Tables :: Lookups - Linking Two Fields In A Table
Jan 7, 2013
I am trying to link two fields in a table here is an example ....
Field A
Values stored could be....
Field B
Needs to lookup listi n Field A
and get correct UDC1, UDC2 etc...
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Aug 7, 2013
We have our access database with a bit of a messy structure?
We use our database to record sizes of our product. I am hoping to improve it by adding the items we have in stock to prevent manufacturing more.
Basically our main database called "Make & Model 1" has a list of various makes and model numbers, each model number lists various information needed to manufacture a replacement part.
Customers order the part and these part details are entered into a table called "Order Detail" What I would like to happen is that when the details are entered a calculated field adds the data entered to a text string. I need to match the text string to the same text string in a table called "stock" as there could be one part that matches hundreds of models.
Basically the "profile" "Colour" "height" and "width" make the string and this is what I need to match and tick a box / populate the number of items in stock. Eventually I would like this to reduce by the amount ordered but lets do one step at a time.
I am using Access 2010
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Apr 25, 2014
I have one attribute in the table and the table is normalized. But we have the same attribute in two different forms, one with a table lookup and the other with a free form text input. I'm trying to rationalize this for a dashboard output.
Do I keep it as one attribute or do I make 2 - one for the table lookup and 1 for the free form input? What are the pros and cons of each?
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Jun 1, 2015
I have two different tables. Table1 contains information such as the name of a patient, which is the primary key, date of birth etc (fields that will not change). Table2, linked by the subject id, contains information about tests that they may have gone through. A form has been made using these two tables, in which table1 is that main form, and table2 is a subform. I want to add a field in table2 called "CurrentAge", which will use the date of birth specified in table1, to calculate their current age, and would like it to be displayed in the subform.
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Aug 23, 2013
Im in the process of developing my first database for my bonsai (small trees) collection. So far, ive developed a table of each of the trees I have, with fields such as Species, Where Bought, Cost etc and ultimately a link to a recent photograph (my next challenge). Ill be adding to this as my collection grows (in number and size). To avoid information duplication I have a separate table of care instructions for each species of tree with type, position they favour (eg Hardy/Delicate), watering requirements, wiring advice etc.
I now want to have a field in each of the records in the first table to its particular species care instructions as simple as that, or so I thought. ie for each different pine I want a link to the care guide for pines, and only pines. And preferably in a table format.
I need a one (second table) to many (first table) relationship and have linked them appropriately through primary field (species) and foreign field (care details). I have tried various Controls in the Design View but cannot get the field to show just one care record (ie the one for that particular species of tree). I realize this is possible, as its a common feature of a good database, and have found it being used in the various templates available - but not how they were created. The best Ive got to is using a Combo Box but this shows all of the care details records and in a column view.
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Nov 27, 2013
I'm having difficulty linking these two tables' date fields in the query qryDivVolShiftCount - what I'm doing wrong?
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Jan 27, 2006
Can someone please tell me if there is a way to perform lookups in Excel from an Access table without first exporting the data into Excel? I have a form that is being exported into Excel from a pricing tool our company uses from an outside vendor. It is important the users have the ability to perform complicated calculations and are not at all experienced in Access. There are several data sources that are well over the 65,000+ rows limited by Excel. I need to either prove or disprove whether it is possible to perform lookups between Office applications. If it is possible to lookup between applications, I would appreciate any sources known to learn how to do this. If not possible, I would like to be able to confirm that fact to my manager.
Thanks for any help that can be offered.
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May 23, 2013
I have two tables called Hardware and Desk. They both have two fields called ChangeID and Priority.
What I would like to do is set it so that if we change the Priority in a record existing/created in 'Hardware', the Priority of the related record in 'Desk', also changes.
How can I achieve this?
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Feb 4, 2015
I've been using a series of 5 tables to export an XML file using Access's native XML export. In order to keep the XML intact, there are relationships setup to link each sets of elements together via an ID number(link) field in each table.
