Tables :: Form Not Recognizing A New Record Until Closed And Reopened

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form for which the Record Source is a certain table. Then on that form there is a button to display another form, which adds a new record to the same table. Then the new form is closed.The trouble is, the original form cannot search for the new record, until you close the form and reopen it.I have tried using Me.Dirty is false, and also a requery of the original form, but nothing works. Only closing the form and reopening it will display the newly added record.What can I do to make the original form recognize the newly added record?

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Closed Records - Archive Or Label As Closed?

Oct 17, 2006

Evening All! (Old enough to remember Dixon of Dock Green (stupid enough to mention it!))

I'm working on a small database for a small team of support workers with a
client base of 60 clients at anyone time, although the turnover is quite

I have done some searches on archiving records but am concerned that once
archived a record would be difficult to re-integrate in to the live database,
particularly if there have been changes to it?

I have considered that I may be just as well slapping a big label over every
record that has a date in the [CloseDate] field and if a closed case is
re-opened, the closed date is removed and the label disappears.

I'm still open to being convinced that the archiving is the way to go, but
in the mean time I hope someone will be able to help with the expression
needed in the form on_current procedure to make the label visible. If it was
just a tick box I'd be flying by now, but I can't get my head around getting
a populated [CloseDate] field to initiate the CloseRecordLabel.

Thanks in advance

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Queries :: Query Not Recognizing Form Value

Jun 11, 2013

I have a query that serves as the data source for a report. Previously, I had a unit cost value that the User entered as a parameter, but I wound up adding an unbound text box on my form so that I could validate the input before executing the query. So now, the parameter is coming from a form. The text below is from my query, but Access still pops up with a parameter box as though Expr3 is undefined.

Expr3: [Forms]![BridgeRptsF]![CostSF]

I have verified that the field name on the form is correct, and whenever I try to run the report, I do it from the [BridgeRptsF] form and I make sure the CostSF field is populated. I feel like this is a pretty straightforward fix but I've not stumbled upon it yet.

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Query Not Recognizing OrderID Field From Form

Nov 8, 2006


I am running a append query from a button.

In the query, I have set the OrderID criteria to:
Whenever I try to run the query from the open form & subform, an Access 'Enter Parameter Value' window pops up.

I would like to use this Criteria for many different features in my db (SendObject, etc.), but I cannot find how to set the OrderID based on the current form.

If anyone can see what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate your help!


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Forms :: Lock Fields Once Record Is Closed

Aug 29, 2013

I have several forms in my database that have a closed (1=Closed) option button. Is there a way to make all of the fields for that record readonly if the closed option is set to equal 1?

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Forms :: Determine Which Form Is Displayed After Current Form Is Closed

May 1, 2014

I have a series of forms that become current in a certain order. For example a menu form comes up. This is followed by a search form where the user gives search parameters. Then appears the results list. If the user wants a detail form comes after that, etc. Now when the user closes the last form I want the form before that one to show up and when he closes that one the one before that and so on. That is I am going to use the close button to go back to the previous step. How can I do this.

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Make Form Open When All Others Closed

Jun 15, 2007


Is there any way to make a form open up when every thing else is closed.

Can I make a macro that will check if everything else is closed and then open the startup form again?

Is anything like this possible?


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Requerying / Refreshing After Form Is Closed.

Sep 25, 2005

Hi all,

I am stumped as to how to get a form to update/refresh. Heres what I have!
My main form:[Daily Log From] is opened, with a subform:[DailyDSQry subform] populated by a Query. This form has a command button that opens another form: [NewDSLog] in "acAdd","acDialog".
What I need is: when the [NewDSLog] form closes, the [DailyDSQry Subform] needs to requery/update so that it displays the new entry.

I have tried the following in a command "CLOSE" button in form [NewDSLog]:
docmd.Runcommand AcCmdRecordSave
Me!Forms![Daily Log]![DailyDSQry subform].Refesh
Me!Forms![DailyDSQry subform].[Query].!Requery

but no LUCK.....Keep getting errors
Any Ideas
Thanks all, I do appreciate the help

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How To Check Property Of A Closed Form

Nov 23, 2005

I have a DB with 20 forms. All of the forms are closed. I opened a new form and added a button. I would like to do the following when the button is clicked:

Check the "Tag" property of each form and count whichever is not null.

Can anybody help me out??::o

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Form Stores Data When Closed??

Oct 6, 2006

I have a form which is associated with a table. When I put some values in the fields which are connected to the database and try to close the form, it gives me an error that "Can't insert record the primary key might be duplicated"...! and then it closes.

Does the form store a record in the table while closing??

If so is there a way to prevent it??
Please reply..

