Tables :: Email Contact List At Once

Oct 22, 2014

In my database I have a table for all of the customers emails which list the 3 titles for each district they serve, for example District 1 has across the President, Vice President and Clerk. each email is a hyperlink that when clicked once automatically takes you to outlook, however, how can I choose all 3 at once without having to go back and forth to the database and outlook after the one click? so all 3 recipients are included in the email at once. In Excel you can copy and paste the 3 emails but in Access it doesn't allow you to do that. How I can execute this?

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Send Email Via Contact DB

Sep 25, 2005

I have a contact database which store email address and other info for customers. I have searched and searched. How can I use these email links to open and email to the contact? Such as how to email from DAP or Form? So the user can click on the email address and auto open Outlook to send that contact an email? This is so much easier in webpage building :o Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys :)

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Email Current Contact On Form/Open Outlook

Nov 3, 2004

I've researched all the email topics, but can't find what I am trying to do.
Most of these topics are talking about emailing a record or form or something.

I have a form that contains thousands of contacts address, telephone, email, etc.
I would like to create a button that on click would open Outlook and grab ONLY the
email of the current contact I am looking at on the form at that time and add that
email address to the [To:] box of a new email.

Thanks you guys, I'm learning...slowly, but it's coming.

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Forms :: Send Email To Current Contact In A Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and I want to be able to open a blank email addressed to the contact I am viewing in my Access form. I have been successful in creating a button which opens Outlook, but I don't know what code to put in the 'To' field of the EmailDatabaseObject page so that it picks up the email address of the contact I am looking at.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Email Contact Address To Outlook Using Access 2003

Feb 3, 2015

I'm using an unbound text box and a command button to filter a list of contacts on a continuous form. The continuous form has a query for the record source and the list ends up showing only what is in the strWhere filter

Me.Filter = strWhere
Me.FilterOn = True

Is there a way to have Access 2003 take this filtered list and populate the To: field in Outlook or whatever the default mail client is? Each email needs to be deliminated by ";"

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Add Photo In Contact List

Jul 16, 2006

Hi all, I have a form of contacts wich I would like to put a photo for every contact, I would like to have a "ADD" button on the form wich will add me a photo in JPG or BMP in a certain field on the form, the photo ar stored in a folder in c: I also would like to have a "DELETE" button!!!
Thanks to all

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Button Action To Display Information From Contact List On Click

Jan 21, 2013

I would like to know how on a report to make a button action that when i click it present information from contact list (full contact details).

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Pulling Contacts From Two Tables Into Third Contact Table

Apr 29, 2014

Ok, I have 3 tables. One lists a contact in conjunction with the branch of the company and the trips that contact takes. The second lists a contact in conjunction with the branch of the company and which team they work with (may work with many). The third should list their email address and their phone number. Is it possible to pull the contact name and branch of company from tables 1 and 2 into 3 automatically, such that all I have to input into table 3 is additional contact information? If that is possible, is it also possible to only pull each contact/branch of company pairing once (I don't want four entries for Joe Shmoe/Sales, even if he's taken 4 trips)?

Table 1
Branch of Company
Trip Dates
Trip Location

Joe Shmoe

New York
Jane Doe

Table 2
Branch of Company
Company Team

Blue Devils
John Deere

John Deere

Joe Shmoe

Jane Doe

Table 3Contact
Branch of Company

Jane Doe

Joe Shmoe

John Deere

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Updating Email Address In Customer List

Jul 5, 2006

I need to keep a customer list and I need to update the email address of the existing customers in the customer list.

The customer list table called 'masterlist' and the table looks like this:

IDPhone CallerNameContactEmail
112345678Emily Office<blank>
287654321Emily Home<blank>
399536546Emily Mobile<blank>
4 75293924 Jack <>

The table contains email address of some of the existing customers, I have the same fields in this table, the table called 'Newemail'.

IDPhone CallerNameContact Email
287654321Emily Home<blank>
478954648Jenny <blank>
545454854Derek <blank>

How I can insert the email address from 'Newemail' into my existing customer list 'masterlist' i.e. contact email of ID 1 and 3 :confused: ? I would like to ignore ID 4-5 from the 'Newemail' table. And I would like to keep ID 4 from the 'masterlist' table.

Thanks!! :D

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Using VBA To Send HTML Email - Unordered List Indent

Jan 7, 2015

How to remove the indent on a <ul> item.

The following link is where I am sourcing how to do it, however no matter what I do within my VB, the email comes up with about a full inch worth of an indent on the UL.

[URL] ....

