I'm using the MS Access 2010 ExportwithFormating action to export three tables to a single MS Excel 2010 workbook. The action overwrites the first excel worksheet each time instead of saving all three worksheets in a single excel workbook.
How can I export three tables into a single excel workbook.
I'm importing data from Excel to Access using Access VBA which works fine that sheet name is first sheet in workbook. However, if multiple sheets exists in the workbook and that particular sheet can be 2 sheet, 3 sheet or any sheet. In that case how to search particular sheet name and import in access. Below is the code I have used for importing the data.
Here's my problem. I run a database every monday that has several (more than 15) reports as the outcome. Due to the massive amount of information we can't build the data up every week. We need to overwrite the tables and recreate the "Reports" every week. The department I am creating this for wants to keep a snapshot on the computer of the 15+ reports instead of printing them out. But instead of simply creating a snapshot of each individual report he would like to see them in the format of one file with multiple sheets. The one file would be labeled the date the reports were created and each individual sheet would be labeled the name of the report. For example, This past monday when we rant he Db the file would have been lbld 10-3-05, and one of the many sheets would have been labeled "Selects", or "Rejects" or "Cost" and so on. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have a question about the best way to go about linking an excel workbook to an ms access table? I have researched hyperlinks and attachments and ole objects and I am not sure what is the best option. I believe hyperlinks will be best, because the attachments will bloat the database, but I am not sure how to go about doing that in vba? My process is such:
1)Users enter project information 2)Users enter the sample information for each project 3)The project and sample information is combined by a query 4)The user clicks a button to print forms, which runs the query and opens an excel workbook template. 5)The data is exported to a specific sheet in the workbook 6)Using vba in excel, the data is used to populate cells in different sheets depending on critera.
After all of this is accomplished, I need the user to SAVE AS the excel workbook and it needs to be "attached" to the ms access 'project' table. I am not sure what is the best way to link this back to the database. I would like to automate it with vba if possible.
I have an access query with around 10 columns. One of the columns is city. There are total of 5 unique cities. I need a macro for the button in the access report that will export the data from the access query to the ONE excel workbook in such a way that each city filtered data from access is exported to city name worksheet. So Excel file would have in total of 5 worksheets with the relevant city data.
I have a form where when the user clicks on the browse button then excel workbook filepath gets stored in the textbox as below:
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ChooseFile End Sub Sub ChooseFile() Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
[Code] .....
Please see attached the excel workbook. Everytime the user will select Excel workbook using Browse button. Now in that file , the first sheetname will always be "Summary". I want to perform the following steps:
1. So now I want VBA code to copy the data from columns "Withdrawn","Obsolete","Updated","LitRef" from Summary sheet to the Access table named tblSummary.
2. When the data gets copied in Access table then write So VBA code that will check if the data in field LitRef in table "tblSummary" is present in field "Reference" of Access table "tblliterature" . if its present then check in the tblSummary , which corresponding fields out of "Withdrawn","Obsolete" and "Updated" stores "Y" . 3. If "Withdrawn" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Withdrawn" 4. If "Obsolete" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Obsolete" 5. If "Updated" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Updated" .
So I press a button on my Form1 and my tbl_customers table is exported onto a specific sheet in a templated Excel file "customer-template" that I have created.
This file has formulas on another sheet that based on the imported data.
The file is then saved to a specific location C:AccessCustomersHistory with the file name based on a date that was criteria from my original form E.g. "customers 11-02-15"
With below codes I am able to export recordset data to specified excel range if recordset count is 25. But I am unable to export the data greater than 25 to 2 specified range.
I need to import 5 sheets from an Excel Workbook into one table. At the moment I have code which goes through each sheet and imports them. Using the Import wizard only enables you to import one sheet.
I'm learning Access by myself and i have some problem with exporting a multiple value field to an excel.
I have a field name "Users" in a table wherein this field is a multiple value field and looku up the value from the other table. When I export the table to excel, the data in the multiple value field does not export properly and it just shows some symbol in the excel.
I am using Office 2007 and trying to export a table in Access to a Macro-Enabled workbook in Excel. Unfortunately, when I go to export the table, my file does not show when I browse for the file and .xlsm doesn't look like it's a supported file extension. I have looked around and noticed others have this problem as well. One solution was to use save the Excel file as a 97-2000 file since it doesn't change the file extension based on having macros. However, I can't do this because then I lose functionality with tables and other things on my spreadsheet. I need the data in Excel to be updated every month. Is there any way to do this in Access? I'm going to explore using sharepoint. My DB options are limited to Access and Sharepoint. I don't have access to Oracle or SQL Server or MySQL etc.
