Tables :: Designing Fee Receiving System - Due Field To Show Balance

Nov 25, 2012

I did using below:

One table with Student Basic Records with Course name and Total Fee

Tabel name Student_Rec and Fields are below
ID, StudentName, Course Name, RollNo, Total Fee

then another table name Fee_Details for receiving dues in installments.
ID, RollNo, FeeDue, FeePaid, Comments

Now i want the FeeDue Field should show the Balance feedue of each student

I mean it automatically check total fee due from student_Rec table and also check all previous entries for the same rollnumber in Fee_details Table and show the pending amount as FeeDue.

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Designing A Stock Database Managment System (DBMS)

Nov 18, 2007

I am student, in high school, and I have to make a stock database, for ITGS, so as to receive my IB diploma.

I have created forms so as to enter stock information, and customer information, but I have no idea, as to how to connect them, so as to create an order summery and invoice. I started by creating 2 tables, one for the books, and one for the customers. I then made 2 other tables, one being an order table, and the other the linking table between the order and the books (see relation.jpg). I created a form so as to input information, but I can’t seem to get it to work, (see form.jpg)

Ideally, I would like the end-user, to select the customer's name, from a drop down list, and then for the rest of the customer information to update automatically, then, for the end-user to select a date, and finally the end-user to select books from the stock. Once the end-user has finalized the selection, they would ideally press a button, which would automatically print out an order summary/invoice (Maybe a report?)And that would also automatically reduce the quantity of the books in stock by one.

I have no idea as to how to do this and I would really need someone’s help, seeing as I have less than a week to hand this in by (The deadline is Monday 16th November 2007)

Here are the images
form.jpg -
relation.jpg -

Thanking you in advanced

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Reports :: Show The Balance At Transaction Date?

Jul 21, 2013

I created a report to show stock level and transactions. there are date, transaction, quantity and balance fields. the balance field show the total balance of the item at the moment. what I need is to show the balance at the transaction date.

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Receiving Error When Creating Calculated Field

Feb 4, 2013

I'm attempting to create a calculated field in a query called 'Test'. It's purpose is to determine if a certain field has a 'c' for closed and then returns the appropriate 3 months in a concatenated string. This previously worked when it was shorter. Now that I extended it for 2011 fields i'm getting an error that it is too long. I'm pasting the below code into the 'field' line of my query.

Test: IIf([DEC12_Status]="c",[OCT12_A] & " " & [NOV12_A] & " " & [DEC12_A]
,IIf([NOV12_Status]="c",[SEP12_A] & " " & [OCT12_A] & " " & [NOV12_A],
IIf([OCT12_Status]="c",[AUG12_A] & " " & [SEP12_A] & " " & [OCT12_A],
IIf([SEP12_Status]="c",[JUL12_A] & " " & [AUG12_A] & " " & [SEP12_A],
IIf([AUG12_Status]="c",[JUN12_A] & " " & [JUL12_A] & " " & [AUG12_A],

[Code] .....

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General :: Create New Table By Item ID To Show Balance Of Stock

Feb 17, 2014

I have created 3 tables for simple inventory.

a) Item details
b) stock in
c) stock out

All I simply want to do is create a new table by item id to show balance of stock.

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Queries :: Opening Closing Balance / Show Today Movement In DB And CR

Apr 18, 2014

I want to perform in this query that Opening balance + Dr - Cr = Closing balance.And the next day my opening balance will equal to the date() -1 closing balance. And when todays movement DR and CR take changes it will also take affect on closing balance.Here I have two questions 1st is how can I built a qry that will make todays opening equal to last day closing . Can I have to built two queries or make another table that store last day closing then create relationship and again built a query that perform.

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Please Help In Designing Tables

Nov 29, 2006

Hi all,

Excuse me for being new here...but i need some advice on a database im working on. Im currently in a school trying to develop a database that records my students' participation in some arts activities.

What we need is a database that could capture the number of participants that actually went for a particular event (sounds easy rite? - :rolleyes: ).

To break it down:

1. The EVENTS are broke up into 3 categories : Exposure, Experience & Excursion.

2. Each EVENT consists of the number of PARTICIPANTS that is divided into Students, Teachers, Parents and Alumni.

3. Lastly, the PARTICIPANTS are further seperated into different interest groups such as Band, Choir, Drama Club etc....

It is quite overwhelming for me as im not that experienced in using i'll be glad if someone could help to advice me on how i should design the tables and their relationships.

Thank you.
Cheers! :D

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Designing Tables

Jul 29, 2007

want to create a database for our college examination cell. I wanted to know hwo I can create such a table:

RollNo. |------Subject1------|-----Subject 2-------| .....
-------| Theory |Viva| Total |Theory |Viva | Total |.....

There are around 6 subjects.
I want it soemthing like subject1.theory, etc

I know that is not exactly possible in MS Access, so could anyone tell me the best way to do it. I somehow wanted the subcolumns to appear as part of the subjects. (as we can do in excel)

I thought of naming them as sub1_theory, sub1_viva....... but not too happy with it.

any help would be appreciated.

