Tables :: Linking Field To A Folder Of Information

Dec 18, 2013

I have an historical database table that contains information relating to soldiers. Additionally I have many photographs, and other documents appertaining to these individual soldiers stored in folders on my PC hard drive and I would like ideally, to be able to have a link from my database to these other items, so that when I open a a soldiers record I am able to click on a link that will take me to a folder containing the photographs, letters and further documents relating to him.

However this is where I am at a loss as to how to proceed, and how I could have this facility, I run Access 2007 by the way.

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Linking Pictures From A Separate Folder On Server In Access DB

Nov 27, 2013

I have a access DB for my employees with pictures. The main form displays their info and a picture as I scroll page to page. But I also have contact report that will show all info and picture. I am having difficulties linking the pictures from a seperate folder on my server.

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Tables :: Linking Multiple Field Values To A Field Selected From Combo Box

Feb 16, 2014

I'm pretty good with setting up a very simple database such as inventory, profiles, etc.. However I'm creating a database to keep track of a football (soccer) team's players and match statistics.What I have so farsample attached)

* Players - PlayerID, Fname, Lname, position, goals, assists, etc (all details regarding a player)
* Position - Positons (Table containing positions eg: defender. Data is selected in player's form as a combo-box)
* Competition - Competition types (Cup, League, Friendly. Data is selected in Match's form as a combo-box
* Venue - similar to Competition table
* Opponent - Similar to above two tables
* Match - MatchID, Competition, Venue, etc (form corresponding to table attached)

* Player form
* Match form

Now as shown in the sample, I choose players using the combo-box. Then whatever stats they had during the match are entered on the fields provided. How to link the player (selected using combo box) to the stat fields (goals, assist, YC, etc).

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Tables :: Linking Field Data Between Tables And Within Tables

Sep 26, 2012

Currently trying to build a database for customer management and order placement/tracking. Want to set a couple of rules so that if I for instance click yes of billing and shipping address the same that the database will automatically fill the shipping address with the data I inputted for the billing address in the same table.

The other issue I can see I'll run into is, I want to be able to select one of the company ID's (made up of a three letter abbreviation of the full company name) in the product ordering table and it will automatically fill in the rest of the customer data (phone, email, address etc) data into that form.

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Linking Information

Feb 8, 2007

I am having a hard time linking some certain information. I think I have my relationships formatted correctly but not all the information is connecting.

For example: I have a form where I am creating a sales quote. In the form I have a combo box where I select my product ID. When I select the product ID, the product name automatically populates but the price does not.

I have attached a screenshot of my relationships. Can someone please look it over and see if anything stands out to you as being incorrectly formatted? Or offer any advise in getting my price to connect to the product ID I enter?

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Tables :: Linking To Field In Another Table?

Jul 25, 2014

Is it possible to create a table and create a field that links to field in another table?

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Linking Info From 2 Tables To Same Form By A Field

Jan 25, 2007

I have two Tables, Contacts and FlowMeters.

On the Flow Meter Form Info is listed specifically for each Flow Meter.

I would like to bring some of the information from the Contacts table on this form.

For Instance if I am on Meter 1T-02 I would like for it to associate that meter number with the name of the customer thats already on the form, then look up that customer's name in the contact table and bring over that customer's contact information.

I built this database over a year ago and it has been a long time since I have worked with the design of it, therefore I am a bit rusty.

Please help if you can.

Thank You

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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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Forms :: Relink All Tables From Another Database In Same Folder

Jun 20, 2015

I want to re link all my tables from other database which location is same folder.

If a user open db1.mdb it automatically re link all tables from db1_be.mdb every time. If not exist db1_be.mdb in current folder it'll show a message.

folder name : test


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Tables :: Exporting OLE Objects Fields To A Folder And Save These

Oct 25, 2013

One of my tables has a couple of OLE Object fields. This has embedded Word, Excel, and PDFs. I'd like to know if there is a way to export these to a folder. Ideally, I'd like to save them with the record id and then a dash and then the file.

The fields are Attachment1, Attachment2, and Attachment3

When I view the table for these fields, if it's a word doc all I see is "Microsoft Word Document".

I'd like to save these like this:


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Import All Excel Workbooks In Folder As Linked Tables

Mar 6, 2014

I have a few dozen Excel workbooks in a folder, and I'd like to import all sheets in each workbook to Access as linked tables. I have the following macro that creates linked tables from every sheet within a specific workbook, but I'd like to apply this to all workbooks in a folder.

