Tables :: Setting Up Lookup Fields

Oct 13, 2014

When I set up lookup fields that point to a table do I save those tables in the back end with the main tables or is it okay to have in in the front end and not the back end? Users will need to make udpates to the tables for instance an employee table they would need to add employee names.

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Setting All Fields In All Tables

Aug 7, 2006

I have an Access 2000 database with several tables in it. Against each field in each table I would like to set every REQUIRED and INDEXED value to NO. Is there a way I can do this using VBA?

If it helps, one of the tables has 2 fields in it named TABLE NAME and FIELD NAME with every field against every table listed.

Any help most appreciated.


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Evils Of Lookup Fields In Tables??

Jul 12, 2007

Hi, all! I'm once again needing your sage, wise advice.

I was reading on, and found a page that denounces the use of lookup fields in tables, because of the way it skews relationships, weighing down the database.

Do you all agree with this?

What do you recommend I do, in lieu of lookup fields, when I need to maintain integrity of the data.

Thanks SO much. You guys are my heroes!


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Tables :: Multiple Fields From Lookup

Oct 21, 2012

I have a member table and donation table. For a donation, I'd like to lookup the last and first names from the member table. I set the lookup for the last name and can see bothe first and last names in the drop down list. When I pick, I get the last name in the DonationT but how to I pick up the first name? That is, how do I fill DonorFirstName in DonationT from the FirstName field in the MemberT?

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Auto Lookup Of Fields From Seprate Tables

Apr 24, 2007

I'm new to access and trying to figure out how to use a field to look up and return results from multiple tables. I've tried several books and also the northwind traders example. What i'm trying to do is just like the oder form in the orthwind traders example on the order form. I would like to insert the customer name via a combo box then have the address, phone etc. automatically update as well as automatically update the shipping address etc with the current billing address. I know this is pretty basic but I must me missing a step.

Thanks in advance


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Tables :: Importing Lookup Fields From Excel?

Apr 13, 2014

I have a table that contains about 75 fields. Each field is going to be a Lookup field that will allow the user to enter multiple values. This is for a home inspection service. So the first field name will be ExteriorShingles. The user clicks the dropdown arrow, and is allowed to select multiple values such as "loose", "missing", "rotted" etc... I was wondering if there is an easy way to import all these values from my Excel spreadsheet, or do I have to enter each one individually, which is going to be a lot of work.

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Tables :: Getting Rid Of Lookup Fields Without Losing Data

Oct 15, 2012

What is the best way to do this without losing data? I have several FK that I made the mistake of setting up as lookup fields. I now want to correct this without losing data if possible.

DataType currently says "Number" under each of these. So I can't just change them to number. Is there another way to do this?

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Tables :: Lookup Value Lists In Table Fields?

May 16, 2013

I know experienced DB developers say never to use a lookup in a table for a foreign key and instead to use it on the form level. For this reason, I am going through my tables and removing lookups from the table level now.

But how do y'all feel about lookup value lists? (so the list is typed-in instead of looking up a table value)

If you think they shouldn't be used then what should I do instead? Should I make a table for the handful of values and link with a FK field?

Or is there a better way? I would rather not have to make a million tables for these short, stable value lists.

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Tables :: Lookup Fields Referencing Another Field

Apr 2, 2015

I created tables that have lookup fields referencing another field. Actually I have several tables that all have relationships and object dependencies in my database. Now that I am trying to create some different reports, when I run the report I get the ID rather than the contents of the field. Also, I have a 'Report Dashboard' so to speak that I can run different reports from. On the form I have Combo boxes that reference one of the tables. I can generate the report showing the information, however I tried using a text box (criteria)(=[Forms]![Reports Form]![Combo47]+" County") in the header of the report to reference the selection made in the form combo box. When I run the report I generate the ID in the do I get rid of the lookup fields in the tables, or is there another work around?

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Tables :: Similar Option To Multivalue Lookup Fields

Apr 16, 2013

Is there another field that can be used beside the lookup field in an Access table? I am currently using the lookup field as a multivalued lookup field and I am limited to the the things I can do with it when creating a report or a query on that field. Is there a similar field in Access 2010 that has the same look as a lookup field and allows for multiple values to be selected?

