Tables :: Fields Not Reading The Same?

Jul 22, 2013

I am very new to Access and I am not a programmer at all. Something in my program changed and I am stuck on how to correct it. When I look at the front end everthing looks fine. When I look at the back end one of my fields are no longer reading correctly. I get the message error code 2465

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Modules & VBA :: Reading VCF Files - Fields Missing In Different Records

Mar 22, 2015

I have an application where I have to read a big VCF file in VBA, extract the information and place it into records of a table. Of course I can read as a text file, but the structure is quite cumbersome to implement with many fields missing in different records and it is not a one time job.

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General :: Calculated Fields - Reading And Modifying Records

Aug 2, 2012

I am new to Access and this is likely a very elementary question. I recently created a database to track status of projects including progress and funding. The table contains several fields that record various aspects of funding. These fields are added (very simply) and create a calculated field that is a summation of those fields. The table currently contains approx 60 records. The calculated field functions for 2 or 3 records and will not calculate further. I have tried this in a form as well as a query. The form will change the same number, 2 or 3 records. When the query is run the result shows only the 2 or 3 records. What I am doing that is only reading and modifying those records?

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Queries :: Reading From Multiple Tables Through ODBC Connection

Jul 14, 2015

I am working on an MSACCESS database that reads data from SQL Server through ODBC Connection.

I have multiple tables that I have linked in and created Queries that read the data and created Make Table query.

However, I am asking if there's a way to bring the data through a query that doesn't need the linked tables. Is there a way to bring different fields from different tables into one query without needing to import all the tables, since the tables have many fields that I don't need.

For example in MS Excel, I am able to do that, a query that will bring external data from SQL Server from different tables and only brings the fields that I need for my report.

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Specific Record From Linked Tables

Jul 17, 2013

I have an access 2003 database where the table is linked from mysql.

I would like to know how it is possible to read a specific record from the linked tables using vba code.

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Tables :: Set Up Validation Of Fields Unit And Size Based On Another Fields Data?

Nov 18, 2013

Basically in my order details table i have the following fields


At the moment i have the Product field with a dropdown that gives me all the products from my ProductT. But once i choose the correct product in the unit field it gives me all the possibilities of every product not just the units associated with that product. ie

Grasshopper Box1000 Adult
Grasshopper Box1000 Subadult
Worm 10pz Big

When I select the grasshopper product and move on to the unit field i also get "10pz" option but this is not a product available.

How do i set up validation of the fields Unit and size based on another fields data?

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Tables :: Deleted Fields Not Free Up For Adding New Fields

Aug 15, 2013

I reached the limit of 255 fields in a table. I just need to add one more field so I deleted several fields I no longer needed thinking I would then be able to add one more new field. However, I am still unable to add one more field. How to free up fields that are no longer needed?

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Reading A Table From Within Another Database

May 19, 2005

I'm fairly new to access (now using for work purposes) and i've become a bit stumped...

I have a database set up and running fine, however I want to be able to generate a form in one database from a table within another. Is this possible?

Thanks for your input, It will all be apreaciated.


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Reading A .txt File Using Access

Nov 16, 2004

Here's my situation. I have a .txt file that I need to bring into Access. This .txt file is set up with records that are separated by semicolons.

I need to pull this information into Access and separate the data by the semicolons. I can open the file in Excel and separate the information by using Data --> Text to Columns --> semicolon (as the separator).

Does anyone have an idea how I can do this into Access.

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Barcode Reading And Security

Jan 30, 2007

Hi Guys,

This might be pretty simple, but I haven't found anything on it (might not have looked hard enough!). What I am trying to do is scan a barcode label that I created in Access, when this is scanned, it goes to a table and opens the record that contains this ID and allows me to enter further data in this record. The further data will be data capture from a balance, which works fine if you select the location where the data is to go (using the mouse), what I need is for this location to be automatically accessed when I scan the barcode, hope that makes sense.
Also, is there any way in Access to either prevent data in a table from being changed once it is entered, or alternatively to mark the data as changed/edited from the original input?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Reading Combo.column(1)

Dec 24, 2006

on the audit trail modul

when the field is combo box I need to capture the combo's column(1) to my audit trail table

i used the code :

If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then
rst("OldValue") = ctl.OldValue.Column(1)
End If

but it's not working

can any one help me with that

many thanks in advance

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Issue Reading # In The Recordsets

Nov 19, 2004

I am working on searching my customer number in my billing table and finding the appropriate customer and then pass the customer number onto my shipping table to find the corresponding shipping data to go with my billing data. My problem is this :

When I find my customer in my Billing table ( searching through field0 = CustomerNumber)and then select it, it won't pass the customer number to continue to search field0 in the shipping table for customers that have a # in any of the cell values of the recordset.

