Tables :: Extra Record Added From Form With Unbound Fields

Jul 3, 2013

Using DAO recordset, table enters unbound fields data properly for desired records, but adds an extra record which is a duplicate of the first record entered....any known access quirks for adding unwanted records?

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Forms :: Added Extra Tab - Form Showing Blank In Design And Layout View

Mar 30, 2013

My form was working fine but when I added an extra tab it started showing as completely blank in design view. When I deleted the tab I had added I still was left with the same problem!

I've attached an image of the form properties. I want to use the form to enter data so it needs to show even if there are no records.

I had read that it could be if there is no data but typing data in the tables hasn't worked either.

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Tables :: Find Record Button Added To A Form To Adjust Search Function

Apr 6, 2015

Is it possible on the Find Record button added to a form to adjust the search function so it defaults to a specific box on the form? I have a form for tracking employee's and on my Find Record button I would like it to default to the Last name instead of the Record number.

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How To Show Extra Fields In A Form If A Value Is Selected

Nov 30, 2011

I'm using Access 2003 (with Windows XP).

I'm intending to make two extra fields open up if a particular value is selected. Just as a simple example:

Field: Type of Item
Possible Values: Alcohol, Beverage, Cutlery

So if either a beverage or alcohol is selected, I would like a new field to open up. For both Alcohol and Beverage, I would like "Content of bottle in mLs" to open up. For Alcohol, I would also like "Percentage Alcohol content" to also open up.

So basically, if a specific value is selected, I would like extra fields to come up. I'm not sure if there's any simple way to do it, or whether it requires VBA coding, but either way if it is possible I would like it to be done.

1) How do you make an input mask enter from right to left? For example, if post codes can either be 4 or 5 digits long, I put 90000 (requiring at LEAST 4 digits) but if you start entering data, it starts from the 9. Would it work if I did 00009?
2) Is there any way to make a form go through a progression of screens rather than all the input fields being on the one page?

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Tables :: Record(s) Cannot Be Added - No Corresponding Record On One Side

Feb 28, 2013

I've created two tables, one containing order data, the other additional order data. Not every order has additional order data.

First i've created them with no specific relationship and filling in data via form worked fine. If i added additional data, a new record in the additional order data table was created automatically.

Later i changed those tables to a "one to one" relationship by setting the long int field that links to the order data table to no duplicates. I just did it because i thought that's how it should bew. But since then i can't add additional order data via the form anymore, but get the error "Record(s) cannot be added; No corresponding record on the 'one' side" instead. I could just revert back to the one to many relationship, but it bothers me.

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Tables :: Create A New Key For Each New Record Added In Child Table With ID

Aug 22, 2014

Table has a relationship with master table. Joined on TractID primary table - auto number, TractID child table - number. This works as it should when adding a new record.

What I am trying to do is create a new key for each new record added in the child table with an ID that looks like this: TractID.A, TractID.B, TractID.C etc. for each new record added in the child table. if so where do I look, how to accomplish it?

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Tables :: Create A New Field In One Table Whenever A Record Is Added In Another

Feb 6, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to automatically create a new field in one table whenever a new record is entered in another table. The name of the field would be the primary key entry of that new record.

I have one table (table 1) in which each record corresponds to a particular mouse with a unique ID number, and each field is the ID number of a particular genetic marker. The table overall shows what genotype (+ or -) a mouse has at each marker.

In the other table (table 2) the primary key of each record is the ID number of a genetic marker, and the fields are several different bits of information about the marker (e.g. what chromosome it's on, its location on the chomosome, etc.)

I would like to have it set up so that if I enter a new genetic marker in table 2 a field named after its marker ID will automatically appear in table 1. Is there a way to do this?

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Tables :: Add Username To Table As Default Value When New Record Is Added

Dec 26, 2013

I am still new to Access code.

I was wanting to know if there is a way to Add the Username to a table as a default value when a new record is added. I know you can add =Date() to get the date. Is there a simple way to get the ID of the person logged into Window?