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Tables :: Lookup Fields In Tables?

Jun 11, 2014

I have a database with various tables, customers, jobs_table, black_book. I am wanting to have a field that looks up a latest date.

Both the [jobs_table] and [black_book] have a date field, there can be multiple entries per customer in both fields. What I want to do is have 2 fields in the [customer] table that looks up the customer name in [jobs_table] and [black_book] and brings back the latest date.

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Setting Up A Lookup Field.

Feb 15, 2006

Ok I'll premiss this by saying it has been many years since I have done much with access so I have forgotten alot and alot of things have changed. However I have been using Dataease alot but switched companies so am back to access.In dataease if I had a form called projects and that form had three fields (employee ID, employee first name, employee last initial) that pulled data from another table other than the projects table I would relate them via the employee ID. projects form employee ID = employee form employee IDthen for the two other fields I would have them lookup their data by using the employee id.projects form employee first name = if (projects employee ID = employee employee ID) then lookup employee employee first name. And the same for the last initial.The question is how do I setup for fields for first name and last initial to do the lookup in access.Employee ID TableEmployee ID #Employee First NameEmployee Last InitialProject TableEmployee ID (linked to employee id table)project idproject nameproject discriptionproject start dateproject end dateproject formproject idproject nameproject discriptionproject start dateproject end dateemployee ID (must match employee table employee id)employee first name (read only field that looks its data up from the employee table based on employee id)employee last initial (read only field that looks its data up from the employee table based on employee id)

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LookUp Tables For Dynamic Set Of Attributes: Set A Pointer Or Use A Generic LookUp?

Jul 24, 2007

I'm wrestling with the issues; in other threads, it became apparent that because I could not know ahead of time what I will need to know about a given entity, I will use a table to enumerate attributes that is applicable for a given entity.

However, the stumper is that what if an attribute should conform to a set list of values? Since they are dynamic, I would have problem predicting what I will need to be able to lookup, and am even don't know whether I will need a one-many lookup or many-many lookup.

I thought that generic lookup table with a table listing "classes" of lookup would allow me to have one big generic lookup table while using "classes" to act like virtual tables so I can then set the query to appropriate "class" to return just right set of values.

But as I thought about it, I ran into some issues which is pulling me toward the crazy idea that I should have freestanding tables, and use a field in tblAttribute to give me the table's name so I'd know which free-standing table it points to, and have the necessary key to lookup the values within that table.

Even though my gut instincts tell me that I shouldn't be going against the conventions of database design (who the frick goes around creating free-standing lookups?!?), I'm simply not sure how I can use a generic lookup table to hold all information.

For example, suppose I was given a list of values that has its own categories. Since the former design allows only for two level (lookup and lookupclass), where am I to insert that extra level?

Furthermore, I found myself needing a set of virtual keys to reference a certain "class" of lookups for report purposes. That means I need an extra field in my lookup table than I originally anticipates. What if I find myself needing one more field that just won't fit the generic lookup table?

So does anyone have suggestions on how we would create a placeholder for a lookup table that will be made just in time?

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Tables :: Two Fields In A Table / Link To Same Lookup Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"

*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*

When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.

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Lookup Fields Using Lookup Wizard

Mar 2, 2005


I wonder if anybody can help me.

I have a table called ITEM, within ITEM I have three fields ITEM NUMBER (Key Field), Item, Cost,

I have another table called INVOICE ITEMS, Within INVOICE ITEMS I have six Fields, INVOICE NUMBER, ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST, Amount, Total Amount.

I want to use Lookup wizard to complete the fields ITEM NUMBER, ITEM, UNIT COST from the ITEM table.

Is this possible?


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Tables :: Lookup Field Using Another Multi Value Lookup Field As Data Source

Nov 23, 2012

how to do a particular thing in Access 2010 (I don't even know if it is possible).

I have a table named PRODUCTS:
ID_PRODUCT (primary key, autonumber long integer)
ALLOWED_OPTIONS (multi value text lookup field: "Option 1";"Option 2";...;"Option 9")

So I can store, for each different product, none, one, or more options to let the customers choose from.

