Tables :: Action Or Event Has Been Blocked By Disabled Mode

Mar 18, 2013

When trying to append to a table, I get, "the action or event has been blocked by Disabled Mode!

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Forms :: SETVALUE Argument Cannot Run In Disabled Mode

Oct 10, 2014

I don't know, I have noticed that the SETVALUE argument is not openly available in the lookup tables when setting a macro. (But that aside) I have set my drives c: and d: as trusted, and also thicked the sub folder option.

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General :: Can't Run Make Table Because Mode Is Disabled

May 17, 2013

How do you establish the Mode. I can't run a Make Table because the Mode is Disabled and blocking the action

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Disabled A Click Event

Dec 15, 2005


How can you disabled a click event on a text box ? I don't want to use ENABLE = false because the background of the texte box comes gray. So, any alternative solution?



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Modules & VBA :: MouseMove Event On Disabled Controls

Nov 29, 2013

I'm using a mousemove event to display help text for controls in my form.This works well, but I'd like to display help text when the control is disabled as well (to explain to the user why it's disabled).is there any way to fire a mousemove event when hovering over a disabled control?

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Forms :: Make Confirm Dialog Appear Before On Click Event Action

Jul 3, 2014

I'd like a confirm dialog to appear on button click, so when the user clicks 'yes', the on click event should continue and when the user click 'no', the event should stop.

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General :: Error With Event Procedure / Action Or Method Requires A Control Name Argument

Sep 25, 2012

I have a form that has several sub forms and what I want is that if the user chooses Plan Name in the main form "No Fault" or 'Workers Comp". I want message to pop and go to the field in the subform to enter data but I keep on getting an error.

Private Sub Plan_Name_AfterUpdate()
If ([Plan Name] = "No Fault") Then
MsgBox "Enter additional information in No Fault form before continuing."
DoCmd.GoToControl ([NoFaultWCompsubForm]![Attorney Name])
End If
End Sub

It says the action or method requires a control name argument?

What am I missing?

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Reports :: Hyperlink Event - Opening Report To Print Preview Mode

Aug 7, 2014

I have a report which is accessed via a hyperlink in a form. I have the default view for the report set to Print Preview yet everytime I click the link the report opens in report view which I don't want.

The event for the hyperlink is as follows:

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If

[Code] .....

I have tried changing "acViewPreview" to "acViewReport" and "acViewNormal" and each time it is either going straight to print or opening in report view. I just want the report to open in print preview mode so I can decide if to print a hard copy or send to pdf.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Database Getting Blocked For Use

Apr 18, 2014

I have a database split into a front-end and a back-end. The back-end is stored on a shared drive. I have learnt that any user who has only read access to the shared drive and opens the front-end will be opening the database in Exclusive Mode as he'll be unable to create the locking file and would hence be inhibiting all other users from editing the database.

This is a game spoiler. Is it possible to disable this user from opening the database at all. Or can we do a check in VBA if the user has opened it in exclusive mode and then just push him out giving an error message.;

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Forms :: Subform Shows In Design Mode But Not In Form Mode?

Sep 22, 2014

I have several subform tabs and one that I have updated no longer shows up when I run the form on Form mode. The tab is there but no content or details of the subform

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve Outlook Contents Through It (Wizard Blocked)

Sep 8, 2014

Basically i'm trying to link Access to Outlook to retrieve emails , When using the wizard to link outlook folder to Access it fails, i've been informed that this is due to the version of Access they have installed which is a ThinApplication.

i was wondering would it be possible to access / link my outlook emails to access via VBA Coding?

All i need is the raw contents of the email and subject.

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Excel Sheets As Linked Tables Open In Exclusive Mode

Apr 10, 2008

I have a simple Access database with a number of linked tables to Excel spreadsheets located in the same directory.When I open the Access database from two networked machines, I get an error on the second machine when I try to open a form that uses the linked tables. It says that the linked table has been opend in Exclusive mode.Any idea how I can prevent Access from opening the linked tables in exclusive mode?thanks

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Tables :: Event ID - Show Tax Rate

Jul 9, 2015

I have a tblShowCosts and in that has the Event ID and the Show tax rate. In my tblShowSales I want access to take the subtotal and times it by that shows tax. Not sure how to tell access if the Show name = such-and-such then times it by the Tax Rate.

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Tables :: Event Table With A Multi Value Field

Oct 20, 2013

So I have an event table with a muti value field with all the people on that event. This people field is look up column from my people table (so shows the name but stores the key).Anyhow what I now need to to do is record logs from the event for each person (from that muti value people field). I want ideally be prompted to enter the log data for each person, and show it related to the event it is for.

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Tables :: Updating Table Data In Event Handler

Mar 11, 2013

I am working with MS Access. The database has 2 tables.

