Tables :: Relating Transactions With Rate Master Table

Jan 28, 2013

I am using Access 2007 and have inherited a database. It has linked tables of Excel spreadsheets that are information extracted from our main system. The user wants developing a much faster and customized approach to billing the customer based on payroll related information.

There is a table of payroll billing transactions and it has the following record lay-out,

job_num, employee number, employee name, union group, rank, regular hours, overtime hours, other hours, trans_date, seq_num

6430, 2301, john doe, 1, F, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12/01/2012, 254333

On December 1st John Doe worked 8.0 regular hours as a pipefitter foreman on job number 6430 and this is record (sequence) number 254333.

There is another table that defines the union group. I am not concerned with this information at this time. The seq_num is a sequentially and uniquely assigned number given to each billing record in the main system.

There is also a Rate Master table and it has the following record layout,

job_num, union group, rank, regular_billing_rate, overtime_billing_rate, other_billing_rate

I am struggling as to how to relate these two tables so that I can develop some queries from it.

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Tables :: Relating Two Records In One Table

Sep 22, 2014

I want to relate two records in one table, a parent child relationship. I can accomplish this task with two tables I realize. I'm wanting to write a database that will map a family tree. Internal to one table I want to be able to establish a series of relationships, parent-child, sibling, et cetra. Can this be done?

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Tables :: Split The Master Table Into Four?

Apr 8, 2015

I'm working on recreating my church's records in access and was originally wanting to take people from the Visitors table and automatically move the to the Members Table (and same with Deceased & Moved), but after some searching found that's not really do able. So now my question is, can I have a master table that has everybody (visitors/members/deceased/moved) and then split that into different tables while keeping the main table (that way I can go into the main table and reassign the person)?

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How To Update Other Tables From A Master Table

Jan 2, 2014

I have a database with 7 related tables. Now the main table is called STUDENT. I am essentially creating a report card system and have broken down each part of the report into another table. Now to make it easy for teachers I have created a form which they can search for a class and in a datasheet all the students plus their ID numbers come up along with the spaces for them to enter their grades etc.

The problem I have is this. How can I get access to look for any updates from the STUDENT table and apply this to the other tables as it would not do this automatically, even though they are linked one-many I have copied the data from the main STUDENT table into each other table just so theres a reference for a teacher. Is there any magic button or something that I can make to do this so all extra student names and IDs are added to all other tables?

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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Possible To Link All Data In Ten Tables To Appear In One Master Table?

Aug 19, 2013

I was wondering if it was possible to have a master table where say 10 of my regulatory tables and their data once inputted from the forms will appear there? Is this possible? Because right now, each of my regulatory tables has a form where the data is inputted and appears within said table.

All these tables are separate, obviously. I want to consolidate all the information into one spot, is this a possibility within access?

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Linking Table Columns Within Different Tables As Master And Slave?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a database with two tables. tbl_job_information contains all the contracts info etc. tbl_data contains all the relevant work data. The first table is restricted to certain personnel, whereas anyone has access to the second table. Both tables have a column called 'job no', in the first table it is a primary key, in the second just a field. I would like to make it impossible in the second table to change the data in the 'job no' column to anything that is not in the same column in the first table. It this possible within the tables themselves, or would I have to do it via coding and forms?

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Tables :: Assigning IDs To Excel Imports And Relating Tables

Mar 5, 2014

I need assigning IDs across tables so I can relate them. I have two tables.

The first table contains data regarding schools.
SchoolID [autonumber, primary key]

The second table contains data regarding children numbers in each year group for each school
VaccinationSessionID [Primary Key]
SchoolID [want this to match the school id assigned in the first table!]

In the second table the data was imported from Excel, so all but the School ID was imported. Each school name appears 7+ times in the second table.

How do I get the school ID assigned to a school name in the first table, to automatically assign and fill in the (currently blank) School ID field in the second table? I want to remove school name from the second table eventually, to use the Primary Key school ID in the first table, and Foreign Key school ID in the second table.

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Relating Tables

Aug 8, 2005

I have a table with the following fields: Login ID, Description Password, Login Type, Location, Status. For every Login ID there are some old passwords that had different effective dates. I want my form or table to behave so that I can enter all the old passwords with the effective dates and keep adding to this record. I know it has something to do with subforms but I don't know how to do it. Please help.
Thank you

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Relating Tables

Jul 27, 2007

I think this is probably going to be an embarrassingly simple question. I'm new to access and still struggling with the simplest of concepts...

I'm trying to relate three tables:

ContactID - autonumber, primary key
FirstName - text
more fields...

ProgramID - autonumber, primary key
ProgramName - text
ProgramDesc - text

ContactID - autonumber, primary key
ProgramID - number, primary key
ProgramName - text
Selected -true/false

I have a main form, Contacts, for the user to input all the necessary data about a contact. What I'm ultimately trying to do is also include a subform which contains the name of each program (there are 12 or so) with a true/false checkbox. I'd like it to work so that if a program is added, it automatically gets added to the subform with a checkbox.

Also, I'd like the results of that subform to get dumped into tblProgram_Contacts.