Sub ImportAllSheets()
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim sht As Excel.WorkSheet
Dim xl As Excel.Application


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Tables :: Two Identical Database - Importing Tables By Linking To Data Source

Dec 3, 2012

I have 2 identical database in terms of structure but it differs in data.

Basically I would like to import data from subDatabase to mainDatabase and ensuring that there are no duplicate records.

I have used the "link to datasource method" through importing the tables to have the "updating" function.

However, this method also means that the records in mainDatabase are also imported over to subDatabase which I do not want.

Is there a method to ensure that the records are shared/update one way only? (i.e. import from subDatabase to mainDatabase and not main to sub?)

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Tables :: Linking Tables With No Common Data And Different Numbers Of Observations?

Apr 15, 2014

I am doing a project where we are collecting home owner data and information on all the dogs in the household. The data for homeowner has an autonumber primary key because no field is unique or has been consistently collected. I am struggling to link the data for the dogs to the owners because an autonumber primary key will not work since not all homes have dogs. I need to have this set up so that people who are not tech savvy can look up each homeowner (or dog) and get the dog (or home owner) information. And to make things even more fun we need up to 15 potential dogs per household each of whom will have 18 different pieces of data collected.

It looks a little like this (and you can see my not matching ID issue):

Homeowner table
ID First Name Last Name...........Total Dogs
1 Max Maximus 5
2 Min Minimus 0
3 Mus Musculus 1

Dogs 1-5 table
ID Date Dog 1 Name Dog 2 Name .......Dog 5 Name
1 (Max's) 4/11/14 Bobby Billy Betty
2 (Mus's) 4/11/14 Jojo

Min will have no dog records at all, just home to link the dog's to the homeowners .

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Tables :: Linking 5 Tables As Unable To Exceed 255 Rows

Mar 18, 2013

I have been asked to design a database to replace our old excel sheet to log one of our customers server builds. It a four noded system and i require a seperate log for each node serial models of parts etc, qa checks.

I intitial started by just using one table but forgot the limit was 255 rows, i need about 600 - 700. So my plan is now to transfer to indivial table for each node. Then, a general table named Main for all my other details.

Although this seems simple, i now have the annoying task of being able to link them all together and produce a single PDF file to send to our customer whilst only entering our system serial number once to produce this.

My basic understanding will be to create a System Serial Number field in each table a link it via relationships, but if i produce a report with everything i need would it input my details for all four nodes? If so how would i set this up?

I will be splitting the database once completed and then making a ACCDE file for my techs to use.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Date Field To Create Folder Name

Feb 27, 2015

Is there a way to use a field with date in it to create a folder?

the field has a data like this 15/05/2014 in it and the / will not work in folder creation. So I was wondering how to get around it.

MkDir "c:TestAccess" & Me.Date_In & "/"

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save File From Attachment Field To External Folder

Sep 5, 2014

I have a table with an attachment field called email, where a .msg file is stored for each record. Looking for code to save this contents of this field in a folder in my drive.

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Browse And Open Folder Based On Matching Form Field

Sep 18, 2012

My situation is that the access form field name is "Number" , there is a folder named "member" in

desktop C:UsersTomDesktop

For example If i press the command button (Field name "Number" is 123) in form , then automatic open named "123" folder inside named "member" folder

What is the Command button Code ?

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How To Link A Field To Another Depending On Information Filled In One Field

May 13, 2013

I have a couple of fields in Access. To explain I will show here the fields I have and their datatype

ID: Autonummer

Amendment: Text
Basis info: Yes/No
Sex: Yes/No
Period: Yes/No

Now, in the amendment field, I've inserted a combo box, with 3 options in it. Let's say option A,B and C...The thing I want access to do, is, when option C is selected, I want fields Period, Salary and Shift to be automatically "Yes".But if option A or B is selected, the the user must choose what the other fields are going to be either Yes or No

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Adding New Information To Two Tables At Once

Aug 9, 2007

Hello -

I am new with Access and fear that this might be a very elementary question - apologies. Basically, I would like to create a few different tables that all have the same base information (like the primary key and name of the data), but different additional information. The only thing that I can't seem to figure out is how to be able to add a new entry to one table and have it show it up in the other tables. Is this possible? Thank you!

