Tables :: Connecting Access To A Webpage

May 7, 2013

In addition to my Intro to Access class, I am taking a Web Programming class, which has the same general assignment, but for Web pages, instead of an Access database; create at least 3 pages, 1 each for financial data, customer relations and product/service info.

I would like to create a small Access database connected to a Web page. I won't have a server, but I can run everything off a computer. I have a book that tells me the steps to do all this, but I'm supposed to install MS SQL Server (I chose to download MS SQL Express Server), and I can't get Access to talk to it. Among other things, I noticed that I could not stop SQL Server, nor could I start SQL Browser. I did enable TCP/IP (I think). I uninstalled the whole thing, thinking I could start from scratch.

How to publish my database on a Web page.

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Connecting Tables

Apr 8, 2008

I'm having a problem in Access where I'm trying to connect 2 tables together.
On one table is all the information of the person, the other table is a list from 1-50. That list is a drawing of all the peoples ID number for a drawing. When I type in their ID next to what order they got picked in is there any way where All of their information comes with that ID number they have? I really need help on this.

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Connecting Tables

May 27, 2005

So, here's my problem: I'm doing a database on my DVDs, and I wanted to add as much info as I can about them. But I have some problems with "actors", as you know one actor can be in several movies and one movie has several actors.

I want to put the actors in their own table and movies in their own. I know how to link them together, but I don't know how to link them together so that actors could be in more than one movie and movie could have more than one actor.

Hope that even someone understands my question since my english ain't so good..

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Connecting Three Tables Together

Jan 10, 2014

I work in an office where we do testing with clients . I want to create a database that can create a unique report for each client on the testing results.I envision a database with at least three tables. The first table would be client demographic information with a unique ID field (CID). The second table would be the Appointment information (date, referral source, etc.). The third table will have the test results (although I'm wondering if I should have a table for each test).

Sometimes, we see clients more than once, and so need the ability to have more than one appointment record for each client. For each appointment, we would record test results.I have created a one-to-many relationship between the Client Demographics and the Appointment tables. When I created the form for the Client Demographics, I inserted a subform for the Appointment. That works great. The CID automatically transfers to the Appointment record and instantly connects the two.How do I connect the Test Results table so that the CID automatically transfers to the Test Results record as well as the Appointment Date field from the Appointment Table.

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Connecting Records From Two Different Tables

Apr 14, 2008

is there a possibility to connect two different databases??? I mean is, I have a table called PERSON. under PERSON, there are fields called PERSON NAME, BIRTHDAY and ADDRESS. another table is called SEMINARS, under it are DATES FROM, DATES TO and TITLE.

I want to combine one of the records in PERSON to the 5 records in the SEMINARS. is there a possibility to do that???

to include in the information, there are 10 records in the PERSON and there are 75 records in the SEMINARS. and I want to add more records in SEMINARS in any of the records in PERSON in the near future.

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Submitting Webpage Values To Database (ASP.NET 2.0 And Access)

Mar 8, 2007

Here is my code:PHP Code:<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<script runat="server">

    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Dim Dbconnection, sqlcommand, dbcommunication, dbread
        Dbconnection = New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & Server.MapPath("LAM.mdb"))
        sqlcommand = "INSERT INTO Customers([CustomerID],[LastName],[FirstName],[Title],[BirthDate],[Address],[Town],[County],[PostCode],[HomePhone]) values ('" & CustomerID.Text & "', '" & LastName.Text & "', '" & FirstName.Text & "','" & Title.Text & "', '" & BirthDate.Text & "', '" & Address.Text & "', '" & Town.Text & "', '" & County.Text & "', '" & PostCode.Text & "', '" & HomePhone.Text & "')"
        dbcommunication = New Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(sqlcommand, Dbconnection)
        dbread = dbcommunication.ExecuteReader()
    End Sub

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <asp:TextBox ID="CustomerID" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="LastName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="FirstName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="Title" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="BirthDate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="Address" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="Town" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="County" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="PostCode" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <asp:TextBox ID="HomePhone" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
            <br />
            <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Button" />&nbsp;</div>
It says the problem is with: PHP Code: dbread = dbcommunication.ExecuteReader() 
Can I get some advice on this please,

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Forms :: Prevent Access To Open A Webpage?

