Tables :: Sum Of Time / Output It In Text Box For Valid Check Box
Nov 14, 2013
Basically what I'd like to do is to sum the time, and output it in the text box for the valid check box. For instance (in the picture attachment) if the 'Running' check box is ticked, Access will add 15 minutes to the 'Total Running Time' text box. If 'Running' is checked again on the next Record, Access will add an extra 15 minutes (totalling 30 minutes) to the 'Total Running Time'. On the 3rd Record if 'Down' is checked, Access will add 15 minutes to the 'Total Down Time' text box, the same for 'Change Over'.
I have been using Access 2013 to make a database which outputs values to PowerPoint.
I have two tables with data in which are both brought together in a query which is the recordset my VBA code relates to to output it to Powerpoint. Both tables contain data in 'long text' fields. The data from one outputs into PowerPoint textboxes without any issues regardless of the length of the data but the data from the other one is truncated to 255 characters. It definitely says it is a 'long text' field - is there any reason it would truncate the output?
"The value you entered isn't valid for the field 'ID'.
For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is greater than the FieldSize setting permits.
This error happens when i try to filter my results and select the topic I wanna search for. The field size is almost double what my longest field is. I am trying to do is from a table i used a lookup wizard to search that table for all the topics under that table.
I have a simple table with just 5 field. When trying to sort i get error message "the value you entered is not valed for the sort id". I get this for three of the fields.
Hey guys, been away from Access and SQL for some time. I have a simple 2 column table with one thats set to Date/Time that displays the date only. Unfortunaly, when I run my query, the date comes out 7/9/2005 and I want it to come out as 7/09/2005. I know I am going to have to force it out with a format command, but its been so long that I have no idea how to. Right now my query, in SQL format, looks like this.
I just need the format command to force the date. If anyone can help, thx.
I am having some difficulties with a Date/Time Field. I am importing a | delimted text file into a table and the Date Field is resulting in a Type Conversion Error.In the raw text file, the Date Field has the following Format (example): 01/03/2013 03:11 PM
My import Spec is as follows: File Format: Delimited Field Delimter: | Language: English
The only thing I can think of, is that the mix of Leading Zeros in the Time AND AM/PM is causing a problem. But, I do not see a way to address this with an import spec.The odd thing is that if I import the DateOpened Field as Text, THEN change the DataType to Date/Time AFTER import, then save the table, it recognized/converts the DateOpened Fields correctly.I'd LIKE to get the import spec correct (I have to update twice daily), But, barring that, if I could import as Text then build a Macro that would:
1) import text file(s) 2) change certain fields datatypes to Date/Time 3) Save Table(s)
That would suffice. I could then use VBS (and perhaps windows scheduler) to run the macro when needed.
Including check boxes (representing the query fields) in an interactive access form, in order to decide which fields should be visible.
I think the solution is building an invent in VBA for each check box, however I'm not an expert in Access VBA and don't know how to write the code.
In the example that I've uploaded, in the Form1, when I run the query, all fields are displayed, i.e. VENDOR, REGION, CUSTOMER and MATERIAL are displayed. How can I manage it in the form with a listbox to display only the REGION or MATERIAL for instance.
Hi all! I'm not sure if this is the correct area to post this in, but hopefully it is!
I have a Microsoft Access database, and I need to output the content of one of the tables in a specific format-the table contains a Name field, a Description field, a URL field and an Alt Text field, and I need it to end up in a text file in this format:
Where each line of the text field is a different product, and the content of each field is separated by the | symbol (whose name escapes me right now).
Could someone tell me how to put the out put of a query into a textbox in a form. I have asked this question on a couple of other sites but I still cant figuer this out.
I am a beginner so please make and easy explanation.
I have an Access db that schedules the sending of emails with attachments. I run a query on the table that returns all active users I then need to create a separate file for each active user - in the format as shown below. Each file is called "ddmmXX.epe" - where dd=day,mm=month,XX=sequential number starting 01. The file needs to be formatted ascii text file. The file extension must be .epe
:confused: I've created a form within our company database which will track hardware/software requests. I'd like to create a macro, or add code to output the data entered into a notepad file. Nothing extraordinary. I'd like for it to be like this:
Ticket: XXXXX Employee: xxxxx Reason for Request: xxxxx Quantity:xxxxx Part Number:xxxxx Price:xxxxx Shipping:xxxxx Total:xxxxx
Those are the headings of the fields and x's denote entered data. I'd like to keep the headers and have the entered data as well. Is it possible?
The user will select two dates. Start and End date. The user will hit the run button and the application will read an excel file with employee data and only display/output the records within that date range selected (employment date).
Option Compare Database Function DeleteTable() 'Delete old records from AllEmployeesData table On Error GoTo DeleteTable_Err
I am not getting the query displayed on the datasheet after it is done executing. It's just a blank sheet. Also the output file is just this:
Code: ssn last mi first employ
I did a quick query test using SQL in Access and it worked fine there. I am guessing my error is somwhere in this section:
Code: '--Display query result on Datasheet and Output query to text file With db Set qdf = .CreateQueryDef("NewHireQuery", strSQL) DoCmd.OpenQuery "NewHireQuery" .QueryDefs.Delete "NewHireQuery" End With db.Close qdf.Close Set qdf = Nothing
I have researched on here how to print the results of a query to a text file. I put the code in and I get an error on the openrecordset line. The error says "too few parameters, expected 4"
I tried the query in another report I export to excel and the query works.
