Tables :: Make Calculated Field In One Table That Calculates Values From Another Table Linked By Order ID

May 13, 2015

I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?

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Tables :: How To Make Calculated Field Based On Field In Another Table

Jun 18, 2014

Table1 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

Table2 contain Two fields (3Months) and (6Months)

the table 2 is the source of a form that will let the user change the numbers. table 1 should change Date1 and Date2 Fields based on the two fields (3months) and (6months) if i want to make a lookup wizard it should be changed manually and if i make a calculated field i can't find other tables in the expression builder

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Make Calculated Field In A Table To Not Allow Duplicates?

Aug 15, 2013

Is it possible to make a calculated field in a table not allow duplicates?

There is obviously no option to select No Duplicates in the field settings?

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Tables :: Password Protect A Linked Table Or Make It Read Only

Nov 14, 2012

I have a table that I imported from another database. I used import Access - Link to the table source by creating a linked table. - then downloaded in my database.

I want to use the linked table to create relationships and forms but do not want to even accidently edit it. The table gets updated in the database on a weekly bases and I am hoping it gets updated automatically in my database as well. does it automatically get updated or do i have to set up something?

Also, I want to protect the data in that particular table and either password protect it or make it read only. Can I do that? If so, how?

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Tables :: Storing Calculated Values In Table

Jan 8, 2014

I know that as a general rule one should not store calculated values in a table, but if I need to include such a value on a number of forms, and calculating that value involves manipulating an ADO Recordset, does there come a point where the performance hit outweighs the design "quality"?

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Tables :: Auto-populate Table Field From Calculated Field In Another Table?

Jan 15, 2015

I am creating a database to keep up with the expenses for my art business. I have a table for Vendors with a field (Mileage) for one-way mileage that I enter manually (EX: 11.8 miles). Then I have a calculated field that basically just multiplies the Mileage field times two to get total mileage to and from my house to vendor location. (Total Miles) {The reason I want to do this this way right now is because I didn't keep up with my mileage this year and I am having to look up the distance from my home to each location)

Then I have a "supplies" table where I show the date, the vendor, the item, cost, etc, and I want to add a Total Mileage field based on the calculated Total Miles field in the Vendors table that will automatically populate based on the vendor of each transaction. I just can't remember how to make this work and I know just enough SQL to be dangerous.

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Insert Calculated Values In A Table Field?

Mar 17, 2014

i have a subform which contains a lot of calculated values. fields which calculate values are located both in master form and subform. i use those calculated values in various reports where i have to insert formulas again. so i have decided to insert calculated values in table directly. i can use update query but i am unsure how to trigger it; and how to keep fields updated everytime a value is changed.

main form fields = [gsm] , [rate]

sub form fields = [pages], [qty], [gsm]*[rate]*[pages]*[qty]

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Tables :: Edit Values In Linked Table Error 3021

Jul 8, 2014

I have ODBC linked tables to a DB2 database.When I try to edit the values in some of the tables (open the table in dataview and edit one record) I get a 3021 Error -No current record.On other tables (linked the same way) I don't get this error

If I try the update by running a query on the same table, I get no errors.

The system I have is a german Access 2010 on german WinXP and a connection to DB2 LUW v9.7

Is there any set of settings necessary for ODBC to work with access and vice versa?

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Tables :: Get Rid Of Calculated Field In A Table?

Sep 13, 2013

I've learned the hard way about using calculated fields in a table. I used on while building in Access 2010 for users that will be using Access 2007. Once my testers pointed out the error message, I did some research and realized my calculated field was the problem.

So, I created a query to replicate the calculation, deleted the offending field from the original table and redirected everything to point at the new query vice the original table.

However, my testers are still receiving the error about needing version 14 to access that table. There isn't a calculated field there any longer, but they still can't access that table. Did that calculated field put some sort of taint on my database that can't be removed? I'm not sure what to do. Do I need to start over, so that a calculated field was never part of the database to begin with? If so, how much of my existing one can I reuse?

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Tables :: Using NZ In A Table Calculated Field

Jul 22, 2013

Access 2013

I am trying to add some numbers together for a number of fields, of which at least one field will either be 0 or empty. I am trying to use the following formula in a calculated field in a table:

IIf(IsNull([Price Increase %]),[Total],([Total]*[Price Increase %])+Nz([LumpSumAnnualIncrease]))

Access returns an error statement: The expression XXX cannot be used in a calculated column.

Is there a different formula I should be using, or a work around, other than using the formula in a query.

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Tables :: Possible To Have The Field Names In Table Be Set By Values In Another Table?

Jul 27, 2014

Is it possible to have the field names in a table be set by the values in another table? The desire being that for a database used in various locations, the local variations could be changed in one table which would then propagate that change throughout all the forms, reports, tables etc.

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Tables :: Calculated Field In Table Can Only Sum Whole Numbers

Oct 1, 2014

Access 2010.

Have a table with columns of data which I want to total at the end of each row. The Calculated Field does this simply enough but it only seems to be able to add whole integers? How do I get it to accept and add values to 2 decimal places?

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Tables :: Calculated Form Field To Be Inserted Into Table

Jan 3, 2013

i want to insert a calculated value of a e.g field6 (field4 * field5) in forms into the database table. by using expression builders in my forms. i have made that feild and on click it shows the calculated value but on filling in the rest of the form and clicking on Insert button does not update this calculated field but iserts all other fields.

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Tables :: Calculated Field In Table - Display Week Number

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to create a calculated field in my table, I am trying to use the following code:

DatePart("ww",[Gas]![Date Opened])

I receive the following error message: "The expression DatePart("ww",[Gas]![Date Opened]) cannot be used in a calculated column."

