Tables :: Cannot Enter Data On One Side Of Many To Many Relation

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to create a warehouse database in acees 2007 and 2010 that can track goods that come in.i have two types of goods Specials which is not on my current stock list and Current stock of which i have a excel sheet of around 32000+ items.I have 2 warehouse to put the stock in with over 100 locations.I am trying to track the stock that comes in by saying it is Special or Current stock if Special and i enter the data it should add it to my Stock sheet if current I can choose it from the Current Stock list; allocate it to a location .

Lastly i need to be able to move the stock either from one location to another in the warehouses or to a customer on a orderI have created a few tables and tried to link it as best i can after reading 100's of posts and access for dummies

ProductCode - Text
Description - Text
Dept - Text

LocationPK - AutoNumber
Location - Text

LinkPK -Autonumber
ProductFK - Number(long integer)
LocationFK - Number(Long Integer)
Qty - Number
PoNumber - Text
DateIn - DateTime

i set this up as a many to many relation and that is as far as i got.when i try and enter a location for a product to test it say i cant update location field and things like i cant enter data on the one side of the many to many relation.

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Tables :: Cannot Enter Value Into Blank Field On (one) Side Of Outer Join

Apr 28, 2014

My goal is to create a form that allows me easily edit what State each City is assigned to, and edit what Country each State is assigned to. I have 3 tables:

CityID (Primary Key)
StateID (Foreign Key from tbStates)

StateID (Primary Key)
CountryID (Foreign Key from tbCountries)

CountryID (Primary Key)

For right now, I want to focus on just States and Cities... so I also have this query:
Field: City
Table: tbCities

Field: State
Table: tbStates

The join type for the relationship between tbCities and tbStates is: Include ALL records from 'tbCities' and only those records from 'tbStates' where the joined fields are equal. That way I can see all the cities and the state they are assigned to.

However, when I view the query in datasheet view and try to type anything into the State field of this query, I keep getting this error: "Cannot enter value into blank field on 'one' side of outer join". I figured the source of the form should be this query instead of the tables directly, but if I can't input data into the query then I wont be able to input data into the form.

What am I doing wrong?

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Forms :: Can't Enter Data Into Blank Field On One Side Of Outer Join

May 21, 2014

I think I have just finished designing my database and I tried to test it and I couldn't enter any new records as it says "Can't enter data into blank field on "one" side of outer join" whenever I try and enter info and I don't know much SQL to work out what has happened. It probably causes this too but I also cannot select check boxes.

The form where I try and enter the info is called Crisis_support_workers v3. I have attached my database so you can look at what I have done.

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Help W/table Structure - Keep Historical Data - "Revisions" On Many-side Tables

Jun 1, 2005

Hope the thread title wasn't too confusing.

I have a database that tracks emissions from painting. Bear with me since this is going to be a long post.

Some background info.
- a paint can consists of many parts mixed in a specific ratio.
- a part cosists of many chemicals
- a part may be used is many different paints

Here is how I have the existing database structured now. I’ve simplified it somewhat.

PaintID (PK)
PaintName - String
PaintDensity - Double
PaintVOCContent - Double

PartID (PK)
PartName - String
PartDensity - Double
PartVOCContent - Double

RatioID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
PartID (FK)
Ratio - Integer

ChemicalWtID (PK)
PartID (FK)
ChemicalID (FK)
WeightPercent - Double (Percent)

ChemicalID (PK)
strChemicalNumber - Long
strChemicalName - String

UsageID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
UsageDate - Date
UsageAmount - Double

PK = Primary Key (Autonumber)
FK = Foreign Key (Autonumber)

The Density or VOC Content (VOC = Volatile Organic Compound) for a paint can either be given OR it can be calculated by the mix ratio of parts and their respective Density or VOC Content values. One or the other must be complete.

