Tables :: Tracking Data Associated With Samples

May 10, 2013

I'm looking for some input on table design.

I work in a lab and am looking to track data associated with samples on PCR plates usually in 2 formats

96 well (8x12) rows A-H and Columns 1-12
384 well (16-24) row A-P and Columns 1-24

each well will have at least 3 pieces of information associated with it:Sample
Qulaity Score

but more may be added as I progress with the design.

field such as run name run date and operator for each plate would also be needed

What would be the best way to structure the table?

Obviously listing well A1, sample in A1, QA for A1 etc etc as fields wouldn't work as theres a 255 field limit and 3*96 = 288 and thats before we even get to 384

I could have a table for each run but that feels like bad design to me, as if you wanted to look at quality trends across time you would need to query multiple tables and query the date associated with each to even knwo which table to look in

A table for each well along with its QA score, assay and a look up field linking it to a list of plates, which would contain the run date etc. (this table listing runs is already present in my database)

Some background on current structure


Booking - contains a list of worksheet numbers along with info such as submitter, and conditions for the test such as assay

Experiment - expirment number conditions and associated DNAs

DNA - a list of dna samples

Plate - name of plate and info such as run date and associated worksheets

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Tables :: Tracking Several Years Of Data?

Oct 26, 2012

I am looking to track the salary information for my small firm over a number of years. Does it make sense to create a table with multiple fields that would be structured like this (2011401(k), 2011Medical, 2011 LifeInsurance, 2012401(k), 2012Medical, 2012LifeInsurance, etc) or is there a better way to tackle this?

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Need Better Tracking With My Tables

Oct 19, 2005

I have a DB thats working fine, but (there always is a but) I now need to do something a little bit different. I need to be able to track my originators and who they have brought into the company. So I will have an originator and many down-line originators, and these people that come in down-line will have people coming in down-line from them and so forth and so on. I have a table that has all originator info and originatorID, but will I need another table or can I just add to the exisisting one. Here is the table structure:

OriginatorID -autoNumber
FirstName - Text
LastName- Text
OrigSSN- Text
Address- Text
City- Text
State- Text
PostalCode- Text
HomePhone- Text
WorkPhone- Text
CellPhone- Text
FaxPhone- Text
EmailName- Text
BirthDate- Date/time
Level- Text

If more info is needed please let me Know.. Thanks in advance.


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Tracking Down Linked Tables

Feb 1, 2006

I am trying to deconstruct a database that has several linked tables. Is there a way to find the source database for the linked table from within the original database?

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Tables :: Task Tracking For Making Item

Aug 24, 2013

Im trying to create a database to track who worked on what item and on what date, with four tasks required to complete the item.To give an example:I have a factory that builds Lego models, for each model there are four steps:

1)Unbox Parts
2)Sort Parts
4)Check build

Any employee can work on any task, and multiple tasks can be done by the same employee.Having a completed item table with a field for each task, and a date for each task, with one to many relationships from employee id to each task type. This failed as I needed many to many, so I made a junction table to link them, and this is where I get a little muddled.

Do I need a table of task types, then a table tracking each task to feed into the item table, or is there a simple solution I'm overlooking?

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Tables :: Tracking Number Of Orders A User Makes

May 7, 2014

I want to track how many orders a user makes. So every time they place an order it increments 1 after each order.

I currently have the following tables,

Should i create an UserOrderHistory table?

Eventually i want this information to form part of an order number. eg

196(order primary key) AR (UsersInitials) /23 (number of orders User has placed)

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Tables :: Claim Tracking Database - Structure For Dates Of Events Related To Claims

Feb 28, 2013

I am developing a claim tracking database that tracks dates of events that occur in the course of processing a claim; such as, Loss Date, Report Date, Estimate Date, Payment Date, etc.

I currently have the following tables set up:




With this table structure there is a many-to-many relationship between Claims and Events, but, there will only be one of each event per claim. Is there a better way to set up the tables to enforce a 1-to-1 relationship?

I was planning on creating a form for the Claim table with a subform for the Events joined on ClaimID and fkClaimID, but that would allow users to create more than one set of Events per claim, if that makes sense.