A great vision... but I really am not sure on how to do any of this (specifically, properly defining the relationships and properly constructing the subform). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Tables :: Event ID - Show Tax Rate

Jul 9, 2015

I have a tblShowCosts and in that has the Event ID and the Show tax rate. In my tblShowSales I want access to take the subtotal and times it by that shows tax. Not sure how to tell access if the Show name = such-and-such then times it by the Tax Rate.

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Reports :: View One Record From Master Table And Many Record From Slave Tables

Dec 23, 2013

I have got problem with ms access report. I want to make a report which is based on

1) first master table
2) first slave table
3) second slave table

I have done some research and decided to do some form with subform. So I have got the view one record from master table and many record from slave tables in one view.

But it turned out that it has become duplicate records. (the relationship are ok - it duplicate master record as many as slave records)

1) how i can do ms access report from multiple tables - one master record with multiple records form slaves tables

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Question About Relating Tables Together

Oct 21, 2004

I have a pretty basic question about creating relationships in Access. When in the relationship window that shows all tables and associated relationships, I am a bit confused as to whether you are to drag the parent field to the child field or vice versa. When trying both, it appears to create the 1 to many relationship in the same direction no matter what way I create the relationship. So I am hoping someone will explain this a bit further to me or at least direct me to a reasource to clear up my, and possibly others, confusion. Sorry for my ignorance on this one! :o
Thanks a lot,
Dana S.

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Tables :: Relating Tables To Each Other Using Checkboxes

Aug 14, 2014

In our organization, when employees need to ask for office supplies, they have to fill out a Supplies Request Form (SR). Then Procurement team makes a Purchase Order Form (PO) based on the SR. One PO could have one or more SRs. Then once the items have been delivered by the supplier, the Receiving team makes a Receiving Report Form (RR) based on what was delivered. One PO could have many RRs.

What I want to create is like the one in the Northwind Traders template in Access 2010. Where there is a Purchase Order and a checkbox to "Post in Inventory." When clicking the checkbox, the ordered items will automatically reflect in the inventory.

However, mine is a little bit more complicated. When there's an SR, I want to have a checkbox that will automatically reflect on a new PO. I also want a checkbox for PO that should automatically reflect on the RR. And the RR should have another checkbox linked to the inventory which should be able to update the total available stocks.

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Tables :: Master Database - Several Tables With Two Reference Points

Jul 4, 2013

I have broken up by master database, table, into several tables. They all share the same ID values since they came from the master table. So each table that I split off has a unique, matching, identifier, ID, in both the master table and the new table. Plus a previous matching identifier listed immediately below.

Example: Permit the master or main table and Builder a supporting table. There are five tables that I split off and all have an identifier similar to the two listed below.


All my tables have the same ID. But each table also has a identification numbers such as builder BLD, Subdivision SB and inspector INS>

Permit has the BLD, SB and INS

Builder has only one occurrence for each builder in the Permit table. As in the past it was identified by BLD number and now also ID. the use of BLD is from when I used visual dBase. The big difference here is that I have two ways to identify one is ID any other is by BLD, etc. My first thought is to identified by the BLD. I don't know why, but I guess I fear using a single "ID" to identify my various split off tables unique value or BLD.

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Table Relating To Itself?

Apr 19, 2005

I have a table of guests that holds all of their details such as name; address; medical info; family background; etc. What i need to do is to hold on the database if they would like to share a room and if so, who with.

I thought it would be possible to lookup the names of guests in the same table but access tells me otherwise.

I thought about creating a linked table of my guests table but when I link person A to person B then person B is not linked to person A which I would like to be the case.

I thought about creating a table called tblShare to hold 2 names from tblGuest but im not to sure how I would make this work. I think I may have the same situation as above. If I go to person A and link them to person B would this show up on Person B? I'm not too sure.

I will try this out now. If anyone has any other suggestions or some guidence on this I would be very gratefull.

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Relating A Table Back To PK

Aug 2, 2006

I am fiddling with a DB right now just to try to work out some table relationships. I have a PK, Name, it is accompanied by a year in school. I then want to relate the year in school in a different table with the requirements for that year.

such as

Year Requirement1 requirement2 requirement 3

these would be check boxes (yes/no), and I could accomplish it in this format, but I am trying to have a normalized DB so
I realize it should be like this

1st year requirement
1st year requirement
1st year requirement

but I do not know how to link this back to the PK name when switching it to this format, so that I can pull up a form that shows if the person has completed the requirements for the year they are in. I am I going about this wrong? I have been looking at normalizing DBs and relationships but can't figure out the logic for my DB thought.

Thanks for any help


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Queries :: Return Description Value Relating To PO Table Value

Feb 10, 2014

I have 3 tables joined as attached and Im trying to use the PO from the PO_Detail table to display the Description from the Material_Req Table. The two values are linked as the description in the Material_Req Table is for the PO in the PO_Detail table but I just cant get the results to show this.

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Validation Rule By Relating Data With Table

Dec 18, 2013

I have tried several ways to validate my data with existing table I've developed.

