Tables :: Normalizing Data And Showing Values In A Form

Jan 30, 2014

I need some normalizing my data properly, and then showing the values in a form.

Currently, my table relationships look like this;

However, there can be multiple Genres per Band and each Genre will be applied to multiple Bands, and I know this is a Many-To-Many relationship, but I'm uncertain on how to create this properly and then show it in a subform in a form.

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Normalizing Tables Question

Jul 20, 2005

Hi folks.

I'm going over a laboratory application that I started a few years ago, trying to do a better job with some of the table structure that I set up, and improve the application. Right now, I'm working on the very first thing I did when I started building this application. This part has users pick a sieve stack setting for a size test, and record the grams of material weighed from each sieve in the test. This stack is based on the top and bottom size of the sample. In the original, I used a field for top and a field for bottom. In the new structure, it's together. There are over 100 different sieve stack combinations, and the number of sieves used in a combination for a test varies from 3 to 8. The way I was told to set it up is not in a normalized table structure, but it has worked fine for us to date.

I've gone in and broken the tables up into what I believe to be a normalized structure. The funny thing is, the size of the db is bigger with the tables put into a normalized structure than it is with the orignial, non-normal structure.

This seems weird to me. I've done this with other sets of non-normal tables in the application, and saw a subsequent shrink in db size because of the optimization of the table structure. Now I'm wondering if I've done this right, so I'm asking if some of you experienced hands can look at this and tell me if I've gone wrong in my attempt to normalize the table structure.

I appreciate any input in this issue, as it has me scratching my head a bit. I've posted db1, which is non-normal, and db2, which is normalized (I think). I put a few records in these, so you can get the gist of the application use. File size with these few records is negligible, but the application has over 18,000 records in it, and the file size difference is over 1MB, which was unexpected.

Thank you.

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Tables :: Normalizing Date Fields In Access

Nov 13, 2012

How to properly normalize dates in access. I have read many things and have actually normalized dates before in the past but feel that there is a specific correct way to accomplish this without having to jump through many hoops on coding and query design.

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Form Values Showing As 1, 2 3 Etc In Reports

Jun 15, 2005

Hi Guys,

I`ve searched the forums, but not knowing the terminology, i cant find what I`m looking for.

I have a table which is use for a drop down list in my forms.
This is saved into a table, but shows up as a numerical instead of the name value.

Also In reports, I get a numerical value, instead of the text value.

Is there something I`m over looking ?
Or am I doing something totally wrong.
My relationships are correct. and the field data is right, I just cant over come the number issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Showing Transaction History In A Form With Foreign Key Values

Aug 8, 2015

I have 7 fields in a listbox (1st is the ID, hidden) from the single table. 3 of these fields are foreign keys. How do I get them to display their related values instead of the foreign key value?

Background:I'm purpose-building my db to essentially track individually cataloged items, somewhat like a library system would. I have four main tables: tblMediaItems, tblUsers, tblTransactions, and tblLocations. Users wills be spending 90% of their time on the Details form for the particular media item record they're viewing.

I'm trying to show an item's transaction history on the main form. I added a listbox (because I liked that compact presentation style) and got the desired fields to show up from tblTransactions. I figured out how to accomplish this for a single column combo box with the wizard, but so far I don't see how I would do this with multiple fields in a listbox.

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Tables :: Datasheet View Of Table Inside Subform Not Showing Sorted Data

May 25, 2015

I have a linked table(tblxyz) having property set as ORDER BY ID DESC, ID is autonumber, so my table view gives me latest record on top.

Now I have a subform , where i am calling this Table.....

[Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm].SourceObject = "Table.tblxyz"

This gives me datasheet view of the table inside subform but its not showing sorted data

Interesting thing is it give sorted data view when my table is not linked and is in same access file.

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Simple Question About Showing Tables In Form

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form which has two command buttons A and B. I set that when somebody click the button A then table A will be open and so on. But I dont want that table opens in new window. I want that I can "draw" a "box" in form where the table will showed. So can anybody help me and tell how to set that table will always show in "box". Can I set this somewhere in Access or do I have write VBA code. (I'am very very poor at coding)

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Showing A Value If The Data In A Form Field = Something

Aug 18, 2005

I have a form field with a date in it, is there any way I can make the value in that field display one thing, but still run a query based on the original text?

for example:
txtDate is 1/1/1000
if txtDate = 1/1/1000 then display = "*"

but the query still runs on 1/1/1000

I am asking this because I am trying to run a between statement for a date range and the only way I can do the entire range of dates on my table is to use the highest and lowest date possible (1/1/1000 and 1/1/3000) but I only want the users to see "*" so they are not confused.

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Data From Form Not Showing In Datasheet View In Table

Dec 21, 2004

In a table I have three fields 1. City - which is a combo box linked to a query, 2. State - a text box, 3. postal Code - a text box

When i put them on a form I use the info selected in the City box to populate the info in the State and Postcal Code boxes.

