Tables :: Foreign Key Not Populating

Apr 4, 2013

I have two tables in my Db: tblMaster & tblAddresses. They are joined with a one-to-many relationship, with the addresses being the "one" side. Many entries in tblMaster have the same address.

I use a form, based on a query, to add records which creates the new vendor in tblMaster, and (if I have contact details), a record in tblAddresses. The problem is that while the PK is created in tblAddresses once I add the address info, the related FK field in tblMaster is not populated with that #.

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Tables :: Populating Foreign Key Field

Nov 16, 2013

i have made two tables with data from an excel sheet. The excel sheet has many duplicates and im trying to eliminate this. The tables are:

tblTasks and tblTeam. Both have autoincrementing primary keys, and the tblTasks table has the TeamID (primary key from tblTeam) as a foreign key.

My question is, how do i populate the TeamID field via perhaps a query, as it is blank on all records. I have over 5000 tasks so a manual approach is what im trying to avoid. A sample of the fields in the tables is as follows:


TaskID - PK
Task Name
Team ID - FK

TeamID - PK
Team Name

there's also a Staff table. tblTeam has a one to many relationship with the Staff table. tblTeam also has a one to many relationship with the tblTasks table.

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Forms :: Populating Form2 Foreign Key Control With Primary Key From Form1

Sep 11, 2014

I am trying to get the Primary Key value from one form to auto-populate the foreign key value of a second form

I have tried the following code in both the second form's Load Event and the Foreign Key Control Got Focus Event but nothing doing...

Me.[NHS Number] = Forms![frm_Patient_Data_Entry]![NHS Number]

I am new to VBA so not sure of the referencing technique but have looked at the MVPS Form 'referencing' sheet to no avail.

I keep getting an error message (2450) MS Access cannot find the referenced form "frm_Patient_Data_Entry"

I have checked spelling throughout countless times so there must be something wrong with my referencing I guess.

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Foreign Keys And Tables

Sep 25, 2006

i need to create a table, i've figured out to make LastName the primary key. But im not so sure about the foreign key, and whether it is necessary to put it into the table in order for all my tables to relate? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.
Also, to clarify.. 3NF primary keys in one table cannot be used in another table??

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Tables :: Create Primary Key From Foreign Key?

Sep 24, 2012

I have two tables tblPatients (pkUMRN) and tblAdmissions (pkAdmissionID, fkUMRNAdmission). pkUMRN is not auto-number, but is an 8-digit alphanumeric code unique to each tblPatients record. I have set up a one-to-many relationship between tblPatients_pkUMRN and tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions (each patient can have multiple admissions).

Is it possible to allow the entry of a new tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions to create a new tblPatients_pkUMRN? IE can you create a new primary key from a new foreign key?

Along a similar line, if the primary key already exists, how would you autofill a form with data from tblPatients when the tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions is entered in to the table?

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Tables :: How Safe Using Combo Box To Input Foreign Key

Aug 12, 2013

In a Related Tables, you need to enter a FK to link to the other table.You either key in the FG from memory..The standard procedure is to design the field as combo box AND use SQL to select the field that will input the ID of the other table. So, if you want to input foreign key 3 , the combo box will display what 3 is then when you selected Access will insert 3 for you.

My question is since I can later on, edit the table and change the the value to another value, and mess the whole thing up!!! HOW can I lock my first choice so it will stay unedited ? My second question is: Is this the only way to input the FK if you do not remember the exact ID number or there are thousands of records in the related table.?

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One Primary Key In One Table Linked To Two Foreign Keys In Two Different Tables!!!

Sep 22, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to model my database to create relationships between different tables in my database. During the process of doing so I ended up having one primary key in table A linked with to foreign keys in two different tables ( table B & table C) and both of those two table are junction tables to break out many to many between many other tables

Now for some reason!!! I feel that there is something wrong with my logic mapping and modeling of the relationships between tables due the fact of having one primary key linked to two foreign keys in two different tables :(

Is my intuition is right? should such case be considered as indicative of wrong modeling of relationships between tables in a single database
And if so what is the disadvantages of that link (talking down the road) when the database if fully populated? :confused:

By the way I am new member and new to database, so please take it easy on me :o

Many thanks

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Tables :: Inserting Foreign Keys Within A Text Field?

Aug 28, 2013

I've got a table - "Products" - in my database, with a text field - "Info" - which contains info about products.

Within this field I would like to have footnotes. To do this, I think the best way to do it is by putting numbers inside the text at the location of where I want the footnote to refer to. These numbers will actually be foreign keys to a table called 'Footnotes'.

I can then program the forms and reports to show any numbers as superscripts or whatever.

(Of course, if the user will actually want to insert a number into the text field which is NOT a reference to a footnote, I will have to make a workaround e.g. by making access put a symbol in front of the number, so access will know the number is just part of the text (and I will program the form to not show the symbol in front of the number)).

Is it wrong to have foreign keys within a text field? I think if executed correctly, it should work perfectly.

