Tables :: Suitable Table Structure To Distribute Payments Among Different Bank Accounts

Aug 17, 2015

Looking for efficient table structure for this. Let's say I have a list of contractors who will get paid a certain amount of money each week. The amount of money changes each week by measuring the amount of work done, giving it a price and calculating it. The fields are these:

Total=Qty*UnitPrice (not stored in this table)

So far, it's all good, but we wish to pay the contractors in an unusual way. Let's say he makes $16,000 of work this week, and we want to pay him using cash AND/OR either one or multiple debit cards. For example:

Cash: $1,500
Debit card 45: $7,500
Debit card 71: $4,000
Debit card 13: $3,000
Total = $ 16,000

We can only deposit $7,500 max in each card. But it's even worse... two or more contractors can SHARE the card and it's not always the same card. Sounds pretty funky, but it's what the company wants to do. So, what would you recommend me in this case?

I'm guessing I'm gonna need these tables: tbWeeks to hold the week number, tbCards to store the cards' info, and an extra table to make a many to many relationship between the cards and the employees.

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Query To Give Daily Balance Across Bank Accounts? (Then Plot In A Graph)

Feb 22, 2015

How to build query to give daily balance across bank accounts? (to then plot in a graph)


* There is a table TRANSACTIONS which includes columns TRANS_DATE, AMOUNT and BANK_ID. It does NOT include a column for balance. So current balance for a bank account is the sum of the AMOUNTs for that BANK_ID for example. Balance on date XX will be the sum of all AMOUNTS for that BANK_ID for all TRANS_DATE's prior and including the date XX.
* Table BANKS which has BANK_ID and TITLE

Would like a query that gives: Supply StartDate and EndDate for the query:

Date Bank1Balance Bank2Balance Bank3Balance TotalBalance
1/1/15 $100 $200 $100 $400
1/2/15 $200 $200 $100 $500


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General :: How To Set Up A Suitable Relationship Between 2 Tables

Feb 17, 2013

the line setting up a property database and i cant figure out how to set up a suitable relationship between 2 tables .

Table 1 is for leases, which can have up to 4 tenants (each has seperate field)
Table 2 is a table for each tenant

now I need to relate the two, each lease can have multiple tenants at the same time and each tenant can have multiple leases over several years.

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Tables :: Combine Two Tables That Have Identical Structure To One Table?

Jul 8, 2013

I need to combine two tables that have identical structure to one table. Different people have used them to insert data from different parts of our project. I have tried to find information about how to do this but so far with little luck.

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Tables :: How To Structure The Table

Dec 24, 2013

I have a table where in 286 different fields have to be updated by the users. ( Nature of project And i have 10 fields which are coming as a input from another table, so i use Append and Update query to add the new datas and update the datas in case of any changes in the input from another table. ( to avoid manual corrections)

Now coming to my real problem, all the 286 fields have to be updated by the user's are check box type, now what is the solution since access will not accept more than 255 fields?

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Tables And Table Structure Needed For New DB

Oct 31, 2005

Firstly, I want to admit that my knowledge about data base construction is fairly basic.
I am trying to build a data base for humanitarian projects that do not at all resemple of the usual examples including customers, invoices, suppliers and what have you. My problem in constructing the DB is that most of the projects will address more than one subject and also include more than one target group and even operate in more than one country.
In my first attempt I filled the relevant fields (subjects, target groups and country) with more than one value using a form with multi select lists. The problem was that it was very difficult to query these multi-value fields and kind people in this forum strongly advised my to reconstruct the DB avoiding such fields.
What I need is to be able to view/print various selections based on precise criteria that include a region (or country), a subject and a target group in all kind of combinations.
The problem is to decide on what tables to establish and their interrelation. I guess that when entering a project record (using a form) I will have to store somewhere what subjects (could be more than five) and target groups the project include. It is, of course, not a problem to establish special tables or value lists for the subjects and target groups and countries, but where/how do I store the basic project information for a project and the multi-values that are related to the individual project?
I hope that this is not too confusing and I would appreciate any suggestion for a simple table structure and the interrelation between the tables.
Many thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Correcting Table Structure

Apr 2, 2015

I have been working on a a table design, but I am failing to create the correct relationships.My main table is the tblIncident with the three remaining tables being linked via a one to many relationship. I am using an auto number as my primary key, then linking that number to a FK in each table.

The end goal is to create one form with a varying sample of combo boxes, check boxes and data entry fields from each table. I did not plan to create a subform for each table, but maybe that is required?