The Control source for the city is SELECT tblPostcodes.ID, tblPostcodes.Pcode, tblPostcodes.Locality, tblPostcodes.State FROM tblPostcodes;

Then on the form i put the control source of the state box as =City.column(1) and Postal code as =City.column(3)

This works fine on the form- and the information is retained - but the datasheet view of the table does not record either the State or the Postcode data that was entered. Is this because I put the control source on the form and the table is not recognising it? if this is the case how do enter it from the table?? really confused...

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Forms :: Form Field Always Null Even When Showing Data

May 3, 2015

The code below always displays opens form even when field being tested is null.

Private Sub Assign_Classes_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Assign_Classes_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim msgboxstring As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String


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Forms :: Access Sub Form Not Showing All Data From Table

Jan 14, 2014

I am relatively new to Access 2007, I am having an issue with a sub form not showing all the data from a table.

Basically I have 2 tables: Headers and Line Details, they are linked via an order number. The headers will only ever have 1 record per order number but there can be multiple records on the line details table.

I have imported the data into both tables. When I open my main form, all the data from the header file is all visable and all correct for all records. However when I look at the data in the sub form, it is only showing data for some of the records.

I have checked and the data is correctly linked, and if I change the "source object" to point directly at the table in the sub form it shows the record is there. When I point it back to my sub form it is blank.

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Compare Data In Different Tables And List Non Matching Values

Nov 2, 2007


I am trying to compare data in two different tables and list the data that does not match. Not sure if this is possible. Details below

Table 1

xyz - A1 - Do not use
ABC - A4 - Use

Table 2

123 - A1

The result of the query should show me

A4 (as this does not appear in table 2

I am not too familiar with Null values as there will be many null values that i want to ignore.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Pulling Data From Other Tables Based On Values Entered

Dec 13, 2007

I'm attempting to build a simple database for a martial arts tournament registration. The weight division (Fin, Fly, Heavy, etc.) depends on the age, the sex and the weight. I've tried this several different ways, most recently by using one table called "competitors" with all the entrant's information, and several other tables based on the age class/sex (i.e. I have a table called Age 8-9 Male with the weights and divisions in it, and other tables for the other ages/sex).
So, basically, what I'd like to have happen is a report that will lookup in the correct table the division, based on the weight entered. In other words, for a record where the age is 8-9 and the sex is Male, the report compares the weight to the values in the 8-9 Male table, or if the record is a 12-13 Female, it looks in the 12-13 Female table for the weight, and places the correct division in the Division field of the report.
Probably going about this wrong.....but any help would be appreciated.

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Report Showing Num Due To Zero Values

Jan 2, 2014

I have a report that is returning percentages based upon other calculated fields. Some of the percentage fields are showing #Num on the report. I've found this is due to one of the calculated values being zero.

3 Fields used:

Field: Qty
Total: Sum

Field: InitQty
Total: Sum

Field: OrderQty: Sum([Qty]-[InitQty])
Total: Expression

I need two more fields to return percentages based off of those 3 fields. This is what I started out with:

Field: InStock: [SumOfInitQty]/[SumOfQty]
Total: Expression

Field: Ordered: [OrderQty]/[SumOfQty]
Total: Expression

This works great until the query returns one that has sum of qty equal to zero. So this is what I've tried:

Field: InStock: IIf(Nz([SumOfInitQty],0),0,[SumOfInitQty]/[SumOfQty])
Total: Expression

Seems like it should work but its still showing #Num when I run the query.

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ComboBox Values And Showing ALL Issues...

Feb 13, 2008


i have done a search.. and found a post which half answered my problems..

I have a Table with some columns which contain Yes/No check boxes as field types.

I have a form with two unbound combo's with their rowsource property set to a Value List "0";"-1"

When I run my form I get 0 and -1 as options in the would i get Yes or No as options. (i have changed the Value List to "Yes";"No" but the query gives me an error. I also tried to set the rowsource to SELECT Distinct Car from Pupils; and this 'does' work but i dont get the ALL column. I have also tried SELECT Car from Pupils UNION SELECT "" from Pupils;

This gives me the ALL at the top..but 0 and -1 as values to choose from..

I understand that Access stores values in checkboxes as 0 and -1

so to recap..

I want to click on the dropdown combo and have a blank 1st entry.. then entry 2 and 3 will be Yes and No ..not 0 and -1

attached my db file..

kind regards


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Showing Null Values In Chart

Mar 20, 2007

I have a chart that shows the amount of complaints every month in the last year of a selected costumer. The goal is to see if the amount of complaints from this costumer is decreasing or increasing.

The problem is that some smaller costumers have months without complaints (in real life that isn’t that bad). But my graph only displays a dot for the months were the amount of complaints is not null. This makes that the graph line doesn’t show the complete picture.