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Tracking 250 Pieces Of Data Per Client. Table Structure Help Needed.

Mar 12, 2006

hi everybody,
great resource you have here! my employer is tracking around 250 pieces of data for each client at our facility. i am making a new access system based on their existing mysql database and web front end. before i start messing around with forms and reports, i want to see how well this existing structure will work in access, and what kind of approach i should take. i am a newbie with access, but lots of experience with asp/mssql/php/mysql. making web forms is so time consuming that i figured i would be best off moving the whole thing to access and starting from scratch.

client information is stored in eight tables. each table has around 30 fields in it. the first table has a primary key autonumber, and the other seven tables have foreign keys with unique constraints that point back to the first table. that is, for each client record in the first table, there can only be exactly one corresponding record in the other tables.

i did some data massaging, and got the eight client tables into one big table, but the resultant table has almost 250 fields in it, and access doesn't seem to like working with tables that big. so i am thinking that it is best to leave the eight tables separate, but linked in one to one relationships.

i was kind of ideally visualizing a form with eight tabs so that i could edit/update all of the information from the eight tables rather seamlessly.

my question is: what approach to table structure will best suit my needs, and what approach should i take to add/update/delete the info with forms? will i need to do vb for this? any good one-to-one example databases anybody could point me at?

thanks a million,
harry doyle

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Project Tracking Reports - Working With Monthly Data Updates

May 27, 2012

I receive monthly project tracking reports and I'm looking to compare a few things between these monthly updates. I should add I'm new to Access and have been using Excel and dual monitors to manually compare data sets!!! My life might be getting a LOT easier.

Here's what I'm tracking:

I get monthly excel reports that have unique values from a "Project ID"each "Project ID" stays the same every month, but the project status changes from "Installed", "Commitment", "Pre-Commitment", etcSometimes new projects are addedSometimes old projects disappear from the reportA few other columns have numerical data that changes every month as well "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc.

Here's what I'm trying to automate:

Find out what Project IDs are newFind out if old Project IDs are missing from the new reportSomehow "flag" or identify projects that have status changesSomehow "flag" or identify which numerical values increased or decreased i.e. "Project Cost", "$ Incentive", etc

Do I create two tables? Do I append the new monthly report to the old one when I import my data, then somehow work with the new information?

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Tables :: Attendance Tracking System - Adding Hours For Each Student Enrolled In Class Session

Jul 12, 2013

I'm creating an attendance tracking system, the attendance system needs to : Allow an instructor to enroll students into one or more classes, and then add attendance by date to each class(es). The problem that I'm having is, attendance is tracked by the number of hours that a student attends class. For instance, if class1 is in session from 8a.m. - 12p.m. student1 may only stay 2.50 hours of that class and student2 may stay 3 hours. The teacher needs to be able to add attendance to class1 for July 12, 2013 and add hours for each student enrolled in this class session who attended on that day. I have the following so far, minus the attendance:

Students -This is just the basic demographic information that instructors will need to enter on students.
StudentID (PK)

Location - These are the locations in which our students can attend classes
LocationID (PK)

Classes - These are the classes that our students can attend.

Instructor - These are the instructors that teach our classes.
InstructorID (PK)

Enrollment - This table enrolls the student into a class
LocationID (PK)

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Tables :: Linking Field Data Between Tables And Within Tables

Sep 26, 2012

Currently trying to build a database for customer management and order placement/tracking. Want to set a couple of rules so that if I for instance click yes of billing and shipping address the same that the database will automatically fill the shipping address with the data I inputted for the billing address in the same table.

The other issue I can see I'll run into is, I want to be able to select one of the company ID's (made up of a three letter abbreviation of the full company name) in the product ordering table and it will automatically fill in the rest of the customer data (phone, email, address etc) data into that form.

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Tables :: Two Identical Database - Importing Tables By Linking To Data Source

Dec 3, 2012

I have 2 identical database in terms of structure but it differs in data.

Basically I would like to import data from subDatabase to mainDatabase and ensuring that there are no duplicate records.

I have used the "link to datasource method" through importing the tables to have the "updating" function.

However, this method also means that the records in mainDatabase are also imported over to subDatabase which I do not want.