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Tables :: Table Structure For Training Matrix

Nov 8, 2014

I am starting out creating a training database to track training needs and expiring training etc.I'm just looking for some tips as to how to structure the tables and relationships..I have an employee table, department table and training type table.However im wondering how i can set up requirments and then match these to check if the person is trained up to date on all required skills?

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Tables :: Table Structure For Cascading Combo Boxes

Jul 19, 2014

I need a table structure that will allow me to have a repair log data entry form with 3 cascading combo boxes on the repair log data entry form. There can be many repairs for a specific job but most of the time there will be one repair per job and 1% of the time two or more repairs for a specific job.

I am pulling a report based on a query that will show the repaired location, facility type, repaired item, repaired component on that item and other details related to the repair.I uploaded an empty database with the structure.

Cascade levels

I. Facility Type
II. Item by [I]
III. Component by [II]

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Tables :: Modifying Table Structure - How To Provide Multiple Names At One Address

Jan 8, 2013

I need to modify my customer table to cater for multiple names at one address.

Should I move all the addresses into their own separate table or leave them as is (name-Address-postcode- email etc in one table) and put the additional addressees into a separate table or is there a better way I have not thought of.

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General :: How To Link Tables And Track Payments

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to design a billing and invoicing database and can't seem to figure out how to link the tables and track the payments made by customers. How can I proceed to track the payments and make payments applicable to certain line items or invoices? If the line item hasn't been paid, it needs to show up on the next invoice and be included in the total due.

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Help W/table Structure - Keep Historical Data - "Revisions" On Many-side Tables

Jun 1, 2005

Hope the thread title wasn't too confusing.

I have a database that tracks emissions from painting. Bear with me since this is going to be a long post.

Some background info.
- a paint can consists of many parts mixed in a specific ratio.
- a part cosists of many chemicals
- a part may be used is many different paints

Here is how I have the existing database structured now. I’ve simplified it somewhat.

PaintID (PK)
PaintName - String
PaintDensity - Double
PaintVOCContent - Double

PartID (PK)
PartName - String
PartDensity - Double
PartVOCContent - Double

RatioID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
PartID (FK)
Ratio - Integer

ChemicalWtID (PK)
PartID (FK)
ChemicalID (FK)
WeightPercent - Double (Percent)

ChemicalID (PK)
strChemicalNumber - Long
strChemicalName - String

UsageID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
UsageDate - Date
UsageAmount - Double

PK = Primary Key (Autonumber)
FK = Foreign Key (Autonumber)

The Density or VOC Content (VOC = Volatile Organic Compound) for a paint can either be given OR it can be calculated by the mix ratio of parts and their respective Density or VOC Content values. One or the other must be complete.

What I did not account for was that there may be changes due to the paint manufacturer revising their paint composition, such as;
the parts that make up a paint may change
chemical make-up of a part changes (can be a change in Weight Percentages or the addition or deletion of a chemical).
ratio in which parts are mixed for a paint changes
Density/VOC Content values may change for a Paint or Part

The problem is that I cannot simply change the existing records as the emissions are calculated using all the data from each table and emissions need to be calculated using the paint/part/ratio/chemical weight percent info that was valid at the time of usage.

Another thing is that the Paint Name will not change, it’ll always be something like “BrandX Acrylic Blue”.

The person entering usage data only knows how much of what paint was used for a given day.

The person who enters paint usage has nothing to with entering the chemical make-up for parts and information for the paints and vice versa.

At any rate, my new draft table design is as follows. Two of the tables (tblChemical & tblUsage) will remain the same.

PaintID (PK)
PaintName - String

PaintVersionID (PK)
PaintID (FK)
PaintDensity - Double
PaintVOCContent - Double
PaintVersionDateIN - Date
PaintVersionDateOUT - Date

PartID (PK)
PartName - String

PartVersionID (PK)
PartID (FK)
PartDensity - Double
PartVOCContent - Double
PartVersionDateIN - Date
PartVersionDateOUT - Date

ChemicalWtID (PK)
PartVersionID (FK)
ChemicalID (FK)
WeightPercent - Double (Percent)

I might be able to do away with tblRatioVersion and just have one table to store the mix ratios. It should be the case that a change in mix ratios (either a change in mix ratios and/or what parts make up a paint) means a change in the Paint Density & VOC Content. But I am presenting both versions of the Ratio tables here for completeness.

Version 1
RatioVersionID (PK)
PaintVersionID (FK)
RatioVersionDateIN - Date
RatioVersionDateOUT - Date

RatioID (PK)
RatioVersionID (FK)
PartVersionID (FK)
Ratio - Integer

Version 2
RatioID (PK)
PaintVersionID (FK)
PartVersionID (FK)
RatioVersionDateIN - Date
RatioVersionDateOUT - Date
Ratio - Integer

I plan on having the DateOUT fields be populated automatically to match the DateIN for the new version. That way I can use “BETWEEN DateIN and DateOUT” to select the appropriate info for calculating emissions. The idea came from an old thread I started ( I think this is the way to go, but with all the relationships going on, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it all. Am hoping someone here can help me with this.

