Tables :: End User Input To Pull A Specific Record

Dec 5, 2012

I want to use a Form or Report to have the end user enter say a Customer # or the Customer Last Name and then have Access pull and display that record so that the end user can than print all the saved information from that record.

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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Last Name Input Form Doesn't Pull Pertinent Record

Mar 24, 2005

I'm a complete newbie at Access. A friend (she's the Secretary of our small town's Service District Board of Trustees) asked me to develop a database for keeping records of property owners here, to facilitate such things as sending the yearly fee letter, tracking mailing addresses and property addresses, whether the fee is paid, etc.

I figured out most of it by "taking apart" a database she uses for another organization. It wasn't easy, but it's all working EXCEPT the thing she uses most: a last name input form (a combo box entry field with a command button) which is supposed to bring up the appropriate "Edit Existing Owner" form by the last name entered (or give an error message if there's no owner by that name, of course). The form works - but simply brings up the last-entered record.

I've looked at the setup in the other database, I see that when I create this form relationship, the VB code is nowhere close to what's in the other database. Trying to use the code from the other database is ineffective, even though the relationship is exactly the same. I'd be happy to have someone look at the forms etc. but the database compressed to a .rar file is 818k which is pretty big - and I'm not sure how to provide just the parts which aren't working.

I can upload the database to webspace and direct someone there if they'd be willing to take a look....

Thanks for any help!

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General :: How To Open A Specific Record From Given Value Of Input Box

Oct 22, 2014

I want to ask what is the code for Macro Builder in a command button if I want to open a report from the given value of inputbox. I made a command button to open a report but it will ask first the required value from inputbox I put. then it will open the report of specific record from the value I input in the inputbox.

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How To Pull Records Based On Input And Input-1

Sep 22, 2015

I need to be able to query the service dates for the bill. So I can query 1509 for the .billYYMM and .readdate and it will give me the TO Date. How do I in the same query tell the query to subtract 1 from the BillYYMM that I just entered and give me the read date for that field in that query? So Query 1 MBRHISTDETL.BILLMOYR and in the criteria box use [Enter the Bill Month Year YYMM you want to search for] will allow me to run the query at any time for any bill month year that I enter. So another field in that query is MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. So to get the FROM date and the TO date i need the following MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR (whatever I enter as input) and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE that corresponds and then I need [MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR]-1 and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. The first gives me the TO date and the 2nd gives me the FROM date?

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Tables :: User Input Once Imported Data

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Access 2002.I am going to be producing a macro that imports a txt file. Once the text file is imported there will be a empty field for a date value. Nothing in the file that is being imported will have a date in it.

I would like to (if possible) to, once the file is in the table, open an input box asking the user for a date (formated as YYYY-MM-DD) and once the date has been entered and the ok button pressed it inputs that date in to all records in the date field.

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Tables :: Auto Calculation In Sum Field After User Input (numbers) In Fields

Dec 28, 2012

I have a table, at the table I'v got these fields:

ID | num1 | num2 | sum

I want that the user put numbers at 'num1' and 'num2' fields and then the 'sum' field will calculate automatically the operator (sum=num1+num2).

I've tried to put any combination at 'Default value' of the sum field (all the fields are numbers , also tried to change the sum field to text...nothing works).

I'm getting a message that 'num1' field is not recognize at the table

(I tried =[num1]+[num2], without the '=', num1.table+num2.table , ...nothing works)

I also tried to do it with SQL command but it dosn't work.

There is any way to do it, is it possible? Or other way to do it at least at Form or at Report ?

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General :: Restricting User To View Specific Record After Logging Into Login Form

Mar 17, 2015

i am currently developing a database what i need to do is to restrict user to view selected record and change them. i have build a login form in which i have two areas as a user name in combobox and a password text box. i have another form in which i have a combo box named area what i need to do is to limit the area combo based on the selection of the user login form previously. for example if a user select LAS VEGAS in user combo and enters its password after clicking the button login the another form appears in which thier respective stores and sales are saved, their is a combo box named area in which i want to limit it by LAS VEGAS i mean it would only show LAS VEGAS in drop down based on the previous selection in login form.

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Tables :: Automate Record Input Across Tables

Jan 13, 2015

Trying to get a record entered into a field on table (a) to automatically enter into same field on table (b).Example: Plant database table, input record in plant name field. Have same record appear in propagation table in the plant name field.Played around with relationships a bit, don't know if there is where u do this.Plant name is primary in both tables.

