Tables :: Database To Track Hardware Assets - Lookup Based On Value
Dec 19, 2013
I am attempting to develop a DB to track hardware assets, e.g., servers, switches, storage devices, etc... I am at the very beginning of the development/design process. I haven't gone beyond the paper stage yet. I am trying to figure out how I would set up the main Asset table so that when I put in a particular vendor, the model field will list models only for that specific vendor. i.e., when I put in IBM in the Vendor field I will only see IBM models in a drop down for the Vendor_Model field.
I'm pretty sure this will involve a Lookup field. But, how do I restrict the lookup of models. Would that be with a query?
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May 13, 2013
All; using Access 2010. I need to have some kind of way to track changes based on different field name.I have a client table with field data like Fname, Lname, SSN, Address, Zip, Phone, DateOfBirth, Current Rate, TotalRate, Status and Importdte. I have an import into the database every month and I update this table with data that is new based on the SSN with an append query. The import also has the names of those that exist in the client table until their status changes. In addition to appending new data every month; I would like to append any changes the existing client has. For ex; If an existing client has an address change, I want to append this data to the table but keep the existing address and have a Change date equal to the Importdte. In essence; I want to build a kind of history table that when I pull up a client; I can have something like a tab on a form with the changes and when it happened.
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Sep 19, 2013
I am new in Access 2010 and need table design schema. I am creating a database to track budget changes within our organizations.
1. We have 3 division (West, East and Central).
2. Each division will have 5 Organizations (Office, Campus, Operations, IT and HR)
3. Each Organizations will have multiple sub-organizations
4. The budget start with the sub-organizations - which is break down by cost center and sub cost center.
This is the design I came up.
tblsubcostcenter (budget table)
tblDivision --1 to Many --> tblOrganizations
tblOrganizations --1 to Many --> tblsuborganizations
tblsuborganizations --1 to many --> tblCostCenter
tblCostCenter --1 to many --> tblsubcostcenter
Is there a better way to design this?
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Dec 7, 2012
I run a soccer league where we track players attendance for each game. I currently do it on a spreadsheet where each game date is a column and each player is a row. We also track which team they play on at each game (they can play on different teams different weeks). I currently have a second tab in the spreadsheet to record which team a person plays on each week.
Setting up a table of fields for this is relatively easy. The problem comes to data entry. I want to be able to visually see the data like I can in a spreadsheet (names in rows, dates in columns, intersections containing either team name or whether attended) and whilst a cross-tab query gives me the layout, I cannot input data in a cross-tab query.
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Dec 27, 2013
I am creating a database that tracks current projects for my team at work.
Some projects are only due once (e.g., mailed brochures due on 1/1/14) and some are due at scheduled intervals (e.g., status report due monthly, quarterly, etc.)
Ultimately, I'm hoping that my end result will allow us to click on a form and look at what everybody has due that day, in the next 7 days, and so forth.
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Aug 30, 2005
I am building a simple assets database to help me with my work. This is what I did:
I created a table with following columns:
1) Bill ID - unique number of the asset bill, created by the accounting software.
2) ID of the supplier
3) Month
4) Type of the bill (code such as RI for investments, RO for activated assets etc.)
5) Date
6) Basic non-taxed value.
There is a 20% tax on assets. 19% OF the 20% tax is added to the base non-taxed value - I get the starting value of the asset before amortisation begins.
So far so good, my query works perfect, does everything right, however:
Every now and then (less than 10 times per year) I get assets from suppliers that are free of tax. That means that the value on the bill = starting asset value, and there is no need for adding the 19% of the tax back to the asset value. I don't know how to exclude those bills from the process.
The way I figured it theoreticaly, it can be done like this:
1) I could store the tax-free supplier codes in a separate table and make the query perform a check against the column 2 (supplier ID), and if it findds the supplier there, the base value is taken as a final value.
2) I could make all non-taxed bills have an unique tag for the non-taxed bills(column 4 - type of the bill), and make the query check against those.
I have no clue how to make any of those, so I hope someone here could help me.
Thank you!
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Oct 28, 2014
I have two tables, one table (1) hold three fields, one of those fields is the master key (index). The other table (2) has a field which I want to lookup from table 1, that part is working. In the combo box I get all three fields displayed as I make my selection. I want to copy the other two fields as text at the time the lookup index is selected. I do not what the fields to automatically update each time the table is displayed. I have looked at update macros, I've looked at VBA.
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Nov 25, 2013
I attached a screenshot with notes that describes my problem.
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May 30, 2005
Hi, not sure if this is possible or the most economical approach but here goes:
I have a lookup table (tblHolidays) with a list of holiday dates (fieldname "HolidayDate") in it.
I need an update query that can check all "StartDate" values on a table called "tblMasterLog" and where this date matches the ones on "tblHolidays", will add 1 day to the "StartDate" and then keep repeating until there are no more dates to change.
Can this be done?!
Thanks in advance
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Aug 31, 2013
I want the lookup to be performed with criteria based off of the same row that record being selected is on.