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Tables :: Adding A New Field When A New Record Is Added In Another Table

May 12, 2015

I have a table A in which I write down orders for cars. A record is an order. A single order may contain multiple cars in varying quantities.Each car has its components. Some cars may have some of their components common. There is a table B which indicates each car and its components required with their quantities required to build the car. There is a record for each different car.

Now suppose there is a new car we are going to produce so we need a new record in table B for the car and all its components. Also we need a new field in table A because people can now order the new car(in some quantity).

With form for table B we can introduce a new record. But how can we add a field in table A automatically after a record is added in table B?

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Tables :: Custom ID Format That Increment Every Time New Record Added

Jul 25, 2013

How to make a custom ID format that increment every time you add a new record the sample ID look like this "HCCR-SMA-CV-ST-000".

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Forms :: New Fields Added To Table / Won't Look Up On Form

Sep 8, 2014

I have this table that I built a form from . I added some fields to the table, most of which are look up. I added those fields to the form.When I try to test the form those lookups show nothing.I used the lookup wizzard.I removed those fields and added new ones (same problem).I compared them to the ones that are working - they are identical.I changed the control source to one that is working - didn't work.

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Added Fields To Table But Not Showing Up In Form Field List

Aug 3, 2005

I have a form based on a table and I just added 3 fields to the table. When I go to the form to add these fields, they do not show up in the field list. I've also tried creating a textbox and going to the Data Tab and choosing the data source but those 3 new fields are still not showing up.
How can I go about adding these 3 fields?

Thanks in advance

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Capture Username Who Added A Record In Form

Nov 29, 2005

I have a form where there are many users to enter or update data. I need to capture the username who created a record , then , on form load , I want system to check for username if it is same as the creator of a record , then allow update , otherwise don’t allow update , but allow only adding new records. How can I do this

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Forms :: Unbound Combo Box Populate Fields Linked Tables

Jul 18, 2014

I have form with an unbound combo box which is populated from a query

It should populate a field in a table which is related to another - however it only works when i query by id number (primary key) and not the text value i want - is it possible to query both so it returns say 1,option 1 - then when selected it will place a 1 in the table - which is related to option 1 in another table instead of just having to select '1' which will mean nothing to a user?

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Queries :: Auto Update One Table To Another Each Time New Record Added To Form

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to automatically update one table to another each time a new record is added to my form, I have tried using the Update and the Append Query is there another way to do this without using code?

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Delete Extra Fields

May 28, 2006

Does anyone know how to delete the extra blank fields you get at the end of a query. I am converting the query to a handheld database with a field limit and the extra fields push my field count over the limit. i have tried just 'deleting' them but they reapear when I reopen the query. they definitely count as fields because if I delete some real fields i can do the conversion. i dont want to alter the structure of the original database as it has been in use some time and works well. any ideas advice

Hi again
I am still having problems with too many fields in my query so it will not convert to a handheld database. I have tried making a test query (with the wizard)from the same table and sure enough there are extra fields at the end, which do not come from the table, which reappear after they have been deleted, when you reopen the query. I have attatched the query to illustrate that I have deleted the fields and then they reappear. It does appear to be impossible to get rid of them, in which case I shall have to decrease the number of 'real' fields to get below the max the handheld can convert. Any advice gratefully received

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Is It Possible To Add Extra Fields To Dates?

Dec 3, 2007

Is it possible to have an extra field that is added to the calculated weeks left? Such as what if I want 2 extra weeks instead of the 12?

I know this is probally an advance question! Thanks in advance!!!

This is the awesome example from sbenj69:

Expr1: 12-(datediff("ww",[join date], date())

What I want to do is add another column which will have an additional number. The additional number would just be added to the 12- part of the code. So if I have a field with 2 in it, the 12- would become: 14-(datediff("ww",[join date], date())

Is this truly possible or is it something that can't be done in access

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Populate Unbound Fields On A Continuous Form

Oct 5, 2004

Can I populate unbound fields on a continious form, if it is possible would you give me some code to look at or direct me to an article


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Tables :: New People Added In Table1 Not Showing Up In Other Tables Despite Relationship

May 5, 2013

I have 3 tables.