What I did not account for was that there may be changes due to the paint manufacturer revising their paint composition, such as;
the parts that make up a paint may change
chemical make-up of a part changes (can be a change in Weight Percentages or the addition or deletion of a chemical).
ratio in which parts are mixed for a paint changes
Density/VOC Content values may change for a Paint or Part

The problem is that I cannot simply change the existing records as the emissions are calculated using all the data from each table and emissions need to be calculated using the paint/part/ratio/chemical weight percent info that was valid at the time of usage.

Another thing is that the Paint Name will not change, it’ll always be something like “BrandX Acrylic Blue”.

The person entering usage data only knows how much of what paint was used for a given day.

The person who enters paint usage has nothing to with entering the chemical make-up for parts and information for the paints and vice versa.

At any rate, my new draft table design is as follows. Two of the tables (tblChemical & tblUsage) will remain the same.

PaintID (PK)
PaintName - String

PaintVersionID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
PaintDensity - Double
PaintVOCContent - Double
PaintVersionDateIN - Date
PaintVersionDateOUT - Date

PartID (PK)
PartName - String

PartVersionID (PK)
PartID (FK)
PartDensity - Double
PartVOCContent - Double
PartVersionDateIN - Date
PartVersionDateOUT - Date

ChemicalWtID (PK)
PartVersionID (FK)
ChemicalID (FK)
WeightPercent - Double (Percent)

I might be able to do away with tblRatioVersion and just have one table to store the mix ratios. It should be the case that a change in mix ratios (either a change in mix ratios and/or what parts make up a paint) means a change in the Paint Density & VOC Content. But I am presenting both versions of the Ratio tables here for completeness.

Version 1
RatioVersionID (PK)
PaintVersionID (FK)
RatioVersionDateIN - Date
RatioVersionDateOUT - Date

RatioID (PK)
RatioVersionID (FK)
PartVersionID (FK)
Ratio - Integer

Version 2
RatioID (PK)
PaintVersionID (FK)
PartVersionID (FK)
RatioVersionDateIN - Date
RatioVersionDateOUT - Date
Ratio - Integer

I plan on having the DateOUT fields be populated automatically to match the DateIN for the new version. That way I can use “BETWEEN DateIN and DateOUT” to select the appropriate info for calculating emissions. The idea came from an old thread I started ( I think this is the way to go, but with all the relationships going on, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it all. Am hoping someone here can help me with this.

Anyone see any problems with the new table design?
Anyone know a better way?

Some potential issues that I see
If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Paint, then the old set of records in tblRatio must be duplicated.
If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Part, then the old set of records in tblRatio & tblChemicalWt must be duplicated.

Thanks for reading this post all the way to the end!

EDIT: Thought about it some more.
A new version of a Part, should trigger a new version of Mix Ratios which in turn should trigger a new version of a paint.
Part --> Ratio --> Paint
Ratio --> Paint

Also, a change in a Part must trigger a New Paint version for ALL Paints that currently use it!

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Reports :: Report To Show Records Side By Side?

Aug 12, 2015

So I'm trying to manipulate Access to create a Directory for my church. I'm trying to get a report to show the church staff, which I was able to do, but I was wondering, is it possible to get the records to show side by side instead of one on top of the other?

I included a picture of the design view showing what I would like to see. Excuse the way the numbers are written, it's hard to write with a mouse.

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General :: Enter Data From A Form Onto Two Tables?

Jul 6, 2013

I created a form that allows users to enter data into the fields and populates the table.But can I have it do that and populate instead of one table, two tables?

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Relation Between Tables?

Jun 6, 2005

Hi everyone,
I cannot figure out how to link my tables. Here is my problem: I have one main table that contain informations about contracts (No folder, name of the provider, etc.) And I have 12 other tables. Each of them contains informations about one specific type of invoice. for exemple, one table is used for gaz billing, an other one is used for shipping, and so on. Now I don't know how to link all these tables with my main one. Because one entry in the main table have a 1-to-many relationship with all these tables. should I leave the relations, and just retreive information manually?

Here is the definition of the main table:
No - AutoNumber and primary key
Localisation - Text

The definition of the 12 tables is:
NoBill - AutoNumber and primary key
NoAutoInstallation - that contains the No from the main table
Total - total of the bill

I'm really confuse. Thanks in advance for your help!

