Tables :: Lost Relationships In Front End

Jun 9, 2014

I have split my A2013 db into FE and BE, and while it seems to be working OK, I notice that if I look at Relationships in the FE, some of the relationships are missing, though they are still there if I open the BE directly and look there.

Which view of the relationships is correct, how do they get to be different, and how do I force them to be the same ?

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Tables :: Back End Relationships Aren't Updating To Front End

Jul 31, 2013

I have a split database. My backend Relationships aren't updating to my front end. How do I get my front end relationships to update to what my back end looks like? All tables are LINKED not imported.

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Lost Relationships & Primary Keys

Jun 6, 2007

I'm having lots of erratic problems with our Access database. Back end tables on the server, front ends on workstations. Running Windows 2000 server, Access 2003 SP2 on Windows XP SP2. I'm not the network administrator so don't have much detail on network. For instance, the back end is 'losing' relationships between tables, with the primary key on the 'one' end of a 'many' relationship disappearing - the relationship link between the tables also disappears. Other errors are:- erratic problems with indexes which are sometimes fixed with a compact / repair, sometimes not- data on forms disappearing- data on forms appearing in the wrong field- queries that ask for parameter input twice when only programmed to so once- sorting orders suddenly going wrong way round - inability delete a record via a form, caused Access to completely crash with Microsofts 'sorry unrecoverable error' message. To fix the query problem, I created a blank query and imported the old one into it, problem solved. But what caused the old query to act weird in the first place?To fix the inability to delete a record problem, I created a whole new blank database and imported everything into it. But what caused the database to repeatedly crash? The suddenly missing relationships I have no cure for. I'm at the end of my tether - can't figure out any pattern to this. Any suggestions? Network errors? Read / write on server? Disk space / fragmentation? Fundamental problem with the database?Any help much appreciated.Sorry if this post should have been in the tables forum.

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Relationships Lost And Record Deleted

Oct 17, 2007

I have a peculiar problem.

The sequence of events is:

1. The user reports that on clearing (deleting) data in a memo field within a table an error (sometimes) occurs which results in all fields for that record containing the word #deleted. The table can no longer be opened for update via a form. (Prior to deleting the data in the memo field the user had been using copy/paste data from the memo field into other fields within the record)

2. When I open the table in datasheet view, there is a record filled with # signs usually at the beginning of the table. I delete that ( I believe that is all that is left of the original record - but there is no other identifying data).

3. The primary key (autonumber) of that table is reset i.e. it is no longer designated as the primary key. I recreate it in table design.

4. All relationships with that Primary key are deleted.

5. I recreate the relationships, run a compact and repair and all is well except that the original record is lost and has to be recreated as well.

All this because a user deleted some data in a memo field!

The DB is split with the BE on a Windows 2003 Server and the users running their FEs on a Lan. Only Access 2003 is used.

I cant replicate the problem on my development system.

Any ideas very welcome

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Relationships In Front End

Oct 28, 2004


I have a backend database and front end mdb file with forms. I established the necessary relationships in the back end, however when I open Relationships screen in the front end - it opens empty. Do I have to establish same relationships in the front end or can I leave it as it is and still have my relationships work as defined in the front end?

Maybe someone could help.


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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Tables :: Data In Linked Back End Tables Not Saved From Front End

Jun 19, 2015

I have split database (B/E is in the SharePoint library, F/E has users on a local PCs). Sometimes, when I update/add data (does not matter if it is via form or directly in the table) it looks OK, but when I re-open the database, the data are gone.

Problem is that I cannot catch the moment when data were not saved (sometimes data are saved, sometimes not). I can point out this: if I re-enter the missing data, primary key continues subsequently, it looks like the data have never been entered. I tried to use script

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

on "On Close" form event, does not work.

B/E is linked by VBA code and it looks OK (no error, Link Manager shows correct path). I suspect interrupted connetion to the SharePoint but I don't know how to check it. I implemented VBA script co keep open connection to the SP but the issue persists.

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Lost All Tables And Queries

Apr 18, 2006

Not sure what happened here.
I now have an empty (277MB) shell in which I cannot see any tables or queries.
The event occurred when the db automatically began to "Compact and Repair" in the middle of creating a new query. Any thoughts?

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Tables :: Long Text - Lost Functionality From Old Memo Type

Mar 28, 2014

I am a pretty novice user currently playing around with Access 2013 using Office 365.

I used to love the old style Memo field where people cut put in carriage returns to split up data. I am wondering if this function has been removed with this LONG TEXT FIELD or is there a way around it.

I like it because I tend to use it as a tracking field and like the newest "comments" at the top separated by a Carriage Return...

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Tables :: Data Lost In Access 2000 Tables With Access 2010

Oct 9, 2012

We have an Access 2000 backend database resides in a network server drive while users connect to the backend tables with a mde file on their computers. All users have Access 2010 and the mde file was converted from the 2000 frontend with Access 2010.

