Tables :: Assigning IDs To Excel Imports And Relating Tables

Mar 5, 2014

I need assigning IDs across tables so I can relate them. I have two tables.

The first table contains data regarding schools.
SchoolID [autonumber, primary key]

The second table contains data regarding children numbers in each year group for each school
VaccinationSessionID [Primary Key]
SchoolID [want this to match the school id assigned in the first table!]

In the second table the data was imported from Excel, so all but the School ID was imported. Each school name appears 7+ times in the second table.

How do I get the school ID assigned to a school name in the first table, to automatically assign and fill in the (currently blank) School ID field in the second table? I want to remove school name from the second table eventually, to use the Primary Key school ID in the first table, and Foreign Key school ID in the second table.

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Updating Tables With Imports

Jul 17, 2005

Hi Im quite new to access, but Ive got a little database running thats contains balances of customers account over 30 days 60 days etc and logs querys on there accounts, Im given a spreadsheet each week which shows that the customer may have paid something to their account so I need to import these new balances into the table and update the record. Can anyone give me any pointers as how Id achieve this, as append query or import dont seem to fit what I need.

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Tables :: Relating Tables To Each Other Using Checkboxes

Aug 14, 2014

In our organization, when employees need to ask for office supplies, they have to fill out a Supplies Request Form (SR). Then Procurement team makes a Purchase Order Form (PO) based on the SR. One PO could have one or more SRs. Then once the items have been delivered by the supplier, the Receiving team makes a Receiving Report Form (RR) based on what was delivered. One PO could have many RRs.

What I want to create is like the one in the Northwind Traders template in Access 2010. Where there is a Purchase Order and a checkbox to "Post in Inventory." When clicking the checkbox, the ordered items will automatically reflect in the inventory.

However, mine is a little bit more complicated. When there's an SR, I want to have a checkbox that will automatically reflect on a new PO. I also want a checkbox for PO that should automatically reflect on the RR. And the RR should have another checkbox linked to the inventory which should be able to update the total available stocks.

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Relating Tables

Aug 8, 2005

I have a table with the following fields: Login ID, Description Password, Login Type, Location, Status. For every Login ID there are some old passwords that had different effective dates. I want my form or table to behave so that I can enter all the old passwords with the effective dates and keep adding to this record. I know it has something to do with subforms but I don't know how to do it. Please help.
Thank you

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Relating Tables

Jul 27, 2007

I think this is probably going to be an embarrassingly simple question. I'm new to access and still struggling with the simplest of concepts...

I'm trying to relate three tables:

ContactID - autonumber, primary key
FirstName - text
more fields...

ProgramID - autonumber, primary key
ProgramName - text
ProgramDesc - text

ContactID - autonumber, primary key
ProgramID - number, primary key
ProgramName - text
Selected -true/false

I have a main form, Contacts, for the user to input all the necessary data about a contact. What I'm ultimately trying to do is also include a subform which contains the name of each program (there are 12 or so) with a true/false checkbox. I'd like it to work so that if a program is added, it automatically gets added to the subform with a checkbox.

Also, I'd like the results of that subform to get dumped into tblProgram_Contacts.


A great vision... but I really am not sure on how to do any of this (specifically, properly defining the relationships and properly constructing the subform). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Question About Relating Tables Together

Oct 21, 2004

I have a pretty basic question about creating relationships in Access. When in the relationship window that shows all tables and associated relationships, I am a bit confused as to whether you are to drag the parent field to the child field or vice versa. When trying both, it appears to create the 1 to many relationship in the same direction no matter what way I create the relationship. So I am hoping someone will explain this a bit further to me or at least direct me to a reasource to clear up my, and possibly others, confusion. Sorry for my ignorance on this one! :o
Thanks a lot,
Dana S.

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Tables :: Relating Two Records In One Table

Sep 22, 2014

I want to relate two records in one table, a parent child relationship. I can accomplish this task with two tables I realize. I'm wanting to write a database that will map a family tree. Internal to one table I want to be able to establish a series of relationships, parent-child, sibling, et cetra. Can this be done?

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Tables :: Relating Transactions With Rate Master Table

Jan 28, 2013

I am using Access 2007 and have inherited a database. It has linked tables of Excel spreadsheets that are information extracted from our main system. The user wants developing a much faster and customized approach to billing the customer based on payroll related information.

There is a table of payroll billing transactions and it has the following record lay-out,

job_num, employee number, employee name, union group, rank, regular hours, overtime hours, other hours, trans_date, seq_num

6430, 2301, john doe, 1, F, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12/01/2012, 254333

On December 1st John Doe worked 8.0 regular hours as a pipefitter foreman on job number 6430 and this is record (sequence) number 254333.

