Tables :: Saving ONE TIME Calculation To Table

Nov 12, 2012

Access 2003. I am trying to save a calculated field (Item No) from a form to the accosiated field within the Products table

I have a hidden text box (itemNo) which is bound to the relevant field and a second text box with the following formula

="TV-" & Left(CatShort.column(1),3) & "-" & Format([ProductID],"0000") as its source

What I am trying to do is to provide an item number for each item of stock based on the Category short name (Catshort) and the incremented item ID Number, with a TV prefix.

I am aware that its a bad itea to place calculated field into the table if the calculation is likely to change, however once my calculation is stored it has no need to change.

I have tried the beforeUpdate method within the ItemNo textbox

Private Sub ItemNo_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me!ItemNo = Me!ItemCalc
End Sub

but nothing happens (in that the table is not updated)

Any way of putting together an incremental item number based on the selected category with a "TV" prefix....

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Calculation For Time X Hours In Table

Nov 19, 2011

I need to calculate in the tbleJobs table, the amount of the jobs total amount and place the result in the JobsTotalAmount field.

This has to be a manual calculation. Not an on event calculation.

Data is coming from two table:

tblLimos has the hourly rate.

tblJobs has the start time, the finish time and the total amount field.

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Table With Four Fields - Calculation Of Total Time

Feb 21, 2013

I have created a table with four fields. The names are:1stBusOn, 1stBusOff, 2ndBusOn, 2ndBusOff.

I want the time for the first two fields and the time for the second two fields to end up in a field called TotalRideTime.

Also, if only one set of the fields are completed I still want that total time to in up in the the TotalRideTime field.

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Forms :: Adding Three Fields In A Table - Time Difference Calculation

Oct 23, 2013

I want to add three fields in a table namely from, to and diff .

How to add them in a form so that I can enter

The time in (xx:xx) 24hr format in the "from" and "to" fields and calculate and save the time difference in minutes to the "diff" field automatically.

I am using access 2010.

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Saving A Calculation Field

Aug 12, 2005

Having some problems with a calculated field on a form. The field came from my table but I typed in the calculation (=[cost_price]+[sale_price]) and it works fine but it wont save to my table so when I run a repot off it doesnt have any of the calculated values because they arent saved in my table??? Can anyone help?


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Saving And Updating A Calculation

Dec 1, 2005

I'm creating a small stock control system. I want to be able to update stock levels. Simply by entering new amounts of stock when they arrive and adjusting for stock used that day. I've created a form from a query which takes current_stock level and then I enter a value (say 50) and it is calculated (added together). Then i want to save that new value back into the current_stock field?
Can anyone help??


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Field Calculation Not Saving To Database

Aug 26, 2005

I have the calculation =DateDiff("yyyy",[DOB],Now()) in the Data/Control source properties of a numeric field in a database/form which correctly calculates age in years from a date field DOB. How do I get this field to save to the database?

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Tables :: Saving Space In A Field On Table

Jan 27, 2015

I want to be but to save a space in a field on a table but every time I do it appears to be a NULL and therefore fails a validation rule that I wish to preserve.

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Tables :: Saved Exports - Saving A Table That Has Been Filtered?

Feb 12, 2015

I am trying to create a saved export on a table i have. However i want to filter so when i do the saved export it exports the table with the filtered result only.However when i filter my table and export it and save the export. The first export comes out with the filtered results but when i go to my list of saved exports and export it again, it doesnt come filtered and its just an export of the whole table.

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Tables :: Date Of Birth Calculation In Table

Dec 15, 2012

I have a [DOB] field with birth dates. I have another field [DOBExp] where I want to automatically calculate at date 15 days out, but exclude weekends and holidays. I have a separate table listing the holidays.

Would like a formula to use in my first table for this. Have no clue how to do this.

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Tables :: Using Default Value For Calculation And Recording To Table

Nov 19, 2013

I shouldn't normally record calculated figures into my table. I'm willing to buck proper procedure here for ease of use for referencing in reports; also, it's just one data point that will be calculated only once and not changed.Anyhow, I have an IIF statement that calculates a total price based on a table of costs. I set this as the default value and it calculated properly - but once I set my text box to have a control source, it no longer calculates my cost.

I was hoping to set it so it calculated the cost and then write that total cost to my table.should mention that my calculated control is in a subform.

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Queries :: Time Calculation Using Current Time?

Oct 9, 2014

I need a Select Query to display data on a form. When an order is appended to my table the field named Printed is updated with the time it was appended. When my form opens it needs to display the field Printed and a field I call MinutesFromPrint. This field needs to display the total minutes elapsed from the time in the Printed field to the current time. My expression is not working.

MinutesFromPrint: DateDiff("n",[Printed],Now())

Here are a couple of samples of my results when I run the query at 7:49 A.M.:

Printed MinutesFromPrint
2:35 60366554
5:07 60366402

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Tables :: Consolidating Multiple Tables In One Single Table (Sorted Ascending By Time)

May 30, 2014

What I have is a database setup with multiple tables in which different areas of my DC can input information simultaneously into their respective tables. I then have another database linked to it for myself to have a live view of each updated record. I would like to see all the records of each table in 1 single table (possibly just sorted ascending by time). Each table has the same Field headings but may have different qtys of records. As I will then have it linked to an Excel table to VLOOKUP from it.

I have tried Union coding but always get Syntax Error etc.