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Forms :: Using A Form To Enter Data Across Related Tables

Mar 3, 2014

I have a database I made to store a list of users and information about each user.

I have a UserDetail table, languages table, previous experience table, current experience table.

UserDetail table as follows:
UserID (PK)
First Name
Last Name
Full Name (calculated)
Department (using a multi select combo box. There are 3 departments and some people are in both).

I need to do the same thing on each table and each table is very similar so I'll just list one. This is the Previous Experience table:

PreviousXPID (PK)
Previous experience (e.g. IT, Marketing, Chemistry)

I have three junction tables. One for each Previous Experience, current experience and language table. The Previous experience junction table has:


I created a relationship between the userdetail table and the junction table then the junction table to the Previous Experience table.

Now what I'd like to be able to do is edit people to add previous experience, current experience and languages to each. I already have a form that lets me add a new user to the database. It's just based on the UserDetails table. If I could have a way (perhaps using 3 multi select list boxes. One box for previous experience, one for current experience and one for languages) on that form to add the other details to that person, that would be ideal. I'd like to create a new user. E.g. Joe Bloggs in department 1 who speaks Dutch, used to have Marketing, Chemistry and aeronautical experience and now works in IT.

I can create the new user by putting last first/last name and selecting the department. But to add experience or languages, I have to go into that junction table and add the numbers myself. e.g. user 1, has experience 1,3,4 and 5. I'd like to see the name that relates to the ID and be able to select it from the list in the table I have.

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Tables :: Many Relation Between Two Table

Sep 1, 2014

i have 2 tables

1. Actors Table
2. Movies Table

i create a third table so i put manually the id of an actor than the id of the movie belong to this in the third table we could see the movie more than one time because there are many actor in the same movie..could i get the result in the third table or anything but with an easier method because it takes too much time to finish it i have more than 1000 film.

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Server Side Vs Client Side Queries

Nov 22, 2005

I have split my database, the data is in a DB on the server and the forms, reports, etc is on the client desktop. My question is "Is there an advantage to having all of my combo box queries (Lookups) on the server side (defined in the table as a combo lookup) or should I put the all on the form so that they reside in client side DB.

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Form With Three Sections To Show Side By Side

Jan 26, 2012

Form with three sections. I have three queries selecting different set of set in a table, I would like to show all three in a form side by side. How can I do this? I use form wizard bit it only uses one query as a source.

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Find A Relation Between 2 Diff Tables

Apr 30, 2008

i have a database to manage utility bill payment , it consist of
- Bills :
- billID
- Benificiary Name
-Cost Center
- Bills Transaction :
-Payment Transactions :

i made a union query from Bills Transaction and Payment Transactions to calculate bills balances which is : billid,sum(Bills Transaction.BillAmount)-sum(Payment Transactions.PayAmount)
all is working well , but the problem is i cannot find any relation between billtransaction
and billpayment ( per bill ) , cause i wish to payment details for each single bill transaction
the normal case is : bills issued as monthly basis but may fully or partially pay as the following cases :
- each bill transaction may fully pay one time
- in some cases : each bill transaction may fully pay but in multi settle
- multi bill transaction (per BILLID) may fully pay one time
IN CONCLUSION : each bill transaction should be stteled fully within one or two or maximum 3 months , say bill balance for each bILLID shall be zero.
how i could find a relation between this two transaction ( bills and payment ) to preview
payment information for each single bill transaction
exapmle :
billID : 39
BILL Transaction BillPayment BillsBalance
Bill Date - Amount PayDate- Amount
jan08 - 1000 1-1-2008 1000 0
feb08 -1200 5-2-2008 800 400
15-2-2008 400 0
mar08 1900 1900
apr08 1100 30-04-2008 3000 0
may08 1200 05-05-2008 900 300
jun08 1300 30-06-2008 1600 0

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Tables :: Table Relation With Sub Groups