Is there a method to ensure that the records are shared/update one way only? (i.e. import from subDatabase to mainDatabase and not main to sub?)

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Tables :: 2 Similar Tables / One Takes Too Long To Append Data

Jul 19, 2014

I have being playing with ms access but I really don't know much about it or databases in general.I have created a very simple database to gather twitter following/followers data for research purposes.One table (table01) has a field for the "boss" user (=the user who I gather data for), another field for "client" (=bosses followers or friends).Both fields are numeric and contain the users id's.In order to distinguish if the link is follower or friend there is a third field, called type which can be either 1 (=follower) or 2 (=friend).So the data would look like this:

boss - client - type
12345, 67890, 1
12345, 54321, 2

If user with user id 12345 had a follower (type 1) with user id 67890 and a friend with user id 54321...In order to avoid getting duplicate rows I also added a unique identifier which is of the form boss_id-user_id-type.So the above row looks like this:

12345-67890-1, 12345, 67890, 1
12345-54321-2, 12345, 54321, 2

That works just fine.For several reasons I also needed data of the form source - target.So I also made another table (table02) of this form.

67890, 12345
12345, 54321

In table 2 you don't need the "type" field since the position of the user id shows the type of relationship.Still, you need a unique identifier in order to avoid duplicates, so I added on with the form: source_id-client_id..So table02 lookes like this

67890-12345, 67890, 12345
12345-54321, 12345, 54321

Both tables also have a date/time stamp for each line.As you can see, table01, having also a type field is bigger than table02.The problem is when I try to append data, exactly the same data in both tables.Appending data to table01 is ok, while appending data to table02 (which is smaller, having one less field) takes a really long time, maybe 10 times as long as appending data to table01.To make sure that no query's are causing the problem I have tried first creating temporary tables with the data to be appended, no duplicates, nothing that would cause the database to make extra calculations and used a simple update query with no filters to append data.Still I get the same result, table02 takes a very long time to finish while table01 finishes in no time.

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Tables :: Data In Linked Back End Tables Not Saved From Front End

Jun 19, 2015

I have split database (B/E is in the SharePoint library, F/E has users on a local PCs). Sometimes, when I update/add data (does not matter if it is via form or directly in the table) it looks OK, but when I re-open the database, the data are gone.

Problem is that I cannot catch the moment when data were not saved (sometimes data are saved, sometimes not). I can point out this: if I re-enter the missing data, primary key continues subsequently, it looks like the data have never been entered. I tried to use script

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

on "On Close" form event, does not work.

B/E is linked by VBA code and it looks OK (no error, Link Manager shows correct path). I suspect interrupted connetion to the SharePoint but I don't know how to check it. I implemented VBA script co keep open connection to the SP but the issue persists.

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Tables :: Linking Tables With No Common Data And Different Numbers Of Observations?

Apr 15, 2014

I am doing a project where we are collecting home owner data and information on all the dogs in the household. The data for homeowner has an autonumber primary key because no field is unique or has been consistently collected. I am struggling to link the data for the dogs to the owners because an autonumber primary key will not work since not all homes have dogs. I need to have this set up so that people who are not tech savvy can look up each homeowner (or dog) and get the dog (or home owner) information. And to make things even more fun we need up to 15 potential dogs per household each of whom will have 18 different pieces of data collected.

It looks a little like this (and you can see my not matching ID issue):

Homeowner table
ID First Name Last Name...........Total Dogs
1 Max Maximus 5
2 Min Minimus 0
3 Mus Musculus 1

Dogs 1-5 table
ID Date Dog 1 Name Dog 2 Name .......Dog 5 Name
1 (Max's) 4/11/14 Bobby Billy Betty
2 (Mus's) 4/11/14 Jojo

Min will have no dog records at all, just home to link the dog's to the homeowners .

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Tables :: Keep Primary Key Consistent As Data Saved In Other Tables Will Use Field

May 1, 2014

i have 4 supplier tables with identical field names but different databases in sql.I want to have them all in one table and only want the information for reference i do not want to edit any of the data.I need to create a new primary key number for the complete table. The data will need to be refreshed as the data comes from MMS Sage looking at company PLsuppliers.

