Tables :: Time Stamp On Split Tables

Nov 28, 2012

I have access that is required to be accessed by multiple users and register their activities which is reflected with the tables in the background and form sends also the time that they are putting their activities.

So i split the tables and put them in a share folder in one of the PCs. however, the problem is about the timing and dates is not correct usually, and i found out some of the PCs their dates are not on sync. I asked and found out sometimes it is required to change the timing in their PCs.

Therefore, i was wondering instead of fetching the timing from their PCs why not to put the timing of share PC (i.e. timing/Date of the share PC which has the splitted tables)

so can i do like this:

User PC: (Form1) & user activity => Share PC: (Split table) & take time of the share

How can i do that?!

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Tables :: Time-stamp Creating New Unwanted Blank Record

Jul 28, 2014

I am trying to do has to be done in a table and without the use of forms (becasue its what works for us) in Access 2007. I have a table where my staff records a number of different data fields for accounts. I currently have a 3 table relationship established. One of these table is our "Notes" table. My staff enters continuous notes for different accounts as new information come in.

What I have done is set my "date" field's default value to "now()" which accomplishes the time-stamp I need, but at the same time as soon as they type anything in another field in that row Access creates another row which is unwanted. follow up how can I go about also having a field that auto fills w/ the user's name/ID?

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Tables :: Adding A User Stamp In A Table?

Dec 19, 2013

I am trying to add a user stamp in a table. I have seen online that perople put a macro (Before Change) in microsoft access 2010 but I dont understand how to use that.

I have seen you are suppose to do something with = Environ("username")

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Tables :: Auto Populate Field With Now Date Stamp

Jan 25, 2013

I need to autopopulate a field with now datestamp when another field has been filled in?

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Split Db: Data Being Stored In FE Tables, Not BE Tables

Oct 12, 2005

I have created an Access 2000 Db, and have gone through the motions of splitting the Db via the Splitting Tool. Since I have done this split, I have added forms, queries, and reports to the Front End. I have left the Back end table structures alone.

This is where my problem comes into play. To enter data into the Db, I use the forms. After splitting the Db, I assumed that the data would be stored in the tables in the BE. An issue had just presented itself and I went into the BE table structure to add a field to a couple of the tables, and when I opened the BE table in the datasheet view, I noticed that there were no records. I then became curious because when I run my reports and queries, the information is present. So I opened the FE tables and what do you know, all the data I have input since the split is housed in the FE tables.

I already attempted to Update the Table Links, but that did not solve the problem, and the data is still in the FE.

Can someone, anyone please help or offer some suggestions on how to resolve this dilemna.

Thank you in advance,


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Tables :: Consolidating Multiple Tables In One Single Table (Sorted Ascending By Time)

May 30, 2014

What I have is a database setup with multiple tables in which different areas of my DC can input information simultaneously into their respective tables. I then have another database linked to it for myself to have a live view of each updated record. I would like to see all the records of each table in 1 single table (possibly just sorted ascending by time). Each table has the same Field headings but may have different qtys of records. As I will then have it linked to an Excel table to VLOOKUP from it.

I have tried Union coding but always get Syntax Error etc.

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Tables :: Adding New Customers To Multiple Tables At Same Time

Mar 13, 2014

I am new with Access and I am setting up a data base that will have 16 tables and each table with have over 3,000 customers. The reason for 16 tables is that we will be inputting information on a monthly basis for each of these customers (12 of the tables) and I also have 4 tables that will be perfomring different "tasks" for each customer (one is just to keep the notes we make for each customer, one will be to show any billing done, one is going to be a summary of the entire year along with some additioanl information not entered elsewhere and the final one is our customer information table).

The customer account number is the primary key for all of my tables.I want to know how I can add a new customer (either using query or form) at one time that will populate all the tables. Right now I have everything set up as tables but I can set up queries if need be.

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Tables :: Pull Field From Main Table And Create A New Table With Date Stamp

Nov 4, 2014

I have a make-table query that pulls all the fields from 1 table (MainTable), and creates a new table with a date stamp based apon a form value entered (New Table = MainTableWithDate).

Currently, I setup the query to pull info from the form field like this:

DateField: [Forms]![frmmain]![DateField]

However, when the make-table query is done - all date fields are blank (all other fields are correctly created), and when I look at the new created table (mainTableWIthDate), the typeassigned to the date field is "Binary" (in the form, I've specified LongDate).

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Time & Date Stamp

Oct 9, 2006

I have a CSV file that is going to be imported into a DB.
the CSV file has a field that has a date & time stamp and I need to be able to store this file as 2 seperate fields....
the field would look something like this:

5/10/2006 17:00

I would like to store the datestamp and possibly the timestamp but the timestamp is not very NB!

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Date & Time Stamp

Aug 2, 2005

I update, import and export tables, problem is I need a way to track what I have done or allow someone to pick up where I left off. Is there a way for MS Access to return the Create or Modified Date and time stamp of any table? :eek:

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Time Stamp Record Changes

Jan 18, 2006

I have done this in the past but it has been sooo long since I consistently used Access that I am in a fog:confused:

How can I create a timestamp or series thereof, so that each time data is added to a Memo field there is a date time record created? My goal is to allow people to enter notes but have the timestamp automatically either append itself to the note OR timestamp a seperate field? Open to ideas...