Jun 18, 2013

I new to Access, I have used MS Works spreadsheets and database. Im working on a database for a non-profit to enter weekly donations.I have tables below:

1. DonorsT (names...) table
2. FundT (names...) table
3. SubFundT (names...)table
4. DonationT table (for cash, check, checkNumber ext.. )
5. DonationToFundsT table.
The Relation set up:
DonorT DonorID PK (1 to many) DonationT DonorID FK
FundT FundID PK (1 to many) SubFundT FundID FK (so the main Funds can have many SubFunds)
Because one donation can be split to many Funds/SubFunds:
DonationT DonationID PK (1 to many) DonationToFundsT DonationID PK
SubFundT SubFundID PK (1 to many) DonationToFundsT SubFundID PK

My question:
As you can see donations can only be recorded to SubFunds:I can work around this by having the first SubFund name be the MAIN Fund nameBut I was hoping there was a way to enter donation to the main Fund and the SubFundsExample with this set up:

General Fund
General Fund $100.00
Repairs $50.00
Total to General Fund $150.00

What I would like
General Fund $100.00
Repairs $50.00
Total to General Fund: $150.00

Because this data will be entered by people that dont work with Access much Im trying to make it simpler for them.

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Forms :: Unable To Enter New Data In Form With Fields From Multiple Tables

Jan 6, 2014

I had an existing database with 2329 records entered into it. All of the fields (220ish) were all in one table. Myself and my co-workers wanted to rebuild the database without losing the data. We wrote queries to transfer the data from the original database to the new database and split the data from the original 1 giant table to 9 smaller tables.

The transfer of data worked so I went to start making forms. When I went to add fields from different tables I had to built a relationship, which I did. All of the data that transferred over from the new database is in the form (now multiple forms linked by button) but I can't add new information. I get an error stating, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table ..." and the table referenced keeps changing.

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How To Display Data From A Relation In List Box

Jul 3, 2013

I made a database with 3 tables:


Each company has a director (I choose from a list that's bound to "person" by its ID field)

Each person lives in a city (I choose from a list that's bound to "city" by its ID field)


- a person's city is stored in "person" as the ID of "city", so I only have numbers (1, 2....)
- there can be two persons in "person" with the same name (the only thing that differs them is the city they live in)

The problem is:

When I try to choose a director in "company" from a list, it shows me the name, surname and the ID of the city the person lives in, all from the table "person". The trouble is, since there can be two persons/directors with the same name, I really need to see their cities (the real city name, not just its ID). But I still want the city in "person" to be stored as ID of "city".

I attached my database so you can see what I'm writing about.


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Delete Only FK On The Many Side And The Record On The One Side

Jun 25, 2007


I want to Delete only FK on the many side first and the record on the one side by one click of a button. I wrote some code which sometimes works and sometimes it does not!!

I wonder if any one have a better idea or doing this please?

Private Sub Delete_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim n As Integer, i As Integer
Dim vStart As Integer
Dim vEnd As Integer
Dim vSite As Integer
Dim vRCCID As Integer

vSite = Forms![frmSite].Form![SiteID]
vRCCID = Forms![frmSite]![Roads Construction Consent].Form![RCCID]
vStart = Me.PhaseStart - 1
vEnd = Me.PhaseEnd + 1

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblPhase")
n = rs.RecordCount
If n > 0 Then
For i = 1 To n
If rs![SiteID] = vSite Then
If rs![PhaseNumber] > vStart And rs![PhaseNumber] < vEnd Then
rs![RCCID] = Null

End If
End If
Next i
End If
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing



End Sub

tblRCC is the one side of the relationship and tblPhase is the many side.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Reports :: Cut Off Left-hand Side Of Text In Textbox And Show Only Right-hand Side

Mar 26, 2013

Access 2010

I have a report with some text boxes on it. Sometimes the text in these boxes can be a very long string of characters (maybe a path to some folder). In this case I do not want the text box to grow. I just want the report to show me the right-hand side of this path and cut off the left. How do I do this when still aligning my text to the left?

