Tables :: Choose Between Test And Live Back End Files

Mar 31, 2015

I have a split accdb in Access 2010 with tables/data in the back end file (stored on a network drive) and the forms, queries and code in a front end file stored on each desktop. Note the front end file is common to two back end files. Both back ends will be mirrored but I need to use one for live data and the other for development and testing.

I want to be able to include vba code when the front end is launched that prompts the user to choose between one of two back end files, one 'test' and the other 'live'. But I've spent all afternoon scouring the net with no success on something simple but effective.

As I see it I just need an option on a form and depending on which is selected the following happens:

- links to current/existing tables are deleted
- chosen back end file (test or live) is selected (this has a password)
- links to the tables of the chosen file are created in the front end
- the appropriate back end source is now working with my front end

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Copying Changes From Test Environment Into Live

Jul 2, 2015

I've gotten to a point with my database where I have split it into front and back ends, and then made a copy so that I have a test version and a live version. I have users in live who've started keying data, and I'm working on forms and tables in test that I then copy to live as they are completed. Up to now, I've been just copying the individual item in test, and then pasting it over the version that exists in live (example: I made some changes to a form in test, copied that form, and then pasted over the version of the form that was in live).

Where it gets tricky is that I am also in the process of designing and insurance underwriting feature that's going to be a part of this application. I've set up all the tables in test, and now that I'm working on setting up the relationships, I'm wondering how I'm supposed to copy the relationship setup into live. Am I supposed to be copying the entire front-end from test when I have changes, and replacing the existing "live" front end with it? And if I do that, will I have to edit it every time to keep the new live front end from sending data keyed into it to my test version (had that happen when I initially split it)?

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Tables :: Linking To CSV Files In Back End

Aug 18, 2013

I am developing a 2010 database which is split. In the back end I am linking to csv files - with a new file every month to link to.

What I would like to do (and have not been able to find a way to do at all so far! ) is each month to add the new table link in the _be and to be able to choose it in the front end user interface to view reports on, without having to "re-programme" the underlying queries to use the new linked table.

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Test Incoming Files For Bytes

Apr 19, 2007

I need to add some code to our access 2002 database to test incoming files for bytes, zero byte files in particular. Our system will then pick out the zero byte files for emailing to our customers. Can someone provide code for testing for bytes or provide me some direction on this matter? Thank you!

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Modules & VBA :: Test String Test Based On Table Data

Oct 31, 2013

my issue is i have multilble text box in my form & based on change in one of this text box i need the code to compare between data in the form & table & returm Msg if it is not matching. attached screen FYI.

i look in the internet but i could not figuer out the VBA code since i do not know VBA. what comes to my mind to to use select case.

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Reports :: Counting Test Records From Multiple Tables In One Report?

Apr 22, 2014

I have been trying to create a report to count equipment tested between two dates:

I am using Access 2000 (old I know) and I have 21 different tables with the fields laid out the same. For the moment, I will list five of the tables: Servers, Laptops, Printers, Workstations, and Monitors. The criteria I draw from each table are the fields Model#, Part#, Serial#, Test Date, Retest Date, and Technician.

I can create a report from a query (say laptops). The criteria I is BETWEEN[Enter Start Date]AND[Enter End Date] under the TEST DATE field. Works great! In my report I use =Count(*)&" "&"Unit(s) tested" & "Between "&[Enter Start Date] & " and" & [Enter End Date].

That works great too.

I am trying to create ONE REPORT using ONE Date range and display how many units were tested:


Units Tested between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014

Servers 9
Laptops 23
Workstations 15
Printers 18
Monitors 31

If I can get these five tables, hopefully I can add additional tables to the same report as I need them. I am not savy with VB code, but will give it a go with some direction as to where to put it and how to add to it.

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Tables :: Choose Number From Field1 To Automatically Fill Field2 With Appropriate Data

Jun 30, 2015

I have 2 fields in access table. In one field i fill numbers eg (1,2,3,4,5) drop down list. In the second field I need to fill another data. When I chose one of the numbers from Field 1, I want automatically fill the second field with appropriate data.

