Value To A Table Field

Mar 20, 2014

I am building a DB for my college, it is needed to replace a spreadsheet they have in place. The spreadsheet is used to monitor and track Students grades.

Each unit a student passes gives that student a certain number of points, the number of points depends on the grade (e.g. a student will get more points for a B than they would for a C). The point of the DB is to input all the students grades so that student can see how many points they have.

I was wondering if there is a way to add a value to a field, so if I put in a field that a student got a B grade the database would know how much a B grade is worth points wise. Each field should be added together to generate an overall score. Is this possible?

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Tables :: Custom ID Format That Increment Every Time New Record Added

Jul 25, 2013

How to make a custom ID format that increment every time you add a new record the sample ID look like this "HCCR-SMA-CV-ST-000".

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Tables :: Extra Record Added From Form With Unbound Fields

Jul 3, 2013

Using DAO recordset, table enters unbound fields data properly for desired records, but adds an extra record which is a duplicate of the first record entered....any known access quirks for adding unwanted records?

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Adding A Record To A Table From A Field List?

Mar 1, 2007


I have a table that has records added to it using the following VBa code:

Const MyTable As String = "tblSampleSubmission"
Const MyField As String = "SampleName"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim intCounter As Double
Dim LastDub As Double
Dim addString As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MyTable)
'LastDub = Me.txtStartValue - Was only used to start the random function later in series
addString = ""
For intCounter = Me.TxtStartValue To Me.txtEndValue
rs.Fields(MyField) = Me.SamPre & intCounter & Me.SamSuf & addString
rs.Fields("SubmissionNumber") = Me.SubNum
rs.Fields("CustomerID") = Me.CustomerID
rs.Fields("SamplePrep") = Me.SamplePrep
rs.Fields("Fusion") = Me.Fusion
rs.Fields("XRF") = Me.XRF
rs.Fields("LOI") = Me.LOI
rs.Fields("Sizing") = Me.Sizing
rs.Fields("Moisture") = Me.Moisture
addString = ""
If Rnd < 0.02 Then
'LastDub = intCounter
intCounter = intCounter - 1
addString = " DUP"
End If
Next intCounter
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "mroLOIAppend"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_EnterBlast_Click

End Sub

What I would hope to be able to do is add a "standard" randomly to each SubmssionNumber (each SubmissionNumber might be 1-100 records). The record I need to add should be chosen at random from a list of 6 or so options and added at the end or middle or start of the job (SubmissionNumber) is this something that is easy to do or should I just give up and add it manually?

Thanks to everyone who has helped me in the past, it is getting me up to speed quickly. Access seems to be quite popular as I have contacted 3 developers to help with my dB but they are all to busy to help me so I am going it alone.

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Tables :: Export As CSV With Commas Added Between Each Field

Oct 4, 2013

I would like to export fields from Access 2003 with a comma pragmatically added between each field as a CSV file.

I am able to export the fields without the comma, but the Accounting Program that I want to use for the importing of the data requires a comma to separate each field.


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New Record Added In ODBC Table

Feb 4, 2005

Good morning all!

I have an ODBC link in an Access 2002 d/b to an AS400 table (with the ODBC refresh interval set to 10 seconds) and as the data changes, the data in form view changes just fine and dandy, thank you very much.
However, when a new record gets added to the AS400 physical file, the recordset doesnt update to show this, even if I use records>refresh. I have to close the form down and re-open it to see the new record.
Is there a method to achieve this?



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Tables :: Adding Field To Table And Updating Data?

Dec 1, 2013

I have a table in my DB called, devices. This contains all the information about various devices we have deployed in the field.

These devices are also contained in 2 other separate MySQL DB's.

What I need to do is add 2 additional field to my access table for the DeviceRecno and DeviceID of the same device from the MySQL DB's.

Adding the field is easy, but I cant think of a way to enter the recno and ID from the other DB's without typing them in manually for each one.

The common between them all is the serial number of the device, and I can get a list of serial numbers, recno's and ID in an excel sheet.

like a vlookup in excel to easily populate all the existing records with the recno and id's from the other db's?