I have a table named ORDERS:
ID_ORDER (primary key, autonumber long integer)
FK_CUSTOMER (foreign key, linked to the primary key of a CUSTOMERS table; represents the customer that places the order.)
FK_PRODUCT (foreign key, linked to PRODUCTS.ID_PRODUCT; represents the product that the customer has choosen)
CHOOSEN_OPTION (lookup text field; the customer must choose ONE option among those allowed for the product he has ordered)

The problem is that I would like the CHOOSEN_OPTION field to show as a combobox, listing the values stored into PRODUCTS.ALLOWED_OPTIONS, so that when a customer buys a product, he can choose only among the options allowed by that particular product.How can I manage a multi value field to populate a combobox, in which every item stays on its line? If I use, as a query to populate the combobox:


I obtain an empty combobox.If I refer to the last field as [ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT], Access asks me to type a value for "[ORDERS].[FK_PRODUCT]", treating it as an unknown parameter.I think that the problem is that when the combobox expands, the record is not committed yet, so FK_PRODUCT is unknown (NULL?). But this happens even if I commit the record typing something in FK_PRODUCT and then I re-enter the record and I expand the CHOOSEN_OPTION combobox, that is still empy although FK_PRODUCT exists, now.Is there a particular syntax to refer to a field in a record not committed yet (something like "THIS." or "ME.")?

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Tables :: Joined Two Tables - Unable To Filter / Lookup On Second Table?

Feb 18, 2013

I have an Access Table with about 28,000 Automobile dealerships across the country shown. I've joined a new/small phone contact table to this to keep up with our phone contacts with the dealership and followup efforts. When I search/filter on the dealership table all is fine. However when I search/filter on the phone contact table with a few test entries, I get nothing at all. I supposed that after joining the tables, I'd be able to do a search on the field named follow up date and find/filter today's date or other dates and locate which dealerships to contact when the correct date arrives. But nothing.

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Tables :: Setting Up Multiple Tables / Relationships

Dec 10, 2013

I have 5 tables and 2 forms. The primary form is what I input all the information into (Tracking) and the other form is to update employee information (update form).

The "Tracking" form is where I add information to 4 of the 5 tables. Here is where I'm stumbling. Would it be more practical to just have 1 table and just expand the fields, or have the form put the information into the separate tables. Those 4 tables are Employee, phone, spotter and radio.

I'm wanting to keep a running tally of who doesn't turn in what equipment on what day.

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Lookup Fields

May 18, 2007

I have two tables(tblInvoiceItem and tblItems). On both of these tables there is; ItemNo and ItemCost. tblItems already has various records about items. I want to be able to have a lookup field for ItemNo on tblInvoiceItems which will populate the ItemCost from tblItems.

Basically when I pick an item number(lookup field on tblInoviceItem, looking up from tblItems), I want the price which corrisponds with it to appear in the correct field(ItemCost on tblInoviceItems).

Hopefully I explained that okay :confused:

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How Bad Are Lookup-fields Really, For Performance?

May 28, 2007

Hello there,

I've lately come across some posts that condemn using lookup fields in tables. But how bad is this really? I mean it's quite a nifty feature, and it'd be really too bad if it hogs up resources, thus forcing us to leave it alone for performance considerations.

I'd appreciate if any of you guys/gals with more experience on the topic would like to share some, so I can take a better stance for future developement.


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Lookup Value Based On 2 Fields

Jan 16, 2008

I have been working with a simple Dlookup to return a value based on the data held in a specific field. I am now trying to develop this further and need some help.

I have a query "QryMainForm" that brings together fields from 2 tables "TblFS" (fields: Ref, score 1, score 2) and "TblFamily" (fields: Familyname). the query adds the values in Score 1 and Score 2 and saves the value as "points".

Seperatly from this i have a table "Tbllevels" which contains the fields Score, Operational, Admin, Technical. with the points scored relating to a value within each field. What i need to do is run the lookup based on the both "points" and Familyname fields contained in the query.

So the TblLevels looks like this:

100........................... Level 1.........Level 2
200 ........Level 1..........Level 2.........Level 3
300.........Level 2..........Level 3
400.........Level 3

So someone who scores 300 points could be assigned to the technical or operational group (this is done manually). What i need the lookup to do is to return the level based on the points and Familyname fields located on "qrymainform"

any ideas on how i can do this one?

