Tables :: How To Hold Matrix Data In A Table

Aug 17, 2014

In my DB there is a set of company-running rules that are addressed to different groups within the company, like drivers, bookkeeping, warehouse, electricians etc. Both groups and workers scope and number might change from time to time. I need to make a table that holds which worker belongs to which of these groups (one worker to one or more groups). The easiest way of setting this for the user would be kind of a matrix-look form where lines would hold the name of workers, columns would hold the groups and at the cross points there would be check boxes to set or unset membership. However I can't find the way in what table sturcture this could be utilized.

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Tables :: Data Entry In Matrix Format

Nov 25, 2012

I am designing a little database to hold physical activity log info for 2 school districts, required by a grant. Four-five times each year every kid (2000) will complete a log form for 3 days that lists separately for 34 intervals (1/2 hour each, from 7am - midnight) in which physical activity s/he engaged (59 options) and the level of effort of each (4 options, from light to very hard).

The log sheets look like a datasheet with 5 blank columns: #1 enter the activity code (1-59) and #2-5 mark an "X" in the column describing level of effort (light to very hard). There are 34 rows, each labeled from 7am thru midnight in intervals of 30 minutes. The kids **have to** enter an activity code and a level of effort on every row. They do this for three days in a row, 4-5 times during the year. (believe it or not ... federal grant requirement)

.........................#1 .......... #2 .........#3 ........#4 ....... #5
TimePeriod ......ActivityCode .Light ....Moderate .Hard ...VeryHard
7-730........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
730-8........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
8-830........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |

I am maintaining survey responses (also 4-5 times a year) in this same database. I have a basic demographic table (Id, name, grade level, school). I am also maintaining eating habits (4-5 times per year) from food logs, like the activity logs, but these are for 5-7 days at a time. Finally, I will be importing number of steps walked for 4-7 days (also 4-5 times each year) from pedometer downloads, one per kid.

I have all tables and data entry forms except for this activity log set up, all data entered for the baseline period. What I would like to do with the activity log is something like a main form showing kid name, ID. I think I want to enter each row of the log (34 rows) into something like a datasheet, each row with a date field (I will use CTRL-' to copy down for one page of the paper log), and an activity code field (1-59 as codes) and a level of effort field (1-4, light to very hard).

What I think I want is one table for activity info, each record with these fields:

Time_Interval (these are the 34 rows, 7am - midnight, in 1/2 hour intervals)
Activity_Code (options 1-59)
Level_of_Effort (options 1-4)

I can see this in a datasheet format, but entering 2000 kids * 3 pages * 4-5 times a year [* 3 years] into Excel does not seem to be an efficient solution.

If I could open a form on the screen with a combo box to pick a kid and then pick a date, then fill in 34 rows of activity codes (1-59 as options) with a level of effort for each (1-4 as options), that would be great.

My obstacle right now is how to display 34 empty rows already loaded with an index related to the time interval, so that I don't have to enter that for each row -

Hence my subject descriptor, "data entry in matrix format". I am using Access 2007, Windows XP Pro (all service packs etc. up to date).

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Tables :: Table Structure For Training Matrix

Nov 8, 2014

I am starting out creating a training database to track training needs and expiring training etc.I'm just looking for some tips as to how to structure the tables and relationships..I have an employee table, department table and training type table.However im wondering how i can set up requirments and then match these to check if the person is trained up to date on all required skills?

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Tables :: 2 Table To Generate Separate Matrix Table

Mar 9, 2014

I have 2 tables

- Staff Position(Unique Position Name, Description, Hierarchy)
- Training (ID, Name, Description etc.)

I essentially want a table with Staff Position as the Field, and Training as the Rows. The intersecting entries/matrix will be Yes/No to say whether that staff positions requires that training.

Simple Example

..................... Worker ........ Senior ........ Principal
IT Training ......YES ............. YES .............. YES
Accounts ......... NO ............. YES .............. YES
Management ... NO ............. NO ............... YES

I need the user to be able to add as many training entries and as many staff positions as they want. It doesn't HAVE to be that sort of format...

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Tables :: Produce A Report Matrix

Mar 25, 2015

I have produced a query, which counts the number of records fulfilling each set of criteria, but I can't now convert that into the matrix presentation.

I have a attached a copy of what is produced currently through Excel.