"<style>ul { display: block; list-style-type: disc; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1 em; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding-left: 0; }</style>"

And then further down in the body where the UL is called

"<p><ul><li>Print this email and return it with your shipment.</li><b>OR</b><br><li>Include your Dealer Number, Serial Number and Claim Number with your shipment.</li></ul></p>"

No matter what I change, the indentation doesn't move. See below...

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Combining Customer And Customer Contact Tables

Dec 24, 2011

I have a DB set up with a debtors table (Customers) and a Customer Contacts table, I was thinking of combining these two tables into one.Most of the Debtors are companies, but a few are actual people. With the current setup, i need to have both a debtor and a customer in two different tables, but with exactly the same data.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Email To Outlook Distribution List - To / CC Or BCC Parameters

Jan 4, 2014

Is there a way of doing the above? I have several distribution lists (some >100 recipients) defined in Outlook, and would like to use the Docmd. Send Object command to send messages to one or several of them. I cannot find a way of defining a distribution list as any of the To, Cc or Bcc parameters.

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Forms :: Multi List To Select Reports Send By Email

Mar 13, 2015

I am trying to create a Multi list to select reports to send by email. I am able to select one report to send but when I change the list box to multi select it doesn't work.

The codes I have been using are;

Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim sAddr As String, sSubj As String, sFor As String
If IsNull(ReportList) Then Exit Sub

[Code] ....

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Tables :: How To Collect Data From 2 Tables In One Email

Oct 31, 2012

as above.

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General :: Send Outlook Email Based On List Of Emails In Access Query?

Sep 15, 2014

I've setup a selection form that returns a specific list of email addresses in a query.

What I can't work out is how to press a button and have the email addresses populate the To: field in a blank Outlook email - I don't need any bells or whistles.

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Tables :: Collect Data Via Email

Feb 13, 2015

I have a database which is populated, but users have to review and amend the data. I was going to ask users to sign in to do this, however my boss wants the data collected via email.

I have looked at using the email wizard, but it produces a rather messy looking email form regardless of if I choose HTML or InfoPath. Is there any way to adapt the email to make it better, or maybe another way of emailing users (through VBA)?

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Tables :: Set Up Email Field On A Form

Apr 15, 2014

I have an Email field on a form. Is it possible to send an email by clicking on the email address? Now, I only have a vague familiarity with VBA as I've taken an Access Intermediate class. We were just introduced to it at the end of the class, so you may have to walk me through it like a 6 year old. I went to a site that said a macro was needed in either the After Update, After Delete, or After Insert. With that said, I know where to go, but I don't know exactly how to write the code. I have outlook set up on my computer and am operating Windows 8.1 and Access 360.

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Tables :: Get A List Of Linked Tables From A Database

Sep 19, 2013

looking for a way to export the list of table names, table types & if they are linked (e.g. tbl Sales Linked .dbf or tbl Staff linked to excel) from a database - this has to be done for about 300 databases.

in an individual db, I have a make table query off of the table MSysObjects to get the data. The Database field tells me where the source of the linked table resides & the ForeignName field gives me an idea of the format of the data source (e.g. dbf or excel). I could manually import that query into each db, run it to get the table names, then copy & paste..

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Gaps In Between Tables On Html Email Template

Sep 21, 2006

my html template is built inside access.. the form button is clicked and the template opens in outlook.

it looks fine in outlook.. so i send the email.. when i receive the email in outlook, it looks fine..

here is what it looks like

however, i sent the same template to a gmail and hotmail address to see what it looks like..

it looks fine in hotmail

however in gmail it looks like this..

now, these gaps are appearing in between tables..


now, my question is.. is there anything i can add to the code that will remove these gaps..
i know my code is messy.. at the moment however it begins with <table> and ends with </table> (the main wrap table)

i realise i may need to add some kind of html type or something, but i dont know what..

as always, if anyone can shed some light on this matter i would be ever grateful..

