Tables :: Create Auto-generated Serial Number By Batch

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to construct a system in access where I can have a user type in a part number, revision of a part, job number, serial number quantity, and generate a serial number based on the quantity that they need.

I am getting hung up on even how to construct the tables effectively to accomplish this, let alone the forms, queries, etc.

The numbers have to be in the following form. XXXX-XXXX

For an example:

I have part ABC and I need 5 serial numbers.

I need to be able to create a batch of serial numbers automagically that reads like:


Then for the next part XYZ I need 3 serial numbers. It would be constructed like this:


With the goal of eventually being able to search a part number and revision, or a job number and return all serial numbers assigned to that.

Is this possible in MS Access?

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Creating A Serial Number That Is NOT Auto-number

Mar 20, 2012

I have a table called "OrderDetails" with following fields:

OrderID (Primary key)

I want to create a data entry subform that can used to enter order details in this table such that, for a given OrderID, the Num field is automatically set to previous number + 1. For example, for OrderID = 12, if there are 4 products that need to be entered, the 4 records should automatically take 1 , 2, 3, 4.

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Forms :: How To Get Auto Serial Number To Start From 1

Apr 7, 2014

I am working in ms access database form. I have a form with detail section. In detail section i would like to make field auto increase each time new quotation is created. Using AutoNumber didn't work because because it doesn't start the serial number from 1 for each new quotation.

Snap shot is also attached.

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Create Random Number To Be Automatically Generated As Default Value For Record ID

May 28, 2015

I've been building a CRM in Access that allows for creating profiles for our accounts. When we add a new account, I'd like an Account ID to automatically generate and look like this: CRMXXXXX where the X's represent a random number. I originally wanted to set the field as autonumber to just count up, but unfortunately I need to append this value to another sales database we have; you can't store the text "CRM" with an autonumber in a table.

Right now, all I've done is place an equation in the default value of a textbox I have on my 'Add Account' form. I then made the control source of the text box the Account ID field. My equation is as follows:

="CRM" & CStr(Int(Rnd(Now())*10000))

This appears to work, as it generates a value in the correct format. However, I've realized that each time I open the CRM, the random numbers start over again and I run into issues of trying to create a new record with the same ID as a previously created record. I assume I need to incorporate some sort of timestamp to it in order to change it.

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Batch Number From All Tables

Jan 23, 2015

I have 4 tables with a field that holds a "batch number" there can be many batch numbers in these fields.I want if possible to replace a batch number from all my tables that contains that data and replace it with another batch number in one go. is a macro the only way to do this.I would like a macro that asks me the batch number to replace and then asks me the number to replace it.

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Tables :: Procedure To Restrict / Stop Auto Number Increment For Certain Number Of Record Count

Mar 16, 2014

I would like to know if there is any procedure to restrict/stop auto number increment for certain number of record count (say 50), then increment by 1 for next 50 records.

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General :: Create A New Record / Also Generating A New Auto Number

Dec 3, 2014

When I create a new record I am also generating a new Auto Number. This is so I have a sure fire way of returning the records that I want to return. I have read where it is a known issue that when using the Compact and Repair it can reset the Auto Number to a lower number and generate a duplicate Auto Number. That is the problem that I have at this time. I have tried using the Allen code but it doesn't seem to worked on linked tables. I use linked tables because I have multiple users who can access this system at any given point in to have the Auto Number field select a number that is unique

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How To Avoid Auto-generated Messages Pop Up

Oct 14, 2011

I have the following code (below) that I use to allow the user to select a particular value to determine which records to delete. However, I was wondering if there was a way to avoid having the Microsoft Access auto-generated messages pop up.

For this particular case, after the user selects the value and hits the command button, then a msg box comes up verifying if the user wants to delete the records with selected value. Clicking 'Yes' will then generate the Access message that asks the user again if they want to delete the records and that these actions can not be undone. Clicking Yes here will delete the records.

However, clicking 'No' or x'ing off this Access generated message will then cause a Run-time error 2501. I want to handle this error if it all possible.

Private Sub CmdRemove_Click()
Dim strQuery As String
If vbYes = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete? Clicking 'Yes' will completely remove all prospects with the selected Class from the database", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete prospects?") Then
strQuery = "DELETE * FROM [Prospects] " & "WHERE Prospects.Class = '" & Forms("Classpopup").cmbRemove & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Serial Numbering For Each Quotation

Apr 8, 2014

I am using an access program with a form with detail section. I would like to create auto sr.No when i am creating a new quotation. Using Autonumber didn't work because it start numbering from last quotation.