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Tables :: One Primary Key To Multiple Foreign Keys In The Same Table?

Aug 29, 2013

Right now, I have 4 related tables. There's a table with companies, one with people involved with companies, a table linking the two by having foreign keys of the company number and people names, and a table that indicates directors and their alternates.

Since there's a one-to-many relationship for companies/people to company-peopleID (A person can run multiple companies, a company has multiple directors, it's easier this way), a person's name can appear multiple times, as can a company, within that table.

In a company, a director may or may not have 1 and only 1 alternate director to him/herself. So, I thought the easiest way was to put an autonumber in the Company-personID table and have a table (alternates) that had two fields, "alternate" and "director", both using that autonumber to link them. However, it appears as though I can't link the same primary key twice to two foreign keys of the same table.


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Tables :: Populating Several New Tables With The Contents Of Original Table

Mar 29, 2013

I have a feed from ODBC to Access DB. I need to populate several new tables with the contents of the original table. I know I'm being stupid but it's been a long week.

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Tables :: Populating Tables On Entry To Another Table

Apr 12, 2013

I've got a working database with pretty good structure etc. How I would go about creating 3 prepopulated records on a many side of a relationship on entering a new record in the one side of the relationship.

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Tables :: Auto Populating Fields Within Tables

Nov 23, 2012

I have 2 tables tblworkdone and tbltests, both have a date field and are both subforms in a tabbed form on the main form. When I enter a date into the tbltests subform I would like the date to automatically be entered into the tblworkdone date field and create a new record so that when I move to the tblworkdone subform with the date already there.

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Populating Tables And Queries?????

Jun 29, 2007

I have created a query from two tables. One table is Job information the other is job notes. How do i populate the query with the job # and job prefix from the job information table? I have the query(field) structure I want but its just gives me blank fields in the query form. How do I populate the fields with the info from the tables?

Thank you!

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Populating 2 Tables At A Time

Dec 8, 2004

I have two tables created. One contains only names of people, the other contains the names along with other information stored about those names. The names consist of first, middle, and last on both forms, but for some reason, I can only get the middle name onto the names only table and not onto the other table with all the other information. if you'd like to see the db I have it posted to yahoo briefcase, just send me a message for the username and pw.

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Populating Temp Tables

Jan 28, 2005

Here's the scenario:
I create a temp table structure, which works fine.
I create a recordset from SQL pulling data from a DB2 connection. This works fine.
I want to put the entire recordset result into the temp table.

I have a working means of doing this, but it is very inefficient and leaves the user staring at an hourglass for a minute or two.

What I am currently doing is iterating through each record of the recordset and appending it to the temp table. Desired results, yes, but takes way too much time.

Is there any way to simply 'dump' an entire dataset into the table, instead of on a record-by-record basis?

Here's some code from how I am currently doing things:

Set cmdP1 = New ADODB.Command
Set cmdP1.ActiveConnection = cnnP1
cmdP1.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT distribution_id FROM " & sDB & " ORDER BY distribution_id"
Set rstP1 = cmdP1.Execute

Do Until rstP1.EOF
With rst_Temp
.Fields!distribution_id = rstP1!distribution_id
End With

Any help will be most appreciated! Thanks!


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Populating Multiple Tables With Data

Nov 8, 2004

I haven't used access for a long time so I am very rusty.

I have a few tables but I'll just use two for an example:

Table A
Ticket No
Part No
Defect Code
WorkCenter No
Clock No
(Ticket No is Primary Key)

Table B
Clock No
(Clock No is Primary Key)

Is there a way for me to create a form, that when Clock No is entered it will be placed in both tables?

Thanks in advance.

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Urgent Help Please With Combo Box And Populating Tables

Oct 31, 2004

I am trying to create a database which will act as a timesheet and management system.

I have several tables set up. some are:
01-Staff details containing Staff ID, Names, etc
11-Timesheets containing Timesheet ID, Staff ID, Timesheet Period ID
17-Timesheet Periods containing Timesheet Period IDs, Start Date and End Date.
13-Hours containing Hours ID, Timehseet ID, Project ID, Hours

I want to set up a Combo that lists Names from Table 01-Staff Details, and when the user selects their name, enters the Staff ID on a new row in the tabll 11-Timehseets.

I am able to create the Combo to list the names from 01-Staff Details, but am not able to get the selected name to jump into 11-Timesheets. The field is not available in the Control Source.

Could you please assist? I am not an Access expert, nor have I done any programming, so a step-by-step solution would be greatly appreciated!!

Many thanks in advance


p.s. I would then like to ensure that users can't edit data in certain tables (eg. they shouldn't be able to create a new Staff ID/name, etc)

My next task will be to create a sub-form (which I am able to do) where the user can select a project from a combo-box and enter the hours worked on it. I would like the project and hours to be entered on a new row under the table 13-Hours

I look forward to your reply!

