Tables :: Setting Up A Soccer League Database To Track Attendance

Dec 7, 2012

I run a soccer league where we track players attendance for each game. I currently do it on a spreadsheet where each game date is a column and each player is a row. We also track which team they play on at each game (they can play on different teams different weeks). I currently have a second tab in the spreadsheet to record which team a person plays on each week.

Setting up a table of fields for this is relatively easy. The problem comes to data entry. I want to be able to visually see the data like I can in a spreadsheet (names in rows, dates in columns, intersections containing either team name or whether attended) and whilst a cross-tab query gives me the layout, I cannot input data in a cross-tab query.

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Tables :: Set Up Attendance Database That Has Multiple Status Available For Single Day

Dec 9, 2012

I need to set up an attendance database, that has multiple statuses available for a single day.Example: employee can be present, he can have a sick leave, he can be away on training, or business trip, etc... And for some of those statuses, like business trip, i need to be able to freely enter a comment, stating where he is etc..

Anyway, the key is that this database should be able to offer a "headcount" option, and traceability for past statuses for at least a year, for every and all employees. Now i just need to set up the database tables and relationships.

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Tables :: Student Database For Daily Attendance - Column Limitations

Dec 31, 2012

I'm in the process of constructing a student database for my school which would track (in addition to detailed student information) the daily attendance of over 270 students.

It is my understanding that there is a limit of 255 field names per table, so I can't use the student names as field names, nor can I really use dates as this would not quite cover even a year.

Student ID and AttendanceDate as field names is also not really a feasible strategy, as each week this would eat up 1300+ rows, so I would run out of space in that direction as well.

My question is ultimately am I better off building this in excel 2010, or is there a way of doing this in access that I have overlooked?

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Tables :: Database To Track Budget Changes Within Organizations

Sep 19, 2013

I am new in Access 2010 and need table design schema. I am creating a database to track budget changes within our organizations.

1. We have 3 division (West, East and Central).
2. Each division will have 5 Organizations (Office, Campus, Operations, IT and HR)
3. Each Organizations will have multiple sub-organizations
4. The budget start with the sub-organizations - which is break down by cost center and sub cost center.

This is the design I came up.

tblsubcostcenter (budget table)

tblDivision --1 to Many --> tblOrganizations

tblOrganizations --1 to Many --> tblsuborganizations

tblsuborganizations --1 to many --> tblCostCenter

tblCostCenter --1 to many --> tblsubcostcenter

Is there a better way to design this?

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Tables :: Database To Track Hardware Assets - Lookup Based On Value

Dec 19, 2013

I am attempting to develop a DB to track hardware assets, e.g., servers, switches, storage devices, etc... I am at the very beginning of the development/design process. I haven't gone beyond the paper stage yet. I am trying to figure out how I would set up the main Asset table so that when I put in a particular vendor, the model field will list models only for that specific vendor. i.e., when I put in IBM in the Vendor field I will only see IBM models in a drop down for the Vendor_Model field.

I'm pretty sure this will involve a Lookup field. But, how do I restrict the lookup of models. Would that be with a query?

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Tables :: Database With Updating Dates - Track Current Projects For Team At Work

Dec 27, 2013

I am creating a database that tracks current projects for my team at work.

Some projects are only due once (e.g., mailed brochures due on 1/1/14) and some are due at scheduled intervals (e.g., status report due monthly, quarterly, etc.)

Ultimately, I'm hoping that my end result will allow us to click on a form and look at what everybody has due that day, in the next 7 days, and so forth.

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Mildly Stumped League Tables,

Jun 3, 2005

I've been asked to collate some information based on a kid league, I am trying to sort out how precisely it works

the data I have is this

finish position, name, club

I need to calculate the best kiddie based on 3 of a possible 6 races

So tbls



SELECT tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, Sum(fldScore.Points) AS SumOfPoints
FROM tblResults LEFT JOIN fldScore ON tblResults.Pos = fldScore.Pos
GROUP BY tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, tblResults.Pos
HAVING (((tblResults.fldSeries)="220-2005") AND ((tblResults.Pos)<51))
ORDER BY Sum(fldScore.Points) DESC;

I need this to be changed to only pick up athletes with only the best three scores?

any hints?


