Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System
Mar 13, 2014
I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.
I'm trying to find a solution to a problem. Is there any way using VBA to generate a random number, based off the current system date and time? The theory is that a random number seeded by the system date/time will be truly unique and the possiblity of it ever occuring again will be nearly nil.
Or is there a better way to create unique ID's (such as member ID's, or something similiar) based off the system date/time that can be used as a primary key in a relational db.
I am writing reports and queries for an Access database used by a small business. I have a copy of their data and am making the report and query additions to that. Now how do I get my additions to the 'live' system?
I've design a form as such when i FIRST add a NEW RECORD, I want the system date to be capture into the form. I have a table calls Register. And this table has a field "DATE" which takes the value of the system date(=now). However, when i open the same record the next time, the orginal value(at the time when the record is created) of the field "DATE" will be replaced by the new system date. However, i do not want this to be happen because i want the field "DATE" to take the value of the system date when i first created the record. My question is how to prevent subsequent system date from being updated in the record whenever i open the same record? Thank you.
My application I develop should retrieve some meta data from Access system tables. It should find: - What tables are stored in database. - What columns have each table in database. - What relationships are between tables in database. I opened systems tables of some .mdb file and took interest in such kind of information. But I got some problems by looking for what exactly I need. Please, could someone help me at these points:
1) I found that in system table MSysObjects I can find names and ids of tables created by user (for example by me). But how to determine that these tables are created by user and they are not let’s say a system tables? 2) I didn’t find any meta data about columns of tables! How to determine what columns has each table?
I created application which uses MS SQL Server to retrieve such a kind of meta information and there where no problems. But I stuck using Access. I was looking for some information in Internet but ineffectively. Please, help me...
My problem is that I am trying to update a field (called 'Sold' which is a yes/no checkbox column) for a specific record whenever an event is triggered. I have two forms (derived from two tables), one is called frmInventory and the other is called frmSales. In frmSales, I made a combo box called 'cboItemID' that allows the user to select from a list of items from my inventory table. Each selection from the list has 4 properties, the first of which is the 'Item ID' from the inventory table. Lastly, I have a field in both frmSales and frmInventory called 'Sold' as mentioned above. What I want to do is that whenever I check/uncheck the box in the 'Sold' field in frmSales, I want the 'Sold' field in frmInventory to check/uncheck as well, but only in the record with an 'Item ID' that matches the 'Item ID' from the combo box selection. In other words, I want to match the 'Sold' field in frmInventory with the 'Sold' field in frmSales, but for only the record that has the same 'Item ID' primary key as the one I picked from my selection in the combo box from frmSales.
how to reference another table and check whether or not it's 'Item ID' primary key is identical to the one I specified from the combo box, and then take action to update the 'Sold' field if the IDs match.
I have a continuous form (2003) with 6 text boxes (StartTime, StopTime, Comments etc...). I would like all the text boxes to have a gray background if the StartTime for that row is less than Today().
I currently have a front-end/back-end database, but at some point in time one of the tables has been modified and whenever the front end connects it comes up with a parameter request for a field that no longer exists. I have narrowed it down to MSysQueries, where there is a reference to this field. Is there anyway I can avoid this or change/repair the system table?
I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.
I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???
I'm creating a timesheet/check in system (log in when the person starts work so it logs it and when they log out it logs that also for the manager or someone with high power to see.) for a fictitious scenario for an IT major project but I'm not sure where to start!
At the moment I have a few tables that are like this.
Table: Employees Fields: EmployeeID, First Name, Last Name, DOB
How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?
I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.
I need the System Clock's FY value in this query
Code: SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete] FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;
Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up
I am trying to design a database for an HR management system. I am not very clear on how to handle historic employee data in this database and will need some help and advice please. Any comment you can provide, i'd really appreciate it.
We will like to have record of historic data and the date of change: Employee address change Employee name change Salary change Position/Title change Office location change Number of dependents change Bonus received year-to-year
E.g. if an employee name changes, we should still have to have a record of what the old name was. Scenario: Jacqueline Peters got married 2years after her employment date and now goes by Jackie Harrison (the changed was made on the system), she leaves the firm 10years later. Many years later, someone calls about a Jacqueline Peters that worked here, we have no way of knowing who that is. Now, we would like to the salary she was earning 5years after she started here though her endsalary has changed 10years later she got a big promotion (salary change) and changed department, we have no way of knowing what her salary at a particular time was and what her old title was.
What's the best way to design this database to handle historic data? Have you worked on something similar? How did you go about it? Any ideas and comments will be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to create an invoice system with a sub-form within the main form. The issue I'm having is that the data in the sub-form keeps getting overwritten each time a new record is created for the main form. So when I go back to edit an older record, the data in the sub-form is changed to whatever the latest record had in it. Is there a way to lock in the data in the sub-form so that it stays with it's own record?
One table with Student Basic Records with Course name and Total Fee
Tabel name Student_Rec and Fields are below ID, StudentName, Course Name, RollNo, Total Fee
then another table name Fee_Details for receiving dues in installments. ID, RollNo, FeeDue, FeePaid, Comments
Now i want the FeeDue Field should show the Balance feedue of each student
I mean it automatically check total fee due from student_Rec table and also check all previous entries for the same rollnumber in Fee_details Table and show the pending amount as FeeDue.
I have a need to convert the export of an Access report to an ASCII file.