I want to extract the date to append to a date field in a "Calls" table and the comment into a text field in the "Calls" table. Is there a way I can do this via query or code?
Is there anyway I could import an excel spreadsheet to access to update an existing table? The table was created before and I'd like certain columns to be updated with certain rows from a spreadsheet.
I have an excel sheet that I want to import, it has 3 rows at the top which are titles that I don't want. Can I miss these rows out using the standard import function or do I need to write a custom VBscript ?
I want VBA code that will perform the following steps. The Table1 has following fields:
1. First of all look into Table1 the scandate<=29082014 and then check if there is No NewBatchNo of the corresponding record then capture its corresponding BatchNo of each record whose scandate<=29082014
2.Then check for the batchno that we have captured in another table Table2 and if its present then return corresponding PolicyNo. Now keep on searching that policy no in Table2 as it could be present 50 times in the table and then return corresponding batch numbers in excel sheet of that Policy No as below:
I am running this code to import an Excel sheet into a table in my database. This works fine if I set [HasFieldNames] to false. When [HasFieldNames] is set to true, I get the correct field names in the table, but don't get any data from the sheet.
I am creating a database tracking physicians and their contracts. I currently have two tables: PhysicianT and ContractsT, with corresponding forms to enter information in them. I have an issue with the Contracts form; I want to be able to select a physician from a dropdown list (looked up from PhysicianT) and have Access autofill their Physician ID #.
PhysiciansT looks like this:
physicianID (AutoNum) name (Calculated) 1 Barker, Bob 2 Burgundy, Ron 3 Stark, Tony
Upon selecting Barker, Bob from my dropdown list, I want "1" to appear in the Physician ID # field in my Contracts form.
Hello, sorry to post again my question but just cannot find a solution. I have a table and would like to copy data into a template in excel. I know that the code will have to make a copy of the template and then copy the data into the new workbook into sheet1.
My table (table1) has 3 fields: SSN, FNAME and LNAME. I want to copy these fields into cells B1 (for SSN), B2 (for FNAME) and B3 (for LNAME). I will use a combo to select the recorset to copy.
My problem is how to copy data into the template. I understand that it is necessary to run a copy of the template and then copy the data into the new xls file.
Is there a way I can do this via code? Code help is appreciated. Thank you.
how data is best structured in Access.I have a table of values (for instance: weight) and I need to be able to look up a weight based on the column header (age) and row header (height).How is this sort of data best structured and accessed in Access?
I am writing the following code that will first of all display column headers dynamically using "Headers" field data from Access table and then find out the sum(volume) using column header and first column values. The following code works fine to display headers dynamically in Excelsheet from Access table but doesn't display sum(volume) in all the corresponding cells. As I can't attach the Access table so I have stored data from Access table to sheet named "Access Data" as attached. The sheet2 named "Report" should populate total volume .
Code: Public Function Inputdata() Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim r As Long Dim i As Integer
I have an access table and I want the code that will check two columns in the table "EnvelopeType" and "EnvelopeSize" and create headers in Excelsheet automatically. In the attached workbook, like in sheet1 the headers are already appeared, I want this to be done dynamically using vba code so that if new values get inserted in EnvelopeType and EnvelopeSize then we won't have to change the code to display more headers.
Please see attached workbook named Sample and Access table. E.g.
EnvelopeType EnvelopeSize TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded A4 TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 Recorded A4 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded C5
With the code it should display following headers in excel sheet:
TNT 2nd Class C5 PP1 2nd Class C5 PPI 1st Class A4 Recorded A4 Recorded C5
In sheet 1, In column A all the Batch numbers are present. So I want to check if each of these is present in Access table named "tblmain". If its present then display its corresponding Policy number in Column B of attached workbook.
Suppose there's a simple query which has two fields, "year" and "graduates", where "year" can be grouped by "2012", "2013", etc and "graduates" are individual names.
How can I export the list of graduates to multiple excel files, with the filename based on "year"?
I have tried to set the output file in macro as "c:desktop" & query.year & ".xls"
But it's not working and the output filename is exactly "&query.year&.xls "and the file contains all year and all names.
This is quite a basic question and I'm sure that it has been posted here some time ago, although I couldn't find it on using the search.
I want to update a field in one table "FieldA" using an update query. I want the update to be based on matching Field B in the updated table, and Field C in a separate table (both tables have the same design structure).
That is, I'd like my query to search each record in the Destination Table to see if its Field B matches a Field C in a separate Table. If there is a match, I'd like to Update Field A to the corresponding field A of the reference table.
I have tried to do this with an Update Query based on both Tables in design view. Thus far, it hasn't yielded any results.
Can someone please post the solution asap. Thanks so much for your help.
I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.
I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.
In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'