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Designing Tables - Beginner

Nov 28, 2006

Could someone please help me with the following.

I have a form that gets some basic information...

My table looks like the following..


later on down the road, we will be inputing other fields, is it possible to have another form for specific information, that would be linked to this....

thanks for any help


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Difficulties In Designing Functional Forms And Tables...

Nov 14, 2004


I am a newbie at Access and am basically designing my first database. This database is for a short term project and is designed to track the attendance of employees at acompany. Here is a brief description of the tables and forms in question.

EmployeeInformation - this table stores records of each employee, their ID, DOB and SIN.

AttendanceProfile- this table stores records of prolonged absence periods for each employee. A given employee can have many attendance profiles, meaning that this table is linked to the EmployeeInformation table via a one-many relationship. This table will provide detailed information about the status and history of each Profile. So for example if an employee misses work for 12 days due to an appendicitis operation, the exact nature and dates of this absence would be listed as a new profile. The primary key for this table is an autonumber field called ProfileID

ActionLog - this table stores the actions taken by company employees (if any) in response to each AttendanceProfile. It is connected to the profiles table via a one-one relationship with ProfileID being the foreign key in this table. Another main field is the ProcedureNum field which will list the number of each procedure taken for a given ActionLog record. This table is needed to track what the company has done/is doing to track an employees prolonged absence.

Allow me to illustrate with an example. An employee, John Doe misses 15 days in June 2001 due to an illness in the family. An AttendanceProfile record is then made for this period illustrating the exact nature of Mr. Doe's absence as well as tracking what official documents he has submitted (eg medical note, official company documents). Another matching record containing the same ProfileID is also made in the ActionLog table describing what the company has done so far to track this absence. So if an HR employee calls Mr Doe's physician to verify this illness or sends a letter requiring further documentation, each of these steps is listed in this log for this absence profile.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but better now than to have to clarify myself later. Here is where I'm stuck. I would like to set up two data entry forms, to create new AttendanceProfile records and related ActionLog records. Obviously, these corresponding records are linked directly by the ProfileID field. After completing the AttendanceProfile form, I would like the user to be able to click a command button to open another form (I am avoiding a subform in this case because my attendanceProfile form is huge and I cannot conveniantly fit a subform on it) to open a new form where they can enter Procedure descriptions and dates on the ACtion log. For each new procedure the user enters, an autonumber fields automatically increments the procedureNumber for that specific ProfileID.

Finally, my question to any of you is, assuming that I have already designed the AttendanceProfile table and form, how shall I design the ActionLog table AND forms to accomplish this exact task.

Once again, sorry for the excessive detail. Your assistance is greatlys appreciated.

Mike J.

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Calculated Balance Field

Apr 11, 2006

I have a banking system, and I need to be able to show the balance as each transaction is made. This is what I have so far:
SELECT tblTransactions.lngTransactionID, tblTransactions.lngAccountID, tblTransactions.datDate, tblTransactions.txtType, tblTransactions.curAmount, (SELECT Sum(Iif([txtType] = "Deposit", [curAmount], 0)) - Sum(Iif([txtType] = "Withdrawal", [curAmount], 0)) FROM tblTransactions AS tblTransactions2 WHERE tblTransactions2.[lngTransactionID] <= tblTransactions.[lngTransactionID] = curAmount) AS Balance
FROM tblTransactions
WHERE (((tblTransactions.lngAccountID)=[AccID?]));
Although the WHERE clause is just for testing, in the real form, I am using a filter to only show records for a particular account.

The problem with this code (I think) is that the subquery is carried out before the main query's WHERE clause, so the balance is calculated on all records, not just the ones for a particular user - so if User A deposits £10, then User B deposits £10, User B's balance would show as £20, which is not the case. I have done some research, and I think the soloution might be in 'Correlated Subqueries', although I am finding learning about them a bit out of my depth.

Please help, thanks.

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Tables :: Phone Statistics - Formatting Field To Show Duration Not Time

Apr 13, 2014

I am building a database to enter staff phone statistics. As an example my fields would be - Name, Date, Staffed time, Available time, Aux time and then calculated fields to show the percentage of time i.e %Aux, %Available etc.

My problem is the formatting of the times entered as they are duration not time. Say staffed time is entered as 08:00:00 for 8 hours and Aux time 03:57:21. The only format I can see to suit is date time but then Access takes these entries as 8am and 3:57am is there a way to change this to work as duration hh:mm:ss?

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System Tables

Oct 24, 2006


My application I develop should retrieve some meta data from Access system tables. It should find:
- What tables are stored in database.
- What columns have each table in database.
- What relationships are between tables in database.
I opened systems tables of some .mdb file and took interest in such kind of information. But I got some problems by looking for what exactly I need. Please, could someone help me at these points:

1) I found that in system table MSysObjects I can find names and ids of tables created by user (for example by me). But how to determine that these tables are created by user and they are not let’s say a system tables?
2) I didn’t find any meta data about columns of tables! How to determine what columns has each table?