Many thanks

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General :: Populating Data Between Tables

Aug 1, 2012

I have an Access 2007 database with two tables (I will call them table 1 and table 2)

Both tables contain the same two fields. (I will call the FirstName and LastName)

Table 1 has an associated Form where the user enters the two names. When the value in either one of the two fields in Table 1 change I want the corresponding field in Table 2 to automatically update with the same value that were entered in Table 1. Basically I want Table 2 to automatically replicate the same data in Table 1. So if I type the text "John" into the FirstName field in Table 1 then the FirstName field in Table 2 will automatically update with the text "John"

I am new to access and am struggling with the automatic updating.

If the automatic part is too hard then I will be happy to attach the update action to a command button.

I have uploaded my database file with the two tables for reference. I want to get the fields (for all records) in table 2 to replicate table 1 so that when table 1 updates table 2 values changes to show the same text.

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Populating Unbound Related Tables?

Nov 14, 2012

I need to make one database with information about torque values according to one defined table. I make 3N so I can avoid duplicating data, by my problem now is how to enter data into the related tables and save the data using a save button. I want to have control about when data is saved that is the reason because I used unbound controls to enter data and I want to use also a new button to add new records.

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Tables :: Populating Record Fields From One Table To Another

Nov 23, 2012

I have created a database which has 9 tables, the first table being the contact information, but in all tables there are fields for firstname, lastname. Is there a way when you enter the firstname/lastname fields into the main table that it can populate the same information in to the same fields in the other tables? If so how?

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Tables :: Auto Populating A Table Field

May 30, 2013

I have the following tables:
Inquiry (This is the main table I want to populate through the use of a form)

My question refers to two columns in the Inquiry Table

The program column is populated by a drop down menu that is linked from a programname column in the Programs table.

I I want is the Group column in the Inquiry table to autopopulate based on the selected programname (There is a group column associated in the Programs table) so the form field will be autopopulated.

What I have tried is autopopulating the form (form name is Inquiries) Field called Group by using =[Program].[Column](1) in the source code of the text box. This works well, but it then does not populate the main table.

I need to either
- Learn how to populate the main table column called Group based on the form autopopulating
- Learn how to autopopulate the column Group in in the table so the form will autopopulate

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Tables :: Information Populating In Another Table Form?

Jun 9, 2014

I have created two tables. One table list of 100 Categories that I monitor each month. The Categories are never changing month-to month, however, each might be associated with a different client month-to-month. Presently, I am manually typing in the Client information month-to-month with information pulled from the Client's table. The Client's table has a Category Field which is populated when a Client has purchased space to use it.

In essence, I have the Category Table (Fields: Record Number; CategoryName; Client Name; beginning date the client will use the Category and Ending Date the client will stop using it). The Client's Table has a lot more fields/information but it still has the same fields as the Category Table. I am trying to be able to use the Category Table and have it automatically populate with the client who is using the Category at that time. Any Category not being used by a Client then the Query should write "Open" in the Client's name field. I have tried many different scenarios but can't seem to get it to work. I must see all 100 Categories each time I run a report. It doesn't have to say "Open" but where ever a client did not use the Category it should be left blank.

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Tables :: How To Change Default Currency In Access 2013 To A Foreign Currency

Dec 20, 2012

how to change default currency in Access 2013 to a "foreign currency" (i.e. to Indonesia Rupiahs) without changing control panel (Region/Language>currency) - now setup as USA ($US)?

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Tables :: Relationship - Client Data Is Not Populating Into Routing Form

May 20, 2015

I have created 2 tables: Client and Routing.

Each client record is unique. A client can have 'several' routing records.

Key field in Client is 'Client ID'.

Routing table has foreign key of: Client IDFK

I created a relationship of one to many from Client table 'Client ID' to Routing table 'Client IDFK'.

I created a form for the Client table and works.

Where I am having issue is: Client data is not populating into the following Routing form.

* I want a 'Routing form' that you can lookup client info and place it into that form.
* The bottom of the form will be all the routing table fields. The new routing info will be entered into it.

My client needs that form printed for the driver. Client will have many routing forms(records) but only one client record. The driver will have one completed form for each time he picks up client.

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Tables :: Auto Populating A Field Based On Selection Of Other Field

Jun 27, 2014

I (will have) a form which a user fills in to enter new data.

I have two fields,

"Branch" and "Branch ID" (Branch ID will not be on the form, just in the table)

Branch will be fed by a combo box with seven choices. I would like it so that when "Branch" is populated it autopopulates Branch ID with a code which relates to the branch, so for example

Braintree BRA
Colchester COL

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Foreign Key

Apr 3, 2008

Ive got problem with defining foreign key
i explain what table ive and what i want
between my Student ,Session there is many to many relation that student session connect them together

student: Format student session: Format
Student ID Autonumber Student ID Autonumber
student name Session ID Autonumber
student address
student dob.....

Session: format

Session ID Autonumber
dance days
dance time
no of student

the student id is primery key and session id is primery key ,student session is compound key of this 2 but it wont work it keep saying u can only have one auto number in one table #

what should i do ?

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