-Parent and Student and ParentID is the Primary key as a parent may have multiple Students
-There is a form that lets me add students for a particular parent

One of the fields in the Parent Table is FeeDue. I added a field in the Parent Table called NumOfStudents..What I want to do is as follows: When a student is added on the Student Form, I want fee to be calculated automatically for display AND update the FeeDue field in Parent table. Event handler executed when a student is added (checkbox clicked)

Read NumOfStudents from Parent Table

if(student_added = true)
else /* This is to cover student withdrawl*/

if(NUmOfStudents = 1)
Fee= 400
Fee = 500

student_added check box is on the student form NumOfStudents and FeeDue are fields in Parent

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Forms :: DLookup With Linked Tables - OnLoad Event

May 26, 2015

The image below describes the scope of the issue.

The function is called upon in the onLoad event of frmMain.

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Toolbars Disabled?

Feb 26, 2007


I have this filename.mdb file which was given to me for revision, so I opened it with MS access but once I opened it, the toolbars are disabled so I can't switch to form view, design view etc. How can I resolve this? I remember when I once did VBA Access that you can do this 'disable' thing. Only that I forgot it how now. So if anyone could please help me in this? I need to 'have those toolbars back' so I can start editing the file. Please do help me.

Thanks in advance

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Disabled Keys

Dec 17, 2006


I have created a log in form in my database and users will enter their name using a combo. Is there a way I can force them to use the mouse and select their name and not type in the data? Basically something that will disables all keys from the keyboard? Thanks.

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Hyperlink's # Charactor Disabled

Feb 9, 2008

The # character in a hyperlink is used to separate hyperlink parts. Here is a case when I do NOT want this character to do the separation: a network file where the # character is part of the filename: k:datasomeFile#ref02.doc.

How can I put this URL into a hyperlink field in a table and NOT have Access treat it like this:
Address: k:datasomeFile
Subaddress: ref02.doc
which then of course results in the usual "Unable to open..." error.

(I tried replacing the # with %023 but when Access seems to convert it automatically to #).

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Disabled And Locked Textboxes

Jun 10, 2005

I'm creating an Access form and there are three sections to the form of which the user should only fill out one. So, they are controlled by a radio group and the desired action is as follows:

There is a default choice (by far, the most common) and it will be selected when the form is opened. When the user selects one of the radio options, the section controlled by that radio option will become enabled and the other two sections will become disabled/locked.

So I found that each box (textbox, combobox, etc) has the property enabled and locked. So I just set this accordingly depending on what is selected. The actual result is that the boxes will be grayed out and become disabled, but will never become enabled again.

Here's some abbreviated code:

Private Sub accountRequestType_AfterUpdate()
If Me.accountRequestType.Value = 1 Then
ElseIf Me.accountRequestType.Value = 2 Then
ElseIf Me.accountRequestType.Value = 3 Then
End If
End Sub

So an example of a disable function (which seems to work) is as follows:

Sub disableSection1()
Me.text123.Enabled = No
Me.text123.Locked = Yes
End Sub

And for an enable function (which doesn't seem to work):

Sub enableSection1()
Me.text123.Enabled = Yes
Me.text123.Locked = No
End Sub

So I'm a bit lost here, any ideas would be great. Are there different steps I need to take in order to enable them again? Am I being clear?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Button Disabled By Clicking Itself?????

Oct 13, 2006

Can I make a button, say "command01" deactive by clicking it.

OnClick of command01 => command01.enabled=false

is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Mdb Menu Becomes Disabled

Jan 22, 2015

I have an mdb file that is being used in Access 2013. The menu appears in the Add Ins as it is supposed to and it works for the most part. For some reason, it remains visible but is not clickable/operable after I do the following code. This all works flawlessly in earlier version of Access so it must something peculiar to 2013 (no surprise there....). hat would cause the ribbon to stop working, what to do when it does, and best of all, how to prevent it from occurring in the first place?

This code is for an option box that either prints a report or creates a pdf and then sends the report as and attachment to a CDO generated email. Other than it (seemingly) turns off the menu..THe site won't allow me to post links so the code is an attached txt file

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Argh! Disabled All Menus In Startup

Apr 19, 2007

I disabled all the menues in the do I reverse this?

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Open Database With Macros Disabled.

Jul 2, 2007


I have a 'legacy' Access DB which I need to get into.

Unfortunately there is a problem, whenever I try to open it (using MS Access 2003) there is an error (Disc/Network error 3043) and the database closes immediately.

How can you open an MS Access db with all macros/vba etc disabled, so that the code causing the error does not execute and I can find out what is going on ?

I have not been able to find any such options in the MS Access 2003 open dialog or menus.



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Disabled Command Buttons In More Than One Form

Jun 30, 2005

Hi all,

I have a frmUserLoginScreen that opens frmMainSelectionScreen, which has 4 command buttons on it. Dependant on user level, some of the command buttons are disabled.

I have four user groups, manager, admin, IT and guest. When the guest logs on, the frmMainSelectionScreen only has one command button enabled. Once clicked, this opens frmClientDetails which has a command button that enables the user to add a record.

Basically, I want the add record command button to be disabled on the frmClientDetails if the user is a guest.

I've tried all sorts of code to reference the other forms but I'm not having any luck. Has any kind fellow got any ideas?


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