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General :: Pull Up A Window To Input Depending On Which Option Is Selected

Jul 30, 2015

I'm looking for VBA code.Basically I have a drop down with 3 options on a form but need it to pull up a window to input depending on which option is selected. One selection of the options if selected will not require the input of data, as it can just input a set value or be left blank (haven't totally figured how I want to display it). With all this I will need it to display on a form in a certain format, in which I would like the drop down value displayed with the data inputted, though with the one option without data just would display drop down value.

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Binding A Field To Specific Column In A Pull Down Manue

Feb 28, 2005

I created a a table with multiple columns. For example the table looks like as follows:

Table name - Observationcode
Code Value Description
CCH 1000 Heavy Crack
CCM 750 Medium Crack
CCL 500 Low Crack

I created fields on the subform - frmsubmain1
Field names are as follows:

Observation Code

I created combobox for a field called "observation code" so that the above mentioned table "observationcode" appear as a pull down menu to select from multiple lists. In the property section I bound the feild "Observation Code" to " column 1" to record the item in the column 1. I reapted this process for the fields "Value" but this time I bound the field to column 2 to show the value rate or value for the selected code. Again I reapeated this process for field name called "Description" but this time I bound the column to the column 3 to record the description for the corresponding code.

On the main form - frmmain

I created a field called Rate to calculate the total value in the subform "frmsubmain1" the validation rule looks like as follows:

None of these seems like working except for the first one "Observation code". Observation code is looking into the right column and registering the right code but not the other two fields are not looking to the right columns, instead they are looking into the firts coloumn. I don't know why. Can anyone help me resolve these issues. I appreciate your help. Thanks.


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Queries :: Using Criteria To Pull Data From Specific Table

Sep 16, 2013

Is it possible to have a query that uses criteria to pull data from a specific table?

For example: IIf([Result]'"Negative",(tblNegative goes here),IIf([Result]="Positive",(tblPositive goes here].

The tables are just text, but the query would be too long if it was used.

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Using Multi-Line Text Box To Pull Specific Records To A Report

Oct 23, 2014

I'm trying to have users enter multiple IDs from a table into a text box separated by newline chars, and then (once they press a button) have some sort of macro or code read each line and pull a report I've created based on the ID. Is that possible?


DataPoint 2
DataPoint 3




Text Box (User will enter values and hit OK)


ID: 2
DataPoint 1: d2
DataPoint 2: d5
DataPoint 3: d8
-------Page Break------------
ID: 3
DataPoint 1: d3
DataPoint 2: d6
DataPoint 3: d9

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Query To Pull Fri / Sat / Sun Occurrences In A Specific Month?

Jul 7, 2014

Access 2007 query that has a specific date range between #6/1/12014# and #7/1/2014# returns the date I need. How do I now get it to pull just occurrences on Fri Sat and Sun of the month of June?

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Tables :: Finding Specific Record In A Linked Table

Jun 19, 2013

From what I have read, I understand you can't use the seek command on a recordset from a linked table from another database. Is that true? If so, what is the alternative to find a specific record in the table using an indexed field?

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Specific Record From Linked Tables

Jul 17, 2013

I have an access 2003 database where the table is linked from mysql.

I would like to know how it is possible to read a specific record from the linked tables using vba code.

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Tables :: Update A Specific Record Based On Matching Primary Key ID?

May 22, 2014

My problem is that I am trying to update a field (called 'Sold' which is a yes/no checkbox column) for a specific record whenever an event is triggered. I have two forms (derived from two tables), one is called frmInventory and the other is called frmSales. In frmSales, I made a combo box called 'cboItemID' that allows the user to select from a list of items from my inventory table. Each selection from the list has 4 properties, the first of which is the 'Item ID' from the inventory table. Lastly, I have a field in both frmSales and frmInventory called 'Sold' as mentioned above. What I want to do is that whenever I check/uncheck the box in the 'Sold' field in frmSales, I want the 'Sold' field in frmInventory to check/uncheck as well, but only in the record with an 'Item ID' that matches the 'Item ID' from the combo box selection. In other words, I want to match the 'Sold' field in frmInventory with the 'Sold' field in frmSales, but for only the record that has the same 'Item ID' primary key as the one I picked from my selection in the combo box from frmSales.

how to reference another table and check whether or not it's 'Item ID' primary key is identical to the one I specified from the combo box, and then take action to update the 'Sold' field if the IDs match.