Access does a great job at exporting, but then we need to rely on another program to delete these link fields that links the tables together so our XML validates. Additionally, we use this program to reorganize some of the XML, as one of our tables puts itself at the end of the XML element and not in the middle where it should be. This is not a problem when I'm dealing with a few hundred records, as the 3rd part program does the trick. The problem is when I have enough data to generate a 30+MB file that my other program chokes on when trying to manipulate the XML.
So my question can I export these 5 tables to XML while omitting the linking member fields and organizing it how it should be? I have examples of code below. How Access Exports it
[Code] .....
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Oct 21, 2012
I have 3 tables: [SurveyVendor], [Surveys] and [SurveyResults]
SurveyVendor has 2 fields:
[VendorID] - PK
Surveys has 3 fields:
[SurveyID] - PK
[VendorName] - FK
SurveyResults has 3 fields:
[SurveyResultID] - PK
[SurveyName] - FK
I used the LookUp wizard to establish the relationships, and I chose to include 3 fields when linking [SurveyResults].[SurveyName] to [Surveys].[SurveyID]. I'd like the ID, Survey Name and Vendor Name to be displayed when making a choice in the combo box. And I would like the column to only display the SurveyName.
However, what's happening is the VendorID shows up instead of the VendorName when I click the combo box for [SurveyName]. And the SurveyID shows up in the column results, rather than the Survey Name.
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Dec 14, 2004
I created a sys admin database and the big problem I am having is linking the hostname field in table 1 to the hostname field in table 2. I have tried making both fields primary keys, I have tried creating a relationship to the two fields between the two tables. I have tried adjusting the join types.
Yet, no matter what I try, the hostnames from table 1 will not populate in table 2. I have even tried adding a new hostname to see if it would populate and it won't.
any ideas?
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May 11, 2005
Hi.. Junior access user here. Need help fast!
I created 2 tables. [General Info] & [Details]
[General Info] has 2 fields. Name(is a primary Key as well) & Organisation
[Details] has 4 fields. Primary Key, Name, No of products & Type
[Details] is a sub form for [General Info]
It is a one to many relationship. With Name from [General Info] linking to Name from [Details].
I can update via the table directly and [Details] links the name fields automatically. I created a form but the form just cannot register the field automatically and requires the user to type in the Name from [General Info].
I have attached the DB file. Pls help... your help is greatly appreciated!
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Sep 9, 2004
Hello all-
I'm formatting an Access table and need help linking 1 field to another. I need to specify that Field B will state "N/A" if and only if (back to good old geometry) Field A states "Yes." I've tried using the ValidationRule and Default Value functions but they don't let me refer back to Field A. Any thoughts would be hugely helpful.
Thanks much.
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Sep 12, 2014
In query design view, I have added a query with column (nameA) of names and a table with a column (nameB) of names. I am linking these two fields (nameA and nameB) which contain names. The names are spelled exactly the same so I should get results. Both fields are of the same data type.
But even when I add only the field with names from the query (the field called nameA), I don't get any results.
What is wrong here? Are there restrictions about linking a query to a table?
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Apr 2, 2008
I have a database design problem that I cannot wrap my head around. There are three tables roughly like this:
tblUsers tblAccuracy tblRecords
----- --------- -------
UserID UserID UserID
Name MonthYear Date
... Accuracy NoOfRecords
tblUsers and tblRecords are joined by UserID (Text) in a one-to-many relationship.
tblUsers and tblAccuracy are joined by UserID (Text) in a one-to-many relationship.
tblAccuracy stores User accuracies on a monthly basis where [MonthYear] is a Date/Time column formatted to "mmm yyyy" with each entry being the first of each month (eg. 01/01/2008 to display Jan 2008)
tblRecords stores [NoOfRecords] on a daily basis for each [UserID] where tblRecords.[Date] is a Date/Time column.