I tried printing the whole table using "Select * from tbl_Customers" and it works????
Here is the code:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryBell1", dbOpenSnapshot) Dim fs, TextFile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set TextFile = fs.CreateTextFile(pathname, True)
[Code] ....
the query returns 6 fields for printing and can filter based on whether 3 fields are filled or not on the form - Date, Campaign, Status
It has been a while since I last used Access, recently I've used mySQL and PHP.
First a little description of what I'm trying to accomplish: I have three tables...
tblImport - has the fields: TestID(PK), i001, i002, i003, i004 ... i025 Note: i00# field contains the multiple choice answer (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5) as imported from a CSV file.
tblStudentAsr - has the fields TestID(PK), StudentID(PK), 001, 002, 003 ... 025. Note: 00# containes the multiple choice answer (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5) as enterd by the student.
tblResult - TestID(PK), StudentID(PK), a001,a002, a003 ... a025. Note: the fields a00# have the datatype set to "yes/no"
What I'm trying to do is compare the answers in tblImport to the answers in tblStudentAsr then output the result to tblResult .
Here is some dirty pseudocode: if i001 = 001 then INSERT 1 INTO tblResult else INSERT 0 INTO tblResult
The above example gets a little repetitive since I would have to do that for each question. Is it possible to put the answer fields of each table into a recordset then compare them? (I have heard that using rs's can be a little slow. Although there is only a max of 25 questions the number of students can be quite large)
Alternativly, can I accomplish this using only SQL statements?
What would be the best way to attack this?
Any suggestions (or alternate suggestions) would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everybody. I got a query that displays object name and object type of access 2000 db. Unfortuenly it dose not display the linked tables objects(linked to tables in acccess 2000 db). could an expert tell me how i can fix this query so it displays linked tables object as well.Thanks
SELECT MsysObjects.Name AS ObjectName, IIf([type]=1 Or [type]=6,"Table","Query") AS ObjectType FROM MsysObjects WHERE (((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys") AND ((MsysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=5 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=6) AND ((MsysObjects.Flags)=2097152 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=128 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=0 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=16)) ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name;
Hi everybody. I got a query that displays object name and object type of access 2000 db. Unfortuenly it dose not display the linked tables objects(linked to tables in acccess 2000 db). could an expert tell me how i can fix this query so it displays linked tables object as well.Thanks
Code:SELECT MsysObjects.Name AS ObjectName, IIf([type]=1 Or [type]=6,"Table","Query") AS ObjectTypeFROM MsysObjectsWHERE (((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys") AND ((MsysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=5 Or (MsysObjects.Type)=6) AND ((MsysObjects.Flags)=2097152 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=128 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=0 Or (MsysObjects.Flags)=16))ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name;
I have created a form with 9 cascading combo boxes. There are 59 total results or scenarios (which are based upon the completion of the form and these 9 combo boxes). Currently, upon completion of the form and the 9 combo boxes, a text box displays the singular result/scenario.
Here's my question: Rather than utilizing a text box to display the result/scenario, is it possible to output a PDF or Word document? If so, is there a general VBA code for this that I could manipulate?
in my form i want to check if the appointment does not overlap another appointment.the appointment is made up of items that all have an individual time allocated.i thought of doing something like this but i am useless with syntax etc.
PHP Code:
if DSum("[TreatmentTime]", tblOrdersItems, OrderID " = & " "[Forms].[frmNewAppointment].[OrderID]") + "[Forms]![frmNewAppointment]![OrderTime]" > 'any record' tblOrdersItems.StartTime where StartDate = frmNewAppointment.OrderDate and Employee = frmAppointmentTreatmentItems.Employee
then the only thing is that i dont know if it will work. it does in my head.
TreatmentTime = Time Field OrderID = Foreign Key Field OrderTime = TimeField StartDate = Date Field Employee = Foreign Key Field
the table is a one to many (parent/child). the OrderID is the parent. i have used a DSum to calculate the duration and the '+' is to add the start time to the duration which should leave the finish time. then the second part '>' to see if it is greater than any other start my theory this will work but i dont know if access will search all records that have the same date.
I have a form which im using to store records about companies that I have mailings with. The company name is my unique field as no two companies should have the same name. This form is accessed by several different people and data is input so I dont want duplicates of the company name being produced. Currently, the form wont save a record if it is duplicated but by then I would have filled out the entire form and wasted my time. Is there a way to do the following:
As I enter the company name it would look up exisitng company names. eg if i wanted to enter a new company called 'Dans Plumbing', I would type 'D' and below the text box would display a load of existing records starting with D. after that when I type 'Da' it would only display records starting with Da and so on. All being well, when I have finished typing the company name there should be nothing underneath so that I instantly know its not a duplicate and vice versa.
The possible duplicate doesn't have to be underneath it could auto complete IN the text box a bit like the address bar on a web browser.
Whenever I export reports to PDF, the output appears zoomed and clipped. No extra pages are generated as they would be if I'm going over margins, it's just the report is clipped.
The report looks perfect in preview mode, and it looks perfect when going to an actual printer. However, when using OutputTo to save it as a PDF, this is when the report content is clipped.
I open the report in preview mode first so events are fired that show/hide various objects based on fields in the recordset.
I've tried reinstalling, and I've tried this on two different machines, one running Windows 7 and one running Windows Server 2008...both with the same results.