Thanks much!

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Time Stamp(Posible?)

Sep 6, 2006

I been through about 15 different time stamp threads and none of them seem to get to the point. I have a texbox on my form where a user can enter a comment. I would like a timestamp just to be on the form next to the box so anyone looking at it can tell when the comment box was updated. Is this possible in Access? Someone Please point me in the right direction...

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Batchfile Help Date Time Stamp

May 1, 2006

I'm using a batchfile for backup of the Backend.

i'm using the following command to copy the backend folder to the desired location:
xcopy "E:MyDB" "f:BackupsMyDB" /f /r /E /H /K /Y /I /C /D

I want that each time the back end to be copied witth a different name e.g Timt-DATE-MyDB

how can i do this using a batch file.

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Form With Date And Time Stamp

Jun 21, 2006

Hi everybody,
I am a poor Access newbie and I am trying to create a mask with a button which fills the current date and time in a field to be used as a timestamp.
Thank you for your help


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General :: Date / Time Stamp

Nov 27, 2012

I have a database that is for a manufacturing process and there is a field for date/time to be recorded when a product at each step in the process is started and completed. I would like to automate the date/time stamp (maybe when the field is double-clicked on a query or form). BTW, I have seen the auto update option when a record is updated, but a record will be updated multiple times at every step in the process.

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Date & Time Stamp On Imported Data

Nov 22, 2006

I am trying to find a way to have a date and time stamp applied to records that I am importing from excel. I have not had much luck, and woudl appreciate any help.

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General :: Date / Time Stamp On A Form?

Jun 19, 2012

Can you have a date/time stamp on a form to see when it was entered?

Since it is near impossible for me to be "real time" with the data and when reports are run from the database right now, I would like be be able to say to a manager I received the information on this day but did not input it until this day.

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Column History - Date And Time Stamp

Nov 15, 2013

I'm quite new to Access.I've got an long text field with logging, and an field within an form with column history. Is there a way to turn of the date and time stamp and the column history field?

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When To Split Into Multiple Tables?

Aug 31, 2007

How do I know when I should split a db into multiple tables? Right now- everything is in one table. Is there a rule of thumb or method to determine when I should split it up?

For example- MY DB is running queries on properties for sale. Would I split all the Active, Sold, Expired, Off Market listings into separate tables, since I will be frequently queriing based off of the status of the property? ie- I'll be running avg prices of homes that are in each of these status. If that's the case, how do I know what relationship to give it/how to set it up (use the MLS # as the primary key in each, or do I need a foreign key or something else?)

Is there a general rule of thumb, or guide to use when designing a db?


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Export Adding Time Stamp To Date Field

Mar 6, 2006

I'm exporting a query from Access to an ASCII text file. It is automatically adding a time stamp (0:00:00) to the end of ALL of my date fields. I would like it if it didn't do this...:D

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Forms :: Last Login Time Stamp For Each User Logged In

Mar 19, 2014

Was trying to set the value of text to current date and time when a submit button is clicked. I've managed to set

Control Name:- txtLastLogin
Property:- Value
Value:- now()

The above expression works but the last logged data in tblEmployee gets replaced as another user logs in.

How can i add a time stamp to each user loged in.

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General :: Save Database With Date And Time Stamp?

Aug 10, 2015

Code for saving access database with date and time stamp when close database as database on 11:11am on 11082015

how can i set it

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Date / Time Stamp On Barcode Input Form

Apr 29, 2014

I have a barcode input form. When a barcode is scanned, the value of the barcode, along with a date/time stamp using the now() function (hh:mm:ss) is entered into a table in the database as 2 separate columns. I need to make sure that I don't have any 2 barcodes with exactly the same date/time. They must be at least 1 second apart. How can I easily make this happen? I can't control how many times the barcode actually gets scanned.

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Adding Tables To A Split Database

Oct 11, 2005

Im trying to add 2 new tables to a split and linked database... but no matter which side i add the table to (BE or FE), it wont show up in the linked table manager.. so my question is 1.) is there some trick to getting it to show up in the link manager? or 2.) is there some way to re-merge the database, add the new tables.. and then split it again?

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Updating Split Data Tables

Oct 12, 2004

This has to be a common problem.

I have an environment where I have two databases. One holding tables (The Data) and one holding everything else "The Programs" (Forms, Queries etc)

When the application gets enhanced I currently have no problem updating "The Programs" since I can just copy the new MDB on top of the old MDB.

This is not the case with "The Data", if I need to change any of the tables (since they contain live data, that is modified all the time) I have to physically connect to the machine holding the Data.MDB and modify the tables. The problem is there are getting to be many locations where these changes need to be made.

Is there any way to update the tables from a script (I used to use SQL to update remote tables in a mainframe world)


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Tables :: Split The Master Table Into Four?

Apr 8, 2015

I'm working on recreating my church's records in access and was originally wanting to take people from the Visitors table and automatically move the to the Members Table (and same with Deceased & Moved), but after some searching found that's not really do able. So now my question is, can I have a master table that has everybody (visitors/members/deceased/moved) and then split that into different tables while keeping the main table (that way I can go into the main table and reassign the person)?

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