Tables :: How To Open Form Using Hyperlink Data Types

Jun 8, 2014

I create a table that have one hyperlink data type and i want to open a existing form that i created using this hyperlink.

Can this hyperlink data type open a form in the same access database? or open form in different access database?

Using hyperlink button have the function to open form in same database but the problem is this function is not available in hyperlink data type.

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Converting Data Types With Linked Tables

Aug 3, 2007


I have 2 linked tables, I would like to join these tables in access, however the first table's field is a memo and the second table is a number. I have tried to cint() the field in a query but I get an error message "Explicit conversion from datatype text to smallint is not allowed"

Any ideas how to get around this problem?



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Hyperlink In Form Will Not Open Outlook

Nov 16, 2012

I have a form linking to information in a query, and simply shows some client information. one thing the form shows is the clients email. from the query i can click on the email (hyperlink) and outlook opens a blank email with the clients email already inserted. how do i get the form to do the same?

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Use Hyperlink To Open Form Based On Value In The Field?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a continuous form that lists all unapproved invoices. I would like to have a hyperlink at the end of each row that says Review and will open another form that queries the details of the unapproved invoice based on the invoice number in the current row.

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Forms :: Create Hyperlink To Open Access Form

Jul 10, 2015

I am investigating on the possibility of setting up an approval process for our employee intake procedure by using MS Access and Outlook.

The idea is for the requester to open an intake form in Access and fill in the new employee's information and send an Outlook email to the manager for approval. I know how to trigger off an event on the form to send an email to the manager but my challenge is how to create a hyperlink in the email for the recipient to directly open the intake form with the specific record, without the need to open the database and find the specific intake form.

The intake form is built in a frontend .mde file on a shared drive where all users have access to.

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Hyperlink To Open PDF

Sep 16, 2005

I have a form with a textbox on it that is populated with the path of a pdf doc associated to the form. How do i get the pdf to open when i click on the path?


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Hyperlink To Open Doc.

Dec 14, 2006

I have the following code to open a specific file:
Private Sub OpenDoc_Click()
FollowHypelink "C:Documents.......
End Sub
The name of the file is written in the code, for every record on my form I have a different file to open so I have a field called "DOCN" wich is the name of the file I have to open. How can I put a extension on the code to read the file name mentioned in the field on my form?

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Hyperlink To Open Access?

Jun 6, 2007

Is it possible?
I want a link that can be put in a mail (to someone in our network) and clicked. It should open Access on a specific database and I should be able to use parameters (like /cmd and /wrkgrp).
I'm lost... :confused:

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Hyperlink String Does Not Open File

Oct 14, 2013

I have a table has two fields: CompanyLocation , FileName

I have a form that uses and unbound field to create a file path string

="file:///s:/My Folders/" & [CompanyLocation] & "/" & [FileName]

In the form it looks like file:///s:/My Folders/My Company One/This Is My File.doc

I then set this to hyperlink in the form but when i click on it nothing happens.

When i copy the link it gives me and paste it into Windows Explorer it works fine.

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Creating A Hyperlink To Open A PDF File?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a form, and on that form I have a textbox called RefDwgNo (user not allowed to make changes...just for viewing). Displayed in this textbox is the name of a file (without the .pdf extension). I changed the textbox to 'is hyperlink' and added to OnClick- this code:

Private Sub RefDwgNo_Click()
FollowHyperlink "***private***engineering_data***Private***Des ignFitoutLabel Plate\_LATEST REV"
End Sub

The user needs to actually open the .pdf file, not the folder its located in. How do I add the file name from this textbox to the code above?

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Tables :: Two Types Of Date Format

May 13, 2015

I have a table that has a date format DD/MM/YYYY this is good for some records that the date is known, however some records are more generic and the format is MM/YYYY, is it possible to be able to type both formats in the table (and consequently in the form)?

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Command Button Open Up Hyperlink From A Recordset

Jan 3, 2005

Hello all, I hope your hollidays were great!!

Ok I have a Continuous form that in one of it's fields contains Hyperlinks. The form is named [Song Info] and the field is [Play].
I want this field to be hidden and have a command button open up the hyperlink in that recordset. I think that all the info need
but if not let me know.

Rich M

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Data Types

Sep 5, 2005

I have an Excel file (sourced externally) linked as a table. All fields are defined as text fields. In some of the Excel cells, data has somehow been entered as numeric (eg phone number). When I query the Excel file thru Access, these fields show up as errors (#num!).

I need to find a way of interogating the field, and if in error (like these ones), then ignore it, or replace with zeros etc.

I cant find a way of doing this. Help :)


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Yes/no Data Types?

Jul 18, 2007

Hi all :o

Just a quick stupid question, I have a Yes / No data type in my table but I want it to automatically put no unless I change it to Yes, is there an easy way to do this, probably a really simple question but am new to this and any help would be great



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VBA Data Types

Feb 2, 2005

I'm trying to append a group of fields to a SQL table using ADO in VBA. One of the fields I'm writing back to is a datatime and in certain situations there won't be a value, however, when I try this it throws in the beginning of time 1/1/1900 or whatever it is. Any ideas?


