Tables :: Inserting Hyperlink In Field Title On A Table?
Dec 7, 2012
Is there a way to insert a hyperlink in a field title on a table? For example, I have a field that is a check box for whether the person has taken a class. What I would like to do is insert a link in the field title for that class so I can click on it and bring up the supporting documentation in a PDF file for that class.
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Aug 29, 2014
I Have a table with 15000 entries. This table lists components we use. This table is used to generate queries/forms. I have been asked to add a hyperlink to this table to link to a drawing of the component. All the drawings are in PDF and in the same folder. I am looking for a way to automatically update the hyperlink fields all at once. The Hyperlink will be in the format of servershareddrawings12345.pdfwhere 12345 is the component name from the table.
But there are a few small problems with the component names.
1. If the component begins with a B- . The drawing name will be all the characters except when there is a second dash in the component. So if the component is B-12345-678 the drawing name will only be B-12345.
2. If The component begins with AB, The drawing will be the first 5 characters regardless of what follows, e.g. AB123.
3. Finally for all other components the full component name will be the drawing name.
Putting the naming to one side, how to go about auto generating the hyperlink. I have posted this in the table section, but maybe this should be in another section like queries or VBA.
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Aug 31, 2013
I'm using Access 2007.
I have a customer table attached to a form.
I want to put a command button next to the customer's email address so that the user simply presses the button and Outlook will be started with the customer's email address automatically inserted from the table.
I am playing around with the Hyperlink Address function and whilst this seems to do what I want, I can't figure out how to get the customer's email address from the tabel and insert it......
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Aug 28, 2013
I've got a table - "Products" - in my database, with a text field - "Info" - which contains info about products.
Within this field I would like to have footnotes. To do this, I think the best way to do it is by putting numbers inside the text at the location of where I want the footnote to refer to. These numbers will actually be foreign keys to a table called 'Footnotes'.
I can then program the forms and reports to show any numbers as superscripts or whatever.
(Of course, if the user will actually want to insert a number into the text field which is NOT a reference to a footnote, I will have to make a workaround e.g. by making access put a symbol in front of the number, so access will know the number is just part of the text (and I will program the form to not show the symbol in front of the number)).
Is it wrong to have foreign keys within a text field? I think if executed correctly, it should work perfectly.
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Oct 22, 2007
I am new to access (using Access 2003) and am having trouble working with forms. Here's what I want my form to do:
-Use a combo box to select a specific system
-Given the selected system, pull up ID numbers and descriptions (in separate text boxes) from two separate tables corresponding to that one system
-Navigate through those ID numbers/descriptions from each table independently to find ones that match
-Store the ID numbers of the ones that match into another linking table
The biggest problem right now is being able to navigate through the different table ID numbers/descriptions and add both ID numbers to a row in a different table. I've tried using a combo box with the INSERT INTO statement into the code builder, but I keep getting syntax errors.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a better way to do this?
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May 2, 2015
I am creating a task tracker where the user will enter a task which is working. If he is complete the task at that moment he will submit the task and everything is done for that task. However, if there is some issue or if the user need any information, then the user will enter a comment and will hit hold. My queryis once the user hits hold button, the table "Main" will capture the hold date and time. I need a second table, may be by name "Inbox" which will only show records kept on hold.
Secondly there should be hyperlink for "ID" of Hold records in table "Inbox" and when the user click on the the "ID" to resume the task, it should take the user to "Main" form and display that particular record (record which the user had clicked). Also, the date and time should be recorded when the user click on the hyperlink in Resume_Date and Resume_Time fields for that record.
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Dec 18, 2006
Hey guys!
I have a basic knowledge of MS Access and for some of you it might seem like a stupid question, but here's my issue:
I'm trying to create an hyperlink in a form (or a data access page) to a web page, but part of that hyperlink url will be contained in a field in a table.
For example, the link would look like that: www.[site].com where [site] is a field inside let's say Table1. So depending on the value of [site] the link will return: (URL address blocked: See forum rules) or (URL address blocked: See forum rules), etc..
I assume it might require some coding to achive the desired result which I don't know anything about
I tried to set the control source of my link to: = "www." & [Table1]![site] & ".com" but of course it doesn't work.
Thanks a lot in advance for all the help you can give me.
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Mar 7, 2015
I have a form, has some fields, one of them is the current date, so when the user click (save )button , which make (add new record )to the only table I have the problem that .all fields are inserted in the table , except the current date !! it is a text box ( Now() )!!
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Dec 13, 2006
Hi Can anyone advise me if there is a a way to remove or hide the "title Bar" at the top of the window on forms etc. The bar I mean is the one with the icon followed by e.g "Access - Forms [switchboard -Form]"
Any help would be appriciated.