I wrote typed out the Columns and rows that my queries return, and attached a screenshot as well.
You enter your phone number which provides you with an indexed location. Based off of that location only certain products are available and I want them to be filtered accordingly. I have it working to some extent, here is an example below:
|Site Name|Phone Number| Location |Products Available|
| Store 1 | 5044645521| KNNRLABR
The lookup displays products available where the indexed products match the same location. Here is what the query returns:
| Location |Products Available|
| KNNRLABR| Product 21 |
| KNNRLABR| Product 9|
| KNNRLABR| Product 7 |
| KNNRLABR| Product 3 |
This is the affect that I want to achieve but, if I add another location like so:
|Site Name|Phone Number| Location |Products Available|
| Store 1 | 5044645521 | KNNRLABR |
| Store 2 | 3609061624 | VANCWA01|
The lookup returns all products available for all the records for each location entered rather than based off of the selected record.
| Location |Products Available|
| KNNRLABR | Product 21 |
| KNNRLABR | Product 9 |
| KNNRLABR | Product 7 |
| KNNRLABR | Product 3 |
| VANCWA 01 | Product 31 |
| VANCWA 01 | Product 8 |
| VANCWA 01 | Product 4 |
| VANCWA 01 | Product 3 |
| VANCWA 01 | Product 1 |
Is there a way I can make the lookup run off of the location specific to the current row that I am working on?
P.S. Here is a copy of the SQL statement I'm using right now.
FROM [DSL Product CLLI's], [Copy Of Copy Of Customer NPA-NXX's - ADSL - Data - Internet]
WHERE ((([DSL Product CLLI's].CLLI) In (SELECT DISTINCTROW [Location] FROM [Copy Of Copy Of Customer NPA-NXX's - ADSL - Data - Internet] WHERE [Copy Of Copy Of Customer NPA-NXX's - ADSL - Data - Internet].[Location]=[DSL Product CLLI's].[CLLI])));
Which Returns the Following in my lookup field for Products Available.
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Aug 11, 2014
I have a drawing register database which notes the revisions for all drawings issued. One drawing can be revised several times so I have a details table which notes the revision letter, date issued and the notes for each revision. Using this table I created a max date query to show the latest issue date and revision for each drawing. This query is used for a transmittal form for issuing drawings. Both the form and report is working perfectly.
The TBLTransmittal consists of the following fields
DwgNo (multi-value checkbox)
Using the TBLDwgRegisterDtls or the query QRYDtldDwgReg (which includes the drawing titles) I would like to create a query that would look up the latest revision at the date of issue and show the revision letter.
I started a query combining TBLTransmittal and TBLDwgRegisterDtls and in the criteria for DateIssued of the TBLSDwgRegisterDtls (which is when the drawing was issued by the architect to the contractor) I put "Not > [IssueDate]". This is filtering the information to show revisions issued up to the date we (the contractor) issued the drawing to our sub-contractor but I need now to pull the max revision only from this information.
Before I go I will give you an example of what I want from the end result
Drawing BK2-02 rev. D was issued by the architect to the contractor on July 17th. This drawing was in-turn issued to our sub-contractor (Sub "A") this Saturday, August 9th. The same drawing was revised this morning and rev. E was issued to Sub "A" today, August 11th.
I want the end report to show that Sub A received Rev. D on 09-08-14 and Rev. E on 11-08-14.
I'm wondering if another max date query on this new query would work? I'll try and see what happens.
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Sep 3, 2014
how data is best structured in Access.I have a table of values (for instance: weight) and I need to be able to look up a weight based on the column header (age) and row header (height).How is this sort of data best structured and accessed in Access?
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Jul 6, 2015
I have a split database and need a field (Combo type) in the table to lookup values from a query in the front end. How do I do this as it doesn't see the querys because the front and back end are split?
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Jul 27, 2015
I have three large source tables imported into my database. I have created queries to retrieve relevant values from fields in each source table which feeds into my form. Each field on my form that is connected to the relevant query is a lookup field. For example, one field called "Supplier_Name" another called "Supplier_Code" and a third called "Route_Number".
Needless to say each of my lookup fields are very long. I am trying to filter my search based upon the selection from the previous Lookup field. How I can filter a lookup field's value based upon the previous lookup field selection? Each Supplier has a code and assign route(s) and I have already established these relationships.
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Jul 24, 2007
I'm wrestling with the issues; in other threads, it became apparent that because I could not know ahead of time what I will need to know about a given entity, I will use a table to enumerate attributes that is applicable for a given entity.
However, the stumper is that what if an attribute should conform to a set list of values? Since they are dynamic, I would have problem predicting what I will need to be able to lookup, and am even don't know whether I will need a one-many lookup or many-many lookup.
I thought that generic lookup table with a table listing "classes" of lookup would allow me to have one big generic lookup table while using "classes" to act like virtual tables so I can then set the query to appropriate "class" to return just right set of values.