Actually, I want the access to validate the data (Cellphone number) I've entered in the textbox by looking it in the existing table. So, if the data is there in the table, the message will pop up such as.. "Please continue". But if not, the message should be "this number was not registered yet.." and the textbox will be empty and ready for the new number...

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Master List From Twelve Tables

Aug 5, 2006


I am putting together a database for a charity and am having some problems. At present I am working seven days a week and my time for research is so limited that I can only ask here for advice since I have neither the time nor resources to seek it out myself.

We do mail shots to various trusts and businesses to appeal for donations. At present we have two large, bloated MS Works Databases (one for Trusts and one for businesses) that contain names, addresses and so on. I have taken on the task to make our mail shoots more efficient. My vision is that the majority of time should be spent searching out new business/trusts and organising events while actually doing the mail shoots should basically be done at the touch of a button (it won't quite work like that, but previously the actual mailshots took up about 80% of the time. I want to drive that number down)

Having no Access experiance whatsoever I set about creating a Database with twelve tables, one for each month. Each month would contain a list of places that we would "hit"

I then came across a problem. When I am searching out new addresses I would have to cross reference them on 12 different tables. This struck me as being impractical but at the time of creation I didn't have the foresight to create a masterlist. Although I do have the list on my Works DB, it would be useless as time passed since no more entries would be inputted on there.

I was hoping someone could tell me how I can put together a masterlist using the data I already have and maybe if possible setup the 12 tables in such a way that by inputting an entry on one of them will automatically crossover the name of the business to the masterlist without me having to enter it twice.

I realise this may sound confusing, and if i had more time I would research the answer myself but I am stretched to the limit and know too little about this application. I did try to take on a Lyndia (sp?) course but again I just don't have the time. If you have any questions, I will check back later to answer them.

I am using Access 2002 (but my DB is in Access 2000 format - so it says)

Thanks kindly.

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Recipe Tables With Master Ingredient List?

Sep 18, 2012

I have recently acquired an Assistant Management position in a small restaurant and I have been given the task of creating a database of all of our Recipes with a master list of ingredients. I can easily set this up in Xcel but it is very messy and time consuming to say the least.

I would love to be able to create a master list of ingredients (1-X) With their unit of measurement (Pound, Gallon, Etc) as well as their unit price (pound of bacon= 5.00)

Now the recipes would be set up with the (ingredient-amount of ingredient-cost of amount of ingredient)

I would like to start a new recipe by opening a table, typing in a number that corresponds with an ingredient on the master table and those fields be filled in other than the amount of ingredient. Also by changing the price of an ingredient would automatically update on the recipes.

my boss wants to know how much each recipe cost as well as keep them updated when the price of ingredients change.

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Forms :: Display Some Fields From Master Table And Only Last Entry From Child Table

Jul 1, 2013

I have 2 tables, master & child. with a one to many relationship.

On one of my forms I want to display some of the fields from the master table and only the last entry from my child table.

How would i accomplish this?

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Queries :: Update Master Table Based On Slave Table

Sep 20, 2014

I'm Access 2010 newbie. I need to transfer Excel program into Access.I have a .csv file (data extracted from emails) and a Master Excel sheet. Master Excel fields are updated from the .csv - if the primary keys match, else the new records are added. Also, the .csv contains colour names, which must be translated into corresponding peoples' names.

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Modules & VBA :: Merge Identical Tables From Different Databases Into One Master Database

Mar 4, 2014

I have database for each location. Every location will update some information in the databases and send it back to me. In those location based databases, information will be stored in one table called "consolidate_input". I will store these databases in one specific directory and then I want to accommodate the data of "consolidate_input" into one master database having the same identical table in the database.

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Delete All Rows In Master Table If Identical In Second Table - SQL

Jan 13, 2006

A SELECT works:

from mastertable
INNER JOIN secondarytable
ON mastertable.Identicalfield = secondarytable.Identicalfield

But none of these do:

FROM mastertable
INNER JOIN secondarytable
ON mastertable.Identicalfield = secondarytable.Identicalfield
**Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INNER'.**

FROM mastertable JOIN secondarytable
ON (mastertable.Identicalfield = secondarytable.Identicalfield)
**Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'JOIN'.**

FROM mastertable
WHERE (mastertable.Identicalfield = secondarytable.Identicalfield)
**The column prefix 'secondarytable' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.**

FROM mastertable
FROM secondarytable)
**Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IN'.**

Can anyone help? This should be easy, shouldn't it?!
Thank you.

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Populating Master Table With Info From List Table

Aug 29, 2006

I have a form that I am working on.

When you open the form, it asks for a tool # (which will be a drop-down box). There will be a command button that will bring up a sub-form. In the subform, there are 2 combo boxes. One picks the group that the tool falls under, and the other has the section of the group for the tool.

When the user picks the section, I need it to filter the questions that pertain to that section (which is listed in a list table), and pull those questions, and populate the master table with them. (i.e., Pulls "where is tool?" from tblQuestions, and puts it in the tblQuestionMaster when section is selected from combobox).

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