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Forms :: Opening A Form Based On Multiple Tables On A Specific Record

Dec 31, 2014

I have a form "frm_PatientNew" based on table "tbl_patients", this form contains a button "cmd_NewVisit" which is supposed to do the following: opens the form "frm_NewVisit" for recording a new visit for the last recorded patient in "tbl_Patients", I found many approaches depending on DMax and Dlookup and they worked fine just if "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Patients", but "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Main" which acts as a container for all information (patient data, visit data,service done and service provider), so the form "frm_NewVisit" contains fields from different tables. I wonder if I should create "frm_NewVisit" as unbound form, then adding fields from different tables to it and using vba to populate "tbl_Main",

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Tables :: Get Table To Populate When User Moves Onto Next Record?

Sep 20, 2012

My form has been set up to enter and display info.However, the table it goes into is not populating until the user has finished his/her session and closes the form down. We need this info to update earlier, preferably on entry, as we require certain elements to be able to populate other forms.

The MainForm displays all information and the School or Team name is entered through this form, going into the School or Ministry table.This generates an autonumber which is then used in the TeamMember table to identify team members within each team. the only way we have access to this autonumber is by shutting the mainform down and then reopening it. Which event in the property sheet do I require to get the table to populate when the user moves onto next record?

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Queries :: Select Query To Pull Records Based On Multiple Strings Entered By A User?

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to run a basic select query to pull records based on multiple strings entered by a user?

I have a query with field criteria - Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*'

This allows the user to input one MMDBID and the records are retrieved from the db.

I can also use the OR statement in the same field criteria "AB123" OR "BC123", and all records based on those values are pulled back.

But I cannot get the user to input multiple values and I tried amending the SQL string based on the OR criteria above

SQL statement (Like) is below :

SELECT tblFund.MMDBID, tblFund.[Investment Name], tblCodesLive.[IOE Code], tblCodesLive.[Uptix Code], tblFund.[Red Payment Deadline]
FROM (tblFund INNER JOIN tblCodesLive ON tblFund.MMDBID = tblCodesLive.MMDBID) INNER JOIN tblContact ON (tblFund.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) AND (tblCodesLive.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID)
WHERE (((tblFund.MMDBID) Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*') AND ((tblFund.Editing)=False) AND ((tblFund.Closed_Fund)=False));

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Forms :: How To Hyperlink From Query To Specific Record In A Specific Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to hyperlink from a query direct to the relevant record in a specific form. I have a hyperlink field in the form which shows up in the query. When clicked in the query, this hyperlinks to the form but I cannot make it select the correct record in the form.How do I get it to select the correct record?

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Ask User For Input

Apr 3, 2006


I'm reasonably new to all this, and have read many posts and got most of my answers from reading the posts here! THANKS.

However I need some help with the following:
I have a form that allows someone to input information about products being booked in. However sometimes we have the same product from the same supplier with the same invoice number etc.. but they have individual serial numbers. So the scenario is I have ten items being booked in, they are all the same product from the same supplier but they have individual serial numbers. I have created a do while loop where I can duplicate all the information for each product, but I need it to pop up a box asking the user for the serial number each time it goes through the loop. He is what I have so far.

Dim MyQuantity As Integer
Dim TempSerial As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BarcodesDB")
MyQuantity = 1
Do While MyQuantity <= Me.Quantity
'insert into table using either a recordset or Append Query
rs!Supplier = Me.Supplier.Value
rs!Date = Me.Date.Value
rs!Invoice_Number = Me.Invoice_Number.Value
rs!Pcode = Me.Pcode.Value
rs!Item = Me.Item.Value
rs!Quantity = 1
rs!Serial_Number = Me.Serial_Number.Value 'Get this value from user each loop
MyQuantity = MyQuantity + 1
Set rs = Nothing

Thanks in advance.

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User Input

Mar 30, 2006

I want to prompt for user input that allows a "start date" and an "end date" in a report. Is this possible?

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Forms :: Input Mask Starting With Specific Letter

May 18, 2015

I have to add an Input Mask or force the user to enter in a specified format in a text field. The condition is, text should start with "A" or "T". The complete format is A-12345-67890 or T-12345-67890.

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Locking A Specific Field Of A Specific Record

Oct 3, 2005

Hello, I have just spent ages doing searches and reading everything I can on locking. But, I have yet to find an answer as to how I can lock a specific field in a specific record.

e.g. Staff enter customer details, then at the end of the day the admin (me) checks it over and presses a big old button that stops them from locking certain fields in the current record only - they must still have access to the unlocked fields of the current record, and it must not lock any other records.

I'm guessing there's some VB code in the form of fieldname.lock = true, but then it locks the field throughout the whole table!

Can anyone tell me how to do this please?

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