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How To Display Field Types Of Access Tables In Vba?

Apr 5, 2005

How to display field types of access tables in vba?
can any one show me how i can display display field types(like : phone integer ....) of
access tables in a text box using vba? I have no idea how i
can obtain that information using vba. Looking forward to your

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Link Two Tables - Changing Field Types

Jun 11, 2012

I am needing to link two tables but one field is in a "May 2012" format while the other table is in a "053112" format.. Is there a way beyond creating a formula to change "053112" into "May 2012"??

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Forms :: Use A Hyperlink To Open A Folder Within A Specific Directory

Nov 26, 2014

I have 3 attachment boxes in my table that appears in a form.each attachment box contains specific files (not specific as in extension such as PDF, JPEG, etc.) but specific as in Company Documents, Certifications, Resumes. The issue is there's a lot of document and I see my database growing (fast)...My question finally is....

Can I use a Hyperlink to open a folder within a specific directory where multiple file are located so i can open the specific file need there RATHER than attaching them in the attachment box individually?.?.....If not how this can be done (no SQL) unless that route is very simple and basic coding.

My thinking would be to place the file path to the documents in the table and hyper link that column in the table, but not knowing exactly how Hyperlinks work I don't think it would actually work..

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Reports :: Can't Open Report In Preview If Opened By Hyperlink

Sep 11, 2014

I have a report that will open by clicking a hyperlink and I want it to open in preview mode.

I tried using:

"DoCmd.RunCommand (acCmdPrintPreview)" or "Report.CurrentView = 5"

in the On Open event but, no success, I only get an error message.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Hyperlink On A Button To Open Up A Webpage

Jan 17, 2014

I am trying to create a button that opens up a webpage. I get how to create a hyperlink on a button. The problem is, I need to open a specific page depending on the information in a text box.

The text box displays the tracking number for the current record. That number is populated automatically via a control source. The problem is that I need to open different web pages depending on the tracking number displayed. For example, UPS has a specific start to their number (1ZX....). Other trucking companies have a specific format, also.

So how do I tell it to look at the tracking number and then open the corresponding web page?

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Changing Data Types

Oct 19, 2005

Is there a way to change the data type for multiple fields at once? Such as 20 text fields to numeric in one step.


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Numeric Data Types

Jan 17, 2006


Strange but true.
I am trying to numeric data types on my access 2000 where I could input values in table like 0.3567 or 2.3454
Anyway any values of this kind with 4 decimal places. however somehow the values always get rounded to number + 4 zeros as of example:
if I put 0.756769 I want it to be as 0.7568 but I get 1.0000
I don't understand this. Can anyone help please?
I have not used access for ages and I seemed to be forgeting all this stuff.



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Replace And Data Types

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all!
I'm experiencing an apparently simple problem, but it's taking me too long to solve :confused:
Two tables with a "text" (100) column on each. I want to select those who are identical. ¡So easy! thats the where clause:

AND a.sDesEntidad = b.sNombreLargo

That works fine. But... i want to "relax" the clause, by not considering dots ( . ) when comparing, and i do like this:

AND (Replace([a]![sDesEntidad],'.','') = Replace([b]![sNombreLargo],'.',''));

and i get a run-time Error 3464, Data type mismatch in criteria expression. Oooops!
My access version is 2003, spanish. I would really appreciate ur help, since this matter shouldn't be keeping me busy for so long :(
Regards and thx in advance!

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Data Types From Different Sources?

Jan 31, 2008


Wondering if anyone has a solution for my problem.

I have 2 data sources, one which is an ODBC and one which is an import table. I have a 2 queries each querying the 2 data sources seperatly.

My problem is... One of the fields which I need to do a join to a reference table has a different data type in each of the data sources. I have tried changing this in the imported table NO JOY!! You cant change the data type in the ODBC link.

Is the anyway round this?

Any help appreciated...

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Access Data Types

Feb 9, 2006

I am trying to do a comparison between two values and am getting the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

The code that is creating the error is as follows:

sb = Request.Form("storyboardscreen")

if Not Lcase(Request.Form("AllStoryBoard")) = "all" then
whereClause = whereClause + "theStoryboard = " + sb
end if

I am using the statement to build the where clause of my query. The sb value is retrieved from a pull down menu and "theStoryboard" column is the db is of data type "text". The values stored in the field are 12 digit numbers. I have tried doing a cstr to sb but that doesnt work, any tips on what I am doing wrong? I am using asp with an access db....


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Modules & VBA :: Email Hyperlink / Attachment To Open Access File?

May 15, 2015

I have created an action log database that sends an email when a new action is entered. I would like to launch the database using a hyperlink in the email, but can't seem to get it to work. All users have a copy of the front end on their desktop, so whatever I add to the email needs to launch the front end for any user signed on to their own desktop.

This is what I have and it sends a hyperlink but I click it, I get an error saying it can't find the file. I don't know how to word the path name for any user?

With obMsg
.subject = "New action request for " & team
.To = people


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