Tables :: Move Data From One Record To Another Record

Aug 12, 2013

I'm trying to get a DB to move records simultaneously using a command button. The records are setup with check boxes for example: one column has a check box for 1 Year Ratio the next column has a check box for 2 Year Ratio and the third column has a check box for 3 Year Ratio.

How can i move the information out from 3 Year Ratio into another table and then move 2 Year Ratio check into 3 Year Ratio check box and 1 Year Ratio check into 2 Year Ratio check box by using a command button.

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Forms :: How To Move Around From Record To Record Collecting Corresponding Data

Dec 24, 2014

The school director is going to input a date (by default today) and a subform will display all of the students who started before that date and haven't been closed as of that date. Next to each name, there will be 4 radio buttons (present, absent, holiday, hospitalized), which by default will be set to present. The director will go down the line, only needing to click when a student isn't present. At the end, she'll push a save button and the new records will be added.

My proposed method:

1. When the textbox with date input is changed, the subform (or just form and I put the textbox in the header?) will populate itself with a query based on student names whose corresponding startdate and enddate work with the inputted date.

2. The subform will be in continuous view so that it kinda looks like a data sheet but it has radio buttons rather than just spreadsheet cells.

3. When the save button is pushed, some visual basic code in the background will look at record 1, grab the student name and selected radio button value, and add a new record to the AttendanceRecords table with the name, attendance type, and date. Then the code will move to the 2nd record, rinse and repeat until it goes through all of them.


1. At its core, is this the Access way of doing something like this? Is there a simpler, more efficient, or generally smarter way of doing attendance?

2. How is step 3 going to work? I can look up how to add new records to a table, but I'm not sure how to move around from record to record collecting corresponding data.

3. Since the AttendanceRecord table uses studentID and typeID rather than actual names and actual attendance types, what's the easiest way of adding the new records with that data efficiently? I'm thinking of making the RecordSource of the subform some sort of linked up set of tables such that if I'm looking at record 1 and the name in the textbox on the subform is "Bob" I can just reference studentID in the background without needing anything on the form at all with studentID?

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Forms :: How Move To Next Record After Fill Mask In First Record In Access Form

Jun 27, 2013

How move to next record (without enter) after fill mask in first record in access form?

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Forms :: Save Form Record On Move To Next Field In Record?

Jan 15, 2014

After I enter data into one field in a record I would like the form to save the record when I move to another field in the same record. It seems that the record is only saved when I exit it entirely. Is there a way to save a record when moving between fields in that record? Can this be done without using an Event Procedure for each field?

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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Can't Get Next Record Button To Move To Next Record

May 7, 2013

I am trying to create a one(employee) to many ( assignment) database. In the form under Employee when I click next exmployee it goes to the next employee but shows the same assignment for the previous employee, how to do I get so they move together?

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Move Numbers From Record To Next Record

Apr 10, 2012

Access 2000 Win 7. I want to have some numbers move from the record I am using to a new record when I move to the next record when it opens?

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Move Record To New Table After Data Change In Combo Box Value In Original Table.

Nov 24, 2006

Ok my problem is this......

I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -

"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"

When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?

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Move A Record To Another Table

Sep 8, 2006

ok ive read some responses to people having trouble or need to know how to move a record from one table to another...
i have two tables. One with member and another with thier siblings.
i have two forms. one with the member details which contain a command box to open the other form for their siblings. the siblings form is a tabular form so when i double clikc the siblings form i can all the children but when i open it from a specific member only their children are shown.
each member has a memberID (primary key). but the siblings have the same ID as their father(member)

i have put a commmand box in the siblings form next to every sibling. what i want is that when i click this button the record moves to the members column.

i only know the very basics of a step by step explination would be helpful...

this is very specific and if more information is required please ask here or ask for my msn address.