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Setting Up Database - Need Help With Relationships Between Tables

Sep 9, 2007


I would like to create a small HR database that holds:

* Employee details (Name, Date of birth, Entry Date, Exit Date, Function,Department, Shift)
* Departments
* Departments and capabilities needed
* Employee, departments and capability achieved (1=yes, 0=no)

The idea would be to have a link between the employee the departments capabilities I can tick fields of the capabilities they have or have achieved.

When I have this I could run a report that shows a score per employee
For example:

Name: Department: Orderpicking: Packing: Cutting:

John Warehouse 1 1 0

As the tasks / capabilities required are different per department you would see something different if you would have user Jane that works in accounting

Is there anyone that can give me some hints so that I can get any further??

For the moment I have 3 tables:

1. Employee information - John, Jane
2. Departments - Warehouse, Accounting
3. Department tasks - Department, Cap1, Cap2, Cap3, Cap4

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Tables :: Setting Up Inventory Database

Feb 8, 2015

I need to create an inventory database that will track customer owned inventory as it is received stored serviced and sent back to my customer. I am in the oil and gas industry and store large amounts of customer owned pipe. many joints will have the same part number but each joint is one of a kind in that it has a joint,heat, lot, and batch number. here is an example,

Job Name: Shell ex
Part Number: 129001
Quantity: 1000

Here is an example of joint info I need to record

Joint Number:193
Heat Number: f21283
Lot: 202
Reference: byy2112

Each one of the thousand joints will have a combination of this information making it one of a kind.

My system needs to allow my users to receive jobs, record where we store the pipe in a rack location, pull the specific joints out of inventory as the customer calls for them. We will receive 1000 at a time but the customer calls for portions of that job over long periods of time..

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Sample Attendance Database?

Sep 7, 2006

I am trying to create an attendance application for my group of 6people, does anyone have or know where i can find any to look at. I don't even know where to begin.

Daily in and out. Keeping tabs of our vacation days/sick days.
I just need to know where to begin, or need a sample for ideas in creating this. I have looked high and low. Please show me/tell me if you have any or how you did it, if you have done it before. Thanks friends!

I posted this here but didn't get any response.

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Time And Attendance Coding Database

Oct 21, 2006

Hi All,

I am setting up a database to help me prepare codes for employees timesheets in order to upload them into our payroll software. The table structure below is just my preliminary thoughts and current ideas and I guess I'm looking for ideas on how to work with my codes.

EmpID (PK) - Employee ID # [Autonumber]
Surname - Employee's surname [Text]
Firstname - Employee's first name [Text]

ShiftID (PK) - Shift ID# [Autonumber]
EmpID (SK) - Employee ID# [Foreign Key]
Date - Date of shift [Date/Time]
Start - Start time of shift [Time]
Finish - Finish time of shift [Time]
CostCtr - Cost centre being billed for shift. [Integer]

When employees work they are entitled to the following:
* Ordinary hours (code 001) for all hours worked.
* 10% penalty (code 006) for all hours worked when shift finishes after 18:00
* 12% penalty (code 007) for all hours when shift crosses midnight
* 50% penalty (code 008) for hours worked on a saturday
* 100% penalty (code 009) for hours worked on a sunday

The following shows data that in my Attendance table for an employee who worked shifts on the 16th (Mon), 17th (Tue), 20th (Fri), and 22nd (Sun).
From the above data I believe I will need to make another table that contains the entitlement codes generate from each shift.

For the first shift on Monday 16/10/06 I need to collect the following codes for the total calculation:

For the second shift on Tuesday 17/10/06 I need to collect the following codes for the total calculation:

For the third shift on Friday 20/10/06 I need to collect the following codes for the total calculation:
0018.003001 'Ordinary hours worked
0078.003001 '12% penalty as shift crossed midnight hour
0086.003001 'Only worked 6 actual hours on the Saturday as 2 hours were on Friday night.