Mar 19, 2013

I'm using "Application.FollowHyperlink" to send parameters to a remote application.

Each time i hit the enter button an 'After Update' event opens a web page.But i don't want the web page to be opened.

is there another method to send parameters over the web without opening a web page?

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Access Not Accepting Insert Into Data From Webpage?

Nov 27, 2012

I have written a html page that posts a form to a .asp page, which in turn is supposed to write data to a MS Access database. Problem is while my html page works, and my .asp page seems to work fine as well, nothing is being saved to my database!

I'm not sure if its something wrong in my .asp page...

<% Option Explicit %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


or if you think there may be some configuration in my database I'm missing. Just an FYI all the database table columns take empty values.

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Forms :: Form Connecting To Multiple Tables

Oct 6, 2014

I want to create a form that has several parts(5), that will direct to 5 different tables(they will all be connected). I want to keep it as one form because if I'm successful it will be easier for people to transition from a paper to electronic form(if the format is similar). I don't want any subforms, I just want to be able to direct the information to different tables.

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Tables :: Connecting Refreshing Links Between Databases

Feb 13, 2015

I have a club member registration application consisting of a program database and a data database. They reside in the same directory. There is an autoexec macro which runs at the beginning. This macro has to find the DATAdb and make sure that the required tables are linked (Not all tables). If it cannot find the DATAdb and then has to make a call to the user to use a different procedure.

Now to find the DATAdb I have used the following code that works. The function GetPathAndName parses the string and outputs the path and name of the PROGdb. Up to here no problems.

GetPathAndName db.Name, FrontPath, dName

Then I use the following code to get the fullpath of the last database used and thereby find the path and name of the last DATAdb. The path of PROGdb is used in place of the existing path of DATAdb to check whether the file exists.

Dim rs As Recordset, cPath As String, cName As String
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Database, Type " & _
"FROM MSysObjects " & _
"WHERE ((MsysObjects.Type) = 6) AND ((MsysObjects.Name) = 'MembersTbl') " & _
"ORDER BY MsysObjects.DateUpdate DESC;")

[Code] .....

As the final step I use the table definitions to refresh links that already exist and connect tables that are not linked The code is below. But I can not get it to work. It links 7 tables instead of 16 and when tested in different folder says invalid operation and so on. There is fundamental error some place but I could not figure it out.

On Error GoTo Error_Linking
Debug.Print "TableDefs.Count="; db.TableDefs.Count
For I = 0 To db.TableDefs.Count - 1
Debug.Print "TableDefs("; I; ").Connect="; db.TableDefs(I).Connect
Debug.Print "TableDefs("; I; ").Name="; db.TableDefs(I).Name

[Code] .....

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Gathering Data From Two Tables To A Connecting Table

Feb 12, 2013

I have two tables: "Tbl_CM_Project_Details" and "Tbl_CM_Inventory"

that have the data that I am trying to connect with a third table: Tbl_CM_Proj_CMI_Connector.

Tbl_CM_Project_Details connecting field is PK_Project_Num to Tbl_CM_Proj_CMI_Connector field Connecting_Project_Num
Tbl_CM_Inventory connecting field is CMI_ID to Tbl_CM_Proj_CMI_Connector field Connecting_CMI_ID

On the form I have a SQL Query where I enter the PK_Project_Num and the CMI_ID Auto enters. What I need is for this information to automatically fill the connecting table so that the information is connected.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Textbox And Button Inside Form Of A Frame Of A Webpage

Oct 9, 2013

I am writing a macro to automate the filling up some data from excel to company website. I have changed the website name in this post for data protection purpose. The excel will login for different clients by using the combination of username and password for respective clients and then some data are required to be inserted in a text box on a web page, I think the text box is on a form and form is within an iframe, within the web page. Once the data is inserted into text box, one button (Submit), which is also on the same form, is to be clicked.

On the click of a button, the updated data appears on another section, I could not make out if it is an form or frame, which is under the abovementioned form. Once we are happy with the way data appears on the web page, we have to click another button (Update), which is on the same section, to finally updating the data on website.