Is there a work around for special characters in cell data ie) #

Any sugestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Reading Data From Spreadsheet

Nov 23, 2004

I have a linked spreadsheet. Access is not pulling certain records from the field DOD. The code I used is as followsSELECT final.[SSN P ], final.TXPD, final.[TC-530], final.[TC-150], final.[ DOD ], final.[ DOB ], final.[SSN S ], final.[TC-421], final.[TC-420], final.[TC-424], final.[TC-540], final.[LFRZ-RFRZ], final.[TC-590], final.[TC-591], final.[TC-594], final.[TC-599], final.[TC-290], final.[TC-291], final.[TC-300], final.[TC-301], final.[TC-976], final.[TC-977]
FROM final
WHERE (((final.[TC-530])="TC-530")) OR (((final.[TC-150])="TC-150")) OR (((final.[ DOD ])="dead")) OR (((final.[ DOB ])>1929 And (final.[ DOB ])<1986)) OR (((final.[SSN S ]) Is Not Null)) OR (((final.[TC-421])="TC-421")) OR (((final.[TC-420])="TC-420")) OR (((final.[TC-424])="TC-424")) OR (((final.[TC-540])="TC-540")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-AL")) OR (((final.[TC-590])="TC-590")) OR (((final.[TC-591])="TC-591")) OR (((final.[TC-594])="TC-594")) OR (((final.[TC-599])="TC-599")) OR (((final.[TC-290])="TC-290")) OR (((final.[TC-291])="TC-291")) OR (((final.[TC-300])="TC-300")) OR (((final.[TC-301])="TC-301")) OR (((final.[TC-976])="TC-976")) OR (((final.[TC-977])="TC-977")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-ALR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-L")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBRK")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRKF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-O")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-OLR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-V")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VL")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-W"));

For some reason the DOB and DOD fields are not being recognized. Please help.

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Reading File Names

Dec 9, 2004

Is there a way for a access to read the filenames of files contained in a folder on the local machine and paste
those filenames in a database field?

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Reading Values From A SubForm

Jan 4, 2006

Hi guys, Im working on a DatABase at the mo that is heavily featured around forms - the problem is I dont have a clue about how the code side of it is structured in access. I know a lot about visual basic, and I've been having pot shots at how to do this, but with no success...

How do I read the value of an object from a subform with macros? Lets say on my main form I have a textbox called 'ExampleTXT' - to read a value from the text box would be simple...

Code:msgbox Me.ExampleTXT

but on this form I also have a subform, which contains an array of textboxes (they link to a seperate table, so there can be any number of these textboxes) and they have the name 'ExampleARR'. How do I read the values from these? I have tried the following code (like I siad, these are random stabs in the dark) but I have had no success...

Code:msgbox Me.ExampleARR--msgbox Me.ExampleARR(0)--msgbox Me.SubFrm.ExampleARR(0)


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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Only Reading Top Row

Jun 26, 2015

I have a command button on a Access 2010 form that i am using as my switchboard. On this form i have a hidden unbound text box that captures the users environ"username". When the user hits a command button on the form the code looks at the name in the hidden textbox that captures the environ"username" and then DLooks up a table to see if there is a match. If yes then it will open the next form and if not then a message box appears.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim TxtUsername As String
If Me.TxtUsername = DLookup("[OneLondon Login]", "TblAccessUsers") Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Bakerloo_Main_Form"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You do not have permission to access this database"
End If
End Sub

This works fine apart from the fact it will only read the first name entered in the table. This table(TblAccessUsers) could have up to 50 names in it and possibly have names removed and re added at a later date. Is there a way i can get the code to look up every name in the table ??

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Tables :: Calculated Fields From Two Tables / Based On Relationship In Third Table

May 29, 2014

I have two tables of data, each relating to three business branches (branches A, B and C).

Table 1 shows the expenditure of each branch (by fuel, premises and wages).

Table 2 shows a number of units for each branch (mileage, floorspace and sales).