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Query, With Lookup Fields

Feb 11, 2008


I have a table that has 3 columns.

Issue, Review, and Information.
These 3 fields get their data from the same lookup table that holds some code values.

So I'm trying to create a query to export to excel that shows the data for this table, but for the lookup fields, I just get the ID's from the lookup table.

So the table is like this now


So I would like to be able to display what the ID numbers actually are, but having trouble getting a query to do this for all 3 fields.

I can run a query that shows 1 field's but not all 3.

what I would like to see


all 3 columns use code_ID from the lookup table.

Is there a way to do this? or should I have used 3 different lookup tables for these?

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Lookup Fields In Forms......

Feb 12, 2005

I am working on a project that I know I am making more difficult then it need be...... Maybe because I started with a form and tried to build everything else around it. The database looked bad...... Now it looks good... normalized as I can see it... But trying to get the information in is being difficult.
The DB has customers, thats no problem. These customers have inspections done to areas for cleaning.
I have done the areas in a drop down, in one table, and the task to be rated as a dropdown in another table. Then finally a rating table....1 to 5.
It is very easy to go in in datasheet view and input the info for each area, then pick a task from the next dropdown and then pick a rating from the final.
Problem is this won't be as easy for someone else to input. So here is the form problem.
Heres how I would like to lay it out. An over all inspection form. Areas inspected and rating (average)
I will use a command button from the main form to open up say "area1"
On the area one form is the first problem....
I want 6 different task to give a rating to...... But these task are on a I can not bring over the field more then once.... or I dont know how..It's getting confusing and I don't think it should be.... its a pretty simple one.
So can anyone guild me to a databse similiar to this? I need to see how one like this is done.


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How To Combine Two Fields In A Lookup

Apr 25, 2015

The lookup has a two column dropdown: FirstName and LastName. This is for the field, Sponsor, however I want to concatenate the First and Last name and have those stored in Sponsor. How do I do that?

Note: I just did it in the Lookup query.

Now a related problem is when I make a change to the table (e.g. Lookup), the change does not show in the form. Is there a way to "refresh" the form? My work around was to delete and re-add the field...I'm sure that is not the correct way to do it.

And when I added the field, the caption comes along with it bound to the field. Is there some magic keystroke to break the bond?

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Setting Up Tables

Mar 4, 2007

I am confusing myself more and more as i read on normalization and queries and everything else. I am trying to create a database for parts that our company sells and am having trouble deciding how to lay out the tables. I figure I should use the part number for the primary key as it will not repeat. from there though, i have a problem, each type of part has different fields nessesscary to decribe its attributes. for example, one part number may be for a box and its describing fields might be brand, width, length,load rating, and height. but another part number might be for a circuit breaker which would have completley different describing fields like brand, amperage rating, voltage rating, connection type, and trip type. Should i create 1 table for everything even though many fields would be blank depending on which type of item it was or should i create seperate table for each type of item with only the required fields to decribe that item?

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Help With Setting Up Tables

Apr 18, 2006

Dear all,

i have having such trouble setting up some tables in a new db, and am wondering if someone could give me some tips as I really don't know what I'm doing (I am new to this).

I have one main table, called Client Information. The PK is CaseNumber. I also have 11 other tables. The PK in each of these is called things like CasedetailsID, witnessinfoID, etc. Each of these tables contains the CaseNumber field (supposed to be from the Client Information table). The Client Information table contains the PK from each of the other tables.

The way I have the relationships set up at the moment is that the Client Information Table is linked to each of the other tables via the fields called casedetailsID, witnessinfoID, casetypeID, etc. The relationships are all one to many (the 'many' side being on the Client Info table, the 'one' side being on the related tables). There is obviously something incorrect about the way I have the tables set up, however, as when I try to enter data into the form, although the data gets stored in the individual tables, none of my queries or reports seem to be working (ie, I try to run a report, but it doesn't show any data).

any tips or advice regarding a good way to go about setting up tables and relationships would be very much appreciated.

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