Snap shot is also attached.

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Uniqueness Of Auto Generated Primary Keys

Jul 13, 2006

I am developing a DB that is composed of approximately 50 tables. The primary key in every table is automatically generated byAccess. I understand that the primary key for each record in the table has to be unique. My question is: Is the primary key uniqueness applicable across the entire DB?

For example, table A has a auto gen key #25 in it. Therefore, no key in table A can be #25. Now I make an entry in table B (A:B, is 1:many). Can the primary key in table B be #25? OR, once #25 is used and continues to exist, it cannot be used in *any* table?

I have made several small examples and the keys across all the tables are unique. I don't know if this is guranteed across all the db tables, or just in my particular case?

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Auto Generated / Flexible Controls In A Form

Sep 20, 2006

Can controls in a form be made flexibly or auto-generated based on parameters set in another form?

Supposed I have a continuous form with 10 textboxes, while at some other time I need to have 12 textboxes or 5 textboxes only. Total textboxes needed would be set from another form. The maximum number of textboxes should be unlimited. Is it possible?

The backend table actually can be created flexibly using SQL based commands. And to link the fields to the textboxes is another problem.

Any clue?

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HDD Firmware Serial Number

Oct 21, 2006


Is any body know how to retrieve the manufacturer's hard disk serial No.? I want to use it in my access application to avoid piracy. At present I am useing a code which gives me Volume serial No., which got changed when ever my user format his hard drive. Instead of HDD firmware serial, code for retrieval of any other permanent No. like mother board or CPU firmware serial can help me to solve my problem


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How To Add Auto-generated Unique Identifier Field To Existing Table

Jul 22, 2013

Have a table with data in it and I want to add a new field to uniquely identify each record (simple numerical sequence like 1, 2, 3, 4.....). I don't know VBA and don't know SQL.

Tried opening the table in design view, adding a new field with "autonumber" as the data type but get the following error msg: "File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry". The table has about 750,000 records in it.

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Custom Generated Number

May 10, 2005

Quote by Pat Hartman
>>>BTW, one somewhat undesirable thing happens when you go with replication. Access changes ALL your autonumbers to random instead of sequential. That means that from that time on, all new autonumbers will be assigned randomly to minimize the problem of conflicts between the design master and replica sets. A random autonumber can range from a very small negative number to a very large positive number. These autonumbers can no longer be used as your customer numbers or order numbers if these numbers are ever printed or given to the customer to be used for reference. A customer probably will be confused by an order number = -2. If this is going to cause you a problem, you'll need to switch to custom generated numbers. Post back for details if you need them.<<<<

I'd be interested in getting some details. Data will be entering that table through a data entry form and through appending from a second copy of the DB. I want to make the PK a random autonumber but then when the second DB is added to the Master DB have the table in the Master DB assign each record a "prettier" more usable id number. I know this is stupid but I'm not sure how to relate code to a table (there's no before update event for a table as far as I'm aware).

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Serial Number Search Query

Feb 28, 2008

Hope someone can help

I have a small test database which I'm doing for our dispatch dept.

It contains: Order No. / Customer / Ship_Date / Serial numbers (multiple)

I'm looking for a way to create a search query that will search though all the records to find a particular serial number.

There fields in the table are:

I need it to come back with the order number and pallet that it was shipped on.

Any ideas?



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Serial Number Which Automatically Resets Every Day

Feb 8, 2014

I am working on a database,

Structure of database tblaccounts: glcode,description.

tbltransaction: transaction ID, glcod, tranxtype, amount, trandate

Everything is going well, when i make a transc ,transcid generated

i,e 1,2,3,to 47,48,49,50 and so on. In this case there are minimum 50 transaction on daily bases,

Here i have an idea that daily after 11.59pm, I mean after changing date, when I make a transaction, transaction id or sequence no start from 1, and my last day data will also remain safe .

This is what I am trying to accomplish I need to be able to create a serial number which automatically resets every day so I may use it to easily know how many records were created per day, without running a report.

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Modules & VBA :: Generated Random Number Always The Same

Jun 2, 2015

I have a log in screen that my users must use before they can use my db. if they enter the wrong username/password they get the usual message boxes. I also thought it would be a nice personal touch if once they've logged in they get a little greeting, so i made a message box that says "Hello " followed by their first name

This did the trick for a while, however theyre sick of seeing "Hello" and want other greetings, i figured this wouldnt be too complicated and took me only about 10 minutes or so to implement.