For the fourth shift on Sunday 22/10/06 I need to collect the following codes for the total calculation:
0018.00'Ordinary hours worked
0098.00'Hours worked on the Sunday

From that information the only data I really need to store in a table would be the totals grouped by code and cost centre. Eg.,
001 8.003001
001 9.003002
006 9.00
006 9.003002
007 8.003001
008 6.003001
009 8.00
Does anyone know the best way to go about this? Should I generate a new table that links these codes to an employee? Should I make a function to calculate the codes for each day and store them in a table or make the function only sum the code totals for the week and store them in a table?


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Feedback On Prototype Attendance Database, Please

Jul 13, 2007

I had trouble figuring out how to 1) register a group of people for a class, 2) create a list of dates to meet for a class (which I call sessions), 3) track attendance per sessions. Having looked for templates at Microsoft, I found plenty of Excel templates, but no Access. The closest is Student Registration template, which doesn't track attendance at all. So I figured I'd make a prototype to help me understand how everything works. Since I got so much input from everyone, I figure I'd return the favor and perhap make it a sample database, especially for those who desire a spreadsheet-like data entry while maintaining a properly normalized data structure.But I would prefer that other has tested and given feedbacks on the prototype before I put this in sample database forum (if that's okay with you admins) as this is my first time and I don't want to give others bad template. So anyway, here's the prototype.Note: The database is 100% undocumented, 100% error-handling free, and 100% unsecured. Use it wisely. :)PS: The attachment will reference a extraneous library. If you are getting an error, clear the reference for MS Office 11 Web Components.PSS: I knew I forgot something: There is still unsolved problem of correcting sorting the columns in datasheet view. While the underlying query correctly sorts the recordset, it seems to be ignored entirely in datasheet. If anyone has a solution, I'm all eyes here.

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Attendance Database Table Structure

Sep 9, 2005

I would like to build a database to keep track of tardies and absences in my dept (~70 employees).

I need Date, Name, tardy or absent,

My current table:

EmployeeID PK
Last Name
First Name

EventID PK
Event (Tardy or absent)


Is this a good structure? I need to be able to run a query that will sum the total number of tardies and divide by 6. That number will then be added to the total # of tardies. The query needs to only show the values over the last 6 months.
Any help is appreciated.


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New User Creating An Attendance Database

Jan 3, 2008

Hello, I am in the process of creating my database and I was looking for some guidance. My goal is to manage and track clients attending our program and ultimately being able to print and individual report with that information. Example: john doe on 12/28 attended 3 groups X,Y and Z.
I have created two tables one with the client's ID, name and starting date.
The second with the groups offered, the instructors and days and times of the groups.
The third I believe should be a dated table that would have groups and all the people who attended that day. This is where I am getting confused. I am not sure how to proceed.
Any ideas or suggestions would be welcomed.

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Attendance Tracking And Fees Calculating For Gym Database

Apr 11, 2013

I'm creating a Gym Database and need to be able to track attendance for specific classes. I need to have a system in place allowing me to do a register for attendance for each activity.

I also need to be able to calculate fees based on attendance. So if a person attended Gym 5 times in the month (£5 per session) and then Swimming 3 times in the month (£2 per session). My system should automatically calculate this based on the attendance tracking.

Also: In the booking stage, I need to have a field telling me how many spaces are left on each activity. Say for example I'm booking Person 99 in for Swimming and there is only 11 places left I need the field to display 11 places left. After that booking it should update saying 10 places left because Person 99 is booked in.

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Track Changes Made To Database

Mar 15, 2006

Hi guys,

Im fairly new to MS Access and have recently created a simple database to track the details of people in my department.

The database is on a shared drive and the idea was that when the details of the individual change, they open the database themselves and edit the appropiate field.

However, is it possible to track the changes that people make over a certain period (ie every month).

Thanking you in advance,


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General :: Assign Referee To Various Soccer Games

Feb 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a database that an area soccer referee assigner can use to assign referee to various soccer games.

The assigner has soccer referee, games and different teams. There are 3 soccer referee to each game, therefore the issue is that I need all the referees that have been assigned a game to be blocked out and only those that not been assign games should show in the form frmGameOfficials for a specific date.

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Multiple Visit Dates For Separate Patients In Patient Attendance Database

May 22, 2012

I am trying to create a database for a clinic, and am severely stuck on how to input appointment dates for individual patients.

I have been using the 'student' database from as a template for how to save the dates (given that appointments and attendance are exactly the same!), however, even after following what has been set up in the 'student' template database, I can't seem to replicate it.