Basically each count on the query represents one of the boxes within the matrix. For example if the record Impact is 1, and the Likelihood is 1, then it would be counted within the bottom left hand box.

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Tables :: Display And Populate In 2D Matrix

Apr 27, 2015

I've been asked to consolidate data from a number of different sources, rationalise and set up some access controls to restrict viewing/editing. The raw data is combination of personal data, cost codes and dates.

My company supply labour and materials to offshore facilities, where our staff work on a rotational basis. These swings typically run 2 weeks on/2 weeks off, but often can run shorter periods. We need to track who is offshore and at which facility, both to prevent double bookings and identify when we can book people in for training etc. This data also needs to form the basis for our timekeeping application.

I've created the base tables successfully, rationalising where possible, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to replicate the current process of assigning people to their rotation.

The travel team currently use a matrix where the user info is broken down by trade and name in the left hand column, then the dates are displayed in a row across the top. The process of allocation is then simply colour code the dates where the person is booked on or off.

__________________|1 Feb|2 Feb|3 Feb|

Is this possible in Access at all, or if not, is there a means of at least displaying the data like this?

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Matrix Of Data

Oct 13, 2004

I need to have MS access track various quantities of each of 500 items at 200 different locations. What is the best way to handle this.

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Queries :: Data To Display In Matrix Format

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to get this data to display in a matrix format.How can I get it to display multiple entries in there, such as Fiona and Chloe in the FR box?

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General :: 2D Matrix That Can Be Populated With Data And Scanned Once Printed

Jul 30, 2014

I found the IDatomation Datamatrix barcode in the ActiveX controls.

Is buying their software the only way to actually get this barcode to work?

Any other way to create a 2D matrix that can be populated with data and scanned once printed?

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How To Create All Unique Values In 4 X 4 Matrix Table

Oct 6, 2012

if I got a 4 x 4 matrix table - 4 rows and 4 columns - MS Access 2007/2010 the values should exist as below with no repetition of any number in any of the cells.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

a number should not repeat in any of the cells.I set a primary key on cloumn 1 and defined unique on all the fileds but that doesn't work since 1 columns does not know what the other cell contains and no relationship exists.

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Modules & VBA :: Training Matrix - Matching Listbox Selections To Table Records

May 6, 2015

I have a training matrix that lists employee names and certifications on various operations. The objective is to choose an operation and run a query to display everyone who is certified on that op. There are additional variables.

John Doe 526261 C C C
Bob Doe 555622 C C C
Sheila Doe 066600 C C C

Okay that looks about right for the data itself. The listbox has all the ops, you choose an op and hit a button and it goes and finds everyone who has a 'C' in that op column and pulls their record.

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Way To Hold Value From Field For Another Form

Sep 20, 2006

I have a form, that allows the users to enter time off for staff. It has a start date and end date fields. When they hit submit, it will enter records for all the days within this timespan into the table.

Here is the code I have on my button onclick

StartD = txtbegdate.Value
EndD = txtenddate.Value
FN = cboEmployeeName.Value
RC = cboReasonCode.Value
TM = txtteam.Value
TC = cboComments.Value
For Counter = StartD To EndD Step 1
txtbegdate.Value = Counter
Datefound = Nz(DLookup("[ExcludedDates]", "qryDateExcluded"), 0)

If Datefound = 0 Then

'Found no excluded date
txtDateOff.Value = Counter
cboEmployeeName.Value = FN
cboReasonCode.Value = RC
txtteam.Value = TM
cboComments.Value = TC
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End If

Next Counter
txtbegdate.Value = ""
txtenddate.Value = ""
MsgBox "Dates added, click OK to continue!", vbOKOnly
End Sub

What I want to do next is, after it enters the data. It popups another form, that is based on a query that checks for duplicate entries for that person.

I thought using something like this right after the msg box alert, would do the trick.

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "f_findduplicates"

stLinkCriteria = "[Employee_Name]=" & "'" & Me![Text0] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

but, what happens is after the data is entered. The main form clears so the user can make the next entry. So when the popup form is generated, there is no 'employee_name' data to base the query on. so the form opens blank.

Is there a way to keep the 'employee_name' field data in a temp memory or something so the form has something to run with?

Or does anyone have a better solution? I would prefer that the data never gets entered in the first place, but I can't get anything like that to work with my current form.

thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Hold Filter On Subform

Jul 30, 2014

I'm trying to make it so I could filter a subform from the main form and it will hold those results and allow them to be edited in the subform without it refiltering it. I want it to still be able to update the table by whats edited in the subform, but I don't want it to "disappear" from the subform when the filtered "matching" criteria is changed on a record.

