Tables :: Convert Multi Tables In One - Not A Query

Sep 21, 2012

I am using collect data via email process to collect data by email, purpose is to update not to add new records but to update. The condition for update is to have data from one table only.

I have 4 tables data from which should be sent by email. These tables are related. I made a query based on tables and query is update-able. When I use this query, wizard does not give option of updating the data but only of adding new records.

I tried to first make a make table from a make table query but that too have the same result.

Any ways to make treat these tables in a single table? Almost all fields except one shall be just to read and one field shall be updated.

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Tables :: Developing Related Multi Level Child Parent Tables?

Jan 14, 2013

I have created a table that acts as a header for my data and a second table that acts as line item data. What I need to do now is add a second child table that uses the line item data as its parent table and stores associated line items for each record. Is this possible?

This is a skeleton view of what I'm going for:

Master Table:

- AuditDate
- AuditArea
- Auditor

Sub Table:

- Discrepancy
- CorrectiveAction
- ActualCompletionDate
- VerifiedDate
- Notes

Sub table to Sub Table

- FollowUpDate
- AssignedTo
- SpokeWith
- EstimatedCompletionDate
- Notes

Sometimes tasks change hands or are pushed back depending on work load. It would be nice to be able to track something like this.

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Multi Value Tables

Oct 2, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have read several tutorials on linking tables to store data, however I cant seem to get this right. I need a little help with my table design and structure. What I am trying to accomplish is a database that captures the following:

-Group # (1-25 One person can be in more than 1 group)
-Referred By (Only one name for each Group the person is in)
-Priority # (Can be a 1 or a 2 for each group # the person is in)
-Outcome of group (Just a small text explination of the outcome)
-Date Scheduled (Can be mutiple dates scheduled for each group)

So basically what I want to do is be able to retrieve a list of what Groups an emplyee is in, Who reffered them to that group, the Priority # of that person in the group and what dates they are scheduled for each group along with the outcome of each group they have attended. I know I need to join multiple tables but I am a bit stumped on how to go about doing this. Any help with my database and table design would be much appriciated. Thanks.

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Tables :: Convert Numbers To Text

Jun 3, 2015

I need to convert a numbers column in an access table to a text format

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Tables :: Importing Spreadsheet - How To Convert Data To PK / FK

Mar 14, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of generators with associated data: Make, Model, etc.

When I build the tables for the Make, each make will have it's own PK. Is there a good way to update the spreadsheet, replacing the Make for the PK other than using the find and replace function in excel (or update query in Access).


GeneratorID (PK)

John Deere has PK of 1
Kohler has PK of 2

If my spreadsheet has a list of Kohler generators, I need to change "Kohler" to "2".

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Linked Tables To Local?

Jul 1, 2015

I have the following script that either converts a single linked table to a local table or ALL linked tables to local tables, however I am getting the following 2 error messages on several tables for the ALL tables script.

error 3709, the search key was not found in any record

Error 3300, cannot create a relationship.

Sub Convert_Linked_Tables_To_Local()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set dbs = CurrentDb
GoTo Multi1


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Tables :: Multi-field Unique Key

Feb 8, 2015

I have 4 fields in a table that when combined must be unique.I know you can setup multiple fields as a combined key, but I don't really need these to be the key (I will auto number a unique key). I just need to make sure the same combination of codes is not entered twice.Do I set this up as multiple key fields anyway?

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Tables :: How To Convert YYMM Text To Date Format

Nov 22, 2012

I have a linked database that stores date values as YYMM in text format. I have no control over how that information is kept. I cant seem to find a way to convert YYMM text to date format. Additionally I would like to add the last day of the respective month to that data.

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Tables :: Convert All Email Hyperlinks To Text Content

Nov 20, 2014

Using Access 2010, I have a table the contains a field, MembereMail, that is defined as a hyperlink. I imported data from an Excel spreadsheet which looked to be consistent in format and did not realise that anything was wrong until I wrote some VB code to generate personalised emails with personalised attachments. I then found that some of the hyperlinks worked and some didn't. Those that were essentially text worked, those that were genuine hyperlinks tried and failed to go to addresses prefixed "Mailto:".

I have finally managed to convert all email hyperlinks to text content (although still defined as hyperlinks) and my code works. However when I add a new record to the table through a form, the field still being defined as Hyperlink, it goes in as pure text. I therefore have the need to use the address in both text form and as hyperlink so that the user can click on the field and start an Outlook email as well as my code running correctly for mass mailings.

So a number of questions:

-Why does Access not store the email address as a clickable Hyperlink?
-How can I satisfy my two requirements from one field?
-Can Access 2010 check the input text to ensure that it is a correctly formatted email address?

