Tables :: Excel Memo Field Truncating

Apr 18, 2013

I have a strange issue where im importing an excel using docmd.transferspreadsheet. I have a memo field which is importing fine and is not being truncated but I have another which is being truncated every time. The destination field is set to memo and the top cell in the excel is over 255 chars yet it still truncates. The other column does not truncate for some reason.

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Truncating Memo Field

Jan 26, 2006

I am using

DoCmd.OutputTo to export a query but this truncates the memo fields, but in the db window,right clicking and choosing to export does not truncate the data.

How do I code to output all the data without truncating?

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Memo Field Truncating :s

Nov 23, 2005


Ok, firstly i have search google and this forum from top to toe and no-1 has an answer that works for me.

I am running a query, now i have completely simplified it. The query is now just picking up a field called recommendations. Recommendations is a memo field with no formating or index on at all. Now, when i run the query as normal it works fine... everything is there. But when i have to group by it. It cuts it off at 255 charactors. The thing is i need to do some sums and counts within the query aswell so it has to be.

I have checked microsoft and there suggestions are not any use.

Any ideas???

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Memo Truncating On Form

Aug 2, 2006

I searched the forum and realize that there are many posts on this subject, mostly related to exporting the data on reports and such. However, the problem that I am having is within the form. I have two memo fields on my form, named Memo1 and Memo2. Their data source is on a table where both fields there are also memo fields, called Notes and More Notes. I know a memo field can contain up to 65,000 characters, but mine don't seem capable of this and are truncating the data without warning the user, resulting in notations getting "lost". However, when I open the table that the form is bound to and check the Notes field, it DOES contain all the right data PRIOR to truncating. What's happening here? I've reviewed RG's link and have verified that I am not formatting or sorting on these fields, and I've utilized the ZOOM function, and I've checked the names of my fields. The form is built directly from the table, not a query, so I can't understand why this is happening. Starting to get very frustrated. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks for your advice.

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Truncating Of Memo Data Type

Oct 5, 2005

I have a table in my database to track survey responses. Some of these responses can be quite long so I am using the memo data type. I have some queries set up to display these responses but the queries truncate the responses to 255 characters. Is there a way to stop the query from truncating? Thanks in advance.

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Exporting Truncating Memo Fields

May 26, 2006

I have a query that is displaying exactly the correct results. However, when I export this to a text/tab delimited file (or even and XLS file) it truncates the memo field to 256 characters in the export file. I am sure it has something to do with this memo field being defined in part by a custom function. Below is the query and the function. The field in question is the "Formatting(First(description_text)) AS prod_Description" column. Any thoughts? Note: I know that if I don't perform the "First" on this memo field, during the group by, the query would truncate this to 256 characters becuase it has to be in the Group By clause. But by using the First function, this field does not need to be included in the group by and there for the query does not truncate it (even though the exporting does).

SELECT ProductList.cin_id AS prod_ID, Formatting([desc]) AS prod_Name, "" AS prod_Flag, "" AS prod_OverrideName, "" AS prod_SortName, Formatting(First(description_text)) AS prod_Description, "" AS prod_Bullets, ProductList.mfr AS prod_Mfr, "" AS prod_itemSort, "" AS prod_ProdGroup, "" AS prod_SubprodSequence, "" AS prod_Layout, "" AS prod_BaseProductID, "" AS prod_ItemSubheadAttr, "" AS prod_Keywords, "" AS prod_URL, "" AS prod_Type
FROM ProductList
GROUP BY ProductList.cin_id, Formatting([desc]), ProductList.mfr
HAVING (((ProductList.cin_id)<>''));


Public Function Formatting(Text As String) As String
Dim outString As String
outSring = ""
If Len(Text) > 0 Then
outString = Replace(Text, "<b>", "{")
outString = Replace(outString, "</b>", "}")
outString = Replace(outString, "<i>", "{i")
outString = Replace(outString, "</i>", "}")
outString = Replace(outString, "°", "°")
outString = Replace(outString, "™", "™")
outString = Replace(outString, "©", "©")
outString = Replace(outString, "'", "'")
outString = Replace(outString, "&reg;", "®")
outString = Replace(outString, "<sub>", "{^/")
outString = Replace(outString, "</sub>", "^")
End If
Formatting = outString

End Function

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Queries :: Query Truncating Memo Fields

Dec 16, 2014

I have a query that is truncating a memo field to 255 characters. There is no distinct, group by, format, union or concatenate in the query which are the common cause for truncation.The truncated memo field is comments.

Null AS appealcaseid,
Null AS DecisionCode,
HearingAuditTbl.DECISION_DT AS ALJ_Date,


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Tables :: Possible To Export Memo Fields To Excel Via VBA?

Sep 4, 2014

I'm trying to export my table using the following code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "incidents", "c:Incidents.xls", True

But unfortunatly I get truncated errors upon export via the vba above. is it not possible to export memo fields to excel via vba?