thank you

below is the code

Option Compare Database

Private Sub emailbutton_Click()
'References: Oulook Library
Dim strEmail, strSubject As String, strBody As String
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

strEmail = Me.emailadd

strBody = "<table border='1' width='610' id='table1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' bordercolor='#5A79B5' align='left'><tr><td align='center'><table border='0' width='600' id='table2' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>" & _
"<tr><td width='300' height='61'>&nbsp;</td><td width='300' height='61' align='center'><img border='0' src='' width='300' height='61'></td></tr><tr><td width='300' height='30'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>FAO</font></td>" & _
"<td width='300' height='30' align='center'><b><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'>-------- London Heathrow Cars --------</font></b></td></tr></table><table border='0' width='600' id='table3' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr>" & _
"<td><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>Thank you for your booking request via our website.<br>Details of the requested transfer and our fare are as follows:</font></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><hr color='#5A79B5'></td></tr></table>" & _
"<table border='0' width='600' id='table4' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>Job Date:</b></font></td><td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>Pickup Time:</b></font></td><td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td></tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'>&nbsp;</td><td width='400' height='20'>&nbsp;</td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>From:</b></font></td><td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td></tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'>&nbsp;</td><td width='400' height='20'>&nbsp;</td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>To:</b></font></td><td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td></tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'>&nbsp;</td><td width='400' height='20'>&nbsp;</td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>Vehicle:</b></font></td><td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td></tr><tr><td width='200' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'><b>Set Fare:</b></font></td>" & _
"<td width='400' height='20'><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>&nbsp;&nbsp;This</font></td></tr></table><table border='0' width='600' id='table5' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><hr color='#5A79B5'></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>" & _
"<font size='2' face='Arial' color='#000080'>Our drivers are courteous, experienced and smartly presented. In addition, all of our vehicles are modern, clean and comfortable. To book this transfer, kindly reply to this email or call us on the following:</font></td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><table border='0' id='table9' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='150'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#000080'>Freephone (UK Only):</font></b></td><td width='150' align='left'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#000080'>" & _
"&nbsp;&nbsp;0800 505 3231</font></b></td></tr><tr><td width='150'><b><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#000080'>International:</font></b></td><td width='150' align='left'><font face='Arial' color='#000080' size='2'><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;+44 (0) 208 814 2727</b></font></td></tr></table></td>" & _
"</tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><hr color='#5A79B5'></td></tr><tr><td><b><font size='2' face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'>Hasan Karim - Operations<br>London Heathrow Cars<br>&nbsp;</font></b></td></tr></table><table border='0' width='600' id='table10' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>" & _
"<tr><td><table border='0' width='325' id='table11' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='75'><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Address:</span></font></td><td width='250'><span style='font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(90, 121, 181);'>" & _
"&nbsp;&nbsp;Suite 7, Jolyon House, Amberley Way, TW4 6BH</span></td></tr><tr><td width='75'><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Phone:</span></font></td><td width='250'><span style='font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(90, 121, 181);'>&nbsp;&nbsp;+44 (0) 208 814 </span>" & _
"<span style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #5A79B5'>2727</span></td></tr><tr><td width='75'><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Fax:</span></font></td><td width='250'><span style='font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(90, 121, 181);'>" & _
"&nbsp;&nbsp;+44 (0) 208 399 6500</span></td></tr><tr><td width='75'><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Web:</span></font></td><td width='250'><span style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #5A79B5'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></td></tr><tr>" & _
"<td width='75'><font face='Arial' color='#5A79B5'><span style='font-size: 8pt'>Email:</span></font></td><td width='250'><span style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #5A79B5'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"

strSubject = "London Heathrow Cars - Booking Request"
With objEmail
.To = strEmail
.Subject = strSubject
.HTMLBody = strBody
'.Send 'Will cause warning message
End With

Set objEmail = Nothing
End Sub

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Tables :: Input Data To Email Address

Oct 23, 2012

I am new to Access and i send an email to my user's to input the data to their email address.

I would like to know if I can get my "Email address" column automatically updated whenever they send an entry using their email address ?

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Tables :: Convert All Email Hyperlinks To Text Content

Nov 20, 2014

Using Access 2010, I have a table the contains a field, MembereMail, that is defined as a hyperlink. I imported data from an Excel spreadsheet which looked to be consistent in format and did not realise that anything was wrong until I wrote some VB code to generate personalised emails with personalised attachments. I then found that some of the hyperlinks worked and some didn't. Those that were essentially text worked, those that were genuine hyperlinks tried and failed to go to addresses prefixed "Mailto:".

I have finally managed to convert all email hyperlinks to text content (although still defined as hyperlinks) and my code works. However when I add a new record to the table through a form, the field still being defined as Hyperlink, it goes in as pure text. I therefore have the need to use the address in both text form and as hyperlink so that the user can click on the field and start an Outlook email as well as my code running correctly for mass mailings.

So a number of questions:

-Why does Access not store the email address as a clickable Hyperlink?
-How can I satisfy my two requirements from one field?
-Can Access 2010 check the input text to ensure that it is a correctly formatted email address?

