Tables :: Custom Counter In A Appended Table?

May 14, 2014

how can i make a custom counter in a table where records are appended from another table.

i have already used custom counter method in my database before by using this technique.


but i want to make counter in a appended table.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Record Counter Of A Form?

Jan 27, 2015

I have a custom record counter on a form using the below code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _
"Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount + 1
Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _
"Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount
End If
End Sub

I think at some stage the form was saved with a filter on and this may be causing the issue. The problem I have is:

There are 1749 records. Everytime I open the form the custom record counter displays "Record 1 of 501". The built in record counter shows 1 of 1749. The moment I hit the next record arrow the custom record counter displays "2 of 1749" and if I go back again it displays "1 of 1749.".

I know it's a filter causing the problem because I have a macro that does a clear search. As soon as I hit the clear search the custom counter goes back to "1 of 501" again (even though the built in one stays at 1 of 1749).

I have Filter on Load set to No.

what I am doing wrong?

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Read Only Access To Appended Tables

Apr 30, 2006

Hello! My Small access aplication has a tables appended from dbf database program. I am coping with an issue to set access to this tables as read only.For me its very vital that source dbf application won't be changed from MS Access.Thanks for help!

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Appended Table Report

Mar 21, 2005

I appended multiple tables to one table by using the copy, paste, append data to existing table. I now have 1,691 line items in one table. However, when I run a report off this new table and export it into Excel I only receive 1,300 line items.

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Searching And Selecting Records To Be Appended To Table

Dec 6, 2004


I have a form that runs a parameter query to search for university name and then displays 2 fields, university name and course name.

I am having difficulty with a search button that i have on the form called search_command; it is supposed to run the exact query as when you enter the form, it does this but displays the result in a dataheet, i want it to repopulate my 2 text label fields as mentioned above.

In addition i want then to be able to go to a specific record, select it and then press a button to append it to another table. i ahve not started this part yet

Can anyone please help ?

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Forms :: Ready To Edit Appended Record To A Table

Nov 19, 2014

After running an append query, the form created displays a blank/new record. How can I make the form display and ready to edit the appended record.

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Forms :: Show Newly Appended Records In Form Based On Table

Jun 26, 2014

I have an append query that appends records to a table, and I have a form based on that table.

Users will click a button that will run the append query and then open a form for users to fill in remaining empty cells. How can I filter the form to show only the newly appended records?

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Tables :: Autonumber Counter That Starts From 1 Each Day

Nov 11, 2014

I made a simple access project and I want to make a count for my visits, this counter MUST starts from one each morning "every new day", I use autonumber field to give each visit its unique code, I'm ok with that, but i need additional counter that resets each new day,, i watched some videos for making the autonumber starts from different number like 1000 for example using Append query but i didn't figure out how to use this method for resetting counter everyday.

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Tables :: Can Set Auto-number Counter On Computer To A Chosen Value

Jan 29, 2015

I am having is that the auto-number value on his machine is different than on mine so anytime I try to add data in testing, it tries to create a primary key value that already exists in the table.Can I set the auto-number "counter" on my computer to a chosen value so I don't have these issues?

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Database Does Not Want To Overwrite Counter Value In Count Table

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to add a feature to my database that counts the number of times that the main menu is opened (I modified this form to always stay open in the background in order to get an accurate count) just out of curiosity. Right now I have a table called "Count Table" with a field called "Counter" on it. This table acts as the control source on my main menu. The main menu also has a text box called "Page Counter". The "On Open" code looks as follows:

[Page Counter] = [Counter] + 1
'This line seems to work, page counter displays 1 with counter set at 0
[Counter] = [Page Count]

'This is where I run into trouble. The database does not want to overwrite the Counter value in the Count Table.I tried doing a similar setup as shown above using the Dmax function but had the same outcome.

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Field Counter, Display No. Of Occurences In A Table On A Form

Oct 5, 2006


in my table i have a customer id number.

each job will have one customer id number.. and customers will have many jobs to their id

i simply want to display on my form the number of times that customer's id has appeared in my bookings table.

eg.. a customer has used our services 25 times.. (so obviously their customer id is found 25 times in the booking table as a foreign key)

so can i just place a control on my form that displays this value (i presume it is some kind of counter)..

so i will know on my customer form how many times they have been included in a booking record

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Custom Sorting In Tables

Jan 24, 2005

I have a table, Barcodes, with two fields, Sales_Order and Barcode. Is it possible to sort my table by the first four characters of the field Barcode, which is 14 characters in length?

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Recording Date That A Record Has Been Appended And Deleted

Jul 20, 2007


I hope someone can help.

I have a macro that appends and deletes records to a new table once the the record has been closed. I need to record the date this was done in my original table and the new table and have had brain freeze as to how to achieve this.

Any suggestions??

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Queries :: Database For Log Activity - Delete Only Appended Records

Nov 3, 2014

I have a database that is used by managers to log activity of staff. We wanted to allow staff to write to the DB, but not allow them full access. We decided to accomplish this by adding a VBA function to an Excel sheet that they already use every day. It allows them to select a description, start time and end time and writes records to a database containing just 1 table.

The database used by the managers periodically runs an append query, and then a delete query to update with details of entries made by staff, and then clear the table to avoid duplicates during the next append.

I'm sure those of you with experience can already guess what's been happening and are shaking your head right now. It seems like entries made while the append query is running are being deleted when the delete query runs. So potentially I append 4 records, but delete 6 as 2 new entries were made before the delete query ran.