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Tables :: Record(s) Cannot Be Added - No Corresponding Record On One Side

Feb 28, 2013

I've created two tables, one containing order data, the other additional order data. Not every order has additional order data.

First i've created them with no specific relationship and filling in data via form worked fine. If i added additional data, a new record in the additional order data table was created automatically.

Later i changed those tables to a "one to one" relationship by setting the long int field that links to the order data table to no duplicates. I just did it because i thought that's how it should bew. But since then i can't add additional order data via the form anymore, but get the error "Record(s) cannot be added; No corresponding record on the 'one' side" instead. I could just revert back to the one to many relationship, but it bothers me.

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Queries :: Enter Data Not Less Than Certain Data In Another Table (field)

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query called "Stock" containing field like (Item, Description, product_qty)

Another is a table called "Sales" with fields like (Sales_ID, Item, Sales_description, sales_Qty, date_Of_Sale) Item field on sales is a foreign key.

Now what i want is how can i make when the user enters new record, in field "Sales_Qty" the data entered here to be less than product_Qty.

NB; this is because you can not sell more than what you have.

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Can't Use Data Access Pages To Enter Data

Apr 14, 2012

I am trying to set up some data access pages as data entry into a table with access 2000. I can see the records in both the data access forms and the HTML forms, but cannot create new records into the table. I have tried to change the property to DataEntry etc... but nothing seems to work.

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Tables Update After Text Box Enter

Sep 17, 2006

I have a number of text boxes which user can change values, however on change of value the bound table does not update until the form is exited.

How do i ensure the table updates regardless of exiting form or not?

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Tables :: Enter Parameter Value When ID Is Changed

Jul 17, 2013

In Access 2010, I have a database with 2 tables "group" and "member". They have a many-to-one relationship with nultiple members per group. Group has identifier "ID" and Member has field "Group Code" that matches with "ID". Formerly we called this field "Bulgiin kod" but needed to translate it. When we changed "Bulgiin kod" to "Group Code", now when we expand the group records (click the + button next to the row) it gives "enter parameter value" box. I tried deleting the relationship and re-creating it but without success. If I change the Group Code back to its original value, everything works fine.

Here is another thing I noticed: if I enter the value of ID into the parameter value box, it just shows the entire Member table, regardless of the actual matches. So if I expand ID #15, and enter "15", the whole Member table displays under the record.

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Cannot Enter Data

Sep 3, 2007

I have built a database which has been running OK for 3 or 4 years. Something happened the other day (error - rebuild d/base) and now there are certain fields that I cannot enter any data into. Others are fine and I can see what is already there.
Any suggestions very welcome.

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Tables :: Form To Enter New Records In A Table

Dec 9, 2012

I have a form to enter new records in a table.But when user enter empty record i want to display a validation text to to fill the required.I tried this code.

If txtItems="" then
msgbox("please fill the required fields")
code to insert the records.
end if

with this code its accepting the blank record also.What is the correct code?

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Enter New Data Event

Nov 7, 2005

Hi, I am not entirely sure where to look in the forum to answer this question, maybe someone can help me. I am just trying to create a simple code that would open a form if a user enter in a field a value that never has been entered before and open a other different form if the user enter a value already recorded. I can't find a 'not in recordset event', but there must be a way as when the form is set to Data entry with no duplicates an event occurs depending on the data being already recorded or not.

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Cannot Enter Data Into Form

Nov 10, 2006

Hope someone can help with this one - I have searched the Forum and cannot find any reference to this problem. I have a form which was originally based on a query linking 2 tables - data entry into the form worked fine. I then needed to add another field to the form from another table so I added the 3 table to my query, linked the table and then added the required field to my form and now the form will not allow me to enter or change data in any of the fields. I have checked relationships and they all seem to be OK. I have also tried creating a new query based on the original query and added the new table to that in case there was an issue with the first join, added my new table to this query and then based the form on this new query but the problem stills persists. Is there a limit to how many tables/queries a form can be linked to? Any help would be appresicated.



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