Tables :: Detect / Delete Duplicate Records In A Table

Apr 22, 2014

I'm wondering if it's possible to create a Query / Macro / VBA or whatever works, to detect the duplicate records in a table and delete them with the push of a command button. Or, even to do this automatically when the database opens using an AutoExec macro or something ?. I'd like for one copy of each record to be left intact in the table.

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Delete Duplicate Records In Another Table

Apr 12, 2012

I have two tables that have duplicate order numbers. I would like to compare the first table with the second and then delete the records from the second that match.Can I set this up in a macro and run it every day?

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Modules & VBA :: Detect No Records In A Table In DO UNTIL Statement

Nov 23, 2013

I have created several queries that in turn create a report. I am trying to write some VBA script to make them execute correctly, however am having trouble with the loop function.

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_SubjectColleaguesByDivision"
Do Until Tbl_ReportSubject.RowCount = 0
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_DataToTrainingReport"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_DeleteDataToTrainingReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Rpt_TrainingDue28Outstanding"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Qry_ClearTrainingReport"
Qry_SubjectColleaguesByDivision populates Tbl_ReportSubject with the relevant colleagues. Qry_DataToTrainingReport calculates the report data for the first user in the list and copies to Tbl_TrainingReport, Qry_DeleteDataToTrainingReport deletes their record in Tbl_ReportSubject. Qry_ClearTrainingReport clears Tbl_TrainingReport.

My issue is getting the DO UNTIL statement to work. I am trying to get the loop to finish when there are no records in Tbl_ReportSubject.I know the data structure does not seem robust based on how the data is handled, however this is to do with a) Legacy issues, and b) data importing from other systems.)

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Tables :: Removing Duplicate Records From One Table

Feb 18, 2014

I have a table with at least 13.000.000 records. There are many duplicates records... For example

ID Name Family mobile car number chassis Register_Year
1 Roy Jalbout 9999 123456/G ASF4546 2005
2 Roy Jalbout 9999 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2009
3 Tony Elishah 1234 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2012
4 Sam Markos 5478 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2014
5 Roy Jalbout 9999 123456/G ASF4546 2005

As you can see ID Number 2,3,4 have the same car but every one bought from another so it's not duplicates

The duplicates here is the ID's number 1,5. So how to remove the duplicates. I remember you i have at least 13.000.000 records. I try to make a query to find duplicates then i make a copy of the original table and than i should make a primary key then append the data from the original table to the copy table, but here i have more than one criteria

When I made a query to find duplicates the result was 680.000 records and every one have a minimum 2 duplicates an maximum 4 duplicates so it's about 2.500.000 duplicates records at least....

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How To Delete Duplicate Records

Apr 30, 2007


I have a table that has many duplicate records. I tried importing the table and setting the field to no duplicates but did not work. How can I delete duplicate records. The primary Id id fine I have another field that I can use. it is a BAC number that is repeated many times. Here is the table I need fixed.


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Duplicate Records Delete

Jan 14, 2008

On the below data I need to delete records where dep is blank or the same for the same ID. So I need to find and del recNr. 1,4,5. Any help will be appreceated!Thanks

recNr IDDep
2 ABX 1234
3 ABX 1258
5 CDE 7895
6 CDE 7895

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Delete Duplicate Records

Feb 2, 2006

Help please!
I have a form (frmHalfTab) built on a table (tblHalfTab2) that has existing data in it. In the very near future, I will be uploading additional data to this table via excel cut and paste. What I want to do is search for and eliminate duplicate records that have duplicate data in TWO fields, (MemberNum) and (MBRDrug), so that if MemberNum is "10" and MBRDrug is "Zzz" for more than one record, the duplicated records need to be deleted, OR a check box needs to be checked automatically for all the identical records, the original and the duplicate(s). I wanted to put this behind a button, if possible.