How could I go about accomplishing this?

Here is my code for the filter of my subform:

Private Sub Form_Load()
strFilter = "[Rep Number] = " & "RepNumberField" & _
" AND " & "[UserName] = " & "UserNameField" & ""
RepReassignmentSubform.Form.Filter = strFilter
RepReassignmentSubform.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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Forms :: Hold Record With Time And Go Back To It Later?

Apr 18, 2015

I am preparing a database to track the daily activities of my team. This is a real time database wherein the users will add their daily ongoing task and submit.

The action for me is, I need to capture the time required for each task.

Also, there is a possibility that the user will have to hold a task for a while/days due to some issue and will start another task. Once they have a feedback on the issue they will resume the pending/holded task.

Here, I need to capture only the time they have invested in performing the task and ignore the time spent to receive feedback on the issue. Hence the time should start when they start the activity and pause when they hold the activity. Again, the time should continue where they had paused, when they re-start the holded activvity and finally ends when the submit.

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Current User Report With Hold And Open Ended Dates

Jul 10, 2012

I manage a fleet of vehicles at work with drivers assigned to these vehicles. Each driver may opt to pay a contribution for private use of these vehicles.

This can normally be done on an excel database, however, the drivers sometimes go on leave, so I need to put their payments on hold. At this time, other drivers may take over for that period or the vehicle is left at the office. Also, the drivers change their level of contribution from time to time, so I need to adjust that accordingly too.

When the driver takes over a vehicle they complete a form that has the contribution level (there are 4 to chose from) and the dates they will have it from. They always provide a start date, however, sometimes the end date is left open.

Sometimes, driver A will say something like 'From 1 Jan 2012 To Open' then driver B may take it for a week and say 'From 1 July 2012 To 1 August 2012'.

I want to know if Access is the right tool to produce the report with the current driver, and that it will revert back to the Driver A after 1 August?

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Tables :: Update A Field Of Table A By Entering Data On Table B

Sep 14, 2012

Some days ago I made it by using "query", but now I forget it how I make the relation on this situation. Here is my problem.I have 3 Table on mdb file, named Table: A, B, Status.Table Status have One Filed with 1 Data: Dishonor

Table A have three fields

Sl Number: (Auto Number)
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)-Default Value is "Honor"

Table B have two Fileds
Sl Number: Number
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)

After Entering Some data on Table A it's Look like as:

Asl numberstatusamount


Now I want to change the Status of SL Number Honor to Dishonor so I fillup data on Table B is as like following

sl numberstatus

Now how I can get the result as following by using query:sl numberstatusamount

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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Tables :: Normalize Existing Table Containing Data And Copying PK Value To FK In New Table

Nov 21, 2014

I am working from an existing database which is just two table. The main table has a massive amount of redundancy and duplication and needs splitting into, at first glance, 5 tables.

After I have run my various make table queries and added a Primary Key and FK field to the new tables how do I populate the FK with the Parent PK.

I thought I could simply add all the fields from the new table and then create an adhoc join in an update query to populate the PK to the FK. When I do this however I get "You are about to update 0 records"

I have tried the table analyzer but it doesn't give the correct options to split the table the way I need.

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Tables :: Data Entered In Table Linked With Other Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have two table

1 is name master containing EMPID(Primary Key)
2 is Saving which also contain EMPID

i want to entered data in Saving with each and every EMPID with Master

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Tables :: Appending Data From One Table In Database To Another Table

May 31, 2013

I am assisting my employer by combining two databases into one. Both databases have the same field "structure" but the data differs. When creating my append query.

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Tables :: Transfer Data From Table Or Query To Second Table

Apr 25, 2014

Let's say that there're 2 workers: Worker A, and Worker B, and they are fixing some engines. There's 2 different engines: Engine A, and Engine B. And these workers are fixing these engines for all day, and in the evening they have to register how many engines they've fixed.

And my job is to design Access database for them. I thought it will be very easy to do; I've created table with columns: Date, Worker, Engine, Quantity - so every day Worker A and Worker B can register, that they have repaired some amount of Engines A and Engines B.