There is another table that defines the union group. I am not concerned with this information at this time. The seq_num is a sequentially and uniquely assigned number given to each billing record in the main system.

There is also a Rate Master table and it has the following record layout,

job_num, union group, rank, regular_billing_rate, overtime_billing_rate, other_billing_rate

I am struggling as to how to relate these two tables so that I can develop some queries from it.

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Tables :: Assigning Task Using Multivalue Fields Then Marking Completion

Dec 11, 2013

I have a database which is working ok where i have a set of tasks in a table with a bunch of irrelevant fields. On creation of a task i assign users to those tasks into a multivalue field(this is all fine).

Using a query i can report to each user what tasks they are assigned to easily.

To make the database more complex i would now like to assign these users to a task and then allow them to assign there portion complete (but not the whole task complete) but i can not assign a bool variable to a .value (can i?).

My thoughts are my database is just not set up for this by using the multivalue field to hold the assigned users?

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Access Imports Blank Validation Cells From Excel

Jul 13, 2007


I have an Excel file that I use to enter data. About half the columns are validation cells to minimize human error. The validation cells are in rows 2-200. I then import the data into Access.

The problem is that, even if I only enter or select data in one row, Access imports all 200 rows that contain validation cells. I only want the rows in which I've actually entered/selected data to be imported.

I've searched this forum, but may not be using the correct search criteria.
I've also searched Google for "Access Imports Blank Validation Cells from Excel" and other variations of the same words, and switched empty for "blank".

Can someone recommend a thread or on-line article that will give me an idea how to work around this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

PS. Sorry, I wasn't sure under which category to post this.
Again, thanks for your time.

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Tables :: Export Multiple Tables Into Single MS Excel 2010 Workbook

Feb 10, 2015

I'm using the MS Access 2010 ExportwithFormating action to export three tables to a single MS Excel 2010 workbook. The action overwrites the first excel worksheet each time instead of saving all three worksheets in a single excel workbook.

How can I export three tables into a single excel workbook.

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Forms :: Combo Box On Several Forms Relating To Corresponding Tables

Apr 25, 2013

I have created a database in which I have used a combo box on several forms relating to corresponding tables. These combo boxes all reference the same table with names (text fields) listed. I am having difficulties getting the data to feed into the table from the combo box using the form. Only the ID numbers appear in the table.

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Excel Linked Tables

Jan 30, 2006

When I go into design view of an Excel linked table, it tells me that I can't change some properties. When I change the format of a field from Text to Number (and from Long Integer to Integer), a dialog box informs me that the property won't be changed but saves the changes anyway?

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Updating Access Tables From Excel

Mar 26, 2008

Hi, can someone please help with this?

I have a table for storing details of share prices relating to specific certificate numbers, so only the £ value and the value date changes when we update (done manually at present).

The updates for different companies are done at different times, hence I cannot just delete and import new data, it needs to be an update to a value from an excel sheet (the excell sheet is downloaded from the web provider in question).

I had thought of using "get external data" to create a new or ad to a new table, then an update query to update the main table from the new one, but again cannot seem to get it to work on the specific certificate numbers.

As you can see I have little knowledge on code etc, and have so far only used macros to automate the application we use, can anyone please help???

Thanks in advance!


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Importing One Excel Sprdsht Into Several Tables

Jul 9, 2007

I have an Excel spreadsheet of data, that matches fields with two different (many-to-many linked) data tables. Can i import then separate the data into the respective tables, while maintaining the relationships created by junction tables? Or can I create a query to temporarily link the two tables and their related fields, input the data, then disseminate it to the two separate tables??
Thank you all for your input as I fumble my way thru this!

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Linking Forms And Tables With Excel

Feb 13, 2006

Hi! This may be an incredibly simple query. We have access users and non-users at our organisation.

Although our database is in access, the non-users would like to use excel, so I am trying to set up a link between the two.

I have managed to set up the link between the main database table and an excel spreadsheet, but I also use a form to enter info on the main database.

When I set up the link, I add something to the main database table and it changes the excel document... but when I change a name or something on the form, it doesn't change it in excel.

Any ideas how I can link all of it would be very much appreciated!

With thanks, Hayley

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Excel Data Into Access Tables

Apr 21, 2006

Is it possible to import data from Excel to Access?

I have a program which dumps 4 Excel files full of useful info which I need to analyse and report. Access would be an ideal tool to do this but the volume of info means it has to take the data rather than copying and pasting each section.

Is this possible?

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Tables :: Static Import From Excel

May 14, 2015

I want too import data from excel, this data is test results and contains the students names as well as the answers to the questions.

Currently my import looks like this:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Resultyear", "C:UsersjesseDesktop est-7-2015.xls", True, "Worksheet!A11:AV32"

However is it possible to import 2 lots of data ranges from the one import? as in can I have "Worksheet!A11:C32" + "W11:AA32"?