The database have been running for a few weeks but recently users have been complaining about record lost on the backend table.We have also experienced one incident of data corruption where the main table could not be opened. After Compact & Repair, the table could be opened but a few records were showing xxxxx on all the fields and we have to delete and re-enter these records.Would they relate to using 2010 mde converted from 2000 frontend when the backend is still in 2000? I am a little nervous about converting both the frontend and backend to 2010 since I have heard various issues on the new version.

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh Linked Tables When Connection Lost Without Closing Access Database

Sep 4, 2014

I have MDB database linked to SQL SERVER through VPN connection.I created links to the sql server Links are dsnless..Everything works fine but when I lost VPN connection or sql connection has been broken I can't refresh links to the tables.I receive message 3146 sql connection failed..I must close database and start again...

I tried different methods like ado,dao, and vba docmd.transferdatabase,aclink... but no success, table cant be relinked.

Only way I can relink is to change ip adress in conn.string

E.g. (1st ip- router server ip) and after connection failed i can use (2nd ip - server local ip) and that's it if i lost connection for the 3rd time... i must restart application.

It seems that access database keep the previous to reset or drop database connection to the sql server and refresh links to the tables with vba code without closing access database...

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Tables :: Setting Up Multiple Tables / Relationships

Dec 10, 2013

I have 5 tables and 2 forms. The primary form is what I input all the information into (Tracking) and the other form is to update employee information (update form).

The "Tracking" form is where I add information to 4 of the 5 tables. Here is where I'm stumbling. Would it be more practical to just have 1 table and just expand the fields, or have the form put the information into the separate tables. Those 4 tables are Employee, phone, spotter and radio.

I'm wanting to keep a running tally of who doesn't turn in what equipment on what day.

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Need Help With System Tables And Front-end/back-end Applications

Oct 29, 2007

I currently have a front-end/back-end database, but at some point in time one of the tables has been modified and whenever the front end connects it comes up with a parameter request for a field that no longer exists. I have narrowed it down to MSysQueries, where there is a reference to this field. Is there anyway I can avoid this or change/repair the system table?

Compact and repair doesn't work unfortunatly.


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Adding Tables In A Front/Back End Apps.

Nov 12, 2007

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your help on my last post, again have a problem to update the application, Everything works well but then I need toadd an extra table on my app. At first I thought I can add a table on my Back-End but when I open the Front-End it wont update.

Can someone out there help me how to add a table on apps. from the ground up?

Thanks in advence.


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Tables :: Alter SQL Server Table From Front End?

Aug 1, 2014

I have an Access 2010 front end with linked tables via ODBC to a SQL Server back end. Is it possible to add, delete, and otherwise alter the tables on the SQL server from the Access front end? I've tried the following but received an error "cannot execute data definition statements on linked data sources"

DoCmd.RunSQL "alter table [dbo_tblAccountsMvOld] add column [cnt] byte;"

Is there code that will let me do this?

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General :: Accessing Data Tables In DB With Front End

Sep 7, 2012

I work in an office with Office2000. One branch of our non-profit organisation had a volunteer design a database in Access to track the usage of rented storage bins.The database works great for its intended purpose, however the volunteer is not available and the front-end is so locked down that I can't get into the table structure to run some usage queries I need for my own job, which is Resource Development (donations).

I don't know what to say to give more info, because the computer is a stand-alone in a different department detached from the network, so I have to physically go to the other end of the building & work in it, I can't get screencaps etc easily, and most of the menus have been disabled so it doesn't even give me the info about the version of Access etc.

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Tables :: SQL Creates Linked Table In Front End

Dec 28, 2014

I have a frontend and a backend database. As usual i keep the tables in the backend. Now I have some tables which need to be emptied and then refilled. I empty the table using the code

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM TransNMTbl;"

then I fill in the table using


The code runs fine. The problem is that the linked table is not used and the sql statement creates another TransNMTbl table in the front end and puts the data there. Bu I need the table to be in backend.

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Split Tables>>Front End Doesn't Recognize Backenc

Jan 10, 2005

I split my database. Then got the bright idea to rename them. Now when I launch the front end (which contains the forms, etc.), I get a message saying that it can't find my backed. I've tried renaming the back end back to its original name, but its still not working.

What is the best way to fix this situation? I was thinking about opening the front end, and re-importing the tables from the back end, or, breaking the links between the front end and back end. If I re-import, should I move stuff from the front end to the back end or vice versa?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Help With Tables Relationships

Nov 19, 2004

CompanyID pk (just one company)

EmployeeID pk
companyID fk
roomID fk
extensionID fk

LocationID pk
RoomNumber (many employees might share same room)

PhoneDirectoryID pk
ExtNumber (employees might share same extension number)
roomID fk

ItemID pk
ItmName (messengers take envelopes to different employees)
equipmentID fk
employeeID fk

EquipmentID PK
eqmtName (equipment might be used many times to deliver jobs)

I just need to know if the relationships for these tables are right.