When I created the access system there was no intention to link it to the other DB's for any reason, but that has now changed due to a lot of reasons.

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Tables :: Find Record Button Added To A Form To Adjust Search Function

Apr 6, 2015

Is it possible on the Find Record button added to a form to adjust the search function so it defaults to a specific box on the form? I have a form for tracking employee's and on my Find Record button I would like it to default to the Last name instead of the Record number.

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Delete Record From One Table And Have It Automatically Added To Another Table?

Oct 28, 2011

I have an employee and asset database. If an employee gets fired, I need remove them from the general employee records, but I want to save a record of that employee. Is there a way to delete an employee from one table and have it automatically added to another table?

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Tables :: Added New Field With Default Value Of Zero - How To Update Existing Records

Oct 3, 2012

I have an existing table that has calculations. When I added a new field with an default value of zero, it did not populate the existing records. Now my tables are not calculating. How can I update the existing records with the new default of zero.

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Queries :: New Record Added To Table But Doesn't Show Up In Query

Aug 4, 2014

I have a database used to track my personal assignments, created about six years ago using Access 2003 on Windows XP. Recently upgraded to Access 2010 on Windows 7. At some point thereafter, I started having the following issue:

When a new record is created, that record gets added to the table, but doesn't show-up in any query, form, or report until after another new record has been added. The most recently added record cannot be located to view or update, except in the table, until after another new record has been added to the table. Queries, forms, & reports now always lag behind by one record.

None of the queries, forms, or reports tested contain filters. I have several multi-user databases that I also support and none of those users have reported having this problem. This is only happening on my personal database.

I've re-created this database once or twice in the past to resolve other issues, but would like to avoid that route this time around, if possible.

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Modules & VBA :: Recordset Adds New Record Into Subform But On Save Nothing Added To Table

Nov 5, 2014

I am adding new record into subform via recordsetclone method. The problem is that record is added but on save it does not appear in the table. If add this record manual using subform everything works. When record added manually update of the record works fine.

'Add Wastage value to flooring area section
Private Sub Wastage_AfterUpdate()
Dim rsFlArea As DAO.Recordset
Dim Wastage As Double
Dim Item As String
Set rsFlArea = Me.OrderFloorAreaEdit.Form.RecordsetClone

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Auto Update One Table To Another Each Time New Record Added To Form

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to automatically update one table to another each time a new record is added to my form, I have tried using the Update and the Append Query is there another way to do this without using code?

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Added Fields To Table But Not Showing Up In Form Field List

Aug 3, 2005

I have a form based on a table and I just added 3 fields to the table. When I go to the form to add these fields, they do not show up in the field list. I've also tried creating a textbox and going to the Data Tab and choosing the data source but those 3 new fields are still not showing up.
How can I go about adding these 3 fields?

Thanks in advance

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Tables :: Adding Record To Multiple Tables

Aug 19, 2015

I am using Access 2007 on my front-end and SQL Server 2014 on the back-end. I have a table of Car Dealers and a table of contacts at the dealerships. These tables are SQL tables. The user can select a dealer and then see everyone that works at that dealership. When they look at this there is a field called Email. This is a hyperlink that they can click on to open Outlook and send an email. The table called DealerEmails is an Access table. My table layout is:


DealerID (FK)

DealerContactID (FK)

Now I'm trying to write the code to add a new contact. My code works but I need to obtain the AutoNumber from When I add a new record to the table dbo_DealerContact. My code is:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim adoDealerContacts As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim daoDealerEmails As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

[Code] ....

I tried to add Me.Dirty=False, but this still returned a value of 0 into my variable intDealerContactID.

I also tried moving intDealerContactID = .Fields("ID").Value outside of the With block.

I'm aware that there is a command in SQL @@Identity. But I'm unsure how to use it in this context.

Is there a way to get the primary key from dbo_DealerContacts so I can insert that into my Emails table?