Now, I have created a duplicate query that will find the duplicated records, but I'm not sure how to use it to get rid of the duplicated records or check the checkbox appropriately. Should I ditch this query and choose a different route, or am I on the right track? Thanks in advance for your help.:confused:

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SQL Code To Delete Duplicate Records

Feb 19, 2013

I have a table that has 1335 records in, and columns names, Title, First Name, Surname, Address, Address2, Town/City, County, Postcode.I want to know how to write a SQL code, which will locate all the duplicates that match the First Name, Surname and Postcode and delete them, but keeping 1 copy of the duplicate.I have created a query to locate the duplicate records, and I have put the SQL code there. I tried changing this, however it would delete all the records, so I am not to sure what to try...

SELECT SurnameSearch.Title, SurnameSearch.[First Name], SurnameSearch.Surname, SurnameSearch.Address, SurnameSearch.Address2, SurnameSearch.[Town/City], SurnameSearch.County, SurnameSearch.Postcode
FROM SurnameSearch
WHERE (((SurnameSearch.[First Name]) In (SELECT [First Name] FROM [SurnameSearch] As Tmp GROUP BY [First Name],[Surname],[Postcode] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [Surname] = [SurnameSearch].[Surname] And [Postcode] = [SurnameSearch].[Postcode])))
ORDER BY SurnameSearch.[First Name], SurnameSearch.Surname, SurnameSearch.Postcode;

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Detect Duplicate Record Before Entering

Aug 16, 2005

I have a subform that collects the following data to put in a record in tblClass:

StudentID, Trimester, SubcatID, WorkGrade, SkillGrade

Before the record is written for the first time OR edited/updated to the table, I want to search tblClass and determine if the new/updated info will create a duplicate record.

In this specific case, a duplicate record will be defiened by a record where the only fields being considered would be StudentID, Trimester and SubcatID. The fields WorkGrade and SkillGrade should not be considered.

The code I came up with was the following and it was put in the BeforeUpdate:

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection 'Connection Object
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset 'Recordset Object
Dim strSQL As String 'SQL statement for open statement

' Create object variables
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

' Create sql to search for records in tblClass that match
'studentID, Trimester, and Subcatagory in the form record being added
strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM tblClass" & _
"WHERE fldStudentID = " & StudentID & " AND " & _
"fldTrimester = '" & Trimester & "' AND " & _
"fldSubcatID = " & SubCatID & ";"

' Open recordset
rst.Open strSQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If rst.RecordCount >= 1 Then
' record already exists in tblClass
msgbox "Record already exists!",, "Duplicate Record Error"
Cancel = True
End If

' Close and disassociate object variables
Set conn = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing

This code worked great except when I went to edit an existing record. When I went to change a grade (WorkGrade or SkillGrade) on an existing record, it told me that I could not enter the record because the record already existed (ie, the record I had open and was editing). I am not sure if it is my code that I need to edit or if it is the placement of the code I need to change.

Any suggestions would be great.

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Detect Record Delete In Vba Without Dialog Box

Oct 23, 2006

I've looked all over this forum and others and google, and am amazed that I've found nothing that addresses this issue.

I want to execute some code after a record has been deleted. If I uncheck the "Tools / Options / Confirm Record changes" option (it's extremely disruptive) then the "Before/After Del Confirm" events don't occur. The "On Delete" event occurs before the record is deleted and therefore doesn't help me.

Are the "Before/After Del Confirm" events the only events that occur after record deletion? If so, is there any way to disable the confirmation dialog and still get the events so I can handle it with my code and not disrupt the user every single time a record is deleted?


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Delete Duplicate Records Or Blank Records

Mar 19, 2007

I want to find duplicate records based on FirstName and LastName and delete the duplicate. Also, I want to delete any records which have a blank FirstName and LastName.

How can I do this?



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Delete Duplicate Records And Unite Results

Sep 24, 2013

I know this probably has been asked a 1000 times but I don't seem to be able to edit the uncommented VBA-codes I found online to work on my database.

I already ran a query that shows me the duplicate records of my original table. Now I m looking for a way to

a) delete all duplicate records (not just specific ones by using a criteria) and
b) unite the unique records (result of a)) with the original ones that were not displayed with the "find-duplicates-query" ....

