Tables :: Convert Hyperlink To Text - Display Path?

Mar 9, 2013

I'm using access 2007. I have a table with 2 fields:

phtolink - hyperlink
phtopath - text

I am loading the table with existing data from a spreadsheet. The hyperlink field imported correctly into phtolink.

Now I need to convert the hyperlink field to a text field that displays the path to the photo referenced by the hyperlink.

I updated the text field with the hyperlink field but it didn't display the hidden part of the hyperlink.

How do I convert a hyperlink to display the path in a text field?

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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Reports :: Convert Hyperlink (URL) To Text

Apr 25, 2013

I have a report where I need to display a box with the following:

="text text text " & url &" text text text"

I need the URL to be bolded, but not underlined or blue. The URL is a variable, so I'm building the text using a string. It looks like the only way to set part of the field to bold is to make it rich text and add html bolding instructions, but that converts the url to a hyperlink. I don't want it to be a hyperlink, just text.

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Queries :: Update Hyperlink Display Text

Nov 7, 2014

So I have a table with 2 fields.The first field has the addresses to multiple hyperlink paths to folders on my computer.In this field the display text matches the hyperlink paths.In the second field I have the desired display text for field 1.I have tried using an update query to either:

1) Change the display texts of field 1 to match field 2 while preserving the hyperlink path
2) Add the hyperlink path from field 1 to field 2 without altering the display name.

I cannot get either one to work. Upon updating field 1, I lose the path, and upon updating field 2, I lose the name.

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Memo Field Display & Convert Text When Exporting?

May 29, 2005

I use a memo field in a form. This memo field is used to store "steps" for doing something.

To keep things neat, I use ENTER between the steps so there is a blank line between each. This looks good in the form, however... I export this information (from the table) to a CSV/text file to use online. My online script requires that each record occupy only one line. But, the exported file has separated the "steps" into multiple lines just as it appears on the form.

I would like to use the HTML tag <BR> to separate the line feeds in the CSV file. I can enter these in the FORM instead of pressing ENTER, but then the form looks bad - harder to read.

Is this possible to do with code or filters or ??

Thanks for the help!

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Hyperlink. Path

Jun 20, 2006

Can somebody guide me for hyperlink in form field. I have seen northwind db sample emplyee form and exactly I want this for my db. but not image but the link for *.pdf file.

Here issue is I have 400 documents and I want code which will automatically pick up the path of file using the id or number of form field. Means one designated folder and access field will pick up path matching the number.

Can it be made possible?

special request to genius caliboi.

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Insert Hyperlink Dialog Default File Path

Jan 10, 2007

Hello everyone and happy New year.

Ii have a database running on Access 10.0, I am using the insert hyperlink dialog box (access by Ctrl K) to allow users to insert a hyperlink to a file (could be any sort of file), into a text box.

The problem I have is most of the files are held many directories above where the database is (we have a BAD directory policy, 10's of folders within folders) and it gets a little painful to get the user to go up so many levels, due to the hyperlink dialog opening in the "current folder" view, ie where the db is located.

Simple quest, or so I thought. Can I change the default directory "Current Folder" that the dialog box starts in ?

I have already tried chdir"c:" but to no avail.......not that obvious then...

All help greatfully received...

Any help greatly received......

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General :: Using Hyperlink Data Type And Textbox To Get Path

Jul 24, 2014

Im trying create a new form to add our current database that will password protect excel, word and if possible pdf documents when they are dragged onto it.

For now I only have 2 boxes 1 containing the password to be applied and the other to drag the file onto.

I have it all working so once its dragged on it works out if its a word doc, opens a hidden instance of word which then resaves it with a coded password.

The problem comes when change it so the user enters the password to protect it, when they enter a password or click on the drag box it doesn't allow the drag. it seems once they have entered the record the drag option is not available anymore.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Folder - File Path Hyperlink

Nov 19, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010. I have a code that I am using that loops through a folder gather all the names of the files in the folder and inserts them into a table (shown below). The table is named "tblFiles" there are two columns in the table titled file name and file path. What I want to do is to also loop through the same folder to find the file path of the files and insert them into the file path column has a hyperlink where users can just click on the hyperlink and the file opens.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblFiles")

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Convert Numbers To Text

Jun 3, 2015

I need to convert a numbers column in an access table to a text format

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Tables :: How To Convert YYMM Text To Date Format

Nov 22, 2012

I have a linked database that stores date values as YYMM in text format. I have no control over how that information is kept. I cant seem to find a way to convert YYMM text to date format. Additionally I would like to add the last day of the respective month to that data.

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Tables :: Convert All Email Hyperlinks To Text Content

Nov 20, 2014

Using Access 2010, I have a table the contains a field, MembereMail, that is defined as a hyperlink. I imported data from an Excel spreadsheet which looked to be consistent in format and did not realise that anything was wrong until I wrote some VB code to generate personalised emails with personalised attachments. I then found that some of the hyperlinks worked and some didn't. Those that were essentially text worked, those that were genuine hyperlinks tried and failed to go to addresses prefixed "Mailto:".

I have finally managed to convert all email hyperlinks to text content (although still defined as hyperlinks) and my code works. However when I add a new record to the table through a form, the field still being defined as Hyperlink, it goes in as pure text. I therefore have the need to use the address in both text form and as hyperlink so that the user can click on the field and start an Outlook email as well as my code running correctly for mass mailings.