What I would like to do is calculate unit costs, based on the expenditure in Table 1, divided by a relevant unit in Table 2. The catch is that I want to have a third table which allows the user to specify which expenditure (from Table 1) is combined with which unit (from Table 2) to generate the calculated unit costs. I've been able to do this in Excel, and have attached an example. I've also attached an incomplete Access version with the first two tables. Given the complexity of my actual data, I feel this could be better handled in Access than Excel.

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Security Question..after Reading Many Posts..

Jun 16, 2005

I didnt find answer to my question!..
Hope someone here can help..

I just added security to my access application...
I have added a new user and gave all admin rights. Removed all permissions from Admin and Admins group. When I log on as this new user who is equivalent of Admin,

I am able to doubleclick the table(linked table) and modify/delete the data..but when I the form is executing, it says, "Records cannot be read, no read permission on <Table>"

Hope someone can answer my question.

Thanks very much.

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Apply 'save Formatted' To Reading?

Jul 2, 2007

I have a DB with tables where the primary key fields are autoincremented, but with formatting applied.

Formatting is for example "CC"000000 so record 1 will be CC000001.
(each table has a different alpha prefix)

This works fine, except the database content is being read by another application, and it sees only the 1, 2, 3 etc.
Exporting the data to Excel format proves that this is due to Access not the other application.

However, if I export to Excel format, and tick the "Save Formatted" option, the data exported is as I require, CC000001, CC000002 etc.

Is there a setting or way to make Access present the data when it is read by another application to be the 'formatted' version of the data?

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Problem With Reading Values Between Forms

May 18, 2005

I´m new to to Access databases, so if you experties who write a solution back will keep that in mind :o

I have a mainform "frmBygninger_input" and in that form a combobox "cboParent".

In the mainform is a subformular "ufrmlDFMnøgletal", with a textbox "cboChild"

When I have choosen a value from that "cboParent", I want "cboChild" to read that values from "cboParent"

What is that I have to do?

With greetings :p


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Reading Excel Spreadsheet From Access??

Sep 14, 2004

I am trying to connect to an excel spreadsheet and read it from access. What is the object naming scheme in excel?? I am trying to read "Sheet1" but I am getting an error. My final goal is to export a list of forms and queries list in the excel spreadsheet from one database to another. How do I know if I have "Excel 8.0"?? Here is my code:

Sub ImportForms()
Dim cnn1 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strExcelPath As String

strExcelPath = "C:ModificationRequest.xls"
'Open and set recordset
cnn1.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strExcelPath & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
rst1.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rst1.Open "Sheet1", cnn1, , , adCmdTable

'Open Recordset and print test record
Debug.Print rst1.Fields(0).Value, rst1.Fields(1).Value
'Clean up objects
Set rst1 = Nothing
Set cnn1 = Nothing

End Sub

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General :: Reading DB File Information?

Sep 29, 2013

I see a lot of requests for this operation, but apparently .DB files are so general that sometimes it's impossible? Any all-encompassing program that can read files like this? I believe they come in different formats and are produced by a variety of different programs. The only thing I ever see though are files with [.db] as the extension.

If I open the one I have with notepad on a windows machine I see some of the info but some of it is not there and is garbled.


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Tables :: Sum All Fields In Tables Column And Put Sum Result Into Variable?

May 29, 2015

i would like to sum all the column fields in a tables column where an id is the same as the id in that table.
I know you can use the SUM function in the select statement of your query.

But how can i set this sum result into a variable, so i can use it for calculation further on in the program?

I work with Access 2010

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Reading Appending To A Table, From A Manipulated Input

Apr 1, 2007

I need to grab a record from an input table/record set and de-concatenate it based on the underscore and append each instance to an output table. I know this must be possilbe, we do simular things in GIS programming all the time. Below is my "logic"/psuedo code :)

'loop until end of file
strColumnA = tblNewRelationships.PLACE
strColumnBin = tblNewRelationships.NAMES
'loop until strColumnBout is ""
strColumnBout = Left(strColumnBin, Find("_", strColumnBin, 1) - 1)
strColumnBchop = Right(strColumnBin, Len(strColumnBin) - Len(strColumnBout) - 1)
strSQL = "" 'put strColumnA into tblRelationships_2.PLACE and strColumnBout into tblNewRelationships.NAME
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strColumnBin = strColumnBchop
'end field loop
'end row loop

Any help is seriously appreciated.

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