If you need more information about this, please let me know.

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Relationships Between Several Tables!?!

Nov 30, 2004

I am converting / developing a database that stores information pertaining to individual birds and their recaptures over many years. Here is a condensed version of the many tables in this database:

tblIndividual Bird:
Autonumber (Primary Key)
Band Number - also, unique to the individual bird
Sex - M or F
etc ..

Autonumber (Primary Key)
Band Number - look-up from tblIndividualBird (using hidden Primary Key)
Capture #- # which indicates what capture this is (ex. Intial capture - 1)
etc ...

Each time a bird is captured, we record information pertaining to TIME, MEASUREMENTS, and NEST INFO. So, I have seperated the data based on these headings and made them into individual tables.

Now, my problem .... I have already created a relationship between CaptureInformation and Individual Bird. However, in the last 3 tables I would like to create a drop-down menu which shows the Band Number and Capture Number and make relationships there. What is the easiest way to do this? As of now, when I make a look-up field in the last 3 databases to show this info, the Band Number comes up with the Autonumber (because I am using the CaptureInfo table) which does not really help someone entering the data. Thanks for your help.

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Nov 30, 2004


I am trying to create a db for service orders for customers. At the moment I have four tables, customer, service_order, parts and totals.

I have one form for customer records that has a button that when clicked opens another form for that customer's service orders. The service order form has two subforms, one for parts and one for totals.

When I try to add a new service order for my test customer it says "you cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in the table 'customer'.

As you can see here ( I have three relationships setup. cust_no in customer table is a PK and so is service_order_no in service_order table.

Also I am having problems with the totals, as the fields are from different tables the equations won't work from within the subform (I guess I need some kind of query). I need the totals in a seperate table other wise I have a total for every part entry.

Any help would MUCH appreciated.



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Are My Tables And Relationships Set Up Right?

Mar 29, 2006

The attached application is what I need to design a form in Access around. Please see if i set up the tables correctly and the relationships. Thanks.

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What Relationships / Tables Should I Set Up

Sep 6, 2007

I am trying to set up a database to detail dances published in a magazine over the years.

I currently have all the information in an Excel Spreadsheet but know that Access would be better.

The columns in my spreadsheet are:

Date Published
Song 1
Artist 1
Count In 1
Song 2
Artist 2
Count In 2
Song 3
Artist 3
Count In 3
Song 4
Artist 4
Count In 4
Song 5
Artist 5
Count In 5
Song 6
Artist 6
Count In 6
Song 7
Artist 7
Count In 7

There can be two or more dances with the same name
The same choreographer(s) could have written more than one dance
The same count can be used for many dances
About 15 dances are published on the same date
One artist can have more than one song used
One song can have more than one artist singing it
One song and relevant artist can be used for more than one dance

I tried using Access For Dummies but it has confused me even more. I cannot work out what tables there should be and what relationships.

Not all dances have 7 songs for it - some have 1, some 2, some 3, etc.

What is listed as song 4 for one dance could be song 1 for another or song 5, etc.

Any advice gratefully received!

Thanks in advance


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Tables And Relationships

Jan 31, 2008

I'm a novice and I'm confused. Maybe it's the way I think. I feel like there is an easier way that I'm overlooking, but I can't seem to get a satisfactory solution.How would YOU create your tables/relationships if you had the following:* The general purpose is to manage orders* You have to store information about the order (like order number, date)* You have to store information about from what company the order is from (like address)* You have to store information about from which department of that company the order comes from, each department has their own information that needs to be stored (like contact person).Keep in mind that you don't want to memorize which department is from which company nor do you want to be able to make the mistake of entering an order from a department that is not a part of that company.It seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but I'm stumped. I've thought about creating a new table for every company with a sub table for every department but that doesn't seem very practical. I tried creating one table called Company and one called Department, then merging them on a third table which is then linked to a fourth table called Orders. I'm not convinced this is the best way to do it, but it's my best guess at this moment.All help is greatly appreciated.

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Relationships Between Tables

Feb 10, 2008

I'm relatively new to Access so am unsure if i'm on the right lines with my system, but here goes:

The system should be able to have new records of students input, and their grades recorded.

At present I have it laid out as follows:

-tbl Pupil
--Pupil ID (pk)
--Phone Number
--Parent's e-mail

-tbl Present Grades
--Pupil ID
--Grade ID (pk)

-tbl Subjects
--Subject ID

Any advice on relationships between the tables would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Tables With No Relationships

Oct 31, 2006

i know tecnically you can create a table with no relationships but is it "ok" to do so?

im using a table to store some values which are only referenced through a query but it is completly detatched and has no relationships with any other tables, im awear my database will function perfectlly happily but is it an acceptable programming standard?

cheers guys


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