Tables :: Hide Inactive Status From Dropdown Box In Other Table

Nov 20, 2014

I have some tables with data where in one column the user will choose a status between 30-40 different options. They are choosing this option to show a reason why a trade was pended and not approved immediately. These reasons seem to change frequently and sometimes we no longer want to use an old reason.

I do reporting back several years, so I cannot just 'remove' a reason or it will be removed from the table and I will have blank reasons. When selecting the specific reason, the table takes the dropdown from another table that simply lists every possible reason. I want to know how I can make it so that the reason that is no longer in use remains on that connected table, but when the person entering data clicks the dropdown button, the removed or inactive reason no longer shows up as an option.

Previously I had seen people add a column to the connected table of reasons and use a "yes/no" check box to show if the reason is now Inactive. When you checked YES on inactive, the reason would disappear from the dropdown list. My issue is that I do not know what language or formula to use (or where to use it) so that when I click Inactive = Yes, the reason disappears from the dropdown menu.

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Hide Selection Option On Form By Making Lines On A Table INACTIVE

Jan 15, 2014

I have several tables linking our employees to certain supervisors, etc.On the Form, there is a drop down with all employees listed that someone can select and then enter the stats required. When someone leaves the firm, I want to remove them from the form dropdown list, but not delete them from the corresponding table. I have seen this in other databases where they someone added an 'Inactive' column with a Yes/No response and when you selected the inactive - yes, that name would disappear from the form when people select names from a dropdown to enter to make the names disappear from the view in a form, but not in the table related to that form?

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General :: Hide Dropdown Based On Forms View?

Sep 18, 2013

how I can hide a combo box or text box based on whether the form is opened in a filtered view or not?

I have a form that can be opened in a filtered view showing only that record, or an unfiltered view showing all records. I want an extra drop down selection box to show only when the form is in an unfiltered view.

I am using Access 2010.

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Tables :: Field Of Table Changed But Dropdown Not Updated In Form

Jan 4, 2015

I Have made a change to a field in my tables. it was was based on ethnic background and originally i had just created the field but had not added in the options ( via adding it into the row sources).

So now the tables field have been updated but unfortunately on the form it has not updated into the dropdown i had created containing the options..

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Tables :: Update A Field In One Table Based On Status Of A Field In Another Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.

I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.

In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'

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Automatically Hide Any Tables Created In The Database Except One Table

Dec 4, 2006

I want to automatically hide all the tables in the database, and automatically hide any new tables that are created, imported thereafter, except one mastertable.
How do i achieve this?

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Tables :: Hide Data - Show First Three Letters Of Last Name In Table

Sep 17, 2013

I am creating a database for an ambulance organization to track call history. One of the fields that needs to be populated is patient's last name. I need to show the last name when printing the form for billing purpose. However, I only want to shoe the first three letters of the last name in the table. For example, if the patients last name is Smith. When printing the form I would see the name Smith, but in the table I would only see Smi**.

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Queries :: Three Different Tables - Last Status Day Report

May 17, 2013

I have 3 different tables in a DB that I need to combine to get information on for 1 report.

table 1- Has the main info, (CR#) doc number, when issued, due date, etc...
table 2 - Is a Status table which in form view will show date and time of the status of a document and who has it.
table 3 - have what type of document it is and how many submitted.

The reports needed are: open status (what is the status of that doc. who has it and only need the last status) and the report needs to have on it: the cr #, what type of doc.

I have done a query combining the 3 tables and it is not showing correctly here? I just need the last date entered into status.

SELECT Max( AS MaxOfdate, (([ReportDate]-[DateIssued]))-((DateDiff("ww",[DateIssued],[ReportDate]))) AS [Total Days], tblsignatures.status, tblitem.ReportDate, tblcr.CR, tblcr.DateIssued, tblcr.DueDate, tblcr.ClosedDate, tblitem.item, [DueDate]-Date() AS DueDates
FROM (tblsignatures INNER JOIN tblcr ON = tblcr.CR) INNER JOIN tblitem ON tblcr.CR =
GROUP BY tblsignatures.status, tblitem.ReportDate, tblcr.CR, tblcr.DateIssued, tblcr.DueDate, tblcr.ClosedDate, tblitem.item, [DueDate]-Date()
HAVING (((tblcr.ClosedDate) Is Null)

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Tables :: Set Up Attendance Database That Has Multiple Status Available For Single Day

Dec 9, 2012

I need to set up an attendance database, that has multiple statuses available for a single day.Example: employee can be present, he can have a sick leave, he can be away on training, or business trip, etc... And for some of those statuses, like business trip, i need to be able to freely enter a comment, stating where he is etc..