Thank you in advance

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How To Automatically Move One Record From One Table To Another

Mar 26, 2008

Say i have two tables
1 = computers (it holds info about the computers)
2 = Repair (this table holds only the PCs that are under repair)

I want to be able to move one computer record to Repairs table as soon as i select that "this pc is under repair" on a form. So it does not show up on my report of computers in hand and shows up on computers in repair.

and when i get the pc back from repair, i want to be able to select "back in stock" and it'll move the record back to Computers tables & removes tht record from repairs table

is there a way i can do this automatically (without manually move a record)?

Any suggestions - web links or examples will be much appreciated.

Thank you

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How To Automaticaly Move To A New Record On Start

Jun 18, 2005

Can anybody tell me how you automatically move to a new empty record when you open a Form? Till now, I always had the last record displayed.
Thanx for your help


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Move Record Via Command Button

Mar 9, 2005

I have two table tbl_Employees and tbl_Femp my users use a form daily and now with help of baxter i'm finishing up on a new one. On my old form it was bounded and with a two step process check box and command button my users would send former employees to the former employees table, well i'm now using an unbound form and with the same script it will select all records and try to move them to the former employees table. here is my code:

Code:DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70Exit_saverecordcommand_Click: DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Femp(FempID, FempLast, FempFirst, FempAdd, FempCity, FempZip, FempHomePhone, FempSSN, FempDOB, FempRank, FempRetCategory, FempComments, FempHireDate, FempRetDate) Select EmpID, EmpLast, EmpFirst, EmpAdd, EmpCity, EmpZip, EmpHomePhone, EmpSSN, EmpDOB, Rank, RetCategory, EmpHireDate, RetDate, RetComments from tbl_Employees where Retiredarchive =Yes"DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * from tbl_Employees where RetiredArchive = Yes"
Can some1 please tell me where i'm going wrong? thanks in advance...

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Form - Move To A Field With New Record

Mar 16, 2005

I have a form we use for data entry, and not all the fields willhave data in them. When we click the new record button the cursor stays in the field where it was for the last record. We would like the cursor to move to the first field on the form everytime a new record is started.
Can anyone help me out here??


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Forms :: On Got Focus Move To New Record

Jun 23, 2013

I have a subform that I use to scan in products using a barcode reader, when the item scans it moves to the quantity (Qty) field where I have this code:

Private Sub Qty_GotFocus()
Qty.Value = 1
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

I am simply trying to set the Qty value to 1 and move onto the next record ready to scan another product in.

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Modules & VBA :: Move To Next Record But Don't Create New If It Is Last

Oct 16, 2013

I have a database where on the bottom I have kept the record navigation buttons. When I move to the next record is fine, but when it reaches the end and I press once more, it will create a new one. How can I avoid this?

I made a button special for that purpose to creat new record). I guess the best option will be not to show the record navigation and create buttons to go back and forward and avoid that the next press of the button will create new record.

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Move A Record From One Table To Another Upon Event

Jul 8, 2014

I have 2 tables, a and b.

Then I have records in each table with fields ,Name and Status(Done and Done_s)

I want records having "Done_s" to be moved to b whenever the change has occurred. Is this possible?(I have tried somethings with Macros but didn't work)...

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Form To Find Record And Move To Another Table

Oct 11, 2004

I'm trying to make a form with a single text box that will search for the contents of the text box in a table. Once it finds a match, it moves the record into another table. Anyone know how to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Why Code Will Not Move To Last Record Of Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code:

techid = Forms!Main!txtCurrentUserID
Task = 2
note = "Work Instructions"
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM [tblTracking] "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ([EmpID]=" & techid & ");"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


For whatever reason, this code will move to the last record that was entered in YESTERDAY, but I want it to move to the last record that was entered in TODAY. If I change the code to only records that are dated today, it claims there are no records (EOF), when there clearly are. why the code will not move to the last record of the table, it is only moving to the last record that was entered yesterday.

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General :: Looping - Button To Move To Next Record

Feb 13, 2015

I have a code that I am currently using with a button to move to the next record. I just want it to loop by itself. I am currently having to press the Update button for it to move to the next record.