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Delete Duplicate Records Based On Multiple Criteria

Sep 21, 2015

I need developing a new delete query criteria to add onto existing delete duplicate queries for deleting duplicate values. I need the new delete duplicate query to take precedent over the other two so that those values retained in the first query are kept retained after going through the second and third delete queries. Attached is a document laying out the request.

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Delete Duplicate In A Related Table

Dec 14, 2004

I have two related table: table_Company and table_contact. Now i have:
Table_Contact Table_Company
James Bolton -----------> MacDonalds
Hellen Kidman ----------> MacDonalds
Now, i wanna have one "MacDonalds" in my Company table, and delete the others "MacDonalds" and still have the relationship between my contacts and their company.

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How To Delete Duplicate Values In A Table

Mar 5, 2006

Good morning all!
I have a problem, I have a contact list table in my database such as name, addr, company, street, country etc. The problem is that I have multiple duplicates of the same data.
How do i delete the duplicates? Is there an SQL query that I can run to delete? How do I do it. Please help. Thanks a bunch!

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2 Tables - VIEW Duplicate Records

Feb 3, 2005

I have 2 tables that have the same structure and same column names - Table A and TAble B. If field1, field2, field3, field4, and field5 match - I want to see that duplicates exist.

How do I do it with 2 tables? I know the query wizard check for duplicates can do it in one table - but I need to compare the two.


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Tables :: Deleting Duplicate Records

Sep 11, 2013

i have a data base with a primary key but some records have been added from a excel data base and now the data base has duplicate records with different primary keys. I do a Query looking for duplicate records based on a field not the the primary key. There are 315 out of 22000. I can sort the table and then manually delete the dups. The Query does not allow deleting records so finding the culprits in the full Data base is time consuming. How can i delete the duplicate records using a query? Is this function available hidden someplace in the guts of Access? Seems like this would be a frequent problem. The Microsoft forum addresses this problem and the only viable solution is the manual method, when they get to the Query method it looks like they just forgot what the subject was and tell you how to delete one record if you know what the criteria is. If two non Key fields are Identical then i want to delete one of the records.

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Qry Results Show Duplicate Records, Records Are Not Dup In Table.

Nov 16, 2004

I have built a qry that initially shows the correct information. For example.

tblContent has 289 records with a Type = Class.

I built a Query to select from tblContent Type = Class and I get 289 records. I add additional criteria of Progress <>"Not Scheduled", I then get 206 records. I then add additional criteria Last Name <>"Demo" And <>"Care" And <>"Support". This brings up 200 records, but the query appears to duplicate each record 3 times. I do not have 3 of the same types of records.

The SQL Statement is below

SELECT tblProfile.LoginName, tblProfile.FirstName, tblProfile.LastName, tblProfile.Organization, tblProfile.CostCenter, tblContent.Title, tblContent.Type, tblContent.Code, tblContent.[Date Assigned], tblContent.[Date Started], tblContent.[Last Accessed], tblContent.Progress, tblContent.[Date Completed]
FROM tblProfile INNER JOIN tblContent ON tblProfile.LoginName = tblContent.LoginName
WHERE (((tblProfile.LastName)<>"Demo" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Care" And (tblProfile.LastName)<>"Support") AND ((tblContent.Type)="Class") AND ((tblContent.Progress)<>"Not Scheduled"));

The qry is named qryPhysical Class. I have provided the link to view the database. Can you help me?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Cannot Allow Duplicate Records In 2 Tables Based On 2 Criteria

Sep 26, 2005

Dear all,

I would like to seek your help on this problem.

I would like to do a search for my records based on 2 different criterias. If found, the function should just return a boolean value so that I can act further based on the boolean value.

The reason I'm doing this is that I have 2 similar tables that contains EventID and AttendeeID and these 2 tables cannot have the same EventID and AttendeeID. So before I can allow a record to be inserted in the 1st table, it must check that there is no record in the 2nd table that has the same EventID and AttendeID. If there is, then i cannot allow the record to be inserted in the 1st table.

