I am trying to color code text boxes based on the data entered in. The column is "PHASE" and the items entered in are either "1" "2" or "3". 1 is supposed to be Red, 2 Yellow, 3 Green.
I have Microsoft Access XP (I'm sure). I've tried to do it on VB and had no luck. I couldn't figure out Macro and I don't have On Click or Code Builder.
I have tried a couple of different expressions and no luck. I'm definitely an amateur to Access. I'm only using it cause it's what we have in the office.
I'm attempting to build a simple database for a martial arts tournament registration. The weight division (Fin, Fly, Heavy, etc.) depends on the age, the sex and the weight. I've tried this several different ways, most recently by using one table called "competitors" with all the entrant's information, and several other tables based on the age class/sex (i.e. I have a table called Age 8-9 Male with the weights and divisions in it, and other tables for the other ages/sex). So, basically, what I'd like to have happen is a report that will lookup in the correct table the division, based on the weight entered. In other words, for a record where the age is 8-9 and the sex is Male, the report compares the weight to the values in the 8-9 Male table, or if the record is a 12-13 Female, it looks in the 12-13 Female table for the weight, and places the correct division in the Division field of the report. Probably going about this wrong.....but any help would be appreciated.
Hi all, Please bear with me if I'm asking a dumb question. I've been tasked to create a database from scratch and I've not had much experience working with Access.
**My Question** Using a form is it possible to have the form automatically enter a "value" in one field based on the information inputed by someone in a different field. ie. When some one puts in a value between 0 and 20 in one field it automatically enters a 1 in the other, and when some one puts in a value between 21 and 30 you get a 2 and so on down the line.
I have two text boxes for which I am trying have show and error message when the proper data is not entered. One text box is for PLANID and the other is for Date. I would like the PLANID to be checked 1st. The PLANID needs to be either 7 digits or 10. If it is not, the message would be "Please enter a valid PLANID". If it is 7 or 10 digits, then it should check the Date text box.
If it is blank, the message would be "Please enter a valid Date". If they are both blank, the PLANID message should appear 1st. Below is what I have written. The problem that I am having is that when the PLANID is 10 digits and the date is blank, the "Please enter a valid PLANID" message is showing rather than the "Please enter a valid Date" message.
Private Sub Btn_Refresh_Data_for_One_Plan_Click() Me.txtboxPLANID.Value = UCase(Me.txtboxPLANID.Value) If ((Len(Me.txtboxPLANID.Value) = 7 And Len(Me.txtboxPLANID.Value) = 10) And (Not IsNull(Me.txtboxPLANID.Value)) And (Not IsNull(Me.TxtboxDate.Value))) Then Dim stDocName As String stDocName = "Mcr_RUN_MATCH_DIFFERENCES"
How to disable fields in Access based on data entered in a previous field? For example if "yes" is chosen from a drop down show "Date field" if "no" is chose hide "Date Field".
I have a form that request the User to enter a Parcel ID number (99-9a-99-99aaa-aaa-aaaa). The sub form asks for the subdivision number, block number, and lot number. The subdivision number, block number and lot number are normally part of the Parcel ID number but sometimes they can be different. I want the sub form to fill in the Subdivision number, block number, and lot number as a default but allow the user to change the value if needed. currently the sub form will only show what is entered into the table itself if a change is made on the main form the sub form does not reflect the change.
I am fairly new to access but so far I have been able to get what i need from it, until now. I am trying to find a way of comparing two sets of data to find out an employee's average productivty.
Table 1 -Hours Worked (by day) - contains 'name' 'date' and '# of hours' worked - an employee would enter the hours here on a daily basis
Table 2 - Contracts Keyed (by month) - contains the number of contracts worked that is derived from seperate system - this is entered on a monthly basis (so for example: John keyed 30 contracts for the month of January) - the system i am pulling this info from does not have the ability to pull a daily count of contract per employee, only a range of dates and it then provides the sum for that range (unless I ran a query for each day, for each employee which would take me hours) - employees dont have access to this system to enter their own # of contracts keyed on a daily basis. - for entry, so far i have just been putting the first of the month and then the # of contracts.
In a nutshell, this is the calculation I am trying to create:
(Sum of "# of hours" for the month) / (total "# of contracts keyed" for the month) = employees average hourly productivity.
I have tried to do this with various types of queries and reports but with no luck, I get a prompt saying that access can't compare the 2 fields.
Is there a way to compare the data that is entered daily with the data i would enter monthly?
I am wanting to update data in one field which is being pulled in from another table based on an entry in another field in a form
Attached is the database. In the sales form I want to enter a customer ID which will then pull in the customer name from the customer table and put it in the Customer Field in the sales table.
I know I am duplicating the data by having customer name in both tables which is bad database design!
I have a form where I am capturing StartTime and EndTime of certain events. I have set the input mask as 99:00 >LL;0;_
My users think it is too much to enter am or pm. What they want is the system to calculate the am pm based on the time entered.
If the time entered is between 8:00 to 11:59, the system should save it as 11:59 am and if the time entered is between 12:00 to 7.00, the system should save it as 7.00 pm.
I am looking to (on the mainform) have the user enter into a text box whatever date they would like to enter and have that value become the current date of the system. So that all operations are based off of this newly entered date.
So whenever I scroll through my report it will repaint all of the graphs and other stuff on each scroll event. Its pretty fast, but it still looks pretty bad. My only guess is that there are enough graphs on there that its handling too much data, but its just a guess.