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Tables :: Convert Hyperlink To Text - Display Path?

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using access 2007. I have a table with 2 fields:

phtolink - hyperlink
phtopath - text

I am loading the table with existing data from a spreadsheet. The hyperlink field imported correctly into phtolink.

Now I need to convert the hyperlink field to a text field that displays the path to the photo referenced by the hyperlink.

I updated the text field with the hyperlink field but it didn't display the hidden part of the hyperlink.

How do I convert a hyperlink to display the path in a text field?

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Joining Tables With A Multi-Field PKey

Jan 5, 2005

(I know I posted this question before, but I fear it may have gotten lost in a thread so I am starting a new one)

I have created a multi-field pkey with the ModelDescription and VersionNumber fields. I did it the way that didn't require code as I could not find any online and am not versed enough in VB to do it on my own. I just highlighted both the fields and pressed the "Key" button.

My question is linking the tables. Should I just join them via the ModelDescription field? It won't let me join on both fields. Is it going to matter which field (ModelDescription vs. VersionNumber) I use to join the tables? I've never run into the need to have a multi-field pkey before.

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Tables :: Event Table With A Multi Value Field

Oct 20, 2013

So I have an event table with a muti value field with all the people on that event. This people field is look up column from my people table (so shows the name but stores the key).Anyhow what I now need to to do is record logs from the event for each person (from that muti value people field). I want ideally be prompted to enter the log data for each person, and show it related to the event it is for.

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Tables :: Posting Multi-entries From Drop Down

Nov 1, 2012

I have a field in which I wish to post several contacts. The contacts are listed in a table and populate the specific field via a drop down. In this specific field I want to select "mary" "bob" and "fred" (all three to display) however only one is displayed.....

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Tables :: Auto Number For Multi User Form

Apr 12, 2013

Started a new thread: Rebuilt database and still working with auto number for multi user form. The code I have works for single user but not multi user. Also if someone opens the form and closes without adding anything to the form the number is used with blank record.

This is what I have thus far:

Private Sub Form_Current() Me.[PO] = Nz(DMax("[PO]", "tblPurchaseOrder"), 0) + 1
End Sub

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Table Relationship - Cascading Data Into Multi-Tables

Apr 27, 2013

I'm currently using Access 2010 and I'm working on a database project. My question is related to table relationships. Within that project I do have a table that is related to other three tables where that table is the parent. The problem here is that once that table is updated or have a new value it never cascades it down to the other tables.

1- How to have multi relationship to the same field on the same table from different tables?
2- how to cascade the updates to the related fields?
3- Is there any way to force the data update to other tables?

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Tables :: Convert Positive Number To Negative Based On Another Field In A Table

Jun 1, 2013

I am trying to create a table for income and expense [catergory] and would like the amount being entered into the [amount] field to have a negative or positive value on entering based on the category chosen.

so in my table I have

[catergory] which is chosen from a look up table ( which is either an INCOME or EXPENSE )
[amount] which is entered in the next field ( which has to return a positive or negative value based on the catergory choosen upon entering the data)

I would like to go one step further and indicate this negative value in red is possible in my FORM.

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Update Query Using 3 Tables: Source, Joining, Destination Tables

Apr 19, 2007

I have some experience doing 'Update Query' using two different tables but I'm having a hard time doing an 'Update Query' using 3 tables.

I have my source table TP05XY with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' 'UTM_Edig' and 'UTM_Ndig'. Mark and Date are my primary keys (they together uniquely ID each record). I have my Observations table with the fields 'Mark' 'Date' and 'Obs_ID'. The last table is Locations with 'Obs_ID' 'UTM_E' and 'UTM_N'.

I want to update my fields UTM_E and UTM_N from UTM_Edig and UTM_Ndig. However, to do so, I have to go from my TP05XY table, through Observations table to update Locations table. Table TP05XY is joined to Observations through 'Mark' and 'Date' and Observations table is linked to Locations through 'Obs_ID' field.

I have tried a few options without success ... anyone knows how to do it?



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Tables :: Change Item Source For Multi-valued Field From Linked Table To List?

Feb 16, 2013

I am using MS Access 2007.

I have created a multi-valued field "Product Category" that lookups data items from a linked table. So, the Data Type for the multi-valued field "Product Category" is Number.

Now I want to change the Data Type of "Product Category" from Number to Text, and make a value list that I can type values in and can provide the same data items as the linked table.

How to change item source for the multi-valued field from a linked table to a list that I can type in values?

Is there a feature provided by MS Access 2007 can enable such a conversion?