Access 2007 - I really need to be able to display the week number in the table, based on the Date Opened field.

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Tables :: Text Field On Linked Table

Nov 12, 2014

We have a database (Access 2007) with several linked tables to an MS-SQL 2008 instance. All the text fields that I have issue with are nvarchar(255) on MS-SQL. The odd thing it will not allow a full 255 characters to be entered into the field. It will fail to save unless the number of characters is about 238 or 239 characters (not sure of the exact number of characters). It shows the field as a text and field size of 255 in Access .

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Tables :: Resetting Auto-numbering Field In A Linked Table

Sep 21, 2013

I have created quite a substantial and effective database for a small gliding club with all the major data tables being linked. I need to be able to re-index tables periodically so that running totals, which are needed to calculate statement balances, works correctly - all well and good. The only problem is that the process of re-indexing requires the data in the main table to be stored temporarily and the original data deleted. When the temporary data is appended to the main table the auto-numbering just keeps clocking to reset the auto-numbering in a local table.

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Queries :: ORDER BY - Update Values In One Table With The Values In Another Using Join

Sep 18, 2013

I have a query with an INNER JOIN and ORDER BY that is working great. Now, using the same JOIN, I need to update values in one table with the values in another. I thought it would be simple until I learned you can't do an ORDER BY with an UPDATE. Is there another way to achieve the same result? If you remove the 'ORDER BY', the statement below doesn't produce an error but the results are not correct:

UPDATE TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON (Left(TableA.CDN,6))=(TableB.CDN)
SET TableA.HCC = TableB.HCC
WHERE TableB.HCC Like '241*' AND TableB.BBB = 'X' AND TableA.CCC = "1234" AND TableA.HCC IS NOT NULL

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How To Make Values In One Table Automatically Show In Another Table?

May 22, 2007

Hi, I have a problem, I have a table were I list networkservices and their logical ports and I have another table were I list IPaddresses used by different machines. I'm using a multivalued lookupfield to pick which services I'm using for each Ipaddress, and thats working fine, but now I want to make the ports which is listed in another column, to automatically show in it's own column in the IPaddresses table depending on which services I'm choosing for the different IPaddresses. Is this possible?, and if it is how can I make this happen?

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Tables :: Add A Field That Calculates Percentage Of Yes Responses On That Particular Report And Record

Feb 26, 2013

I'm a Access novice trying to set up a table to record the answers to simple yes/no questions. I've got all the questions set up and yes/no fields set for their responses, but I now want to add a field that calculates the percentage of yes responses on that particular report and record that too. I'm trying to use the 'calculated' data type, but then I can't work out what to type as the expression.

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Using IIF Statement Calculated Column Through Linked Table

Apr 10, 2015

So I have this If statement that goes something like this;

IIf {ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.ActionType} = 'Answer Affir Defense' andnot isnull({ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.METPrep}) and not isnull({ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.AttyInstr}) and
({ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.METPrep})> date(1900,1,1) and not isnull({ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.AttyInstr})
and {ttblEQAnswer_FCLIT.METPrep} < currentdate - 10
then 'Y' as [MET InstructNeed?],

I want to use the above formula to calculate a column. However, do I need to join the tables referenced above in order to get this formula to work? As it stands I'm getting an error that says "Malformed GUID in query expression".

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Tables :: Accounting For Missing Values In A Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I have a table that stores information for multiple behavioral surveys (numerical values). My goal is to add the proper fields that compose total scores value for each respective survey (do a summation of scores). Now, under design view for my table, I see that I can add a calculated field. When I create this calculated field, I can use the Expression Builder to do a sum of the proper fields (the fields that compose a total score for a survey). The only problem that I'm encountering is that if a field that is part of a survey is missing information, the summation disregards the rest of the values for that survey.

How can I account for these missing values so that, if 1 out of my 9 fields have information, I will still get a summation score for the 9 fields? I want to be able to do this without having to change the value of the missing field to 0.

In SPSS I can easily do this by computing a variable and using a code like this:
SUM.2(field1, field2, field3, etc.)

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Queries :: Make Table Query With Calculated Columns

Oct 8, 2013

I am trying to run a make table query that involves using a linked table in Ms from a SharePoint list. However, a few columns I wish to include in my Make table query are calculated columns from the SharePoint list.

The make table query will not run saying "Calculated columns are not allowed in SELECT INTO statements".

Can any think of a solution or a potential work around to this?

I need to create a table with these columns in it.

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Need To Make A Change In A Linked Table

Jun 16, 2005

This question will surely show my amateur Access skills... I have to add a field to a linked table. However, the table doesn't save my changes. Is there something I need to do before I make my change?

I get the error message "Table 'name' is a linked table with some properties that can't be modified. Do you want to open it anyway?

Any ideas? Thank you! :confused:

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Make Linked Table Lokal

Dec 21, 2004


I have a dabase with linked tables. I want to copy the table in my local database. I tryed it with DoCmd.CopyObject but that also make a linked table.

does someone know how to do this.

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Tables :: Change Item Source For Multi-valued Field From Linked Table To List?

Feb 16, 2013

I am using MS Access 2007.

I have created a multi-valued field "Product Category" that lookups data items from a linked table. So, the Data Type for the multi-valued field "Product Category" is Number.

Now I want to change the Data Type of "Product Category" from Number to Text, and make a value list that I can type values in and can provide the same data items as the linked table.

How to change item source for the multi-valued field from a linked table to a list that I can type in values?

Is there a feature provided by MS Access 2007 can enable such a conversion?

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