Tables :: Alter Records In Access Table

Jul 11, 2013

We have a database which has a table with 2 fields - here is an example of the data:

Order File Path
240971 cclapps1scannerWorks Orders 2008Works Orders 2008ITL1ITL1TMSPC11.GFD

We basically need to change the file path to read cclapps3 instead of cclapps1 in every record.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Alter Tables In SQL Server From Access

Jul 7, 2015

I have an access front-end package that works just fine but if there is an update, I just want the program to run scripts to update the SQL Server tables that it is connected to. I just don't know how to do this. I know how to do this on SQL Server Management studio and all, I just was hoping I could do it straight from my access front end so that a user could just click a button and update the tables or something.

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Tables :: Alter SQL Server Table From Front End?

Aug 1, 2014

I have an Access 2010 front end with linked tables via ODBC to a SQL Server back end. Is it possible to add, delete, and otherwise alter the tables on the SQL server from the Access front end? I've tried the following but received an error "cannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources"

DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table [dbo_tblAccountsMvOld] add column [cnt] byte;"

Is there code that will let me do this?

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Using Queries To Alter The Structure Of Tables

Aug 2, 2005

How can I add an additional field to a table based on the output of a query? For example, I have table A with 2 types of records and table B with only 1 type of record. Based on this, I can determine which records in table A are the same type as those in table B. I would however like to be able to flag within table A, those records in table A that are the same as those in table B.

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Tables :: How To Make Constraint When Putting Records Into Access Table

Sep 29, 2014

I am developing a simple database for students to register courses using Microsoft Access 2010. I have 4 tables: Student, Register, Course, and Section (1 Course can have many Sections).

Then, there is a criteria that a student can only take up to 6 courses. Hence, may I know that where and how can I include this constraint? I believe that it should be in the Macro (Before Change) of the table Register...

My relationship is: Student -> Register <- Section <- Course

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How To Not Allow Users To Alter The Table?

Aug 23, 2007


i have a raw data table built, may i know how to hide the table to not allow users to alter the raw data table?

I use the Tool > Startup option to hide everything but if the users are clever enough, they would able to make that available and try to alter the raw data table which i want to prevent and hope that's not gonna happen.

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MS Access Alter Data Length

Nov 15, 2006

what would the T-SQL be for changing (altering) the data length of a field programmatically in a table in MS Access?
so if a field had a data length of 50, id like to change this to 60 programmatically. What would the code/syntax be?

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Setting Property To Yes/no Using Alter Table

Dec 4, 2004

I want to add a column to an existing table using the sql statement Alter table. The new column needs to be a yes/no type. The following code almost works but it only sets the column to a general logical type not specifically the yes/no check box .

DoCmd.RunSQL "Alter Table TblIssues Add [" & Issue & "] logical;"

Any ideas?

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Error In Alter Table Statment

Feb 1, 2005


while i'm trying to execute this query ...


Pls help me.... :confused:

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Alter Table Rename Column

Jul 25, 2005

Hopefully someone can help....

I'm trying to change the name of a column in a table using SQL. I've tried different combinations but always get

"Syntax error in Alter Table statement"

SQL I've tried

alter table tblImport
rename column F1 to [Date];*

alter tblImport
rename column F1 to [Date];

alter table tblImport
rename F1 to [Date];

I've checked this out via some SQL sites & think the first version (*) is correct....can someone throw light on this? I'm using Access2000

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Jun 7, 2005

Helo…please really need your help.

I designed a small desktop database to automatically import some Log files. A sample of a transmit log file (emails sent from our rural email stations) looks like this when imported in access.

Date Time Direction SenderMessageID
03062005 133501To InternetemailX@ab.comBlablabla
03062005 125001To InternetemailQ@ab.comBlablabla
03062005 125001To InternetemailZ@ab.comBlablabla
03062005 125001To InternetemailA@ab.comBlablabla

I would like to be able to query all emails sent between one date and another. However, the date here is recorded has a string or text. I would like to automatically add a field with the date as Date/Time datatype in the Table. I think I should be able to do this with a few SQL statement like ALTER TABLE myTable ADD COLUMN NewDate AS datetime…and then another SQL statement to separate data and put it into this new field.

Then I could query for BETWEEN Date1 and Date 2 easily.

I’m pretty close but been trying for a while now and always error messages as results. I think I really NEED help this time.

Thank you,

Ghislain Bob Hachey

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Queries :: Alter Table With Auto-increment Field?

Mar 10, 2015

I am attempting to update an oracle table using MS Access.

One of the fields to be updated is a primary key number field.

I'd like to use the autoincrement field to update that field.

My sql is:


Alter table testAutoNum Add column progid autoincrement (1001,2)

This sql nicely creates the new field in the table, but it doesn't start at 1001 and increment by 2; it starts and 1 and increments by 1.It is also creating an autonumber and I need it to be a number.