1 = 24857
2 = 24869
3 = 24899
4 = 24944
5 = 24994
6 = 24903
7 = 15480
8 = 15164
9 = 15482
10 = 15479
11 = 15468
12 = 15476
13 = 15489
14 = 15494
15 = 7524
16 = 7537
17 = 7523
18 = 7544
19 = 7533
20 = 7536
21 = 7539
22 = 7534

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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Tables :: Data In Linked Back End Tables Not Saved From Front End

Jun 19, 2015

I have split database (B/E is in the SharePoint library, F/E has users on a local PCs). Sometimes, when I update/add data (does not matter if it is via form or directly in the table) it looks OK, but when I re-open the database, the data are gone.

Problem is that I cannot catch the moment when data were not saved (sometimes data are saved, sometimes not). I can point out this: if I re-enter the missing data, primary key continues subsequently, it looks like the data have never been entered. I tried to use script

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

on "On Close" form event, does not work.

B/E is linked by VBA code and it looks OK (no error, Link Manager shows correct path). I suspect interrupted connetion to the SharePoint but I don't know how to check it. I implemented VBA script co keep open connection to the SP but the issue persists.

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Track/log Changes To Live Data

Mar 11, 2008

I have created a database that I am happy with, and I am about to receive information to populate it with. I know I am about to be asked to about security and logging of changes made to the data, which I know nothing about!!

As a result before I get into this part of my project I would like to know myself what is and what is not possible!!
Currently I have 2 tables and 3 forms, one of which is a sub form........ All changes will be done via the forms, adding new records, editing existing records or even deleting obsolete records.

•Is it possible to record any changes made to the live data?
oFor this to happen I presume that I need to setup users and access rights?
•What type of information can be saved if any?
oWhat form would this be saved in and where (a temp table?)?

While typing this a change of plan – if it is possible I am going to start building it regardless, as it will enhance my database.


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Live Information In Access

Jul 21, 2006

Right guys, new to access but have experience with MySQL.
Basically, i have one table with a few fields, ID, Customername, Rating, Customer_email, Comments, Removalcompany.

I created a query to get all of the ratings from that table, and average them.
What i want to do now is put that average into a table and to have it only showing in one record. I have achieved this, but i would like to have it so that the number for the average rating is live.

This is to be used as a backend for a website.

Any suggestions?

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Back Up Tables Inside A Server

May 12, 2006

I have 5 PC clients and a server.each user upon shutting down his PC,is prompted to send all the information inside a table "Patron" to a table inside the server.That way each user backs up his information to a table inside the server and at the end of the day,the table on the server side contains all the data from the 5 PCs.I am new to access,can anyone guide me through the steps I need to accomplish this project?
thanks in advance

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Tables :: Using Oracle As Back-end For Access?

Apr 23, 2013

I have written a few solutions in Access (using access 2007). Now I going to create a few new ones for my company. We use Oracle for our main database and was wondering what would be the advantages and disadvantages of using Oracle as my backend while Access is my front end?

Also, should I create the queries in Access or in Oracle?

finally, is there anything I need to do differently?


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How To Update A Live System With My Reports & Queries

Mar 22, 2007

I am writing reports and queries for an Access database used by a small business. I have a copy of their data and am making the report and query additions to that. Now how do I get my additions to the 'live' system?


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Storing Live Data? (Stock Control Help)

Feb 18, 2008

Hi guys,I'm new to Access except using it years back but much has changed from the 2000 version to the 2007 version - it's slowly coming back to me though, as it's mostly just an interface change. Although I'm highly experienced in SQL (mySQL) and database design / structure from being a Web Programmer.I'm wanting to store a stock amount for products. Using 3 tables, for products, orders and sales. Here's a real basic layout:productsprodID | productName | productStockordersorderID | supplier | prodID | quantityBoughtsalessaleID | customer | prodID | quantitySoldThe products table is just a list of the products. Sales is where I log what I sell to customers and the orders are what I buy from my suppliers.What I'm wishing to do is use the products table to store the stock of that item so as soon as I make a sale, that quantity for that prodID is subtracted instantly from the productStock and when I make an order it's instantly added.Is this possible, or is there a good way to do this?All help appreciated! :)Thanks,Nick.

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Active / Live View Of PDF File In A Form

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table with 4 Fields:

Drawing Number
File Link


I basically want to have a live preview window of the "File Link" attachment in that current record. I have heard it's best to use a Web Browser Control when doing this, but I cannot get it to display the currently attached pdf file in that field of that record.