The problem is that I need a way to query these tables to return a [UserID] from tblUsers, the list of all records entered by that [UserID] for a given month on a daily basis from tblRecords and a single [Accuracy] figure for that [UserID], for that [MonthYear] from tblAccuracy.
tblAccuracy and tblRecords have no primary keys and I'm not sure how to normalize them, or if it is even possible. [MonthYear] is stored eg. as 01/01/2008 for January and [Date] has many records for January and I don't know how to relate them.
I hope someone here can help :S
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Jun 14, 2005
Hi Guys,
Haven't done anything with Access since I finished uni and I can't remember much. I'm trying to set up a simple database with customer recording and order taking functionality. Just in the very early stages trying to get basic things working.
I have a form where you enter customer the bottom there is a command button named "Place Order", which will be clicked to go to the order form for that customer. Attachement shows very simplified version of the order form. I need to enter a Product ID, and have the Product Name automatically extracted from the Products table.
How can I do this? I would have done a search...but not even sure what this process is called in Access.
Thanks for any help.
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Aug 28, 2006
I need to display a value from a table in a text field on a form based on another text field on the same form.
The table has records as follows:
Month/Year xx Month No xx Year No xx Month ID (xx shows break in columns)
Jan-06 xx 1 xx 2006 xx 24
Feb-06 xx 2 xx 2006 xx 25
Mar-06 xx 3 xx 2006 xx 26
Apr-06 xx 4 xx 2006 xx 27
May-06 xx 5 xx 2006 xx 28
Jun-06 xx 6 xx 2006 xx 29
Jul-06 xx 7 xx 2006 xx 30
In one text field I use the DateSerial function to calculate the value of the previous month (e.g.Jul-06). I need to return the MonthID value to the second text field based on the value stored against it is the table, so in case of Jul-06 it would show 30 in text field 2.
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Oct 25, 2006
Probably an easy one that I just can't think my through it. I've been trying to create some (for lack of a better term) cascading fields using the lookup wizard (to eventually be used in a datasheet view/form).
In the main table, the user needs to select a Team (A, B, C), Sub-Team (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, etc), and a Family (A1 contains bolts, screws, and washers).
The first lookup of selecting a Team (A, B or C) was easy. However after this point I'm stuck. If the user chooses A, I only want the "A" related sub-teams to show in the next lookup. Then based on the sub-team chosen, I want the Family list restricted again.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Dec 4, 2006
Simple questions I hope.
What I'd like to do is do a lookup based on 2 fields in my table.
I'm tracking inventory for the company I am currently working with.
I have a computer table with 3 relevant fields:
compID, areaId, locationId
computer table
compID = PK for this table
areaId = FK from area table
locationId = FK from location table
area table
location table
There is a distinct relationship between area + location.
I want a lookup for the locationID, based on the area they have selected.
Thanks for any help on this one. On to the next question related to this.
2. As mentioned above I have an area table controlling the general departments (for lack of a better word). When an area is selected in the table, they have the ability to do a lookup for the relevant locations (implemented in the combo box).
I'd like the user to be able to add a new location item in the computer table, and have that value be added into the location table with the corresponding areaId as well. Am I looking for cascade update or something of this sort?
Thanks anyone. This is my first post here, I'm quite new to microsoft access as a database tool.
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Dec 18, 2012
OK, so I have a database with four tables (Well, more than that, but these are the relevant ones). It's to be used for recording the results of site inspections.
"Tbl_Typicals" is a list of products. We'll call its key "Typical_ID".
"Tbl_Actions" is a list of tests performed on each product. A given product may have many tests, but each test applies to only one product. Its key is "Action_ID". Each row contains a Typical_ID to link on.
"Tbl_PlantComponents" records which products are installed on which site. Its key is "Component_ID". Each row contains a Typical_ID to link on.
The fourth table ("Tbl_Results") contains the results of each test. As a result of the relationships above, each row is specific to a single Action which applies to a particular PlantComponent, which is to say, each row has both a Component_ID and an Action_ID to link on.