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Tables :: New Record In Table / Meaningless Symbols In Text Field In Report

Sep 13, 2013

When I add ANY record to a Table I get meaningless symbols in a Text Field on my Report.I have a Microsoft Access Database of College Football Teams and their Schedules that otherwise works just fine. In the past, I regularly added new teams to the Teams Table. I enter Team Name, Conference and Division affiliation (if any), whether or not they play home games on Grass or Turf and a hyperlink to the team's website.

I went to add Fordham to my Teams Table, as Fordham plays at Temple this week. After I entered the information in the Table, I saved and ran the Compact and Repair Database tool. I went to run a Report that contains a text field called "Comments" that I enter non-indexed comments about the game manually in the Schedule Table or on a Form. Not all games have comments. However, as a result of entering Fordham in the Teams Table, I now get nothing but weird looking symbols that look like Wing-Dings or Chinese Script in the Comments column on the report. These symbols show up in each row under Comments, whether or not I actually have a comment in the field. These symbols also show up on the report no matter what team or time period I select on the Form that runs a Query that generates the Report.

I isolated the problem to this addition of Fordham, because if I delete the Fordham record from the Teams Table, Save and Compact and Repair the Database, I can return to the normal looking text in the Comments Text Field in the Report. I tried only entering "Fordham" as the team name, disregarding any of the other information, like Conference, Division, playing surface or (most importantly) the hyperlink, but I get the same symbols. I also tried entering just a team name of something other than Fordham, but the same pesky symbols show up. I restored a previous version of this database before the problem showed up, but, when I added Fordham, I got the same result. I tried searching on this topic, but with little luck. There were a few things like making sure the hyperlink was not indexed or Unicode Compression was off, but nothing really more than that.

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Tables :: New People Added In Table1 Not Showing Up In Other Tables Despite Relationship

May 5, 2013

I have 3 tables.

Table 1: contains staff names and contact numbers
Table 2: contains training above staff have been on or need to go on
Table 3: contains pc and printer asset numbers of above staff

I used a form and entered some new members of staff in table 1. They got their auto numbers etc but when I open table 2 and table 3 those new members are not showing up in those tables. I have checked the relationship status between the 3 tables and the staffID from Table 1 is associated to table 2 and to table 3.

What's stopping the new entries from showing up in tables 2 and 3 ?

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Problem: Adding A Record Across Multiple Tables.

Feb 27, 2007

I have three tables setup in a 1 to 1 relationship using a Autonumber field as their primary keys. I created the seperate tables to group related data together and reduce the tables sizes in general. So think of it as one main table and two tables of extended data.

I need to be able to add a record to table 1 and have it use the same autonumber to reserve that row for data in tables 2 & 3 so that my relationships stay in sync. I want to update the data in tables 2 & 3 later when that information is available.

I have been breaking the database testing some things out like building a form from a select query using all three tables. When I add the record to table 1 nothing is added to the other two. Things get messy on subsequent attempts to add data to any of the tables.

I have avoided this problems in other tables by not using the autonumber datatype, however, I don't have a good unique key that can be manually entered and kept accurate, so autonumber solves that problem in this case.

My VB is very rusty but I'm thinking there should be a way, before update, to capture the autonumber being used for the new record and write it to the other tables. I'm thinking that would be one solution, but I can't seem to get started on that code. Any help or examples would be great.


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[Advanced]Question About Adding New Record Into Two Tables

Jun 27, 2005

Hello, I am a newbie in this forum.
Recently, I am helping my friend to write a simple accounting software based on Access. I have finished most of the neccessary tables, forms and reports by following the Microsoft Sample Database (NorthWind).
The following is my difficulties:
I want to have another table (bank) to store up
1.the amount of each customer need to pay by checking each order's customerID
2. The amount the customer has paid so far, so i can know how much he/she still need to pay
In order to update this table, once there is new order added in the order table, i need to know that and update it, but how? I have used a form and subform to input the order detail, and the order table is automatically updated once data is input. How can i trigger the update of the "bank" table??

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