Anyone see any problems with the new table design?
Anyone know a better way?

Some potential issues that I see
If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Paint, then the old set of records in tblRatio must be duplicated.
If only the Density/VOC Content changes for a Part, then the old set of records in tblRatio & tblChemicalWt must be duplicated.

Thanks for reading this post all the way to the end!

EDIT: Thought about it some more.
A new version of a Part, should trigger a new version of Mix Ratios which in turn should trigger a new version of a paint.
Part --> Ratio --> Paint
Ratio --> Paint

Also, a change in a Part must trigger a New Paint version for ALL Paints that currently use it!

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Is Trimming Field Size Where Suitable Good Practice?

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a DB with several tables containing thousands of records, and most of those records only ever need say 8 characters, does anyone know if changing the field size from default 255 chars to 8 chars will actually benefits the the DB?

Potential benefits I'm thinking may occur are reduced filesize and maybe some speed?

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How Do I Structure My Tables?

Apr 21, 2005

I don’t understand how to structure tables and relationships.

I want to build a form that allows the user to search for a postal service from a group of carriers.

User must be able to input into a form:

Weight in g, Kg or lbs
Insurance level required
Whether signature is required (Yes/No from drop down list)
Collection/drop-off options (tick boxes)

Each service has a different insurance level, some need signature; some services collect, and all have different rates.

I just want to know how to structure the database.

The main part of my question is what would be my main table be and what fields would be contained in it, and what foreign keys would be introduced to pull in info.

Would you have a different table for each service?

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Linked Tables.... Db Structure Changes

May 8, 2006

If i make minor changes in the backend db structure (eg add a feild, change properties of a feild in a table,). These changes are not reflected in the frontend. how can thses changes be reflected in the frontend usig the simpest method.

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Suggestions On How To Structure My Tables

Feb 9, 2005

I am creating a database where the user can import data from a number of spreadsheets (one spreadsheet for each company). Currently I have one table for each company with the year being the primary key. Each year when a rolled over spreadsheet needs to be generated for a certain company I have Access import the data to a blank template in excel which will display the prior 4 years of data (for informational purposes) and leave a column blank for the end user to fill in the current year data. When returned the current year data is imported into the database.

My problem is that I cannot see a way to do this without having a seperate table for each company. If I have one table with all company data I cannot use the year as the primary key. Any suggestions on how I can reduce the amount of tables I need. Setting up the rest of the tables wont be a problem, but future users of the database will have to go through the process of creating tables for new companies and creating all the queries and macros associated with that table.

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Using Queries To Alter The Structure Of Tables

Aug 2, 2005

How can I add an additional field to a table based on the output of a query? For example, I have table A with 2 types of records and table B with only 1 type of record. Based on this, I can determine which records in table A are the same type as those in table B. I would however like to be able to flag within table A, those records in table A that are the same as those in table B.

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Changing Structure Of Multiple Tables

Oct 1, 2006

I want to add 3 new fields to the structure of around 80 tables (all with identical structures). Is there a way to automate this process?


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Tables :: Timesheet Structure - Check In System

Apr 12, 2013

I'm creating a timesheet/check in system (log in when the person starts work so it logs it and when they log out it logs that also for the manager or someone with high power to see.) for a fictitious scenario for an IT major project but I'm not sure where to start!

At the moment I have a few tables that are like this.

Table: Employees
Fields: EmployeeID, First Name, Last Name, DOB

Table: PayRates
Fields: RateID, EmployeeID, HourRate, TotalHours

Fields: EmployeeID, PayPeriod, WorkDate, StartTime, EndTime, TotalHours

I'm not entirely sure if this is all correctly structured, it just doesn't look/sound right to me.

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Copying The Structure Of Forms And Tables And Their Associations?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a psychology project where we soon use a questionnaire on a daily basis (maybe 80 variables per day per subject). Currently, there is no data in the database.

I've managed to create a table called day1 (with 80 day1 variables) and a form that looks like the questionnaire we want to use (and linked apropriately to the variables in the table for day1).

What is an easy way of duplicating the table and form for successive days? That is, i want the structure of the day1 table copied to another table (call it day2). It has exactly the same variables except they are slightly different to differentiate them from day1. I would like the form for day2 to have exactly the same layout as the form for day1, but link to the variables in table 2.

I know i could just couple the day1 table, change the variable names slightly, and then copy the form for day1 and change the links to point to table2, but there are many assessments (18 days).