I wrote the following code to login to the website and then to navigate to the web page where I have to fill up the performance numbers in a text box. The first problem is how to access the text box inside the form from VBA so that the macro can write a number in that text box and how to access the button to submit the data. The HTML code, which can be seen on click of F12, is attached below. The second problem is how to access the Update button inside the other section, so that the data will be finally uploaded.


Sub LoginToCorpAccount()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


<div id="ssc-consumers-holder"/> -

This the line which gets highlighted when I click on the section where the data appears after clicking the submit button, and from here Update button is to be clicked.

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Connecting To MySql From Access

Feb 26, 2006

Hi all,

hope someone can help me with this.

Before we moved webhosting company we could have external access to our MySql database which was great as our MS Access system would periodically pull data from our MySql site (namely customer enquiries which were entered via a form on our website) and dump them in our MS Access live quotes table all automatically.

With our current host (which seems to be the norm from my web-searches) they only allow local access to the MySql system.

My question is, how can I oversome this hurdle without having to move hosting company. I really don't want to move again as it's a real pain.

All suggestions welcome.


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Access 2K Manualy Connecting........

Feb 22, 2005

Hi there,

I have a little problem: And hope somebody can give me an answer.

I have two tables, one form and on the form I have two textboxes. One of the textboxes should be connected to ONE table and field, and the other textbox to the OTHER table and field.

I tryed to conect through the expression builder but had not much luck! See code below.

This code comes up in the ControlSource property section and textbox also:

Where do I set in properties the connection to different tables i.e. tbl_CompanyContact / tbl_PrivateContact and where the connection to the field CompanyPhoneNumber / PrivatePhoneNumber.

Thanks aktell

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Using MS Excel Connecting To MS Access?

Nov 13, 2005

I want to know if it possible to use MS Excel instead of web application (ASP, HTML,...) that is connected to MS Access and will update MS Access as user update information on MS Excel?

If it possible how I should get started b/c I kind of have a template for Excel. I just need to learn connecting excel to MS Access and maintain them.

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Access Crashes Connecting To Odbc

Aug 16, 2006

I've just set up my Access on a new PC and now when I try to connect to my MySQL database through odbc, Access crashes without any error messages, just the standard microsoft error reporting message.

I'm using Office 2003. What do I do??

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Time Lag When Connecting To Access After Updated To XP

Oct 23, 2007

My office workstation took a very long time to connect to database in Access 2003 after upgrading to Windows XP, a few minutes need to be taken just to open a simple form which normally takes less than 10 seconds. In simple words, whenever it has to retrieve data from the db, it will be super lagging .

The rest of the workstations running on Windows 2000 were running perfectly fine.

The database is located on the host pc, which is running Windows 2000.

Initially we suspected that it might be because of the insufficient RAM. Thus it was changed from 1GB to 2GB. But even after changing to 2GB, the problem still exists.

Can anyone please advice me on how to check and rectify this problem? What can be the cause of this problem?

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Modules & VBA :: Access Crashes When Connecting To DSN

Apr 20, 2015

I am connecting Access to QuickBooks with the QODBC. I tried to do this in MS Access 2010 with Windows 7 and it worked fine. Then I tried it on a new computer with MS Access 2013 and Windows 7. Now, when the VBA gets to the line:

oConnection .Open "DSN=Quickbooks Data;OLE DB Services=-2"

It crashes. No message, other than the generic "Access has stopped working" message. I am using ADO for the oConnection. I am not sure what the problem is or how to diagnose it. I have used an ADO connection to connect to Excel, and that worked fine, so my guess is it have something to do with the DSN connection?

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Connecting Fields In Access And Excel

Oct 29, 2011

I have an access database that has fields that i want to be entered externally via excel. I want to be able to manipulate the data from access and excel. If you change in one, it will reflect the change in the other.

I want this to happen seemlessly, with a notification to either end when either end is changed.

Linking to an excel sheet from access doesn't seem to work because you can not change anything in the fields that were entered in excel from access.

I have also tried creating a connection from excel to access. I can change the data in access and it reflects in excel, but if i change the field data in excel, it doesn't reflect in access.