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Modules & VBA :: Email Detailed Report By Looping Through Related Tables

Dec 9, 2013

I want to automate the distribution of individuals Vacation Balance and Usage via email. The data is being pulled from 2 tables related by an Employee ID#. tbl-Employees provides the Header Info for each employee and tbl-VacLog provides the detailed Usage data.

I want the output to appear as follows in the body of the email:

Name Start Date Vac. Bal TotVacToEOY Personal Bal.
John Doe 1/1/99 120 160 8

Usage Date Hours Reason Code
1/1/13 8 V
2/15/13 12 V
3/6/13 8 V

I've got a handle on creating the email and sending but where I'm having trouble is in making the link between the two tables with the Employee ID# and printing the corresponding detail data with Parent Record.

Code below...

Option Compare Database
Sub SendMails()
Dim DB As Database
Dim RecordSetA As DAO.Recordset
Dim RecordSetB As DAO.Recordset
Dim TotalRecordsA As Integer

[Code] .....

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Contact Help

May 1, 2007

Good afternoon All,
I know there is a way to do what I need, but I am a bit rusty with my Access skills. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is what I would like to do as an end result...
When my users enter a name on my form, I would like for the address and company information for that person automatically fill in. If they are not already in the contacts list, I would like for the record to be added. Any idea how I accomplish this?

So far I have the tblAccts (which would be the main information entered on the form), tblContacts (where the names, companies,and contact information is stored), and frmAcctOpen (the user's form for opening accounts).

It has been about 6+ years since I have really messed around with access, so please speak basic language in your answers.

Thank you!

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Add New Contact Name

Feb 8, 2005

Hi Guys. I have a form 'frmPurchaseOrders'. The user selects a Supplier from a combo. The form contains a control 'ContactID'. I want the user to be able to add a new Supplier Contact. I have added a cmd 'cmdNewContact'. When clicked I want the Supplier form to open on the relevant supplier. I added this code to the cmd:

On Error GoTo Err_cmdNewContact_Click

Dim strDocName As String

strDocName = "frmSuppliers"

DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , [SupplierID] = [Forms]![frmPurchaseOrders]![tblSuppliers.SupplierID] 'I have 2 supplier ID's on the form
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmPurchaseOrders"

' Give CompanyName control focus.

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdNewContact_Click

frmSuppliers opens but not on the desired record (where supplier id equals the suppliers id of the purchase orders form).
Any ideas?

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Contact Help

May 2, 2007

Good afternoon All,
I know there is a way to do what I need, but I am a bit rusty with my Access skills. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is what I would like to do as an end result...
When my users enter a name on my form, I would like for the address and company information for that person automatically fill in. If they are not already in the contacts list, I would like for the record to be added. Any idea how I accomplish this?

So far I have the tblAccts (which would be the main information entered on the form), tblContacts (where the names, companies,and contact information is stored), and frmAcctOpen (the user's form for opening accounts).

It has been about 6+ years since I have really messed around with access, so please speak basic language in your answers.

Thank you!

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Query By Contact

Aug 2, 2007

Hi all,

I've written a query in SQL View. To be honest, its my first SQL Query EVER and I'm very happy that it works for half of what I need to do.

I'll paste the query here:

Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Internal Kickoff?])) AS [Avg Of Internal Kickoff?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[E-Mailed prior to visit?])) AS [Avg Of E-Mailed prior to visit?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Call to Support?])) AS [Avg Of Call to Support?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Transfer to Support?])) AS [Avg Of Transfer to Support?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Recieve Post trip Info?])) AS [Avg Of Recieve Post trip Info?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Total Workstations])) AS [Avg Of Total Workstations],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Failed workstations])) AS [Avg Of Failed workstations],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Config File Issues?])) AS [Avg Of Config File Issues?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[3rd Party App Issues?])) AS [Avg Of 3rd Party App Issues?],
Abs(Avg([Handoff Tracking].[Welcome Pack Reviewed?])) AS [Avg Of Welcome Pack Reviewed?]
FROM [Handoff Tracking];

As you probably see above it does the average of [table name].[field name] then outside THOSE brackets it does the absolute value of that averaged value (the numbers USED to show up as negative numbers.

This query is great becuase it checks the average value of ALL records regardless of contact, which is good becuase I need something to compare each contact to.

Now I need to get a query that will do the average value, for all fields PER contact!

What would be the string to narrow the range of the average equation down to a per contact basis.
As far as relationships go I have 2 tables 1 for contacts.... and 1 for handoff tracking very simple DB structure wise. I just need to know how to do the same query as above, on a per user basis. Thanks for any input anyone might have :)

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