Table 1: contains staff names and contact numbers
Table 2: contains training above staff have been on or need to go on
Table 3: contains pc and printer asset numbers of above staff

I used a form and entered some new members of staff in table 1. They got their auto numbers etc but when I open table 2 and table 3 those new members are not showing up in those tables. I have checked the relationship status between the 3 tables and the staffID from Table 1 is associated to table 2 and to table 3.

What's stopping the new entries from showing up in tables 2 and 3 ?

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Update Query Creating Extra Record

Jan 5, 2005

i have this problem that is bugging the crud out of me:
sql="UPDATE bedrifter SET pr=" & Request.Form("pr") & ",totalindexedpages=" & Request.Form("tip") & ",totalinboundlinks=" & Request.Form("til") & ",description='" & Request.Form("dsc") & "' WHERE created='" & Request.Form("ts") & "'"

conn.Open connStr
Set conn = nothing

when i run this code it updates the correct record (line in my access db) but then it also adds a new line with only that info in the update query. why is it doing this? when i update using the ID instead of using the timestamp in the WHERE clause it works fine. really frustrated...

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Forms :: Unwanted Extra Record In Subform

May 20, 2013

I have a continuous subform with allow additions set to false. To make a new record I have used some update vba to create the record direct in the underlying query, then requery the form and the partly created record appears. The user then adds a quantity and some text. The subform still appears without the new record line.....However if I click the button again to create a second new record I end up getting an extra 2 lines.

One is a duplicate of my previous one and a new blank record. These do not actually appear in the underlying table and the subform looks ok. However this extra record confuses the end user and I want to avoid it. Refresh or shift f9 does not eleviate the problem. Sometimes I even get two "current record" pointers.

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Forms :: Unbound Form To Update Two Tables

Jul 31, 2015

I have two tables that I want to update from data in an unbound form. How do I capture the ID of the new record created in table 1 in order to write it to a field in the new record being created in table 2.

Table 1
f3 and so on

Table 2
Table 1 id
F3 and so on

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Tables :: Delete Extra Blank Columns At End Of Table

Jul 15, 2015

I have an Access table with data fields however at after the last field column, I have about 15 blank and unselectable or uneditable columns that I don't want there. How I delete these? Reason I want to delete them is because table is a subform on a main form and these extra columns are visible on it and they also cause a scroll bar to shown

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Tables :: Making Table Relationship When One Field Has Extra Zero

Nov 29, 2012

I have two tables containing data from two separate sources. The unique "link" between the two is a JobNumber field. I need to set up a relationship between the two tables using the JobNumber field.


In one table, the JobNumber has been input in this format: 12-00345-01
In 2nd table, the JobNumber has been input in this format: 12-00345-1

How can I tie these when the 2nd table is missing the "0"?

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Tables :: Add Current User As Extra Field To Imported CSV

Aug 15, 2013

I have a table with several columns (13).

Every week i want to import a csv-file (250 records) which may or may not have been updated, say 200 are the same as previous week and 50 records are new/updated.

Is there a way to import the csv and add an extra column with who imported all of the new records (based on currentuser)?

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Sub Form With All Unbound Text Boxes To Store Record

Dec 3, 2005


As a part of reducing traffic on file server, I am planning to read less record on the form and hence I tried removing forms record source. (Attached sample db)

I kept all unbound textboxes onto the forms and save new record to the table using codes back of the command button. This is working great with main form. But doesn’t with sub form. I tried removing record source of sub form and keeping unbound text boxes to appear record if it exists.

If you enter 1 in InvNum text box on main form, you will find it brings record. I don’t want to show the record on the sub form unless I call it from main form.

How can I use the same trick of unbound text boxes with sub form too?

Please extend your help.

With kind regards,


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