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Tables :: Access 2010 SQL Statement With Tables And Query

Sep 3, 2014

I am using Access 2010.I have a table that I am using to pull my data from other tables and a query.My table is called tblMyData.One of the field names is level1. This field points to another table, and gives the user the choices for states (examples California, Texas, Maine).

Another field name is level2. This field points to another table and give the user the choice for type of customer (examples Business, Consumer)
The field name level3 points to a query. The query, qryFinalChoice matches up the choices based on level1 and level2.for example, the user can pick California for level1, business in level2 and California Widgets or Los Angeles Clothing store in level3 (plus about 20 other choices).

If the user picks Texas for level1, business in level2, business in level2 and Houston rugs, or Texas style restaurant in level3 (or about 15 other choices).

-I am recording 1 for California on level1, 2 for Texas and 3 for Maine in level1.
-I am recording 1 for business and 2 for consumer on level2.

The query qryFinalChoice has all the combinations for state, business or consumer, and lastly business name or consumer name.

-qryFinalChoice has line1 to match up the choices for level1 in my table.
-qryFinalChoice has line2 to match up the choices for level2 in my table.
-qryFinalChoice has line3 to match up the choices for level3 in my table.

I do not want any of the Texas business names appearing when the user picks California, or vice versa.

My SQL in my tblMyData tab for level3 looks like this:
Select line1 from qryFinalChoice where line1=1;

I am able to get all the line items where California is a selection.How do I change my SQL to pull all the line1 choices where I have selected from level1, and all the line2 choices where I have selected from level2 automatically based on my pulldowns?

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Tables :: Storing Query Data In Temp Tables

Dec 15, 2014

I'm looking into storing query data in temp tables for my reports run better. From what I'm reading, it seems best to have the temp tables in a separate db, and to break the links to avoid bloating of the FE database. I'm unsure how to do this with VBA, especially since my temp database will be password protected. When do I break the link - when I close the FE database?

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Tables :: How To Convert Middle Names To Middle Initials

Dec 13, 2012

I have names which are in the following format

smith, john adam
smith jr, john adam
smith, john a
smith, john

How can I make all middle names middle initial IE

smith, john a.
smith jr, john a.
smith, john a.
smith, john

I would imagine I need to use instrrev and insert "*." after the last space. Would that work?

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Tables :: One Query From 2 Tables Within Same Database

Jul 29, 2013

I have one database that I am working on and within it there are several Tables. 2 of the tables have similar information on various organisations and I need to query these 2 tables to get a simple mailing list of ALL organisation addresses and the main incumbent there.

Within Access (2007) and in the SQL View window, I have made a simple query to give me a list of all the organisations and incumbents but cannot get it to work correctly. Is there an easy way to get this information out of the 2 tables? I realise that the SQL in SQL View has to be formatted differently. I have also tried the Microsoft Query Wizard but that doesn't work either as it gives in a side by side list which is useless to me.

The Field names that are required are as follows:

<Incumbent>, <Organisation>, <Address1>, <Address2>, <Address3>, <County>, <Postcode>,

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Tables :: Linking Field Data Between Tables And Within Tables

Sep 26, 2012

Currently trying to build a database for customer management and order placement/tracking. Want to set a couple of rules so that if I for instance click yes of billing and shipping address the same that the database will automatically fill the shipping address with the data I inputted for the billing address in the same table.

The other issue I can see I'll run into is, I want to be able to select one of the company ID's (made up of a three letter abbreviation of the full company name) in the product ordering table and it will automatically fill in the rest of the customer data (phone, email, address etc) data into that form.

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Multi Record/Query/Multi Table/Going Crazy Issues

Sep 7, 2007

I have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to make this work.

I have three tables.




On the main form I use subforms to link tblIncidentDetails and tblPersonnel to tblIntakeMain. Both subforms can, and do, have many entries. This all works fine. What is not working is the search form I am using.

I am using Gromits most excellent Search Form. The problem is when I create a query, qSearch, to bring together the three tables I get a multiple records which makes the searches very confusing and near useless. Is there anyway around this? Is there something I am missing? Is there another search method I could use that would work in a similar way as Gromits? Please help before the Prozac runs out and I lose my mind--what little it left.

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Append Query, Multiple Tables To Multiple Tables In Another Database

Nov 29, 2007

Can a Append Query move all my data stored in multiple tables to another database with a identical table structure?

Because as I try to work the query, I keep getting prompted to "Select a table" I want to append to, and I don't want to append to just one table...

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Tables :: Lookup Field Using Another Multi Value Lookup Field As Data Source

Nov 23, 2012

how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).

I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")

So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.

I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)

The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:


I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?

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