Is there a way to edit the link properties of the Web Browser Control so that it dynamically detects. The file location of the attached file in that field? There will only ever be one attachment in that field, as this will be a live pdf view of the drawing to which that drawing number was assigned

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Live Updating Access Records From Websites

Nov 8, 2011

I've set up a product database in Access for my small business. One of its functions is to track the prices of competing products online.I'm trying to get Access to automatically update these prices en-mass, yanking the data off the websites in question without me having to manually enter hundreds of prices each week.

I have a unique record for each product instance as it appears online. For example, there are three unique records for a 4oz hand sanitizer I sell (one for each of my competitors that sells it). Each record has the price, quantity, and unique URL on which the product appears.I'm not great with HTML and don't really have any programming expertise aside from some pretty simple VBASIC.

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Need Help With System Tables And Front-end/back-end Applications

Oct 29, 2007

I currently have a front-end/back-end database, but at some point in time one of the tables has been modified and whenever the front end connects it comes up with a parameter request for a field that no longer exists. I have narrowed it down to MSysQueries, where there is a reference to this field. Is there anyway I can avoid this or change/repair the system table?

Compact and repair doesn't work unfortunatly.


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Adding Tables In A Front/Back End Apps.

Nov 12, 2007

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your help on my last post, again have a problem to update the application, Everything works well but then I need toadd an extra table on my app. At first I thought I can add a table on my Back-End but when I open the Front-End it wont update.

Can someone out there help me how to add a table on apps. from the ground up?

Thanks in advence.


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Queries :: 2 Tables To Query To Form Then Back?

Oct 1, 2013

I have a database for contacts and inventory, and im having a issue with the contacts part of it.

I have 2 tables, 1 table is a list of contacts with their name, contact information and the facility they work at. The other table, carries all the information for the facility(the tables are in a one to many relationship with this)

I have a query that brings them together and displays them on a spreadsheet form. This worked when it was all one table, but with the 2 tables, you cant edit stuff in form and have it go back to the tables . what would be the best way to make it editable. I separated the forms out like this so that if a facilities name changed, it could be fixed easily throughout the database.

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Add Live Time Clock Using Activex, Just Calindar In MS Access

Mar 6, 2008

Since you can add Calindar in access using activex so that I can select any date and pass that on to a field in a form, is there any way you can add a clock using activex so that I can select any time that I want to put in to a field? any suggestion? Thanks.

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Data Calculated On Forms Not Transferring Back To Tables

Nov 27, 2006

I understand that any data that is inputted into a form is always transferred back to the table in question.

In the form I created, I had

4 subheading scores added together to form another subheading named function =([1]+[2]+[3]+[4])/4 was the formula that I put into the control source. The calculation worked fine on the form giving me the correct name. However, this number did not transfer back to the table simple being labelled as zero. Can someone please advice!

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Tables :: Back End Relationships Aren't Updating To Front End

Jul 31, 2013

I have a split database. My backend Relationships aren't updating to my front end. How do I get my front end relationships to update to what my back end looks like? All tables are LINKED not imported.

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General :: Database Back End Keeps Hanging (Tables On Server)

Aug 10, 2012

I have a database with a front end and back end (tables on the server) that was recently converted from Access 2003 to Access 2010.

For some reason the back end keeps hanging and I have to constantly compact and repair and there has been major data loss on a regular basis.

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Comparing Tables/files

Feb 14, 2007

As part of my job I am constantly comparing files from a production environment against those from a UAT environment. The checks are generally the generic before I reconcile the monetary values I check that the static data population is the same. Basically I import the files into access and then do a like for like comparison on the number of blanks per field. Eg.

Field Blanks_UAT Blanks_Pro Diff
Coustomer_Number 10 2 8

Is there any way of doing this programmable so I can reuse it or are there any tools out there that do this work for me. Some of the files contain a large number of fields so the work can become rather cumbersome!

Any help is appreciated

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Importing Files From Two Tables

Apr 5, 2005

Hello Access giggks,

I here attached Acess db and Excel file shows my db structures for you to see and be able to help me out. All I want to do is either to create a command or query to import file from two different tables which have parent-child relationship from a different folder to my current db of similar tables (except for different field names), which is the main data storage. I, therfore; ask you to help me out resolve this issue. I know that someone offered me an help last week but asked me to give him/her more information. Here they all are attached to this email except for some field names. I omited them out to reduce the amount of data to the limited amount. Thanks for your help.



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