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Tables :: How To Link The Table To Excel

Jun 21, 2013

I'm not very familiar with linking data from Access to Excel but I think it's what I'm going to want to do for my operation. I have a huge spreadsheet that my boss handed me and he wanted to see if it were possible to only present a part of it in access. I already have a form to a table that I created however, it came to my attention that creating a link also creates a new table so I guess my question is: Is there an easy way to have the form always correspond to the linked table? Or another question: is this the right way of thinking about linking the data?

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Tables :: Replication ID Import To Excel

Aug 20, 2013

I have 2,000 access databases that are structured the same way. I want to import and compile 1 of the tables from the databases into excel. I have a macro written that does this no problem, but I just realized it is not importing Number fields with field size of "Replication ID". This is critical to eventual be able to do the analysis I am looking to do. Is there any way to have excel import the Replication ID?

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Tables :: Import Data From Excel

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to run a report based off Data I dump into Excel from a Database I use for Property management. Once I have dumped this data I amend it for reporting purposes. The issue I am having is this data constanly gets updated and every time I dump new data it obviously overrides all the changes I had made. How can I set up access to know what data I have already imported, keep it and only add NEW data from excel? To make a little more sense in Excell Colum A is Work Order Number, B is property address, C is Works to be done. I alter the works to be done when first dump it as it requires more info and updating. I need Acess to only import new Work order numbers that are not already there and leave any changes I have made to other colums as the report will continue to evolve.

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Tables :: How To Import Excel As A Table

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to build a DB for work at the gas company. Currently this is tracked on 10 excel flat files and I want to make this process more efficient. The company DB is oracle based and the system is not set up for me to limit views just to my information. Therefore I am trying to build an access DB to handle this.What I am doing is downloading a copy of the DB info (which includes everyones area) to an excel spreadsheet and linking this to access as a linked table so I can use this information. Unfortunately, this means it makes a linked table without a key field.

However, according to information that I have read, I am unable to use this linked table in a form because it makes the form not updateable??? Is this due to the linked table and if so, is there a work around?

The reason I link this information is due to multiple fields that are updated hourly/daily. If I turn this into a table, then I will have to either manually update these fields constantly or create additional steps in order to recreate the wheel so to speak. I don't need to be able to update the linked information in the form, I just want to see it when doing the data entry for the purpose of specific dates, previous surveys, previous survey results, and for flagging due dates. Is this possible?

So far, the only information that I have been able to research on this is how to link information or how to import excel as a table but nothing that speaks of how to use a linked table in a form or what limitations a linked table has.

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Importing Excel Tables Into Access?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to write some code to import an excel table into access. I want to delete and append a table already in the database. I am having trouble writing the code to do this. If this is at all possible through excel, I would prefer to export the table from excel into access. Otherwise if that's not possible, a macro to import from excel will do.

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Merging Excel File Into Multiple Tables?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm in the process of creating a database to track campaign contributions, and I'm kind of stuck.

I've created tables for the citizens, the candidates, and the contributions to the candidates. Now I'm trying to populate them with an Excel spreadsheet. The problem is I have no clue on how to split the Excel file so the appropriate parts go into each table.

The spreadsheet contains:
Name, address, etc. - This needs to go into the Citizens table
Names of candidates individuals contributed to - This needs to go into the candidates table.
Dollar amounts and dates of contributions - This needs to go into the contributions table.

Each citizen may have made multiple contributions to multiple candidates.

The easy way would be for everything to be in one table, but that would be a bad database design, right? Here's a shortened version of how my tables are designed:

Citizens: Name, contact info, etc. of citizens
Candidates: Name, party affiliation, etc. of candidates
Contributions: Candidate (fk is pk of Candidate table), Citizen (fk is pk of citizen table), contribution date, and contribution amount.

I appreciate the assistance, as I'm getting really frustrated.


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Multiple Excel Tables With Identical Fields

Feb 20, 2006

Hi All,
Being a newb, have a hopefully straightforward question. I'm writing a vehicle management database which covers eleven seperate areas. The data is currently contained in a spreadsheet with eleven seperate data sheets, one for each area. My thinking is I use linked tables as the spreadsheet needs to be occasionally updated.
My difficulty...
If I want to cycle through all records, I assumed I could query against all tables but don't seem to be able to.
The tables are not currently linked in any way and contain fields such as registration, emissions, list price, make and model and so on.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

Q :)

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VLookup Excel Values In Access Tables?

Apr 11, 2006


Is there any way to fill cells in Access tables with the results of using vLookup in an Excel worksheet? I'm trying to vLookup the quantity of products sold in the worksheet and make that number available on an Access table and form. Can the two aps jibe like this?

Thanks for the feedback :D

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