But as I thought about it, I ran into some issues which is pulling me toward the crazy idea that I should have freestanding tables, and use a field in tblAttribute to give me the table's name so I'd know which free-standing table it points to, and have the necessary key to lookup the values within that table.
Even though my gut instincts tell me that I shouldn't be going against the conventions of database design (who the frick goes around creating free-standing lookups?!?), I'm simply not sure how I can use a generic lookup table to hold all information.
For example, suppose I was given a list of values that has its own categories. Since the former design allows only for two level (lookup and lookupclass), where am I to insert that extra level?
Furthermore, I found myself needing a set of virtual keys to reference a certain "class" of lookups for report purposes. That means I need an extra field in my lookup table than I originally anticipates. What if I find myself needing one more field that just won't fit the generic lookup table?
So does anyone have suggestions on how we would create a placeholder for a lookup table that will be made just in time?
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Mar 15, 2006
Hi guys,
Im fairly new to MS Access and have recently created a simple database to track the details of people in my department.
The database is on a shared drive and the idea was that when the details of the individual change, they open the database themselves and edit the appropiate field.
However, is it possible to track the changes that people make over a certain period (ie every month).
Thanking you in advance,
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May 8, 2013
I have been using Excel to keep a daily track of when people are in to work, but the number of persons employed has increased and it is taking too much time to manually input data into the sheet.
I am looking at Access and I would like to know if what I want is possible.
The fields I would need are , Name , Date , Time worked(1 for a full day and 0.5 for a half) , Reason worked, and funded by(inside/outside organization)
I would like to make a template of form that has the following options.
1. The ability to select a date (possibly through a calendar selection)
2. Select one or multiple different persons from a list
3. Possibly two check boxes (full/half day) - that when selected input a 1 or 0.5 into the database
4. A text entry for reason worked.
5. Another check box for inside/outside funding that reflects the time worked in step 3 and that can be queried to see how many total days funding was given.
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Sep 14, 2013
Trying to modify this calendar database to track employee leave. I need the calendar form (frmCalendar) to show all employee leave on the calendar using the "Show All" command button on click event. This works if I specify a uID (UserID from employee table) in the code, but only for that specific employee. I need all employees at the same time up on the calendar so I can see if there is more than one employee off on any given day.
Events or leave is populated on the form through "Private Sub DisplayEvents" and the mdlCalendar module.
Using Access 2010
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Apr 24, 2013
I have built a table off a form that is being used for record keeping and my question is.... This table will be constantly updated with new information so how can I make it to where when new info is added the old info will not be removed or written over?
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Jun 15, 2014
I'm developing a database that tracks monthly metrics of employees. These employee are at several different locations.
Here's what I would like:
A table of the employees and their location.
A table of the metrics.
A form that you can select an employee and it would autofill the location and then you could fill out the metrics.
the ability to change an employee's location without it effecting past records.
A report, by month and location of the employee's metrics. (pretty sure I can do this on my own, just can't get to this point.)
I've tried to use a auto lookup query but that then changes the employees location on past records.
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Sep 10, 2012
I'm trying to design a billing and invoicing database and can't seem to figure out how to link the tables and track the payments made by customers. How can I proceed to track the payments and make payments applicable to certain line items or invoices? If the line item hasn't been paid, it needs to show up on the next invoice and be included in the total due.
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Feb 5, 2013
I can use barcode scanning to track items through the process, on the condition that the relevant field on a form is highlighted.
The issue is I want the scanning/tracking with wireless scanners to be going on in the background while an operator can use the other functions of the database.
I'm thinking the solution is two computers, one to run the barcode scanning & tracking the other for the rest of the database functions. The problem is we only have one work PC and getting money for a new PC will be like pulling teeth.
Is there a one PC solution?
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Oct 3, 2014
In the case of a system that keeps track of checking in and out (e.g. library books), where is the archive data stored? If a person makes 30 trips to the library, obviously one record will be the current visit - but where do you keep the 29 other visits?
Do you create a separate table for old check-outs: Current_Check_Out and Archive_Check_Out?
Or do you just leave the data in place and as-is: All_Check_Outs?
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Feb 21, 2014
I am trying to make a database that will keep track of invoice backlogs for different locations within a company.
Each day a report file is imported into an Access database (2010), and a query will display all locations with the backlog count of invoices for each of them. Something like:
Location Backlog
00001 84
00002 53
00003 26
Now I would like to be able to store historical data in a new table on a daily basis so that it will be possible to see how the backlogs have fluctuated over time for a given location, but I am not sure how I could do this. I was thinking I could make a table with one row for every date and one column for every location, but then I am not sure how I would populate this table based on the query that shows the results based on the most recently imported report file.
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Aug 9, 2012
I would like a way to auto-generate a pdf when a user clicks a link based on available tables within my database.
Basically i have developed a pricelist database and our reps need a printable pdf version of that available items and there attributes.
I have done some research and it appears that visual studio and crystal reports may be what I am looking for. This is an access web database that is accessed housed in sharepoint.
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Nov 23, 2012
how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).
I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")
So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.
I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)
The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:
I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?
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