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How To Create MDB-bank Without Access ?

Aug 25, 2006

Is it possible to create MDB-bank without Access ?

Thank you very much!



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Tables :: Database Design Structure For Controllers And Heating

Mar 4, 2014

I haven't been on Access for a while so im still in the process of getting the cogs turning....... i am trying to design a database structure for controllers and heating.

each controller can have many heating units
each heating unit can use many controllers

rather than code everything, how could i set this up?

Controller01 can be used with Boiler01, Boiler04, Boiler12, Boiler 20
Controller02 can be used with Boiler01, Boiler05, Boiler15
Controller03 can be used with Boiler02, Boiler03, Boiler04, Boiler20

I have a table with a ControllerID and a table with a BoilerID. In the boiler table, i have the ControllerID and a one to many relationship.

How would I set this up?

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Structure Of A Table To Make A Temp Table

Apr 20, 2015

I'm trying to copy the structure of a table to make a temp table. I'm using CopyObject (which also copies the data). So when I delete the data from the temp table, it also deletes data from the source table. Is the data linked? It should just be deleted from the temp table. Below is the beginning of the code. I've stepped through, and at the last step shown, the data in the source table deletes.

Dim strFile As String
Dim temp As String
Dim tbl As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

' error handle
On Error GoTo F_Error

[Code] .....

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Odd File Format For Import By Bank

Jun 19, 2007


Working with a bank that wants a file from us so they can import into their check reconciliation program. Got the export from the accounting program working for the info they need, but the bank guy says he needs a file structure like this:

(first row is header..don't worry about what the stuff means for now)
(rest of rows are details)

notice the line breaks between header and rows? Wouldn't this call for a line break and mess up an import program? Bank guy isn't a database person and is clueless


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Bank Holidays: Advice Needed

Mar 31, 2008


i'm trying to build something that knows when to notify someone that they can call a trade, given 1) a callable date 2) a notice period and 3) the relevant cities


?NotificationDate(#28-jun-2008#,10,"LONY ")

the good news is, i've done it, with this code:-

' Procedure : NoficationDate
' Date : 28/03/08
' Purpose : to calculate the date of notification for an EMTN, given the call date & notice period & cities
Public Function NotificationDate(dtCall As Date, intPeriod As Integer, strSixDigitCities As String) As Date

Dim intWorkingDaysBefore As Integer
Dim strCities(2) As String
Dim dtLoop As Date

strCities(0) = Left(strSixDigitCities, 2)
strCities(1) = Mid(strSixDigitCities, 3, 2)
strCities(2) = Mid(strSixDigitCities, 5, 2)

dtLoop = dtCall
intWorkingDaysBefore = 0

dtLoop = dtLoop - 1
If Left(Format(dtLoop, "ddd"), 1) <> "s" And IsBankHoliday(dtLoop, strCities(0)) = False _
And IsBankHoliday(dtLoop, strCities(1)) = False And IsBankHoliday(dtLoop, strCities(0)) = False Then
intWorkingDaysBefore = intWorkingDaysBefore + 1
End If

Loop Until intWorkingDaysBefore = intPeriod

NotificationDate = dtLoop

End Function

' Procedure : IsBankHoliday
' Date : 28/03/08
' Purpose : to see if it's a bank holiday
Public Function IsBankHoliday(dtInput As Date, strCity As String) As Boolean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM qry_Tass_All_Hols WHERE CITY = '" & strCity & "' AND HDATE=#" & Format(dtInput, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#", dbReadOnly)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
IsBankHoliday = True
IsBankHoliday = False
End If
Set rs = Nothing

End Function

BUT it runs like arthritic toad, it makes a minute per execution and i was hoping to scale it up to 4000 records => 2 days of run time :eek:

any ideas on how to attack this problem...even guesses appreciated, i can try things out and see if they work

thanks in advance

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Need Help With Table Structure

Oct 28, 2004

Here’s a little scenario:

An engineer requests that “x” amount of computers are ordered for the company. The estimated costs of the system(s) are determined. The estimated cost of the systems is forwarded to a manager, and the request must be approved by a manager before the order is placed. Once the manager approves the request, the order is placed through the ordering company. After the ordering company approves the order, an order number is assigned and serial number(s) specific to each computer is associated with that order number. At this point it is possible to track the order status via existing programs using the assigned order number and serial numbers. After it is determined through the existing software that the order has been shipped, invoiced, and received by the Receiving department, I need to physically go pick up the systems and submit them into my Central Inventory. From the central inventory, systems will be checked out to employees as needed, checked back in when testing is finished, or transferred internally between employees......

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