So, what I need is a query that pulls all of these together, such that I can use these details as the line items of a subform.
The main form displays the details of the PlantComponent, which is a simple query to relate line items in Tbl_PlantComponents with the data about that particular product in Tbl_Typicals. So far, so easy.
The subform shows the details of each test applicable to that product. It then has toggle buttons and a comment field to indicate the results of the test, the results of which should be stored as a line item in Tbl_Results.
The "easy" way is to use an append query to generate Tbl_Results in advance. This works, but it raises a variety of new issues.
The nice way would be to use a normal SELECT query and have Access fill in the necessary linking fields (the Action_ID and Component_ID) on each row automatically. Now for trivial examples, this is very easy - my main form query manages just that: I created a link between Tbl_PlantComponents and Tbl_Comments (which stores general comments about each PlantComponent which aren't related to a specific test) based on the Component_ID and that works fine - when I edit the Comments field, the row is automatically created and the linked ID field filled in for me.
However, when I need to do it with 2 links, it all falls apart. I've tried everything I can think of, including generating a single-column unique ID to use for the link, but Access just won't autofill for me. It just makes those fields on the form (or in the datasheet view of the query) non-editable because there's no associated row in Tbl_Results. If I create a matching row in Tbl_Results the query works fine, but that's not the point.
Implementation of the query is non-trivial because it requires two outer joins involving 3 tables - All from Tbl_Actions to matching in Tbl_Results, and All from Tbl_PlantComponents to matching in Tbl_Actions. This necessiates splitting the query into two - the first relates Tbl_PlantComponents, Tbl_Typicals and Tbl_Actions (returning one row for each Action for every Component), and the second performs a single outer join (using an AND) between the first query and Tbl_Results.
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Feb 5, 2015
Can we link a table of one database to a query of another database ?
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Oct 14, 2014
We have a case where there is an append query in one database that is is updating another database table. We have moved all the tables to MS-SQL (2008) using the SSMA tool. We were wondering if it would be possible to create a new linked table in the DB where the append query is. Of course we cannot use the SSMA tool again since the table already exists on the MS-SQL server.
Normally when I try to make linked tables from Access, it wants to create a ODBC connection which we are not using.
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Jul 25, 2014
Is it possible to create a table and create a field that links to field in another table?
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Nov 12, 2013
i am making a database from which i can calculate fuel required from one point to other in any particular type of vehicle.the problem is fuel from Pt A to Pt B is not same as from Pt B to Pt A.A sample table is attached as zip. qp.bmpis there any way i can cross refer field values with that of rows .
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Jan 7, 2015
I am creating a database for the company I work for. My boss wants it to have every information possible stored and accessible through the one database. Right now the time sheet that we use is a hard copy that the guys fill out and turn in each week. Before the database started I created an excel sheet for them to start using. My boss wants me to link the excel sheet to a table in access. The way it would work is each of the guys would fill theirs out and email them to me by Friday. I would then link it to the table so that we could easily pull information we needed through a query.
I read online on the office support website that you can link a spreadsheet but then access does not store the data and the data if needed to be changed had to be done through the excel spreadsheet. Doing it like that made it sound to me that each time sheet that was turned in each would would create a new table. I was hoping there was a way to have one table with all the times on it using an employee number as the relationship key. The biggest thing though is that the guys have to use excel to fill out the time sheet because getting each guy access is "not an option" .
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May 31, 2007
Hi there,
I'm pretty new to Access so I hope this question is not to simple/stupid ;)
Ok, I have an Excel Worksheet that I want to import into an Access Table. The column headers are identical! The only problem is:
- the Access table looks up a couple of the columns from other Access tables. When I try to import the Excel data, Access does (properly) report an error.
- Error: the records from the Excel file were added to the Access table but not all values were imported (no values were imported into the lookup columns...)
Any idea how I should procede so that I can import my data into Access?
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