The export needs to have a specific format - described below:
Field Position | Field Length | Field Name | Field format
1-6 | 6 | Member # | text - right justified 7-12 | 6 | Trans Date | YYMMDD 13-15 | 3 | Pay code | Alpha/ NUM - Left 16-26 | 11 | Amount | -9999999.99 (*) 64-71 | 8 | Check # | Right
general comments and questions:
This report needs to interface with some sort of transaction accounting system - No Idea what it is, but this format of the report will interface.
The field positions go from 1 to 73. I need only supply the data above, so the check # is way out of sequence. Do I need to have the space inbetween "Amount" and Check Number in the report? Will a simple text file work with all the fieds together? or will I need the space in there? Is there a way to design a report in an ASCII format in access?
Specific Questions
I think I need to change the format of the amount and date fields. I am currently using the short date format 8/30/04, but need to return the date as YYMMDD - 040830. How can I change this format to reflect the ASCII format. The form is also set with the default "=Date()" so the user doesn't have to enter the date everytime - it can also be edited for older data. I would like the date to appear the way it is on the form 08/30/04 but get entered to the table as 040830. Is there a way to do that?
The amount field is odd - I'll include the exact criteria that is desired:
"All Amount Fields must be right justified and space filled. If the amount is a credit, show the "-" sign at the beginning of the number. Payment should be entered as positive amounts. If zero, assign the fied as 0.00 (space filled)"
Is this just a mask that needs to be added? Currently, The field shows $7.00 when 7 is entered to add cent, you must type in 7.50, tab will put in the "$". I need to get rid of the $ and space fill the field?
I'm creating an automated system on access, basically it uploads client's files and analyses their data. The files will always be different, with the amount of fields changing and with different field names each time
One part of it, is appending new contacts to their data. This means records which we can add new contacts to, needs to be duplicated with the new contact placed at the end. So it needs to be like
Company Name New Contact Name A B B Tom B Harry
Because it's automated with different field names each time, the duplicating part is an issue. I can use the * rule which appends all fields, however this will not work in this case, if we are adding more than 1 new contact, the new contact will be duplicated rather than having 2 new different contacts.
Ideally I want rule saying, append all fields EXCEPT the fields where the new contacts are placed, but I don't think this is possible
I'm using Access 07 for this. Using a mix of VBA and SQL in the modules
I'm creating an attendance tracking system, the attendance system needs to : Allow an instructor to enroll students into one or more classes, and then add attendance by date to each class(es). The problem that I'm having is, attendance is tracked by the number of hours that a student attends class. For instance, if class1 is in session from 8a.m. - 12p.m. student1 may only stay 2.50 hours of that class and student2 may stay 3 hours. The teacher needs to be able to add attendance to class1 for July 12, 2013 and add hours for each student enrolled in this class session who attended on that day. I have the following so far, minus the attendance:
Students -This is just the basic demographic information that instructors will need to enter on students. StudentID (PK) StudentLastName StudentFirstName DateOfEnrollment LevelOfStudy DateOfBirth
Location - These are the locations in which our students can attend classes LocationID (PK) LocationName County City LocationPhoneNumber LocationFaxNumber
Classes - These are the classes that our students can attend. CRNNo (PK) ClassName LocationID InstructorID
Instructor - These are the instructors that teach our classes. InstructorID (PK) InstructorLastName InstructorFirstName InstructorEmailAddress
Enrollment - This table enrolls the student into a class StudentID(PK) CRNNo (PK) LocationID (PK)
The plus indicates a night shift worker eg started at 19.18 and finished at 5.37 on the 12th
so for every record I have staff id , date, and clock time ( I have stripped out the + ) and created a yes/no field to identify the records where field2 should actually be field2+1
I have sat in query design screen for ages and cant think how on earth I am going to calculate hours worked for a given staff member and date combination.
for every combination of staff id and date there should be 2 records - a clock in and a clock out
I thought about creating new fields clockin and clockout but struggling to see how I can link the 2 "paired" records together
I am new to Access and Ive created adatabase to control a spa system. I have several tables: Customers Employees Types Of Haircut - Their prices Types oF massage Their Prices
Now I want To create a form where i am able to choose customer, the employee performing the haircut or massage The price should be displayed and the total AMount
How can I do that? Should I create a Query and based on the query I create the form?
I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file. I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.
I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.
My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?
I am creating a database to room allocation in a small hotel. I want the system to check room availability between two dates. What would be the best way to construct this in Access?
Hi, I am trying to implement my Database with an enquiry (or quotation) table and I am not sure I am heading in the right direction:
-We use assemblies made of components and the data are held together in the database with a 'Bill of Material' set up. -A typical assembly is made of 1 or 2 bodies + Fasteners (straps and screws), -The body price is calculated depending on his weight and an extra costs can be added with extra tooling and machining,
The costumer ask us for a quotation for various number of assemblies and we send back the estimation of the price,
I am really struggling to see if my tables are set right and this is what I came up with (attached A main Enquiryfile Table is linked to an enquiryDetail Table which would record each individual item information for each Enquiry. I have also added a Extracost detail table that would record all the Machining and extra pattern making cost for each assembly. And finally, and that's what I am far to be sure about, a TblChildItemCost where the price of each components would be recorded (for each enquiry detail). The body price is based on his weight but also depend of various market exchange rates, that is the reason why I have created a table for the price of component for each enquiry. I really hope someone can help me on that one...Thanks in advance.