Anyway, the key is that this database should be able to offer a "headcount" option, and traceability for past statuses for at least a year, for every and all employees. Now i just need to set up the database tables and relationships.

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Getting Record Status From A History Table

Oct 22, 2007

Dear All,

I have a MAIN table which stores the most recent info of a record with
following details:

1 |6 | 1

and a second table called history which records changes in the main table

HistoryID | Status | DateStamp
1 | 1 | #22/10/2007 09:00#
1 | 2 | #22/10/2007 09:01#
2 | 1 | #22/10/2007 09:05#
2 | 2 | #22/10/2007 09:06#
1 | 2 | #22/10/2007 11:00#
2 | 3 | #22/10/2007 15:00#
1 | 3 | #22/10/2007 16:00#
2 | 2 | #22/10/2007 16:10#

Where Status 1 = Open, 2 = Allocated and 3 = Closed.
I want to get the count of number of queries which are not closed
(outstanding) at any point in time.

Example: (with a time parameter)
Input | Result
22/10/2007 17:00 | 1
22/10/2007 16:05 | 0
22/10/2007 14:00 | 2

I want to achieve this with just 1 query (not by using one query within the
other) b,coz I want to further use this query from Excel VBA (write through
Excel VBA and not store the query within Access)

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Many Thanks

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Tables :: Budget Database - Autonumber Field Is Not In Record Source Dropdown

Sep 20, 2012

I created a table in a budget database without a autonumber field. I then inserted a autonumber field after creating the form by inserting a row in the table which works fine in the table, now i want to use a text box on the form with BudgetID from the autonumber field to give me the total amount of records in the database but the autonumber field is not in the record source dropdown.

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Forms :: Click Button To Open Dropdown To Open Record The Filters By Dropdown

Jul 28, 2014

I currently have a button that opens a report. the report pulls from a query that has parameters set to "fromdate" and "todate". instead of using dates and parameters that pop up as blank text boxes, I would like to click the button, have a form pop up with a combo box to select all of the options available (currently 23 options) and then click a button to make a report that only displays the record (1-23) selected. I do not need any time constraints because as the databases get updated with more records, there would be more than 23 options to choose from.

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Displaying Table Names In Dropdown

Jan 22, 2008


In our database, we have a table called change_log which is to be filled in whenever someone adds/removes columns from a table in the database or modifies column properties.

One of the columns in the change_log table contains the name of the table which was changed. To avoid typos and misspellings, I would like to create a dropdown which displays all table names in the database. Can this be done programmatically?


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Forms :: Add A Command That Changes Contact Status In Archived Field Of Table

Jun 18, 2013

I have a query that gets it's data from tblContacts. In this table is a yes/no field for archiving and the query gets only those records with a No in the field. The default is no. Next I have a form based on this query, which I am using to hold a set of command buttons which act on a contact chosen from an unbound list. So far so good but now I would like to add a command that changes the contact's status in the archived field of the table to Yes, so that I can use the form to view/edit, or email, or archive.

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Okay To Flag Status Of One Table In Another Table?

Jul 8, 2012

If you've got a library database with three tables: books, clients, borrowings, would it be okay to have a field in 'books' that flags whether or not the book is currently on loan - or should that fact always be elicited from a search of the 'borrowings' table?

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ID In Table When Selecting Text From Dropdown-menu

May 9, 2005

Here's my problem:

I got a Table which contains software:


ID |Software
1 |Office
2 |Winzip
3 |Etc.

I made a form with a dropdown-menu in which I can select the software and it stores it in another Table named TblPC.
It stores something allright. but not the text. It stores the ID Nr.
How do I get this to work that it puts the text inside the table instead off te ID nr?