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Possible To OPEN Switchboard Again When A Form Is Closed

Mar 15, 2013

I would like to have the Switchboard I created open when the database is selected. I used Tools/Startup to set this up. It works to a point. The database window opens and THEN the Switchboard opens (on top of the database window). There are some who I wish not to see the database navigation window). Also, is it possible to OPEN the switchboard again when a Form is closed?

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Queries :: Retrieve Criteria From Form / When Form Is Closed

Mar 28, 2013

I have a query that retrieves one of its criteria from a form. I have referenced correctly the value on the form from the query, and it works, but what I wanted to do is a bit more complicated: when the form is closed, I want to launch the query with a "default value". I tried to do it in 2 different ways:

a) Defining an "IIf" at the query criteria: I would need a function that checks if the form from which I retrieve the values is open.
b) Defining public variables with a default value, which would be changed from the form: I don't know where/when to initialize the value of the variable.

Query gets criteria from form when it's open. If form is closed, query uses default value.

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Changing Save Method When Form Is Closed

Oct 31, 2006

Hi, I have code for a command button that allows me to save the form information to 7 different tables primary key (the same primary key), owever when i close the form it resaves the information and i get a duplicate error msg. Is there anyway to get around this? Can I change what happens when the form is closed. i tried to apply this code to Form_Close() but to no avail.



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Advanced VBA Wait In Subroutine Until Form Is Closed

Jul 7, 2004

Hi all.
I have a form that opens up another form when you click on a button. The button does more than just open the form, it does other checks. I want to wait until the opened form is closed to continue with the subroutine. Is this even possible in VBA? I was wondering if there was a frmFormName.IsOpen or some kind of flag that would tell me if a form is open or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sub open
Checks things
Checks things
checks things

Opens form(frmDetails)
Wait for form to close (THING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IF POSSIBLE)

Checks things
Checks things

end sub

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Modules & VBA :: Save Value Of Field And Use It Once Form Closed

Apr 22, 2015

I have a MainForm. Using a button on the MainForm i open an PopUp form which I enter values.

I want to save the value of a field (text), close the PopUp form. Then use the Saved value in the MainForm to find a record.

So far I have this but not working:

TempVars.Add "company", Me.CompanyName.Value
If Me.Dirty = True Then
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
DoCmd.FindRecord Forms![MainForm]![CompanyName] = TempVars("company")
DoCmd.GoToControl "Combo48"

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General :: IIF Statement To Determine A Closed Form

Oct 12, 2012

I am running Access 2010. I am building a form that is finding the "Docket Numbers" from three different forms. In order to get these numbers, I put in three text boxes with these statements:

Text box1

Text box2

Text box3

However, not all three forms will necessarily be open at one time so I am trying to use an Iif statement to check if the form is open. I can't seem to figure out the function to check if the form is open. I am looking for something along these lines:

Text box1
=iif([Forms]![Jobslist] = closed,"",[Forms]![Jobslist]![Docketnumber]

What i need to figure out is what to used instead of "= closed".

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Triggering A Macro To Occur When A Form Window Is Closed

Aug 17, 2006


I am wondering whether it is possible to trigger the run of a macro when a form window is closed using the close button in the top right of a standard window?

If not, then is it possible to display a form in a window without the minimize, restore and close buttons?

I am currently using a setup whereby I have a button to close a form, and when clicked a macro is executed. However, the user could just as easily close the form using the close button of the window and the updates would not be performed.

Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Saving Combobox After Form Is Closed And Re-opened

Sep 26, 2013

I have a main form called frmAF54. In this main form I have a subform named frmPassdown. The subform record source is from a table called tblCards. This table contains many different cards. I have a combobox called lstOpCard in the main form as well. The combobox lists all of the different cards in "tblCards". I have a button called "buttonFilter".

A user opens the form and clicks (or selects) the different cards in the combo box "lstOpCard" that they want to filter for. Once their selections are made, they can click the "buttonFilter" button and the subform "frmPassdown" will be filtered based off of their selections.

The filter is applied using the IN() function as shown below:
Me.AF54PassDown.Form.Filter = "[OpCardID] IN ( " & sTemp & " )" --sTemp is a string containing the keyIDs of the cards selected.

My problem is that people will be opening and closing the form throughout the day / week. When the form closes, it loses the applied filter. How can I have my filter on the subform be saved after the form is closed and the filter is still applied when the form is opened later?

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Modules & VBA :: Command To Execute When Form Is Closed Or Quit

Feb 5, 2015

There is a form where whenever the form is closed, the below code needs to execute:

If IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece1.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece2.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece3.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece4.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece5.Value) = True Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings (0)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
DoCmd.SetWarnings (-1)
Call AppendQuoteCharges
End If

The If Then just looks at if certain fields are all null and if so, it deletes the current record. If at least one field is not null, the AppendQuoteCharges routine is called.