I have tried a linked SQL union view- but this has no primary key.I need to keep the Primary key consistent as the data saved in other tables will use this field.The overall goal is creating a Purchase order system and this list will be my complete supplier list.

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Training Tracking

Sep 1, 2006

Does anyone have a sample training tracking system / database they'd be willing to share?

Or, barring that, can someone point me in the direction of where I might find one?

Thanks in advance! Looking forward to it!

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Tracking Training

Sep 12, 2006

Does anyone have a sample training tracking system / database they'd be willing to share?

Or, barring that, can someone point me in the direction of where I might find one?

Bee replied once, suggesting I look in the Samples Databases section of this forum, but I could not find anything even remotely related there.

All replies are gretly appreciated!!

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Tracking Training

Jan 4, 2007

I have a DB I'm using to track training for assigned people. Right now the training gets put in the DB at the end of the day by going through each persons record and adding the training that they did for the day. As you can see when training 30+ people a day, putting this in the system can take awhile. I'm trying to find a way to do a mass input to cut down time and could use some help with this.

My tbls are as such,

1st Table:EMPLOYEEtbl
(Other information)

2nd Table:CLASStbl

3rd Table:CompleteClasstbl

What I like to do at the end of the is select the ClassID/DateTaken items once and then type in a just the 30+ list of employeeID's click a button and append it to the my 3rd table. Of course writing it out like this makes me think it should be easy but for some reason I'm lost. Does anybody have any suggestions?

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Equipment Tracking Db

Dec 31, 2007

I need help finding an existing or making a db. This db does not have much to it, so I am getting frustrated finding/making one.

My company has equipment that is stored in one of three places, customers, trucks of employees, and other(like warehouse, or out for repair). The db should be able to give me a report of where everything is on a given day, and a report of what was in a given customers property during the job(this is not for a single day, but for the duration of the job).

If someone knows of an existing db like this, I would appreciate a link. If you want to help, it is appreciated. At this point I would not mind paying someone to do this for me, as long as it wont cost too much.

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Tracking Synchronization

Jan 25, 2008

Is there any way in access 2003 or 07 to track when a database was last synchronized with any one of it's replicas?

It would be useful to know and be able to store this in a table.

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Bug Tracking Solution

Feb 12, 2008

Hi,I'm looking for a bug/issue tracking solution done entirely in MS Access. Does such a thing exist?My requirements are that it must need only Access, and be accessible in a shared environment solely by opening a .mdb file from a shared folder. It must support various issue lifecycle related things, and the stuff those tracking systems do in general.It may or may not be commercial software.If anyone knows of such an available solution, please let me know.(And yes, I've searched on Google, and haven't found anything worthwile, so that's why I'm asking here now.)thx

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Tracking Changes To Database

Mar 26, 2008

Is there a way to track changes made by different users to access tables? For instance if several users update or change data in various records is there a way to track when and what was changed (before and after data)?

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Tracking Updates

Sep 22, 2006

I have read all of the audit trail stuff and searched on my subject but I think my solution could be simpler,

All I want to do is copy the values of the current record on my form into a history table with all the same fields.

Example Form:
[ID], [Machine], [Task], [Task Due], [Task Complete]
I want to put a button on the form that reads complete task and when the user pushes the button it copies all of the details for that specific record they are looking at into my History Table that contains all of the same fields.

This will give me basic history on when each task was completed for a machine and I can access for reporting

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Tracking Database Help

Oct 10, 2007

I consider myself an intermediate ACCESS user and can get around it with little trouble with the help of the internet and the help file.

I am trying to design a database that is fairly simple in design, it is for tracking the status of documents at our work center. Basically we have personnel reports that are passed around the different people and different dates.

I have a main form that has the info on the person along with dates that it is due.

Then a sub form that has the date sent and where it went to.

My problem lies in that I want to keep track of the whole history of the document but when i print out a report or export the data to excel to put up in powerpoint I need to have just the most recent date sent only item.

I have 2 tables one with user info and another with the routing info with its own primary key along with a identifier key to link the primary and sub form.

Of course it is easy to create a report with the data to show all the different routing steps but not just the one with the most recent date.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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