The same thing applies when I want to insert a record in the 2nd table. It must now check the first table.

Recordset.find seems to be only catering to 1 criteria, not 2.

Pls help. Codes are most welcome too.

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Modules & VBA :: Delete Records From A Table Based On Records In Another

Feb 7, 2014

I have a table InvPrice and Updated Pricing

Need to delete all records from InvPrice that Match UpdatedPricing

InvPrice.StockCode = UpdatedPricing.StockCode
InvPrice.PriceCode = UpdatedPricing.StockCode

I have tried something like this...

Dim dbs As DAO.Database, sql As String, rCount As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
sql = "DELETE * dbo_InvPrice Inner Join (dbo_InvPrice Inner Join UpdatedPricing on dbo_InvPrice.StockCode = UpdatedPricing.StockCode ) ON on dbo_INvPrice.PriceCode = UpdatedPricing.PriceCode "
dbs.Execute sql, dbFailOnError

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Queries :: Unmatched Records - Could Not Delete From Specified Tables

Jun 19, 2015

I was able to create a query that selects records from one table that have several fields which don't match with another table.

The end-game with this query is to have it delete the records in table 1 that don't match records in table 2. The delete query tells me that it could not delete from specified tables.

I've attached the select query, the delete query and the error, and the relationship table for the db.

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Queries :: Error - Could Not Delete Records From Specified Tables

Mar 4, 2015

i keep getting an error "could not delete from specified tables"

I have a table with this data

Main table

Child Table

result in Main table


match from child table and delete from main table.. but i keep getting error "Could not delete from specified table main table has unique records. and it is primary key..

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Tables :: Unique Identifier - Increment For Duplicate Records

Jul 10, 2014

I'm currently in the process of doing a an overhaul of the database including a table, some odd 17,500 records long.

What I need to do is to create a unique identifier from the existing part number, almost like an autonumber, but it only increments when there are duplicates. What I mean is that there would be for example, there would be five records of say, part 000135.

What I'm trying to get at is, how I would have to code to grab the existing part numbers (all formatted to be 6 digits), add an extra 2 digits to be its unique identifier, and then save it all to a Unique Identifier column, that I created.

An example of what I want is say, I have part numbers 000135 and 000136. The numbers would go up from 000135-01, 000135-02, 000135-03, 000136-01, 000136-02.... The dash is not as important as implementing the 2 digit unique identifier.

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Tables :: Unique Multicolumn - Avoid Duplicate Records

May 28, 2014

I have 3 tables

tbl1 :

tbl2 :

tbl3 :

How can I avoid duplicate records in tbl3? Since remarks can be Null? product is later used in tblInventory...

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Tables :: How To Keep Data From Importing Duplicate Records Based On One Field

Sep 11, 2012

I'm able to import new data from excel just fine, but I can't import updated data from excel due to duplicates not being allowed for a particular field. Is there a way to keep from importing duplicate records based on one field, but still import data from other fields where the information is different from the excel file?

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Tables :: Merge Duplicate / Similar Records Into 1 Record In Access 2010

Jun 9, 2014

Is there a way to merge duplicate/similar Access 2010 records into one record?

I have an Access table with 1,000 duplicate records, although they are similar and not exact duplicates. As you can see below, some records contain information that other records do not. Yet, the primary key is the same for all duplicate records. I want to find a way to merge data from filled cells of duplicate records into empty cells for each duplicate record. I do not want to concatenate the data (i.e. combine last and first name, etc.). I only want to fill empty cells if there is a match for it in a duplicate record. I will delete the newly exact duplicate records later. Short of correcting the records by hand.


LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. NULL john(at)
Doe John 123-45-7891 NULL (123)456-7890 NULL

Desired Result

LastName FirstName SSN Address Phone Email
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)
Doe John 123-45-7891 123 Anywhere St. (123)456-7890 john(at)

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