Every time I add multiple visit dates for a specific patient, these exact dates show up for every other patient in the database. I need to be able to add different dates for all the different patients.

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Creating Database To Track Work Hours?

May 8, 2013

I have been using Excel to keep a daily track of when people are in to work, but the number of persons employed has increased and it is taking too much time to manually input data into the sheet.

I am looking at Access and I would like to know if what I want is possible.

The fields I would need are , Name , Date , Time worked(1 for a full day and 0.5 for a half) , Reason worked, and funded by(inside/outside organization)

I would like to make a template of form that has the following options.

1. The ability to select a date (possibly through a calendar selection)
2. Select one or multiple different persons from a list
3. Possibly two check boxes (full/half day) - that when selected input a 1 or 0.5 into the database
4. A text entry for reason worked.
5. Another check box for inside/outside funding that reflects the time worked in step 3 and that can be queried to see how many total days funding was given.

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Calendar Database To Track Employee Leave

Sep 14, 2013

Trying to modify this calendar database to track employee leave. I need the calendar form (frmCalendar) to show all employee leave on the calendar using the "Show All" command button on click event. This works if I specify a uID (UserID from employee table) in the code, but only for that specific employee. I need all employees at the same time up on the calendar so I can see if there is more than one employee off on any given day.

Events or leave is populated on the form through "Private Sub DisplayEvents" and the mdlCalendar module.

Using Access 2010

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Tables :: Keeping Track Of Data?

Apr 24, 2013

I have built a table off a form that is being used for record keeping and my question is.... This table will be constantly updated with new information so how can I make it to where when new info is added the old info will not be removed or written over?

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Tables :: Way To Track Changes Based On Different Field Name

May 13, 2013

All; using Access 2010. I need to have some kind of way to track changes based on different field name.I have a client table with field data like Fname, Lname, SSN, Address, Zip, Phone, DateOfBirth, Current Rate, TotalRate, Status and Importdte. I have an import into the database every month and I update this table with data that is new based on the SSN with an append query. The import also has the names of those that exist in the client table until their status changes. In addition to appending new data every month; I would like to append any changes the existing client has. For ex; If an existing client has an address change, I want to append this data to the table but keep the existing address and have a Change date equal to the Importdte. In essence; I want to build a kind of history table that when I pull up a client; I can have something like a tab on a form with the changes and when it happened.

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General :: Database That Track Monthly Metrics Of Employees

Jun 15, 2014

I'm developing a database that tracks monthly metrics of employees. These employee are at several different locations.

Here's what I would like:

A table of the employees and their location.

A table of the metrics.

A form that you can select an employee and it would autofill the location and then you could fill out the metrics.
the ability to change an employee's location without it effecting past records.

A report, by month and location of the employee's metrics. (pretty sure I can do this on my own, just can't get to this point.)

I've tried to use a auto lookup query but that then changes the employees location on past records.

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General :: How To Link Tables And Track Payments

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to design a billing and invoicing database and can't seem to figure out how to link the tables and track the payments made by customers. How can I proceed to track the payments and make payments applicable to certain line items or invoices? If the line item hasn't been paid, it needs to show up on the next invoice and be included in the total due.

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General :: Scanning Barcodes To Track Items While Using Other Database Functions

Feb 5, 2013

I can use barcode scanning to track items through the process, on the condition that the relevant field on a form is highlighted.

The issue is I want the scanning/tracking with wireless scanners to be going on in the background while an operator can use the other functions of the database.

I'm thinking the solution is two computers, one to run the barcode scanning & tracking the other for the rest of the database functions. The problem is we only have one work PC and getting money for a new PC will be like pulling teeth.

Is there a one PC solution?

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Tables :: Keep Track Of Checking In And Out - Where Archive Data Stored

Oct 3, 2014

In the case of a system that keeps track of checking in and out (e.g. library books), where is the archive data stored? If a person makes 30 trips to the library, obviously one record will be the current visit - but where do you keep the 29 other visits?

Do you create a separate table for old check-outs: Current_Check_Out and Archive_Check_Out?

Or do you just leave the data in place and as-is: All_Check_Outs?

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