Tables :: New Record In Table / Meaningless Symbols In Text Field In Report

Sep 13, 2013

When I add ANY record to a Table I get meaningless symbols in a Text Field on my Report.I have a Microsoft Access Database of College Football Teams and their Schedules that otherwise works just fine. In the past, I regularly added new teams to the Teams Table. I enter Team Name, Conference and Division affiliation (if any), whether or not they play home games on Grass or Turf and a hyperlink to the team's website.

I went to add Fordham to my Teams Table, as Fordham plays at Temple this week. After I entered the information in the Table, I saved and ran the Compact and Repair Database tool. I went to run a Report that contains a text field called "Comments" that I enter non-indexed comments about the game manually in the Schedule Table or on a Form. Not all games have comments. However, as a result of entering Fordham in the Teams Table, I now get nothing but weird looking symbols that look like Wing-Dings or Chinese Script in the Comments column on the report. These symbols show up in each row under Comments, whether or not I actually have a comment in the field. These symbols also show up on the report no matter what team or time period I select on the Form that runs a Query that generates the Report.

I isolated the problem to this addition of Fordham, because if I delete the Fordham record from the Teams Table, Save and Compact and Repair the Database, I can return to the normal looking text in the Comments Text Field in the Report. I tried only entering "Fordham" as the team name, disregarding any of the other information, like Conference, Division, playing surface or (most importantly) the hyperlink, but I get the same symbols. I also tried entering just a team name of something other than Fordham, but the same pesky symbols show up. I restored a previous version of this database before the problem showed up, but, when I added Fordham, I got the same result. I tried searching on this topic, but with little luck. There were a few things like making sure the hyperlink was not indexed or Unicode Compression was off, but nothing really more than that.

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Symbols In Table

Mar 17, 2008

I have a value that I need to enter into my table. The value is : 12(4B)(5)(c) but when I enter that value the "(c)" converts to the copyright symbol ©. How do I enter that value without it converting to a symbol.

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The Number [quantity] Of Symbols Allowed In A Certain Field

Mar 3, 2006

I am on Access 2000. I would like to know how could I define the number of symbols that can be input in a certain field? For example in Home Phone field I would like to be able input more than 30 characters, but database doesn’t let me input more than 16. How can I change that?
Thanks a lot.

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Tables :: Add A Field That Calculates Percentage Of Yes Responses On That Particular Report And Record

Feb 26, 2013

I'm a Access novice trying to set up a table to record the answers to simple yes/no questions. I've got all the questions set up and yes/no fields set for their responses, but I now want to add a field that calculates the percentage of yes responses on that particular report and record that too. I'm trying to use the 'calculated' data type, but then I can't work out what to type as the expression.

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Tables :: Text Field On Linked Table

Nov 12, 2014

We have a database (Access 2007) with several linked tables to an MS-SQL 2008 instance. All the text fields that I have issue with are nvarchar(255) on MS-SQL. The odd thing it will not allow a full 255 characters to be entered into the field. It will fail to save unless the number of characters is about 238 or 239 characters (not sure of the exact number of characters). It shows the field as a text and field size of 255 in Access .

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2 Tables With Same Value In A Field.. Pull Into A Report Or New Table? Possible?

Sep 24, 2007

I have a slight problem here with a database program I am designing. I have two excel spreadsheets, one created by one department here, and the other created by a second department.

I have the access program importing the relevant fields from both programs into 2 tables. Table 1 is the listing of employees in the company and their info (minus the location where they work). Table 2 is the listing of employees who are in this facility.

I need to prepare a report of all employees in this facility who appear on the other table.

I have a field in each table (both called F1) with the employee names.

Is there a way I can run a report in Access where it pulls all the info I need into a Report as long as the name appears in both tables F1 fields?

Even if I can create another table based on that info, and then just do a full dump to a report from that new table, that would be great.

I am not familiar with VB or SQL really, but I figure something like this would be doable, I just don't know how to go about writing it :

If Table1.F1 == Table2.F1 Then {
Append Table1.* INTO NewTable3

Something where if the name on F1 in Table1 matches the name on F1 in Table2, it takes all the data from that record and appends it or dumps it brand new into a NewTable3..

Any help is appreciated.



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First Record In Table To Appear In Unbound Text Field On Form?

Feb 20, 2006

Hi All,

I hope someone can help me.

I have a table here tblTemp with a field client. This table can have from 1 to 100 records at times as it keeps getting cleared for the purpose of this exercise.

I also have a form frmLabel1Data with an unbound text box txtclient.

I was hoping to get the first record of the table into this text box upon opening the form.

I tried creating a query which gave me the following sql;

SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;

I also tried placing it in this code with no luck

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)


SQL = "SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;"
MsgBox SQL

End Sub

Does anyone know why I cannot see the same result as when I open the query it gives me my client name but the code above does not????

Any help is appreciated.