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I Am Getting A Weird Driver Error When Connecting To Access DB

Feb 15, 2007

I am coding an ASP front end for an Access database. I actually had it working yesterday but I still had some tweaks to make. My development has come to a stand still because of this crazy error I awoke to this morning. I went to the url of my ASP page and all of a sudden I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xbac Thread 0xc84 DBC 0x19e6fc4 Jet'.

So after doing some research, I decided to change my connection string to use Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0

Once I changed over to the Jet driver, I got this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not find installable ISAM.

I am totally stumped with this problem. I actually re-upped the database and it started working briefly but the error message soon returned. Everything I am reading is saying to change permisions and change some stuff in the registry but since it was working fine yesterday, I do not believe it is a registry setting.

Any ideas?

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General :: Connecting Access Database To Website To Import Data Automatically

Jun 30, 2015

I just created a database and need to connect it to the data source. The data comes from a http website (intranet from work). When I open the link using firefox, I can view the website with the data in it, but when I open it from Internet Explorer, I get a save as pop-up message to save a csv file which contains all the data. The extension of the http website ends with csv. So it is something like http (slash slash...) Intranetname/referral_dbase.csv

Currently, I am opening the file using firefox, copying all the data manually, and pasting it in a text file using notepad. After that, I import the file into access. The delimiter of the data is this symbol: |

I am trying to find a way to link my database to the website where the data is located so that I can skip the manual process of opening the website and copying the data and saving it into a text file and then importing that file into access. I was thinking to have like a form in access with a bottom that will automatically import that data from this link and paste it into a table in access using the delimiter symbol mentioned above.

Is this too complicated? Is it even possible in access 2010?

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Connecting Excel Table With Access Table

Dec 17, 2005

Dear All

I want to connect an Excel table with an Access table so when I make changes to excel table these changes to appear in the access table and use the access table for my web site.
The excel table looks like:

Room Type01/05/06-06/06/06 07/06/06-15/07/06
* Standard Single 26 34
* Standard Double 44 59
* Standard Triple 60 80

When I try to connect this table with access I am getting an error reffering to the second line of the excel table where there are not numbers but dates.
The access connected table looks like:

Room Type01/05/06-06/06/06 07/06/06-15/07/06
#Number! #Number!
* Standard Single 26 34
* Standard Double 44 59
* Standard Triple 60 80

Any idea how I can solve this problem?

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Turning A Db Into A Webpage.

Nov 3, 2006


Is there a good developer tool for turning an access db into a webpage?

Or should I go about it in a completely different way?

I want it to work just as it does, but I would like to have it on the www.


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Can You Add A Webpage To A Form?

Aug 23, 2004

I am just checking to see if anyone knows of a way (or a plugin download) that will allow me to create some sort of box that has a pre-specified website in it. It would be something like, because sometimes our reps need to look something up, and it would be nice to have it right there. But the website that they will use has a login/password. So i will need some sort of "reset" button that will take them back to the main page in case it times out. Anyone know of anything?

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Help MDB Webpage Display

Dec 6, 2005

I've currently got apache/asp up and running, I'm just wondering how I display an access database, or if there is any tutorials about to do this.

I should point out here, that ASP is an entirely new language to me, and I really haven't got a clue how to write in it, I do have a solid programming with software and such.

What I'm trying to avoid is, some kind of prefab made by "access" itself display, as the data in the database has to be displayed in a certain way.

If anyone could give me some advice on where to start on this adventure, I'd be glad to hear your comments and sudjestions, as I'm currently

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Populating Fields On A Webpage

May 24, 2005

I wasn't sure where I should have posted this question so please feel free to move it if necessary.

I am not even sure this is possible and I didn't know where to begin but these forums have always been extremely helpful.

What I would like to do is export data directly from Access (via form, table or query) and populate it directly to an existing, external webpage.

A little background. My company orders cars an for certain manufacturers, Toyota for example, we order via a secure website. All of the other manufacturers have their order directly transmitted to them. The orders for Toyota take 3-4 times longer to place and I was hoping to speed the process by exporting existing order information directly to the webpage.

Please let me know if it seems like I am smoking something and I will gladly step away from the pipe....=)

Thanks in advance,

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