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Exporting Memo Field (&gt;255 Char) Into Excel

Sep 28, 2005


I've read a bit on exporting Access fields longer than 255 characters (Memo) into Excel, and the general concensus is that it cannot be done.

All I need to do is run a report, right click the report, and select Export from the menu.

However, if it can be done using a query, any assistance or pointing in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.



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Importing Data From Excel To Memo Field In Access Is Truncated After 255 Characters

Nov 16, 2007

I haven't seen anyone run into this particular problem on this forum...

I'm importing data from an excel spreadsheet to an MS Access (2007) table. One of the fields in the table is a text memo field able to support more than 255 characters...

The issue is that any cell in Excel that is greater than 255 characters is truncated when imported to MS Access even though the field is a memo field. There isn't any documentation on Microsoft's website about this and I don't see any way to work around it other than manually copying the data from excel to MS Access.

Anyone have any input on this matter?

Thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: Access Memo Field Copy To Excel Truncates At 255 Characters

Nov 25, 2013

Two Solutions to address moving an Access Memo field into Excel when string has > 255 characters. All my 'reports' use Excel VBA (Access Reports are not used). The Excel reports can have 40,000 records. Speed to create the report can be an issue.

Describing 2 Solutions below to address moving Access memo fields with > 255 characters into Excel.After running this code

720 ObjXL.DisplayAlerts = False
ObjXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "@" ' set column to Text
730 ObjXL.Worksheets(intWorksheetNum).Cells(intRowPos, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsNutsAndBolts

The Comments column are limited to 255 characters. So, the CopyFromRecordset (recordsetvariable) creates the 255 character limitation.

The reason? The 255 character limit is because CopyFromRecordset sutomatically uses the Characters property of the Range object. The 255 limit would not be there if the Cell Value property is used to assign the string to that cell.

Dim sRx as String ' String Prescription
sRx = "String with > 255 characters ... you fill in the rest ...."
Cells(1, 1).Value = sRx ' Cell's Value property assignment can be very large

Solution 1:

The record set is still in memory. By using a loop, a cursor can start with record 1 (memo column) and assign that value to the Excel row / column using the .value as shown above. Basically, this moves one memo field at a time, record by record. e.g. Read First recordset in Access, copy to variable, assign value to Excel row/column Then move next on each Access and Excel.

Solution 2:

An Access Memo filed [RxNotes] can have up to 750 characters. Cut it apart into three new fields that end up out in the very right Excel columns AA, AB, AC.

Then using Excel Object - Concat the cells back cell by cell...

Then delete the columns AA, AB, AC to hide the evidence..Neither solution is all that elequent. Read about this and by golly, it made a difference

ConcatComments = "'" & CommentString

Before using the CopyFromRecordset be sure to add a single quote in front of the large string.

Turns out the interface between Access and Excel look for this to prepare Excel immediately for the string to be a string, not something else. Some of my strings had weird print characters that kind of looked like Japenese characters. It seemed random, it always happened if the string was 255 or more characters (ramdonly, not always). The single quote doesn't show up in Excel, but got rid of all the noise.

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Tables :: Memo Field Rich Text

Nov 21, 2013

I have a Memo field in my table. I have changed the Text Format property to Rich Text. I can now change the formats etc of the values in the field.

However, I now want to see the Markup HTML tags in the table fields i.e. <b>test</b> in order for me to make changes manually as well.

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Tables :: Cannot Create A Rich Text Memo Field

Jan 1, 2013

In Access 2010, I'm creating a table with a rich text memo field.

I name the field (BugDescription), select "Memo" as the Data Type, and from the Text Format dropdown I select "Rich Text."

However, as soon as I do that, it switches back to plain text.

I can't find any documentation anywhere that would indicate why I can't set this property...

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Tables :: Extract Data From Memo Field And Put Into Separate Fields Of New Table

Jun 15, 2014

I have a notes field in the customer table that is a memo field. An example of one customer's notes field data :

<div>20.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>4.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>18.2.14 ordered 1 carton</div>
<div>30.1.14 ordered 3 cartons SCENTED wipes</div>

[Code] ....

I want to extract the date to append to a date field in a "Calls" table and the comment into a text field in the "Calls" table. Is there a way I can do this via query or code?

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Export To Excel Memo Filed

Jan 29, 2006

in the excel there is just 255 length how and where I can fix it?

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Want Linked Excel Cell 2b Memo Not Text?

Oct 13, 2005

I linked an Excel table and now, in both the table and report, the cell is limiting itself to 255 characters, even though the Excel cell has more. I checked the "data type" and it says "memo" but it keeps truncating to "text".