Many thanks
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Oct 24, 2014
Any workaround so that I can place more characters than the 64 limited in a field header.
In essence, I need to export a text or CSV file from Access every day, and the row header for the first column (i.e, in cell A1 if opened in excel) needs to read:
"Action (SiteID=US|Country=US|Currency=USD|ListingType=Hal f|Location=US|ListingDuration=GTC)"
I am currently unable to have a field header with that length, because Access does not allow my table header to be more than 64 characters.
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Oct 9, 2006
I want to put a value from a field in a table in the Title Bar.
So far i have done (Looking at 2 ways to create, 1 with module below or directly in the form, only just lloking at the module way so is not finished as i am waiting to get it to work directly first):
Option Compare Database
Function ChangeTitle()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim prp As DAO.Property
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Return Database variable pointing to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Change title bar.
dbs.Properties!AppTitle = "DYSMS " & (SoftwareVersion.tblSoftwareInformation)
' Update title bar on screen.
Exit Function
If Err.Number = conPropNotFoundError Then
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty("AppTitle", dbText, _
dbs.Properties.Append prp
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End If
Resume Next
End Function
Does not work
Dim stAppTitle As String
stAppTitle = "DYSMS " & (SoftwareVersion.tblSoftwareInformation)
Me.Caption = stAppTitle
Does work
Dim stAppTitle As String
stAppTitle = "DYSMS " & (Now())
Me.Caption = stAppTitle
So need to declare the SoftwareVersion field i guess??
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Jun 1, 2005
Good Day,
Is it posibble to refer data from table and using it for a application title?
I know we can used tool/startup to change a title of application but I need to combine with other data refer from table.
For example : Microsoft Access (Company Name)
+ company name is a data refer from a table company.
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Aug 4, 2006
First post in this forum. I am using office 2003 pro. I have an Access database that I would like to change the title of. I would ilke this change to be applied to forms, reports and tables. I have done this in the past but can't recall how to do it.
I would be grateful for any assistance.
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Mar 4, 2015
Here is what I am trying to do. I have a query with 2 fields. "Time In" & "Time Out". What I would like to happen is this. Whenever a character, let's say a "t", is entered into that field I would like the current time to populate that field. Right now we are actually typing in the time. I have the fields set up as DateTime fields currently.
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Nov 15, 2006
I have a problem with a form based on a query. It draws content out of the table Repairs, and also shows the customer info for each repair (based on the link between CustomerID field in both the Repairs table and the Customers table)
But when I add a new record using the form, a new entry is added to both tables.
Can anyone please explain why this happens and how i can fix it?
I dont want a new entry in the Customers table, only in the Repairs table.
Hope this question makes sense.
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Nov 7, 2006
Hi, this dilemma really has me in a bind - say I have table1 and table2, when I enter data/update table1, I need to also enter the same data into table2. I know this sounds royally weird, but if there is a way to do this I would appreciate any and all help asap!
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 22, 2005
I am using an unbound form to insert data into several tables, all related, at the same time. Please let me know if what I am trying to achieve is too ambitious!
I am developing a material sample library... any sample could be one material, two materials or three materials. Let us say that A, B, and C are three primary materials.
I have three Tables: tblX, tblY, tblZ.
tblX stores details for each individual material. Its structure is as follows:
XPK | ID | value1 | value2 |
01 | A | asdfas | asdfdf
02 | B | dfasdfa | sdfaf
03 | C | asdfffd | asdfg
(here, XPK is the primary key, ID is the name of the material and value1, vlaue2 are other descriptive fields...)
tblY stores materials that are combinations of two primary materials:
YPK | 1st | 2nd | ID | value1 |
101 | 01 | 03 | M | keiury |
102 | 02 | 03 | N | kjgeiih |
103 | 03 | 01 | P | djlkgoi |
(here, YPK is the unique ID for a sample, the '1st' and '2nd' fields are simply the primary keys from the tblX. ID is the name of this new material and value1 has descriptive values for samples M, N, etc.)
tblZ is the next level of material, made of combinations of materials from both tables tblX and tblY. it is like this:
ZPK | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | ID | value1 | value2 |
1001 | 01 | 03 | -- | -- | R | asdprw | mnvd |
1002 | 01 | 102 | 02 | -- | S | adsfd | oirtyr |
1003 | 103 | 02 | -- | -- | T | werwq | pojfgr |
1004 | 02 | -- | -- | -- | U | alkfdp | uioite |
1005 | 01 | 02 | 103 | 102 | V | keqwei | oirewj |
(here, ZPK is the unique identifier, the primary key. as you can see, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th are references to materials from either tblX or tblY or none, ID is the name of the material and so on.)