Basically i created a table (tblGreetings), has two fields, an autonumber field (ID) and a short text field

I've added the following code into the login sequence:

Dim greetings As Integer
Dim greet As String
Dim randomNum
greetings = DCount("ID", "tblGreetings")
randomNum= Int((greetings - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
greet = DLookup("Greeting", "tblGreetings", "[ID]=" & randomNum)

which in theory should generate a random number between 1 and "greetings" (which is an integer representing the number of greetings ive stored in my table), currently greetings=9

then it should pick a greeting from tblGreetings using the random number as an ID

This more or less works, except whenever the DB is opened and a user logs in, the "random" number is the same every time, it always seems to be 7 (which corresponds to the greeting "G'day").

Why this random number is always the same? it changes if i run the code a few times in the same session, but once the database is closed and reopened it still gives off the number 7, every time

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Tables :: Corrupted Auto Number

Feb 17, 2015

As part of a larger multi-user system there is a time recording part with a simple table called tblTime with an autonumber field. Today at 11:45 users started reporting receiving a 3022 error. On looking at the table I noticed that if I tried to manually add a record then the ID field number inserted automatically was not the next number in sequence, but one that already existed, hence the error.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Of Serial Number In Email Body

Jul 15, 2013

I am attempting to modify some code that is used for reading content in an Outlook mail and need to catch and move the email if certain content is duplicated in the email.

The code reads the email that is in the attached image format:

As seen, this email contains 2 devices, but the Serial No in both is duplicated.

In the code, I need to capture this and rather than reading the contents, I need to just move this email to a separate "Manual" folder to be dealt with separately, so not to write the information to the database.

The current code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private ns As Outlook.Namespace
Private sEmailAddress As String
Private sPerson As String
Private dReceived As Date

[Code] .....

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Converting Yyyymmdd Dates To Serial Date Number

Sep 5, 2011

I have two tables that I want to append to each other.But in one of them the date column has the yyyymmdd format and in the other it is a serial date number.How can I make them consistent by either converting yyyymmdd to date number or by converting the date number to yyyymmdd?

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Appending Records With A Desired Auto Number In A Table With Auto Number

Oct 26, 2005

Here is my issue. In a table with an Auto Number index some records have been deleted. I have been able to recreate them along with their original auto number. The problem is that I do not know how to append these records forcing the original auto number. I have tried changing the auto number field to a number field in the table, this works except I cannot change it back to auto number.

I am sure I’m not the first with this question or issue. I did search through a couple hundred entries about auto number before I posted this question.


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Tables :: Why Auto-number Is Not Incrementally Increasing

Jul 20, 2014

Using Access 2007..I have a table where the RecordID is an autonumber, and PK.To set this table up I have a load routine, (becuase I have done this multiple times for testing and further deveopment and I compact and repair the DB prior to loading) - the 690 records are correct numerically and autonumbered.This table has transactional data where existing records are updated and new records are appended.

I found the autonumber was not incrementally increasing - so no reseed the auto number (using ALTER TABLE 3IWSPLans ALTER COLUMN RecordID COUNTER (1000,1)) prior to starting the transactions.

New transactions will append correctly, up untill I amend a existing record (using a delete and append query via a staging table) - then the autonumber tries to reuse a number already in the table and because its not unique it errors.why the auto-number is not incrementally increasing correctly

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Tables :: Auto Number With Command Button

Jan 24, 2014

Need to have a command button at form.. what i need to do is is saving a record through command button one time so produce same id for all parts like;

if i am having a field as parts and id now if i put parts as;

Parts ID


so at the time of button click (command button) the id number to be issued as same as 1 for all three parts, when adding more parts after few minutes or after the click then after addition of next parts the id should be 2 for all, means what i need is to have id number as respect of button click but once click then 1, then after =2 and so on..

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Tables :: Text As Primary Key Vs Auto Number

Jun 19, 2013

When I first was making my database I used all auto numbers for PK's. But then I read an article or two saying that you really don't need to do that if you don't have to (actually, the article said "don't use autonumber if you want anyone to understand your database). I have a few tables (most employee experience type tables) where I just use the word as the PK and there is no auto number in the table at all.I continue to build my database?

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Tables :: Reset Auto-number Column

May 21, 2013

There is a autonumber column in one table Order.Everyday I need delete records in Order and then append records into it.Doing so, autonumber keeps on increasing.Is there any way to reset Autonumber from 0 after deleting records?

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Tables :: Can Format Auto-number For A Primary Key

Jun 23, 2013

Is there a way I can format AutoNumber for a primary key, for example, have the first ID start as C001 then for the next entry Access will automatically go to C002, and so on and so forth?

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