The form has 4 or 5 navigation buttons that close this form and send you to a different one. I've added the above code to each of those buttons before it runs the DoCmd.Close Form. I also have a Exit button that runs a DoCmd.Quit. I developed this months back but I'm pretty sure I added the above code under each button's click event rather than a Form On Close event because Form On Close does not execute after a DoCmd.Quit command

In rare cases, the form is being closed without the routine being ran. I think if a user clicks the Close button in the top right of Access (the X), it might be running a DoCmd.Quit which is doesn't run this code.

How can I be sure that whenever the form is closed or exited, the code is ran? Is there a way to tie this code to the user clicking the X in the top right?

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MultiTab Form Loses Size When Report Is Opend And Closed

Jun 24, 2005

Ive been searching for answers need assist.
I have a multi tab form with multiple sub forms and control buttons.
One of the buttons calls a report to come into preview mode.

the problem is when I close the report the multitab form loses its max size.
I have tried
docmd.maximize on the on open, on got focus of the form
and I have tried the
docmd.restore as well with no luck.

any suggestiond greatly appreciated.

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MultiTab Form Loses Size When Report Is Opend And Closed

Jun 24, 2005

Ive been searching for answers need assist.
I have a multi tab form with multiple sub forms and control buttons.
One of the buttons calls a report to come into preview mode.

the problem is when I close the report the multitab form loses its max size.
I have tried
docmd.maximize on the on open, on got focus of the form
and I have tried the
docmd.restore as well with no luck.

any suggestiond greatly appreciated.

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Macro Not Recognizing Text Box Value

Sep 17, 2011

I have a text box on a sub-form that you can double-click to bring up another form that filters records based on the value in that text box you double-click. It used to work, but for some reason, it's no longer able to find the value in the text box so I get that little pop-up window asking for the value of the field I'm trying to reference.

What are the possible causes for this?

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System Not Recognizing Date Input

Sep 15, 2004

I have a form where the user inputs a date into a combo box and then selects a command button.

There are two options:
1. The user can select an exiting entry (by date from the combo box) to edit a existing entry.
2. to create a new entry they enter a new date (not in the combo box).
Then the user selects a command button.

The command button has an onClick macro where the value in the combo box is checked (IsNull([Combo40]))

If the "IsNull([Combo40])" is true a message box is presented saying the date field is blank.

The problem is (finally) if you enter a new date "3/3/04" and forget to hit the enter key the system doesn't recognize the entry, in other words the "IsNull([Combo40])" evaluates to TRUE.

We currently have the msgBox remind the user to hit the enter key but that seems a little low tech. Is there anyway to look at the field and see the data even though the user forgot to hit the enter key??


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Modules & VBA :: Expression Builder IIF Not Recognizing Text

Jan 14, 2015

what's wrong with this iif statement?

=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

it keeps coming back with 0 even when the text says COST OF PRODUCT

I have also tried:
=IIf([Details]="COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)
=IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0) =IIf([Details] Like "COST OF PRODUCT*",[PerUnit]*[Quantity],0)

I'm using the expression builder to create it in a total box in the report footer, I have a box that gives me the total of the report using a sum and I need to show the cost of product separately to this as I need to use it in another calculation.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Recordset Not Recognizing Next Move?

Aug 27, 2014

So I have a table "zztblArticles." Some fields should go to "tblArticles" and values in Tag_ID should go to a lookup table "tblTag" and a junction table "tblArticles_Tags." I'll explain the code I've written below:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()

Dim db As Database
Dim strINSERT As String
Dim strVALUES As String
Dim rszztblArticles As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

The first loop through works fine, I get the records uploaded to all tables. The second loop through fails at

intArticleID = DLookup("ID", "tblArticles", "Sourcing_Date = " & !Sourcing_Date)

Because it can't decide which ID value to use. This is because the value has been duplicated in tblArticles after the code acts on the same record again. It has completely failed to move to the next record in the recordset, despite the .MoveNext before the Loop!

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Queries :: Not Recognizing Expression As A Valid Field Name When Applying Data To A Chart

Jun 18, 2015

So I'm new to Access, and I am trying use a query that can be referred to by a chart. So the idea is that I use the query to select data only from the date range that the user chooses on the home screen of the database for their chart (using the command Between [Forms]![Home Screen]![From] And [Forms]![Home Screen]![to])..Although it has been working fine for charts that only have two parameters, when I attempted to make a line graph that sorts by 3 parameters (i.e. date and amount for different types of something), it stops. I get the message that "The Microsoft Office Access database does not recognize [Forms]![Home Screen]![From] as a valid field name or expression" or something to that effect.I'd rather not remove the whole specification created by using the dates from the home screen, as it has been working fine on all other aspects of my charts and reports.

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