So, going back to the original primary materials, a sample could be a combination like A + (A+C) + B...
I hope I am clear enough till this point.
My unbound form (which is a very complicated one by now!) is where a user will start with such a sample and start putting in details for each of the primary materials. As he/she logs each individual material, I store that data in a temporary table (tbltemp). When all the primary materials are fed in, the user hits a 'Save' button, which is supposed to do the following:
1) save each primary material from tbltemp to tblX
2) extract their primary keys and then insert that into the next level table, either tblY or tblZ.
I have been working with ADO recordsets to 'addnew' data to tables and am adept with that. I have never simultaneously extracted data from one table and inserted into another. similarly, i have never extracted more than one record, and inserted them into a single record in another table, etc.
I will appreciate any guidance, both at conceptual level and at operational level, that I can get. If you would like to see my database, I could arrange to have it accessible; there is nothing confidential (only higly complicated, I think!).
If you are still reading, I already owe you a ton of thanks!!
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Jan 31, 2008
hi all,
I have created the database with multiple tables. I've created one main table to store all records from other tables. Then I have make several forms to enter record into several tables.
What I'd like to make is that when I enter new record to any one of those other tables, then it will be automitically add to the main table also. The record no of main table will be automatically increase by itself when the new record came in.
Can anyone help me with it?
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Jan 15, 2015
I am creating a database to keep up with the expenses for my art business. I have a table for Vendors with a field (Mileage) for one-way mileage that I enter manually (EX: 11.8 miles). Then I have a calculated field that basically just multiplies the Mileage field times two to get total mileage to and from my house to vendor location. (Total Miles) {The reason I want to do this this way right now is because I didn't keep up with my mileage this year and I am having to look up the distance from my home to each location)
Then I have a "supplies" table where I show the date, the vendor, the item, cost, etc, and I want to add a Total Mileage field based on the calculated Total Miles field in the Vendors table that will automatically populate based on the vendor of each transaction. I just can't remember how to make this work and I know just enough SQL to be dangerous.
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Aug 2, 2013
I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.
I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.
In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'
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Jan 24, 2015
In my 2002 Employee table, I have a field which is a hyperlink to photos: C:photosemployee1.bmp (This is what I have entered into the Field as the Hyperlink)...However, from other PCs, I connect to this database and photo folder as a different drive letter, say Z, so when I am on the other networked PCs, and I click on the Hyperlink field, the data will not come up?
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Nov 11, 2013
I have a massive database...100,000 records (well, it seems massive to me right now!).
A part of each record is a hyperlink to a PDF document on the server. I didn't map a drive letter for the path, as everything I've researched has said to not use drive letters but the actual server name and the path.
I did that. Unfortunately, they had an issue with the server a couple of weeks ago...and in mapping it again, they added another layer of folders on the way to the location of these PDFs.
Now I have to go in and edit each individual hyperlink to reflect the new path.
1. Is there a faster way to do this? They want their first report half an hour ago.
2. They have a whole new set of these PDFs to be attached to the records that don't have them yet. Is there a faster way to do it than to have to open each record and put in the path to the document?
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Oct 19, 2004
How do I add a new field to an existing table so that the same value is automatically entered for all the records in that new field.
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May 29, 2014
i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?
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Nov 6, 2014
I'm trying to make hyperlinks to specific pages of a workbook to excel. If I put the hyperlink of the form as follows then works properly:
C: Users Desktop test.xlsx # Sheet2!A1 -> leads me to Sheet2 document "test".
The big problem comes when the leaves have spaces in its name, that is, if the sheet is called Sheet 2:
C: Users Desktop est.xlsx # Sheet 2!A1 -> does not work ...
C: Users Desktop test.xlsx # 'Sheet 2'!A1 -> does not work ....
The solution to rename the sheets is not possible to solve this problem?
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Nov 8, 2005
Hello everyone - what I have is a a set of default text's that I need to be able to insert into a memo field - this is how I've set it up (Access 2000)
A table with the text fields in it called wordings
table comprises of
Id field
wordingnme (txt)
wording (Memo)
and I have a combo box on a form which looks up the wordingnme and hold this info - I need to have a button that will take this wordingnme and insert the wording that it relates to into the field of my record - Called Endor (memo)- I will have many text s say upto 50-60 but when I insert these into endor field I will probable only use say 5 or 6 at any one time on the record line so an example follows
line 45 in endor I wish to insert wordingnme "A" and then Wordingnme "B"
I also will do some free form type within this - any idea's :eek:
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