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Saving Time

Jul 4, 2005

I have been tasked to create a database that will be accessed through a dial-up connection to our server.
What I want to know is which is faster
1 Using a seperate table for dropdowns or
2 Using the lookup facility of a table.

Gordon :confused:

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Saving Date And Time In Db

Dec 2, 2004

I have a scheduling database that requires keeping track of events on a 24 hour basis. I need to keep track of all the events through out the day by date and time. I want the user to only have to enter the time instead of entering a date and time. What is the best way to allow the user to enter only a time, but when the time is saved to the database, it’s saved as a date and time using the current date? I’ve tried using the date add function but that doesn’t work. Does anybody have any ideas.

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Time Saving Form Question?

Aug 8, 2006

Big question I know

ok, i have my table set up with the following fields:
Date; Name; Shift; Area; Plant; JobDescr.

I plan to create a form where the user1 can enter the following details just once:
Date; Name; Shift.

Then below, the user1 would need to enter the following fields several times:
Area; Plant; JobDescr

All the above fields need to be recorded in the database on the same table:
Date; Name; Shift; Area; Plant; JobDescr.

User2 would need to come along and generate a report which would look something like this:

22/18/06 Joe Bloggs B Shift

Area 1 (heading)
Compressor (Plant)
Machine overhauled, plant repaired etc, etc.

Area 6
Boiler serviced blah blah blah. maybe several lines of JobDescr.

Area 67
Moved due to blocking fire escape.

User2 would need to be able to call up what happened in any given area between any given date or any given plant.

I apologise for the longwindedness of the question.

Can anyone guide me to the easiest way to do this


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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in HH:MM (24:01)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Jan 25, 2006

i have two date/time fields

sdate (start date) 01/01/2006 14:30 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)
edate (end date) 02/01/2006 14:31 - format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm)

i need to get answer in a textbox as 24:01 (hh:mm)

pls help me

thnx best regards

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Time Calculation

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,

I'm a beginner, and i want to know how to calculate time difference. For ex, if i substract 23:45 of 02/09/2006 with 00:10 of 02/10/2006 then i get a - "ive" value... Please somebody help me with a vba code for this...


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Time Calculation

Dec 4, 2006

Can someone please help me as this is driving me crazy and I know the answer must be simple.

I have a query/report that shows the duration a call has taken i.e. it times each part of the call. For example it may take a member of staff 00:00:30 to answer a call, then he puts a customer on hold whilst he speaks to another department which could be another 30 seconds, and then he ends the call with the customer.

So my report and query shows:

Ringing 00:00:30
Speaking to customer 00:04:10
On hold 00:00:30
Ends call with customer 00:02:00

The duration of the action is in a seperate column.
How do I tell access to add these up so I get a total of 00:07:10 for the entire call from start to finish?

Thanks for you help


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Time Calculation

Nov 19, 2007

I am struggling with a filter I thought would be simple. I have a field called close time and I want a filter that will show a record one hour before the close time?

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Time Difference Calculation

Mar 8, 2006


I have a report with three text boxes:

Box 1 contains an employee's total weekly hours in hours and minutes: 40:00
Box 2 contains the actual total hours worked for the week: 35:30
Box 3 is the difference between Box 1 minus Box 2

I tried all the date/time functions to calculate the difference between Box 1 and Box 2 and none of them worked. I keep on getting an error message. Does anybody know how to calculate the difference between two sets of time (in hours and minutes)?

Thank you in advance.

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Date Time Calculation

Apr 9, 2006

Hello friends,

I have a table for "Production Orders" ie. work orders.

there are feilds : start date , start time

based on these feilds i want to calculate the remaining time to start production.

but what i want is

if remaining time is > 1 day then
give results in the format " 1 day and 2 hrs"

elseif remaining time < 1 day then
give result in the format " 2 hrs and 24 mins"

and also current time - remaining time > 0 else result = "N/A"

how can i do this simply

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Date / Time Calculation Help

Jul 13, 2006

I'm having trouble getting my head around this.
I have a database that collects stats of patients admitted to ICU.
I have a table PtDataTable (pk = PtID) with a one to many relationship with PtVisitTable (pk = VisitID, fk = PtID). The patient visit table has the fields AdmissionDate and AdmissionTime, and DischargeDate and DischargeTime.
I need to calculate if the patient is readmitted to ICU in less than or equal to 48hrs. In other words calculate the time elapsed between DischargedDate and DischargedTime in one record and the AdmissionDate and AdmissionTime for other records in the PtVisitTable for the same patient.
I'm not sure if I stated this clearly.
Any help is appreciated as always.

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How To Make Time Calculation

Nov 23, 2006

I'am trying to count: todays date -12 month.
So how I tell access that I want answer which date is year from this date?
Or how I must "write" 12 months in SQL?

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Date & Time Calculation

Dec 19, 2007

I have one field called [Time] in dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm format in table A.

I have another field called [Deadline] in text format (Mon 10:00) in table B.

Need to build one queries that have the above two field, but with additional field called [PullDeadline] that the [Time] will look out the [Deadline] and return the actual time & date value in [PullDeadline]. No matter how the [Time] change, the [PullDeadline] will stick to [Deadline] and return the value in that particular week.

For example,

[Time] = 01-12-2007 05:00:00 AM
[Deadline] = Mon 10:00
[PullDeadline] = 26-11-2007 10:00 AM

How to handle, if the deadline is previous or next week?

Eg. [Deadline] = Sun 10:00

Then [PullDeadline] = 25-11-2007 10:00 AM instead of 02-12-2007 10:00 AM.

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