I allready tried changing the properties off the listbox but it wouldn't help.

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General :: Using Table As Control Source For Dropdown Box?

Apr 6, 2013

Is it possible in access 2010 to create a table "Kits" with 4 columns: kit, lot, expire_date, in_use.

Then in a form use that table as a control source for dropdown box? However, if in the table in_use is "No" then that row is not a choice?

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How To Create A Table That Change According To Dropdown List

Oct 11, 2011

Refer to the image below:

I want to make a form with the following criteria:-

Has one dropdown list. (like in the picture) Has one table. (like in the picture) When I select an item (for example: Syarikat A Sdn. Bhd.), the table below it (yellow circled), will automatically change data according to the corresponding selected list so that user can edit/add/delete the data in the table.

The issue: I already made the dropdown list and table, but how can I make the number 3 condition.

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Forms :: Using One Dropdown List Box To Display A Selecting In Another Dropdown List Box?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a form where I have two drop down list box.The first list box is called Transaction_Type. It contains three values: Created, Allocated and Sold

The second list box is called Product_Status. It contains 6 items: Allocated, Produced, Reworked, Shipped, To Be Produced, Unallocated.

I have a products form. When a user created more inventory they will selected in the drop down list create, then a quantity. Then I would like the status of the product to update to "Unallocated".

When the user placed an order but doesn't finish it they will choose the status of the inventory to be allocated so I would like the product status to be updated to allocated automatically.

They other status the user will choose them self and do not need to be linked to each other.

In my vba code I have tried with the OnClick and AfterUpdate sub procedures with the following code.

If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Created" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Unallocated"
End If
If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Allocated" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Allocated"
End If

Yes when i select "created" from the drop down list it does not change product_status to say "unallocated"

(in using access 2007)

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Check Box Yes/no = Active/inactive Record

Sep 30, 2006

I am a newbie to Access. I have a check box on my form that defaults to checked, meaning the record is active, what I want to do is when the box is unchecked, not have the record appear as an active record and just be on the table. I have the check box on the table and when I uncheck it on the form it unchecks on the table but don't know how to stop it from appearing in the active records. Thanks for your help, April

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Forms :: Delete Inactive Members?

Jan 9, 2015

I have created a database containing customer records and i wanted to somehow add a part where an individuals records will automatically be deleted if they are not active for 3 years+

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Modules & VBA :: Inactive Use Of Null In Search Form

Mar 18, 2014

I'm trying to add a new functionality on my search form where the user can search for records that haven't been modified(based on the field DateModified) for certain amount of time.This is what I added in my search function but it's giving me "Invalid use of Null"

If Not IsNull(Me.txtInactiveTime) Then
Dim LValue As Integer
LValue = DateDiff("d", Me.DateModified, Date)
Select Case Me.txtInactiveTime
Case "> 1 month"
strWhere = strWhere & "(LValue >= " 30 ") AND "
Case "> 2 months"
strWhere = strWhere & "(LValue >= " 60 ") AND "
End Select
End If

txtInactiveTime is a combo box where the user chooses the time during which the records haven't been modified.(i.e. 1 month, 2 months etc.)

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Forms :: Form Active And Inactive Field

Aug 18, 2015

Field "A" is the drop list to select data like (Yes, No)

Field "B" is inactive but turn it to active when the field "A" is select to "Yes".

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Dropdown Box Depends On Another Dropdown Box Value

Dec 8, 2004

I am currently developing an app with MS-access. I need two drop boxs on the same form. First is states and second is cities. When user selects one state from the first dropdown box, the second dropdown box will only display the cities that in the selected state. Is that possible by using ms-access??


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General :: Multi Users Access Database Gets Inactive

Nov 13, 2013

I have a multiuser data entry form which on using somtimes gets inactive, means the button stop working and we have to close the form and open again to avoid.

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General :: Database Window Becomes Inactive And Cannot Open Another Form / Report

Aug 17, 2014

I have just noticed when I open one of my forms . the database window becomes inactive and I cannot open another , form , report etc.

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