I created application which uses MS SQL Server to retrieve such a kind of meta information and there where no problems. But I stuck using Access.
I was looking for some information in Internet but ineffectively. Please, help me...

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General :: How To View System Tables

Jan 31, 2013

Access 2010 Where exactly do I find Import Specifications that I have created? How do you View System tables?

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Need Help With System Tables And Front-end/back-end Applications

Oct 29, 2007

I currently have a front-end/back-end database, but at some point in time one of the tables has been modified and whenever the front end connects it comes up with a parameter request for a field that no longer exists. I have narrowed it down to MSysQueries, where there is a reference to this field. Is there anyway I can avoid this or change/repair the system table?

Compact and repair doesn't work unfortunatly.


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General :: Extract PID From System Security Tables

Apr 7, 2013

I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.

I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???

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Tables :: Timesheet Structure - Check In System

Apr 12, 2013

I'm creating a timesheet/check in system (log in when the person starts work so it logs it and when they log out it logs that also for the manager or someone with high power to see.) for a fictitious scenario for an IT major project but I'm not sure where to start!

At the moment I have a few tables that are like this.

Table: Employees
Fields: EmployeeID, First Name, Last Name, DOB

Table: PayRates
Fields: RateID, EmployeeID, HourRate, TotalHours

Fields: EmployeeID, PayPeriod, WorkDate, StartTime, EndTime, TotalHours

I'm not entirely sure if this is all correctly structured, it just doesn't look/sound right to me.

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Multiple User Receiving Record Locked

Oct 10, 2006


I have a database we use to enter new account numbers and several other atribbutes about the account and it is split into a FE/BE with the BE in a shared folder. I have the open database using record-level locking checked but it seems to me that the database is opening up with page-level locking. Multiple users will receive a message that the current record is locked and I am sure that they are all not updating the same record. Does anybody have any idea's of what I can do? If nothing else I am going to have to recreate my form as an unbound form and see how that goes.

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General :: Not Receiving Email Notifications Of Posts

Apr 9, 2013

I don't appear to be getting any email notifications of posts in threads to which I have subscribed.I have Instant in my profile/userCP, but have not been receiving emails for some time. I edited my preferences today again -- I set it to daily, saved, then reset to instant, and saved. Thought that the edit may tweak some anomaly???

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Tracking And Receiving Inventory In Multiple Locations?

Jun 16, 2012

The company I work for has inventory at our physical location (our shop) and we also have inventory on trucks. I need to track the inventory in the shop and trucks so that when items get below a certain preset level I can run a report to find out how many of each part I need in each location. Create purchase orders and receive the inventory to whichever location I need it at. I would like to at some point be able to track where the parts are going.

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Tables :: Automatic Numbering System - Identifier Of Task

Jul 30, 2013

I like to have a Auto number field in my table (tbltask) that use below codification


Where B = Base code and 000001 = Identifier of the task.

The identifier of the task is a unique 7 digits number

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Exporting From Access To Excel And Receiving Error Message

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to export from Access to Excel. I am relatively new to this process. I am receiving an error that I am not using a valid path. I have tried to recreate the former path without any luck.

What I had done was to delete some old information that was making the former Excel sheet too large and create a more up to date database. I had to reformat the spreadsheet and export the new information to excel but when I pull it in it will not pull into the shared network drive without giving me the error message.

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Tables :: Creating Invoice System With Subform Within Main Form?

Nov 24, 2013

I'm trying to create an invoice system with a sub-form within the main form. The issue I'm having is that the data in the sub-form keeps getting overwritten each time a new record is created for the main form. So when I go back to edit an older record, the data in the sub-form is changed to whatever the latest record had in it. Is there a way to lock in the data in the sub-form so that it stays with it's own record?

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Send Automatic Email Upon Receiving A Request In Access Through Outlook

Nov 11, 2014

I'm trying to use Access to send an automatic email reply upon receiving a request from a customer/employee, telling them that their request has been received and this is the tracking number and the due date of service completion. How can I do that? And I want it using Outlook because all the contacts are saved in Outlook and all emails sent and received through Outlook. And the version is Access 2010.

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Tables :: Attendance Tracking System - Adding Hours For Each Student Enrolled In Class Session

Jul 12, 2013

I'm creating an attendance tracking system, the attendance system needs to : Allow an instructor to enroll students into one or more classes, and then add attendance by date to each class(es). The problem that I'm having is, attendance is tracked by the number of hours that a student attends class. For instance, if class1 is in session from 8a.m. - 12p.m. student1 may only stay 2.50 hours of that class and student2 may stay 3 hours. The teacher needs to be able to add attendance to class1 for July 12, 2013 and add hours for each student enrolled in this class session who attended on that day. I have the following so far, minus the attendance:

Students -This is just the basic demographic information that instructors will need to enter on students.
StudentID (PK)

Location - These are the locations in which our students can attend classes
LocationID (PK)

Classes - These are the classes that our students can attend.

Instructor - These are the instructors that teach our classes.
InstructorID (PK)

Enrollment - This table enrolls the student into a class
LocationID (PK)

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