But there's a problem that I also have to register how many Engines have arrived to the factory, and how many of them weren't repaired on time (E.g. 15 Engines A have arrived, Worker A fixed 5, Worker B fixed 5 so there's 5 engines left for tomorrow)

I've figured out that I should somehow create table IncomingEngines with columns Date, Engine, Incoming, Fixed, Undone (field Fixed should be completed automatically every day for every engine - it would be a sum of engines A and engines B fixed by worked A and worker B - so I could fill Incoming field manually)

It's easy to create this kind-of Query, but I can't add column to querry, or edit it.

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Tables :: Getting Data From One Table To Form Of Another Table

Oct 15, 2013

I have a table called "WorkRequest" consisting of some fields such as WR Number, WR Date, WR Time, WR Requested by and WR Work Requested.Once a work request is completed, I want to open a form called "JobCards" from a table called "JobCards". When I click on the pulldown box for the Job card number, it lists the "WorkRequest.WR Numbers" which is what I want.

My problem is: As soon as I select the WR Number and it displays in the jobcard form in the JobCardNumber field, and I press ENTER or TAB, it must automatically populate the corresponding fields on the JobCard Form. These fields are defined identically in bot the "WorkRequest" and the "JobCard" tables.

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Tables :: Filling Some Table Data From Another Table

May 14, 2015

I currently am working on a small inventory project. I have a table with the fields "Part Number" which is my primary key, "Description", "Cost", and "Sale Cost". I have a second table that I would like to use to keep track of purchase orders. It has the fields "Part Number", "Description", "QTY", and "Cost". I would like to be able to open purchase orders and be able to select a part number from a combo box that pulls "Part Number" from my item list.

So I can enter items in to my item list and later when I do purchase orders I can go to purchase orders select my item and have it automatically fill in the description and cost in my purchase order. If the item does not exist I can enter in the item in to the item list table. At this point i'm not worried about a prompt to enter in new items if they don't exist in the item list table. I just want to my Purchase Orders table to be able to autofill description and cost by selecting a "Part Number".

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Tables :: How To Transfer Data From A Table To Another Table

Jan 21, 2014

I am new in using MS Access. We have this thesis that checks the attendance of the professors and then sends the ID number of the professor to MS Access. I am using smsenabler as the software to encode the ID numbers to the database.

The problem is that, I want to transfer the ID numbers to specific table for the professors name. I don't know how to do it. And I can't make the ID numbers as primary keys because it duplicates every time the professor scans his/her ID.

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Table Data From Other Tables

May 10, 2006

I am not sure how to word this or how to search the forums for an answer and am getting frusterated.

I need to create a table that pulls data from other tables based on a job number and a check box (true or false).

I have to export the data from the table to a text file and set a fixed with for the columns so that it will turn out like this:

1HCPT UBR RTMX002063TE 682782 CS000000010008518RR025008518RR04 000916500007000DY0Detailed Inspection------------------------------ E
1HCPT UBR RTMX002063TE 682782 CSA00000010004458GT009004458RR04 000705000000000DY0Jack Car A End------------------------------------ E
1HCPT UBR RTMX002063TE 682782 CSB00000010004458GT009004458RR04 000705000000000DY0Jack Car B End------------------------------------ E
1HCPT UBR RTMX002063TE 682782 CS000000020004400DF009004400RR04 000141000000000DY0Hook-up Top Rod----------------------------------- E
1HCPT UBR RTMX002063TE 682782 CS000000010004450FV009004450RR04 000047000000000DY0Lube Center Plate--------------------------------- E

I can't seem to do this in a query because it does not give me an export to text option.

Can anyone help me figure out a way to do this?

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Apparel Matrix

May 1, 2006

I'm trying to setup an apparel matrix that will allow me to validate user entry on my inventory database.
We have garment styles and each style can have a variety of different colors and sizes. Some garment styles are available in some colors/sizes and not others. I created a table each for Style, Color and Size which contain the possible values for each of those. I then setup a form that lets the user pick a style and then in a subform create however many combinations of color and size they need. From this I would like to generate an item number such as 1100-Red-XL(style-color-size). I would also like to create a table from this that is essentially a list of all possible item numbers. Then later, when the user is adding/removing inventory I want to check to make sure that the style/color/size combo they are trying to Add/Remove exists.
I would also like to use the item number list to generate inventory status reports.
I'm stuck at how how to take the matrix form data, concatenate each style/color/size into a single field and then generate a new table with that.

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