Where is this limit coming from and can I change the linked table so it won't truncate the text?

thanks :confused:

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Tables :: Importing Number Field From Excel

Nov 13, 2013

I am importing information into a table from excel. The number is formatted correctly in excel and is displayed as 10309976464180, but when it is imported into access it displays as 1.030998E+13. I have tried all of the possible formatting for numbers but nothing corrects this, and if I change to Long Integer it actually removes the numbers. What is the correct formatting in Access to get these numbers to display correctly?

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Tables :: How To Export Multiple Value Field To Excel

Nov 2, 2012

I'm learning Access by myself and i have some problem with exporting a multiple value field to an excel.

I have a field name "Users" in a table wherein this field is a multiple value field and looku up the value from the other table. When I export the table to excel, the data in the multiple value field does not export properly and it just shows some symbol in the excel.

Is there something wrong with my field?

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Tables :: Importing Excel Table With Invalid Field Names

Jun 3, 2015

I would like to import excel sheet that contains about 45 fields and the fields names are not well defined(not obey the Access rules). I would like to import the sheet into ms access without changing the excel sheet because i have to provide only the interface to users where they have to import sheets only. (All the time In Excel fields name are arranged and in specific order but invalid names of fields).

After 1 week the person has new excel sheet with same format and the process of importing data into ms access will be continue for whole year or more.

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Tables :: Import Excel File Set Up - Field Has Lead Space

Jul 22, 2014

I'm trying to set up an import of an Excel file. One field in Excel, "Sales Tax" has a lead space, so " Sales Tax" is its Excel name. Since I can't name a field in Access starting with a space, the only way I know to import properly is to manually remove the space from the Excel file. While this isn't actually that difficult, I'm trying to avoid this manual step if possible.

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Tables :: Numbers / Text And Null All In One Field Linked From Excel

Jan 11, 2013

I know you can't store text in a numeric field but I always thought you could store numbers in a text field - provided you didn't need to do any calculations on them. My problem is as follows:

I receive an Excel 2003 spreadsheet once a month, which I save to a specific filename/location overwriting the previous file. My Access 2003 database uses this as a linked table and (among other things) runs an append query to add the new data onto an existing table.

We have now added a new column called Reference in the spreadsheet. Often, this will be empty, but it could contain numbers or text. This is the first month I have received it and most entries are blank (including the first row) but further down there are some numeric values.

So I added a new Reference field to my main table and set it to text. Then I amended the append query to include the new field. But when I run it I get the error "Numeric field overflow". If I take that column back out of the query, it runs fine, so that's definitely the offending data. And when I open the linked table in Excel and scroll down to where I should see the reference numbers, I see #Num! So it looks to me like it doesn't recognise numbers as text.

Things I've already tried

In Excel, I formatted all the Reference cells as text.

That didn't work, so next I added a dummy record at the top of the Excel file (just under the headings), with zeroes in the numeric columns and 'X's in the text columns including Reference.

But that doesn't work either. Given the above circumstances, what's the best way to proceed with this?

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Tables :: Export Table In Excel Workbook With Separate Sheet Based On Value Of Field

Nov 7, 2012

How to export ms access table into excel workbook with separate sheet based on a value of field?

For Example:

I have One Table with three fields

Name Address Company
Steve a Apple
John b Apple
Josh c Dell
Pete d Dell
Pat e HP
Jacob f HP

Output in Excel(list for Employee by company):

Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3
Apple Dell HP
Name Address Name Address Name Address
Steve a Josh c Pat e
John b Pete d Jacob f

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Access Truncating Data In Export

Mar 3, 2006

I am trying to export an Access table to a csv file.
I have several fields in the table that are type double and go to 3 decimal places. When I export the data, it truncates it to 2 decimal places.
I changed the table design from "Auto" decimal places to 3. and that didn't help.
When I am in the Table Export wizard, it shows all 3 decimal places, but when I look at the text file, it's only 2.
Anybody ever have this problem?
Thanks in advance!

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Converting A Text Field To A Memo Field

Jan 4, 2006

I am in the process of changing over a text field to a memo field to generate more space (in 5 different databases :eek: ) Thanks to all the good info on several searches of this forum, I am pretty clear on how to do that.

The question is... when I convert a field that already has information in it, will I lose the current information?



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Memo Field - How To Stop Highlighting In Field

Aug 7, 2006

when i change records, my subform that has a memo field, shows the memo field data is "highlighted". i can make a mistake and hit any keyboard key and the memo field data will get erased.

is there a way to prevent such a problem?

if not, is there a work around. eg, hide the memo field until needed for more input? ideas on both issues?

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Tables :: Long Text - Lost Functionality From Old Memo Type

Mar 28, 2014

I am a pretty novice user currently playing around with Access 2013 using Office 365.

I used to love the old style Memo field where people cut put in carriage returns to split up data. I am wondering if this function has been removed with this LONG TEXT FIELD or is there a way around it.

I like it because I tend to use it as a tracking field and like the newest "comments" at the top separated by a Carriage Return...

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