I need to assign those appraisers to an order based on what county they cover. My main table (orders) is simple. Just an order number, order date, county and appraiser.I have a form with entry fields for all these except appraiser. I envision a "assign" button that will then pick the next appraiser in the county that was chosen. It's just a "round robin" type of thing, so the first order placed for Monroe would be assigned to ABC. The next order would be for Cecil and would assign 123. Next order for Monroe would assign DEF. I know there are many way this can be done but I've been looking at this for hours and I'm drawing a blank on the easiest way to do it.
Ok. Here's the situation. I have query setup. This query has 2 columns: 1. Agent Name 2. Sale Value
I have 2 tables. Table1: Includes Sales for this pay period only Table2: Includes all Sales From past to present.
We are setting up our system on Tiers and Each sale value is going to change. So, Here's what I need: I need to run an update query that first Looks up all the records in Table1 based on Agent Name. The field that needs to be updated is called SaleValue. It needs to be updated with what's in my Query mentioned above. Then, all the values in Table1, need to be copied (or updated) into Table2. This can be done based on the Primary Key (SaleID), which exists in both tables. So I guess we will need to run 2 separate update queries. Any ideas on how this can be done?
I have a process which runs lots of slow append queries, so I want to reassure the user of progress, by changing the font colour of labels to green when the relevant queries have finished. This is the code I'm using
Code: 'Update the older data if that option is selected If Me.Menu_YearOption.Value = 1 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-10 Append FY1112" Me.lbl1112.ForeColor = 32768 Me.Repaint DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-12 Append FY1213"
Each query takes about a minute to run, as it gets data from a sharepoint server, but the labels don't turn green one at a time as expected. Instead, I get the spinning wheel until all the queries have run, then all the labels turn green together.
Is there something else I should be doing rather than Me.Repaint ?
Is it possible to requery a subform 'in the background' before repainting / refreshing the screen?
I have a subform which has multiple controls, some of which have conditional formatting applied to them.
The problem is, whenever I open the tab that contains the subform, there is a momentary 'flicker' as the CF calculates and highlights the appropriate controls. I have a requery command in the change event of the tab control (rather than recalculate the entire form).
Code: Private Sub tabAllFunctions_Change() Select Case Me.tabAllFunctions.Value Case 0 ' Page 0 Me.sfmSubForm0.Requery Case 1 ' Page 1 Me.sfmSubForm1.Requery Case 2 ' Page 2 Me.sfmSubForm2.Requery End Select End Sub
It would be neater if the subform waited until all of the necessary requerying / recalculating were done first before showing the final result. Admittedly this would introduce a short delay (we are talking a fraction of a second here) but it would make the output appear more stable rather than seeing controls flick between colours while the recalculation takes place. For me, this would be preferable.
How I can 'pause' the screen update while the Requery takes place to remove the momentary flicker?
The Table1 holds data that is a request for a task.
ID, Request, Task_tms (the number of times the task is required to be done)
1, Make a cup of coffee,15
Table2 is my allocation of people to the tasks.
ID, Person, Task_done (the number of times this person has done the task)
1,Sally,10 1,Eddie,5
What I want to do is to limit the amounts of allocation in some way (ie in this case if I have already put 10 for Sally then I would be unable to put anymore than 5 when entering the amount for Eddie.
Additionally if I were to allocate all 15 to Sally then no additional people would be able to be allocated to this task (ID 1)
The two table are in datasheet format linked on a form.
I'm able to import new data from excel just fine, but I can't import updated data from excel due to duplicates not being allowed for a particular field. Is there a way to keep from importing duplicate records based on one field, but still import data from other fields where the information is different from the excel file?
Is it possible to run a basic select query to pull records based on multiple strings entered by a user?
I have a query with field criteria - Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*'
This allows the user to input one MMDBID and the records are retrieved from the db.
I can also use the OR statement in the same field criteria "AB123" OR "BC123", and all records based on those values are pulled back.
But I cannot get the user to input multiple values and I tried amending the SQL string based on the OR criteria above
SQL statement (Like) is below :
SELECT tblFund.MMDBID, tblFund.[Investment Name], tblCodesLive.[IOE Code], tblCodesLive.[Uptix Code], tblFund.[Red Payment Deadline] FROM (tblFund INNER JOIN tblCodesLive ON tblFund.MMDBID = tblCodesLive.MMDBID) INNER JOIN tblContact ON (tblFund.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) AND (tblCodesLive.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) WHERE (((tblFund.MMDBID) Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*') AND ((tblFund.Editing)=False) AND ((tblFund.Closed_Fund)=False));
HELP!!! I am getting quite desperate. I am a novice. I have made a database for customers, products, etc. They all have good relations. I have made a query where I can see who bought what and when and how much it costs. Now here's the problem. When my prices in my product list (this is the table of which the prices show up in my form) have to be altered (because of prices going up), it automaticaly changes the query and the form!! According to messages stated in this forum, I have opened the properties in the text boxes and changed the price fields, "enabled" to no, "locked" to yes, and the forms DataEntry to yes. Strangely in the North Wind example, the prices shown in the form (entry form), are extracted from the subformdetails table. But how can you extract something from a table if there is nothing in the table?? Totaly I have four tables (Orders, Orderdetails, Products and Customers) Alle these tables are joined on a one to many basis. Please can somebody help me..... Thank you Anouk (Netherlands) :confused:
I am creating my first database and I'm a beginner. I have a table called customers and another table that has customer and product information. What I would like to do is when a new record for my product is entered it also enters the customer information on another table. I have repeat customers though, so I only want it to enter it once. Right now, I have to enter the customer info separately. Customer table contains: Customer ID, first, last, Phone. My product table also has this same info. Is this possible? To enter info on a product form and the selected info be copied into another table at the same time only once.
I have a simple table with just 5 field. When trying to sort i get error message "the value you entered is not valed for the sort id". I get this for three of the fields.