Private Sub UpdateAllComments_Click()
Dim memoContent As String
memoContent = Me.Remarks1
If Not Me.Recordset.EOF Then

[Code] .....

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General :: Move A Record To Another Table Automatically

Sep 18, 2012

Using access 2003, i would like to add a button to a form so that when clicked all the data in that record is moved (cut and paste) to another identical table, like archive.

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2 Questions 1, Move Record To A New Table 2, Prevent Changes To Design

Sep 27, 2005

1) HOw can I move a record from one talbe to another when a specific drop-down option is selected. Example: a combo box with "Active"; "Pending"; "Closed" I want all closed recoreds in a table just for closed records to reduce clutter. They're not going to be referenced often if ever, we just want them so we have them if we do need them.

2) How can I prevent changes to the design of a form/query/report/etc.

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Forms :: Refresh Parent Form And Move To Next Record On Subform

Dec 10, 2013

I have two subforms on a "Page"/Tabs. Subform #1 is a continuous form which accepts data about dimensions of a pattern piece. The other subform needs to update its information display each time the last control of the first subform loses focus, because it tells me how much material is required for all pieces of this pattern that are entered.

My first feeble attempt at this was to add the following code to the "Lost Focus" event of the final control on the first subform:

This succeeded in forcing the second subform to re-run its calculation.

However, after the recalculation took place, I wasn't able to move to the next record on the first subform. This subform is a continuous form, and I need to be able to add another row of data and then see the second subform change based on the additional information in the first subform.

Obviously I've done this wrong.

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Tables :: Move Data From Listbox To Table

Aug 25, 2014

I have two listboxes on a form listbox1 and listbox2. listbox1 is populated by table1 which has 40 fields and 1000 records. listbox2 is populated by table2 which has identical structure to table1(same fields) but has no records.

For both listboxes Multi Select is set to simple. Rowsource is Select * statement from tables. Row Source Type is set to Table/Query.

I would like to select multiple records from listbox1 and add them to listbox2 and table2 or just table2. After selecting the records from listbox1 the user will click a button to add the records to table2. Also need to delete the values selected from table1 on same button click.

The database is saved with a .mdb file extension.

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Modules & VBA :: Linking Tables By Auto Inserting A Record Using Current Record

Aug 19, 2013

I have two forms both with separate tables

(1) Register and
(2) Payments.

One of the common denominators between them is the URN which is auto-populated as it is an auto number field. My issue is that when I want to add a new record to the payments table using the forms (I can get to the payments form via the register form), I want to be able to identify the record that I am currently viewing within the register and auto populate the URN field with the same number. This is what I have done so far,

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub AttachPaymentDetails()
Call PerformInsert("tblFinancialBudget", "frmFinancialBudget")
End Sub


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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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Tables :: Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table

Oct 22, 2012

Currently I keep getting this error: "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table"..My current tables are this:

Primary Table with persons info:

Primary Key - Auto number generated

I have 4 other tables with use check boxes.


Table 1 - Geographic locations visited

ID - Auto generated

Table 2 - Languages Spoken
ID - Auto generated

Table 3 - Skills
ID - Auto generated

Is this not a genuine one-to-one relationship table? I mean No two people would have had visited the same places and speak the same language no? I tried to create a one to one relationship with the primary key to the auto generated ID of the child tables but I'm sure that is not how you do it. Also when I try to save the check boxes in my form and I close it and come back it doesnt save and is blank again. Is it because my form gets its information from a query that takes all the information from all the tables.

how I can get this to work properly? Am i to make use of a foreign key? I've read a lot about it online and watched youtube videos but I dont see why I need it here in this case. Is there a way to set the IDs in the child tables to be the ones from the primary table? Or do I have to use a foreign key and manually input the primary ID into them?

Or would it be better to have all these child tables in the primary table and have one large table instead? I just didnt do that because one of them has like 20 checkboxes with cities and locations

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