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Tables :: Formatting Addresses In A Text Field Within A Table

May 22, 2013

I have been using Access for several years but always in a basic way. I have started work on an existing Members database where the Members Addresses have been pasted in from Notepad or been imported from csv or manual entry.The ones that have been manually entered are on one line. The ones that are imported from csv or pasted from Notepad are on multiple lines like you would naturally type on an envelope..In Notepad they look like this:

'Oakdale' 123 Expression Road
Name of Town
Name of County

Sometimes the addresses have 4 lines and sometime they also have the name of a village which makes it 5 or 6 lines. When imported into Access they also view (datasheet view) in the same way with the return at the end of each line. However, I cannot enter a new address in this manner directly into Access.How can I enter the address text into a text filed and be able to format it so that it looks like the above?

I have searched many times for an answer to this but cannot find a way of explaining it that search engines understand. I first came across this 12 years ago when I worked on a massive Members database for a radio station all the addresses where formatted in the same way and had been imported through csv. When I do this the csv file marks up the text as "'Oakdale' 123 Expression Roadâ–ˇName of Townâ–ˇName of Countyâ–ˇPostcode"

I have tried exporting to csv ad then importing it into GMAIL and this works fine I have also printed off labels and envelopes and all the addresses print fine too; I just don't know how to input it in that format other than pasting all addresses through a basic text file.

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Tables :: Create A New Field In One Table Whenever A Record Is Added In Another

Feb 6, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to automatically create a new field in one table whenever a new record is entered in another table. The name of the field would be the primary key entry of that new record.

I have one table (table 1) in which each record corresponds to a particular mouse with a unique ID number, and each field is the ID number of a particular genetic marker. The table overall shows what genotype (+ or -) a mouse has at each marker.

In the other table (table 2) the primary key of each record is the ID number of a genetic marker, and the fields are several different bits of information about the marker (e.g. what chromosome it's on, its location on the chomosome, etc.)

I would like to have it set up so that if I enter a new genetic marker in table 2 a field named after its marker ID will automatically appear in table 1. Is there a way to do this?

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Tables :: Adding A New Field When A New Record Is Added In Another Table

May 12, 2015

I have a table A in which I write down orders for cars. A record is an order. A single order may contain multiple cars in varying quantities.Each car has its components. Some cars may have some of their components common. There is a table B which indicates each car and its components required with their quantities required to build the car. There is a record for each different car.

Now suppose there is a new car we are going to produce so we need a new record in table B for the car and all its components. Also we need a new field in table A because people can now order the new car(in some quantity).

With form for table B we can introduce a new record. But how can we add a field in table A automatically after a record is added in table B?

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Forms :: Characters Converting To Symbols

Oct 17, 2014

Is there a way to prevent special characters from being converted into symbols when copying and pasting text into a textbox control on a form?

For example:

If I copy and paste the below bullet item into my textbox, Access will convert the bullet into some weird symbol. How can I fix that?

. SET Key #12, #13 and #14

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Forms :: Validating Text Field On Form Against Another Field In Same Record?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a form where I would like to validate (restrict) choices in subsequent fields.


Combobox choices are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Space

In the form I have 4 fields = Material1, Material2, Material3, Material4. (all in same record on my table)

Basically I need the validation to not allow duplicates across the 4 fields.

something like....

[Material1] <> [Material2] or [Material3]or [Material4]

I am not sure of the proper syntax for the validation field in the Form Properties. Or if I am even putting it in the right place.

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Tables :: Input Data From A Field To Another Field With Different Text Type

Nov 3, 2012

From a table I want a text field which has a path to a file to be copied automatically into a another field of the same table with a hyperlink text type...

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Reports :: Text Field Footer In Report

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form with attached subform from which I can choose which records to send to a report. All records in the base table have a comment text field for the user to enter additional data (comments). Typically, there are none, but when there is, if it is only a single record sent to the report, the comment is printed in the page footer. However, if there are multiple records being sent to the report and only one record has text in the comment field, unless it's the last record it the subform, it will not print in the report. There isn't enough room in the detail section to include the comment field (like I said, it's typically not used and when it is, they can be lengthy). Is there a way to get the comment field to print in the report page footer when it is not either the only record selected, or the last record?

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Yes / No Field When Active Print Text In A Report?

Apr 8, 2014

I've got a "Made in the USA" yes/no toggle field in my database. When I go to print out the info in a report, I'd like for the report to recognize whether I have a true/false condition, and print out "Made in the USA" where appropriate?

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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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Tables :: Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table

Oct 22, 2012

Currently I keep getting this error: "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table"..My current tables are this:

Primary Table with persons info:

Primary Key - Auto number generated

I have 4 other tables with use check boxes.


Table 1 - Geographic locations visited

ID - Auto generated

Table 2 - Languages Spoken
ID - Auto generated

Table 3 - Skills
ID - Auto generated

Is this not a genuine one-to-one relationship table? I mean No two people would have had visited the same places and speak the same language no? I tried to create a one to one relationship with the primary key to the auto generated ID of the child tables but I'm sure that is not how you do it. Also when I try to save the check boxes in my form and I close it and come back it doesnt save and is blank again. Is it because my form gets its information from a query that takes all the information from all the tables.

how I can get this to work properly? Am i to make use of a foreign key? I've read a lot about it online and watched youtube videos but I dont see why I need it here in this case. Is there a way to set the IDs in the child tables to be the ones from the primary table? Or do I have to use a foreign key and manually input the primary ID into them?