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Forms :: Adding Links To Files Into A Field - Accessing Correct Folder

May 16, 2014

I have a code to add links to files into a field, I recently migrated from Windows 7 to 8 and the name of the folders in 8 are different; therefore the database I have does not find the linked file anylonger.

To avoid this happening in future, I would like to have the option for the user to set the folder path through maybe a table and then the link will refer to the settings in the table.

Currently I am using the following code:

Private Sub AddLinkDoc_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strInputFileName As String
Dim varDirectory As String
varDirectory = "C:UsersMarco TagliaferriDocumentsBA CityflyerCrew SchedulerDocumentationDocs"

[Code] ......

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Lookup Tables Not Saving Information

Dec 8, 2005

Hi ppl,

Anyone who thinks that they may be able to help me, there is a copy of the database at :

Here is my problem, as you will see. In the from called frmStaff, I have created 2 lookup tables that work fine in the main form. In the subform under activites though, I have attempted to create a lookup form for Name and Location of activities. It does not appear to be storing the information from previous entries though. My aim is so that when someone goes to enter a new activity name or location, the data will be saved and be in the list for the lookup next time with a different entry, however, it does not appear to be storing the information in the appropriate table. Any ideas on how to fix this?


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Information Entered On Two Different Tables At The Same Time

Oct 10, 2004

I am creating my first database and I'm a beginner. I have a table called customers and another table that has customer and product information. What I would like to do is when a new record for my product is entered it also enters the customer information on another table. I have repeat customers though, so I only want it to enter it once. Right now, I have to enter the customer info separately. Customer table contains: Customer ID, first, last, Phone. My product table also has this same info. Is this possible? To enter info on a product form and the selected info be copied into another table at the same time only once.

Please help.

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Get Information From A Few Tables Joined Not Working....

Nov 28, 2007


I am getting information on products stored in a query. I want that query to check a couple tables to see if an item is linked through all of them. If it is not listed in the last table (catalog) I want it to be shown.

Code:Catalog tableVolume Prefixprodno Price15 - CE 0218 9.9915 - CE 0722 3.7215 - CF 0218 12.3615 - CF 0091 14.00Source TableSource MediaCM70904 15 - CE

Code:Batches QueryCustomer Number Prefixprodno Source716933 0218 CM70904716933 0408 CM70904

This is the Select Statement I'm using, which gets the 0218 but not the 0408 I want

Code:SELECT (fieldnames......)FROM [Batches] INNER JOIN ([Source] INNER JOIN [Catalog] ON [Source].[Media] = [Catalog].Volume) ON ([Batches].Source = [Source].[Source]) AND ([Batches].Prefixprodno IN ([Catalog].Prefixprodno))WHERE [Batches].[Customer Number]=716933;

If I do NOT IN I get both 0218 and 0408. I just want 0408. I'm sorry if this seems confusing but any help would be amazing at this point =/

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Queries :: Fetching Information Across Tables

Aug 8, 2013

In the scheme below, I want to fetch all the info in Table3 for all the Tiers that has the AppID in Table2. There could be more than 1 Tier using the AppID. I don't know if I'm clear though.


Table1 Table2 Table3

AppID (PK) _ AutoNb (PK) AutoNB
Name Tier (FK) ---_ Name
- AppID (FK) \_ Tier (PK)

Here's my failing attempt...


SELECT Table3.*
FROM Table3
WHERE Table3.Tier = (SELECT AppID
FROM Table1
WHERE Table1.AppID = 2002);

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Tables :: Pull Information From One Table To Another

Nov 19, 2012

I am brand new to building a database.What I want is a database to store Quote, Job and Invoicing information. We receive quotes first and then they can, but don't always, turn into jobs. We can also receive a job without quoting it. We currently have two spreadsheets. One is for Quotes and the other is for Jobs.

Quote #
Customer Name
Part #
Part Name
Quote Due Date
Lead Time

Job #
Quote #
Customer Name
Part #
Part Name
Est Hours
Start Date
Due Date

As you can see a lot of the information in the Quote spreadsheet is also used in the Job spreadsheet. (Bold represents duplicated items) We currently type the information into each spreadsheet.

Then there are different forms that are filled out for quotes and jobs that contain the information in the spreadsheets.Is there a way that I can have the QUOTE Table automatically populate the JOB Table information?

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