So a number of questions:

-Why does Access not store the email address as a clickable Hyperlink?
-How can I satisfy my two requirements from one field?
-Can Access 2010 check the input text to ensure that it is a correctly formatted email address?

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General :: Hyperlink Location - Hide Entire Path In Backend And Show Only Name Of File

Sep 26, 2013

I have a field named Location of type Hyperlink. I have copied the respective filepaths in those location column.The location filed looks like


If the user clicks on this link then the respective file should be open..I don't want the front end users to see the entire path. So, I would like to have the names as 1234.pdf in the location column instead of M:New1234.pdf. Is it possible to hide the entire path in the backend and show only the name of the file. so that if users click on 1234.pdf then the file needs to open.

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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Display Images From Hyperlink Within Folder

Mar 9, 2006

i've looked but can't find the answer!! which is unusual as this forum covers everything.
i have a field [photo location] with a hyperlink to a folder within which is a number of images. at the moment i have 2500 folders and its growing daily. the action i want when the 'photo location' field had got focus or when clicked is for the photos within the folder to open [not within the form itself] - either in seperate windows or preferably all together. i am using irfanview to display the images but am easy on this point. i do not want to give each photo its own hyperlink because there are thousands of them. any suggestions as to how i should do this?


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Copying Hyperlink Display Into New Column?

May 12, 2014

I have a table called ComponentIndex with about 3000 entries. Each entry has an ID field and data in a hyperlink field called MSDSlink.

For each entry, I want to copy just the address part of the hyperlink to a new text column, let's call it MSDSAddress. This way, I only have the URL and no displaytext in that new column.

How would I go about doing so?

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Modules & VBA :: Display In Query Field Just The Hyperlink

Jan 20, 2015

I have a query which is a concatenated field of text and then a field from a table that has a hyperlink.

i.e 15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf#L:10527-123-A.pdf#]

I want it to display in the query field as just the hyperlink

15mm predesigned mould Drw: [L:10527-123-A.pdf]

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Modules & VBA :: Browse And Display In Hyperlink Textbox

May 16, 2014

I'm trying to use ghudson's browse button in a form on MS Access. It works well, but I'm running into a tiny bug after implementing it into my database.

[URL] ....

I am able to browse, I am able to select a file, and am also able to have it display into the hyperlink textbox.
However, when I try to click on the hyperlink in the textbox, it does not take me to the file.

To fix the bug, and to get the hyperlink working again, I have to modify the hyperlink within the textbox, then bring it back as it was. (generally, I hit backspace, and replace the letter I removed.)

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Modules & VBA :: Display Image On A Report Based On Path Saved To Each Record

Jul 25, 2013

I have a piece of code that I'm using to display an image on a report based on a path saved to each record. the code is:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Then
Me.ImgPic.Picture = "O:BellinghamIntranetProductionLabelsNo Label.bmp"
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
End If
End Sub

It seems like every few months the code crashes access and then never works again. When I debug, the part that is highlighted is:

Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath

The only way i've found to correct it is to delete the report and the module and copy them back in from a backup database. What could be causing this code to crash or how to stabalize my database to prevent this from happening again.

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General :: Possible To Permanently Display File Path In Access 2003 Main Title Bar?

Nov 22, 2012

Is it possible to permanently display the file path in Access 2003 main title bar? I.e. whatever object is open the filepath is shown.

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Convert Value To Display As Currency

Apr 1, 2008

I have a field that adds up hours and minutes from a number of fields control source set to:


Where the Pay field contains the rate of pay in pence.

This then displays the value in the following format 15:00 what I would like to do is have this value displayed as Currency it makes no difference if I set the format to Currency is there a was to have it displayed as currency ie,
£15.00 any help would be appreciated.

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Update Query To Change Display Value Part Of Hyperlink Field

Nov 11, 2007

Given a table field that is a hyperlink type.
I need an Update Query to set all records of that table so that the Displayed Value part of the hyperlink field (not the Address part) is set to a particular value.
Any ideas how?

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Modules & VBA :: Save User Entry As Part Of Hyperlink Then Display In Subform

Nov 21, 2014

I have a form with multiple textboxes and comboboxes that allow for user entry, and a subform displaying a table, where the entries from the form are saved and can be retrieved. It's basically a way of creating new task entries and editing existing ones from a single interface.

One of the fields is an "issue number" of sorts, which is a 5-digit code that identifies the task. We have a website where details of each task are stored, and the URL format is akin to this: [URL] ....

The functionality that I'm hoping for is that when the user saves the record, it will be saved as the full link address, by concatenating the static first portion of the address and the code entered by the user. However, I need the table to still only display the code, not the whole link address, and will follow the full address when clicked in the subform table.

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Converting Text To Hyperlink (possible ??)

Oct 11, 2004

Hi All,

I have a table with person's name, clubname, cluburl.
In a report I can show the clubname,but when I export to HTML, can this clubname
become a hyperlink to the clubURL ? (While showing the clubname..)
Anybody ideas ?

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Linked Tables Path

Jan 22, 2007

Hey guys,

Is there a way to update the path of a linked table manually? The network drive on my computer is mapped to the letter V: but on other users this could be different. How can I set the location so that it just searches for the name of the server (ie. //ServerName/db1.mdb) instead of a hard path?

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