What am I doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Temp Table - How To Alter ID Field

Nov 19, 2013

I have some code that creates a table based off another table. This code works perfect but Im trying to alter my ID field and change it to an auto increment. How can I fix my code so that it alters my ID field?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
'OBJECTIVE: to build a table by extracting some fields from a main database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim intCount As Integer

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Alter Table Statement To Add Field And Make It Unique

May 18, 2015

I am using the following to add a column to an existing table. How do I make this column indexed with no duplicates?


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Tables :: Linking Records In One Table To Multiple Records In Another And Assign Percentage?

Nov 21, 2012

I have a table (tbl Team Info) which contains names and codes for teams within my business (>400 records) and another table (tbl Process) which contains a list of high level tasks (30 records).

I need to create something where for each team name 9in tbl Team Info) I can map them to the tasks that they undertake (in tbl Process) and assign a percentage of time then spend on each task. Each team could map to several different tasks.

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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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Tables :: How To Combine Records Of Three Tables Into One Table

Jul 30, 2013

I have three tables. I want to combine all the records in these tables into one table. I need VBA code to do this. The first table is called down1, the second table is called down2 and the third table is called down3. All these tables contain the same fields so I don't think combining them will be a problem.

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Problem In Vba Code To Access The Records From Access Tables

Jul 23, 2007

Iam using the following code for inserting the values from access form in to the access database table ITEMS, but iam getting compile errors, may i know where iam going wrong in the code.

Also help me in updating, deleting and viewing of records from database table ITEMS to the form when i run the program.

Following is my code :

Private Sub ADD_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_ADD_Click

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection

'Create an instance of the ADO Recordset class, and
'set its properties

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
Set .ActiveConnection = cn
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
End With

'Set the form's Recordset property to the ADO recordset


Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ADD_Click

End Sub

compile ERROR as follows:

you can't reference a property or method for a contro unless the control has the focus.

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Tables :: Importing Records Into Table?

Mar 25, 2013

I've got a problem I can don't know how to solve (since I'm a complete access noob). I've got an acces table that is populated with around 1000 entires, all starting with letter N, followed by numbers. Then I've got another table from last year which is also populated with 1000+ N entries AND 1000 V entries.

I would like to trasnfer/copy all V entires from last year table into this year table. I'm sure this is possible but I don't know how. In short, I would like to copy 1000 rows of last year data into this year table/data. What's the easiest way (if there is any)?

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Tables :: Updating Records Between Two Table

Jan 22, 2014

I have this table "tblPreventativeMaintenance" which calculates when the next appointment for service. Stored in the field "NextDueService". I have three fields in this table. "SerialNumber", "NextDueService" & "Engineer'sReport".The whole purpose of the table above is to do the calculations.Now the results of the calculations I need them to go into another table "tblInstallations" so I can use it to show Next Due Service when there is a call out in regards to certain ready installed equipment. I have same fields in both tables.I tried update query but for some reason it didn't work or at least wasn't giving me the results I needed from it.

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Tables :: Processing All Records In Table

Dec 5, 2013

I'm working on a system for recording employee information, leave details, etc. I need to run a monthly update to increment each employees leave balance.

The two tables now in question are;

Employees - relevant fields are EmployeeID (key), Active (Boolean) and Leave (Numeric) [annual leave entitlement - eg 15 days]

The second table is LeaveTrans; Emprec, LDate, LType, PrevBal, ThisLeave, NewBal, Comments.

What I need to achieve;

For each "Active" record in the employee table, detirmine the monthly leave entitlement ("Leave" /12 - no problem here).

Append a new record to the LeaveTrans table with;

Emprec, LDate (Date of the update), LType (="Monthly allocation"), PrevBal (The NewBal from the last record in the table for this employee), ThisLeave (monthly allocation) and NewBal (PrevBal + ThisLeave)

I will need to access the last record for this employee to get the previous NewBal, before appending the new record.

The problem I'm having is appending to the LeaveTrans table, and then moving on to the next record in the Employee table, to repeat the process.

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Tables :: How To Restrict A Table To 10 Records

Oct 14, 2013

I want to build a demo db and make it so the user cant add more than 10 records. Perhaps a popup when trying to save the 11th...

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Tables :: How To Count Records In A Table

Oct 21, 2013

How can i count records in a table like countif function in excel

records Count
Row 1 A 1
Row 2 A 2
Row 3 A 3
Row 4 B 1
Row 5 B 2
Row 6 A 4

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Tables :: Relating Two Records In One Table

Sep 22, 2014

I want to relate two records in one table, a parent child relationship. I can accomplish this task with two tables I realize. I'm wanting to write a database that will map a family tree. Internal to one table I want to be able to establish a series of relationships, parent-child, sibling, et cetra. Can this be done?

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Tables :: Moving Records From One Table To Another

Jan 16, 2014

I have to move records from one table to another.

When we lose a client I need to take them out of my current table and put them in my dropped table.

I don't want to lose my summary info and I want the dropped client to keep it's ID Number which is an identifier.

Seems I can't just copy it from one table to another and then go back and delete it from the Current.

Seems I can't cut from Current and paste into Dropped.

In a perfect world it would be great if my boss could just check a box in Current Table and the record moved to Dropped all by itself!

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