I know that I should be able to solve this with an ISNULL expression. I have tried the following SQL code as Row Source of the graph:
SELECT (Format([Complaintdate],"MMM 'YY")), ISNULL(Count([Complaintnumber])),0 AS [CountOfComplaintnumber] FROM [Complaints] WHERE [Complaintdate] > (Date() -365) AND [Costumername] = Forms!Report_complaintscostumer!Combocustumername GROUP BY (Year([Complaintdate])*12 + Month([Complaintdate])-1),(Format([Complaintdate],"MMM 'YY"));
The result of this is that all the months with complaints now get a 0 value and still the months without complaints aren’t shown.

What am I doing wrong? Could someone help me solve this problem? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Query - Showing Values If A Certain Time

May 3, 2008

Hello all, I am trying to dispay results in a query which is based upon time.


Sample data - class and class start time

Class one - 7pm
Class two - 7pm
Class three - 7pm
Class Four - 8pm
Class Five - 8pm
Class Six - 9pm
Class Seven - 9pm
Class Eight - 9pm
Class Nine - 9pm

If i was using the sample data above and the time was between 7pm to 8pm i would like to show only the classes which started at 7pm, or if the time was 8pm to 9pm, only show the classes which started at 8pm and the same for 9pm

I hope i have explained myself clearly, and I will be thankful for any help.


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Not Showing Blank Values On A Report

May 3, 2005


Each client has either an entry with a correspondence number or a notes number. So, the table would look somewhat like this:

Client: 333, Correspondence: 1, Notes: Blank
Client: 333, Correspondence: 2, Notes: Blank
Client: 333, Correspondence: Blank, Notes: 3
Client: 333, Correspondence: Blank, Notes: 4

How would I make a report that will make it look like this

Client: 333, Correspondence: 1, Notes: 3
Client: 333, Correspondence: 2, Notes: 4

Thanks! Hope that was clear.


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Forms :: ComboBox Not Showing Values?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a combobox with the following specs.

Row Source Type = Value List
RowSource = 1;test1;2;test2;3;test3;4;test4;5;test5;6;test6;7; test7;8;test8;9;test9;10;test10;11;test11;12;test1 2
ColumnCount = 2
ColumnWidths = "0cm;8cm"
Bound Column = 1

For some reason unknown to me, although the combobox does drop down when entered, the values are not visible until selected, then the selected item is visible in the combobox, but still isn't visible in the drop-down list.

I'm using Access 2010

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Reports :: Showing Null Values?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a list of departments, 1-17, where each needs a SUM of their price for each end of day.

At first I was going to make 17 queries, and place each into a new sub-report, but there must be a way to list all 17, even if they haven't had a sale put through.

I've tried linking using "show all values in tblDept and only those that match in tblOrder" - but I cam across a very obvious issue.

The items are grouped by Z1 Number, a unique number for the end of day sales. If there is no department linked to a Z1 number, then it won't show it. For example, if there were no sales in dept01, then there is no record under tblOrder to show a Z1 number for dept01 - so there is nothing to link to in the report.

I was then thinking of creating false data at the end of day so the Z1 number mentioned each department at least once, but that would get messy and not 'normal'

I'm thinking of a type of loop to generate the report so a 17 row report is generated,

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Reports :: Field Not Showing Values

May 14, 2013

However, the data is now showing on the generated invoice.The rest are showing up but one.I went back to the tables to check and there is data present.It used to work until recently.

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Combo Box Showing Blank Values?

Nov 24, 2012

I have one combo box bounded with two fields, Id and Description through a query.

I entered a new id in bonded table but for some reason I don't want to enter description now.

And if I delete the entered id then I will loss that unique id which is using for description, which I don't want.Now the problem is one blank space showing in my combo box.

So what criteria I should use in query criteria to avoid blank spaces?

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Showing Count Of Different Values Of A Combo Box

May 28, 2014

I have a report on which I have a combo box showing text value as open issues and closed issues. What I want to do is on the report in a text box show count of open issues and closed issues separately.

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Showing Zero Retuns When Totalling Monetary Values

Sep 20, 2006

Hi there.

I am trying to create a query to show the sum of monies received. However, where there is no money received instead of showing the value as £0.00 it comes up blank.

How do I get it to show it as £0.00 when run?



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Combo Box Has Right Amount Of Values But They Aren't Showing Up

Dec 18, 2013

I'm creating a form where people can choose something in the first combo box [ComboBox1] which results in the second combo box [ComboBox2] displaying only the items that are associated with the first combo box [ComboBox1].

In my second combo box I have the amount of "empty lines" that equals with the items associated with the first combo box. But there is nothing displaying. No words.

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Tables :: New People Added In Table1 Not Showing Up In Other Tables Despite Relationship

May 5, 2013

I have 3 tables.

Table 1: contains staff names and contact numbers
Table 2: contains training above staff have been on or need to go on
Table 3: contains pc and printer asset numbers of above staff

I used a form and entered some new members of staff in table 1. They got their auto numbers etc but when I open table 2 and table 3 those new members are not showing up in those tables. I have checked the relationship status between the 3 tables and the staffID from Table 1 is associated to table 2 and to table 3.

What's stopping the new entries from showing up in tables 2 and 3 ?

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