Is there a way to delete only the records that have just been appended? Or is there a more acceptable way of achieving this without using a delete query?

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Tables :: Custom ID Format That Increment Every Time New Record Added

Jul 25, 2013

How to make a custom ID format that increment every time you add a new record the sample ID look like this "HCCR-SMA-CV-ST-000".

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Getting A Custom Table Based On DB Data

Nov 9, 2006

I have a table in the Access DB which is structured this way:



I need such a configuration because the items I need to store can have whatever fields the user could like. A simple example of the data contained could be:


I need to load a datagrid in VB.NET displaying a table like this (according to the above example):


I used to just load the data from Access and then build the grid directly from VB, but the records are becoming too many and this approach is just too slow. I was thinking about creating the table I need directly from a query, and then loading the result in a grid; however, this is something I'm having problems doing. Could anyone help me? Thanks.

Just a couple of notes:

- not every field is necessary present for each ITEM, so I need to handle the possibility of DBNull entries for some fields.

- If it can help, I know which fieldnames I can get before querying the DB

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Counter (97)

Oct 31, 2005

I have an existing database, in whichi I've been asked to implement a counter, of sorts, which could count a store the number of times the database has been opened (including reports being viewed) , in a month. (I'm using access 97). Can this be done? How would I accomplish this?

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Add Counter To Query

Aug 18, 2006

Hello. I'm trying to add a counter to the fields of a query. Purpose is to have a second query choose from this a selected record and next x records, which, of course have been already sorted by first query itself.
I thought the simplest way was with a simple automatic-generated counter, but perhaps I'm making it complicated and there's a simpler way. Any idea?

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Record Counter

Feb 26, 2005

Hey guys,

I have a questions for all you experts out there. I need to create a record counter. I have found documentation on how to create a simple record counter, but of course it needs to be a little more complicated than that.

I need to beable to count the records that contain a certain value in a certain field. For example, I need a count on all records which contain the value "Orland" and so on.

I assume this is do able. Just dont know how.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Counter Creation

Jun 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

Here is my problem:

I Have a form that shows bills in a continuous form. My problem is that I want to put a textbox or a label that will display a kind of counter for each bills. For example, If I have 3 bills to display, I want my label or textbox to display 1 for the first bill, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on.

But I don't know how to do that with a continuous form.

Could someone help me, please...

Thanks in advance!

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Counter Text Box

May 26, 2005

I have a counter text box that was set up exactly like the help instructions say to set it up and it is not counting correctly. I have it set up to where it is counting subgroups in the report. It counts for if one record has one or two errors, but I have one record in there that has 3 errors and it says that it only has two errors. Can anyone explain this to me?


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Modules & VBA :: Make Table - Assign Custom Formatting To Numbers

Oct 6, 2014

I am using VBA to execute a 'Make Table' (named 'DT'). One of the fields in DT (named 'Dollars') contains numbers that have 6 to 8 digits; some are positive and some are negative.

These large numbers with no commas (or parentheses when they're negative) are incredibly hard to read.

Any VBA coding that will change both the "Format" and the "Decimal Place" Field Properties on the table I make (i.e. "DT"). I want to the Format property to read (#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)) and the Decimal Place property to read "2"). This will allow me to display a number like -10326786.41 as (10,326,786.41) which is incredibly more readable.

Is it possible to do this programmatically; I've search the internet high and low and could find anything remotely useful.

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General :: Custom Table Based On Users Choice Of Fields

May 15, 2013

I want to create a form where by the user can select the fields he requires and the table is created.

Example: I have a table of subjects like maths, english, french, chemistry etc,

The user can choose what subjects are available in that particular school and therefore a table is created based on the chosen subjects.

Is there any way it can be done even with vba?

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OnLoad? And Automatic Counter

Apr 27, 2005

a couple of questions...

1) what can i do in order to get a form to open when a database is loaded?

2) what is the automatic counter?

thanks in advance

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Counter Wont Update?

Oct 19, 2005

Hey all, here is my problem. I have a form with my 5 different counters on there and well they are not updating. I can update them on the main page but not on the other pages. I have a page called PID where there are 4 command buttons and counters. I click on the first command button, and add a record there now I would go back to the main page PID and the counter needs to update. How do I do this?? the code I have for to create the counter on the main page is as follows, However I need to enter the building form, and add or delete a record and have the counter on the main page update once finnished with that form. I hope I explained this good enough for someone to help. Thanks in advance.

'Building recordset
On Error Resume Next
If bdg.EOF And bdg.BOF = True Then
bdgcount = 0

With bdg
bdgcount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

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Counter Become Random After Importing

Jan 21, 2008

Hello all

this is my first post, so i hope i'm in the right bullettin.

I need help with this problem:

I have to work on this mdb that has been imported from Access 2000 to Access 2003. The guys did it some months ago, and of course they deleted the old .mdb and there are no backups.
However, the db still works, except that the ID of some tables are now "random id" than "incremental id", and since they used it for some months, now they are full of new records with random IDs.
Since they use THAT id for internal use, you understand that is not very easy to communicate stuff like "please send me document # -3189175187" and so they asked me to get it back to incremental, i tried from the table menu to change the dropdown, as i thought it was that easy. Bad luck, access now complains that the data aren't now contiguous (might be different error, it's a localized version, so i don't know how it is the exact error message, sorry), and i'm not really sure on what to do to avoid problems.

I've explained the best way i could, so if you need more info just ask, thanks everyone in advance!

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