Or would it be better to have all these child tables in the primary table and have one large table instead? I just didnt do that because one of them has like 20 checkboxes with cities and locations

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Reports :: One Record Across Multiple Tables In A Printable Report

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to produce a report that shows a single record that has fields in multiple tables. When these reports we're in Word form they were about 7 pages long. I put them in access to be able to update the data in one or more than one of them at a time more effectively. But now I am unable to get them print out one at a time like they looked originally in Word form.

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Problem With Report Memo Field Not Displaying All Text

Feb 1, 2006

I have a report based on a query. There is a field "comments" that is a memo type however on the report it does not display all of the text. I have the property "Can Grow" set to "yes" however it still only shows partial text. Any ideas? thanks in advance!

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Generate Value For Text Field In Report Based On Query

Jan 20, 2008

Okay I have a report (rptHorneOstbergQuestionnaire) that is based on a query (qryrptHorneOstbergQuestionnaire). In the report I have a total (HOTotal) which is the result of an expression created in the qry. Based on this result I would like to generate text in a text field (HOType) that is found in the same report.

Basically if the field HOTOtal shows any vaue between:
16 and 30 then I want the unbound text field to show the text Definitely evening typw and so on ...(see case statement below)

I thought I could do a case statement on report open but I am getting an error that my expression contains no value.

Here is the case statement

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Select Case Me.HOTotal

Case 16 To 30
Me.HOType.Value = "Definitely evening type"
Case 31 To 41
Me.HOType.Value = "Moderately evening type"
Case 42 To 58
Me.HOType.Value = "Neither type"
Case 59 To 69
Me.HOType.Value = "Moderately morning type"
Case Else
Me.HOType.Value = "Definitely morning type"

End Select

End Sub

What else can I do?

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Forms :: Formatting Text In Report Based On Yes / No Field

Jul 25, 2014

I am having problem on formatting text on a report based on a Yes/No field using Conditional Rules Manager in Access 2010. When adding a rule [field name] = Yes the font color does not change. I have tried setting the expression to [field name] = True and still does not change the color. Adding a Yes or True in query works OK.

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Reports :: Report Thinks Calculated Field Is Text

Oct 21, 2014

I'm creating a report to check for over- or under-stocked items. The report is working fine, gets all the records etc. except that it thinks that the OnHand field from my inventory query is text or something, at any rate not a number. I have successfully set the format of the field in the query to General Number, but that doesn't seem to have worked. Here's the SQL for the report:

SELECT DISTINCT Signs.SignCode, Signs.SignDescr, Size2.XYdim, qryOnHand.OnHand, Bins.Rack, Bins.Level, Bins.BinNum
FROM (Size2 INNER JOIN (Signs INNER JOIN (Items INNER JOIN qryOnHand ON Items.[ItemsID] = qryOnHand.[ItemsID]) ON Signs.[SignID] = Items.[SignID]) ON Size2.[SizeID] = Items.[SizeID]) INNER JOIN (Bins INNER JOIN InventoryDetail ON Bins.[BinID] = InventoryDetail.[BinID]) ON Items.[ItemsID] = InventoryDetail.[ItemsID]
WHERE (((qryOnHand.OnHand)<=[Check for signs with fewer than:]));

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Reports :: Hyperlink In Rich Text Field On Report

Dec 3, 2014

I am generating a report that needs to have a hyperlink in part of one of the fields. Prior to saving the field to the database I do a bit of VBA coding on it and add some HTML. The result is this in the field:

"There are two ways to book with your preferred rate: <br>

1. <b><a href="">Click Here</a></b>! <br>

2. Call us directly or at 1-800-Hampton and use your Corporate ID 12345."

It works beautifully if you paste it into a web page but in the Access report, Access applies the Bold but just ignores the hyperlink.

This is Access 2013 with MS SQL Server 2008 backend. Everything I have read suggests that this should work and is supported. Is there some trick I'm missing?

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Apending Text Into A Table Field That Already Contains Text

Jun 11, 2007

I am wondering if there is a way to automate the pasting function of text from one field into several others in a table without losing the data that is already in the field.

As an example: in 20 fields I have "I love potatoes" and I want to paste the text string, "And I love tomatoes too" in every field without overwriting the original text.



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On A New Record, What Is Value Of Text Field?

Dec 13, 2004

Hi all. Question: On a new record, what is the value of a text box prior to it being updated? I have tried to check and it is neither Null or Zero or "".

Basically, I have a text box on my form linked to a field on my table(the field is defined as number). In addition I have two check boxes also tied to their respective table.

I need to make the following happen:

Allow the form to close when
1) Both the text box and the check boxes are empty and/or unchecked. (on a new record)
2) The text box contains a numeric value and one of the check boxes is checked.

I can make the #2 work, but not #1. Any ideas, suggestions?
Thank you.

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