Tables :: Data From A Database To Create Excel Spreadsheet

Aug 15, 2014

I'm exporting data from a database (using a query) to create an excel spreadsheet. I then import said spreadsheet into a new database. I was hitting lots of problems (subscript out of range, violating this that and the other etc etc) which I cleared up and actually imported the data. Well today I cleared down the new database and imported the spreadsheet again and got this.

the contents of fields in 0 records were deleted and 0 records were lost due to key violations.Thereby followed what to do when you get these things happening.Now to me 0 records deleted and 0 records lost means it's all worked. WRONG!! No records were imported at all.

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Tables :: Data Validation Using Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 26, 2012

How can I validate data using an excel spreadsheet?

I have a table with Product information, I want only the ProductId that are in the spreadsheet to be used in the database. How can I check the ProductID entered in the form actually exists in the excel spreadsheet?

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Where To Use DoCmd.OutputTo To Create An Excel Spreadsheet

Sep 19, 2004

I want to run a report, I need to provide an option to export the output to an excel file or provide a print view. Where would I put the DoCmd.OutputTo command in the report to acheive this??


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Queries :: Create A Query That Can Run On Weekly Basis And Save Results To Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 18, 2014

I have a database of around 15,000 users and I'd like to create a query that I can run on a weekly basis and save the results to an Excel spreadsheet. The results need to be logical and understandable by my coworkers.

Unfortunately, the actual results of the query are not (in their raw form) logical or easy to interpret.

Let's say I have a table called "users" and within that I have:


FieldA has a value of either NULL or a 12-digit number
FieldB has the values are "ENABLED", "DISABLED" and "N/A"
FieldC contains a value of either "1" or NULL

This means nothing to my coworkers who want each user to be sorted into a "category". As I'm running this on a weekly basis, I'd like this query to do the work for me, so I don't have to manually assign everyone to a category in Excel. Plus, of course, there is no chance of human error if the query does this for me.

Sooo... I'd like my query to categorise for me as follows:

Category1 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category2 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category3 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="ENABLED"
Category4 = FieldA IS NULL and FieldB="N/A"
Category5 = FieldA IS NOT NULL and FieldC = 1
... etc.

I'd like the final column in the query results to simply list the category name, so I can simply copy and paste the data into an Excel spreadsheet and be done with it, safe in the knowledge that it makes sense to all.

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Tables :: Unable To Create A Database By Compiling Records From Multiple Excel Sheets

May 22, 2013

I am trying to create a database by compiling records from multiple excel sheets. however, since most of the clients still uses the excel sheets to enter records, I am thinking if it's possible to create a linked table in access from these excel sheets that are hosted on an online server.

also is it possible to merge multiple linked tables together? if they have the same field range, so they will append when the linked tables gets updated.

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database Daily

Jun 1, 2006

I need some help on this one. :confused: I have two Crystal Report generated Excel spreadsheets that are auto-updated on a daily basis. One spreadsheet contains computer assets, type, model, locations, etc. The second spreadsheet has users assigned to them, phone numbers, etc. I need to import these in to existing tables with numerous filters into my Access database weekly. They don’t change a whole lot but I need the changes to be reflected in my database.

The way I have it setup now is through a linked table, then I use a “Make table query” to filter the data.

My problem is the filtered table has relationships set up that I have to delete then recreate every time I need to run the “Make table query” because it has to delete the old table first.

Is there a better way to make this happen?

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Tables :: Linking Excel Spreadsheet To Table?

Jan 7, 2015

I am creating a database for the company I work for. My boss wants it to have every information possible stored and accessible through the one database. Right now the time sheet that we use is a hard copy that the guys fill out and turn in each week. Before the database started I created an excel sheet for them to start using. My boss wants me to link the excel sheet to a table in access. The way it would work is each of the guys would fill theirs out and email them to me by Friday. I would then link it to the table so that we could easily pull information we needed through a query.

I read online on the office support website that you can link a spreadsheet but then access does not store the data and the data if needed to be changed had to be done through the excel spreadsheet. Doing it like that made it sound to me that each time sheet that was turned in each would would create a new table. I was hoping there was a way to have one table with all the times on it using an employee number as the relationship key. The biggest thing though is that the guys have to use excel to fill out the time sheet because getting each guy access is "not an option" .

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Incorporating Changes To Data From Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 11, 2005

I imported an extensive table from Excel. Subsequently, changes were made to the data in the Excel spreadsheet and I would like to incorporate these changes into my Access table. I did not link the two and I do not want to import the Excel spreadsheet again because I have made several changes to the Access table after importing it. Is there any way to have Access go through the information in Excel and make the modifications in the field that suffered the changes?

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Appending Data To An Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 12, 2006

Hello All,

I am exporting data from Access (2000) to Excel using a criteria form. I would like to append data to the Excel sheet without clearing the current data. How can I perform this function?

Here is part of my code:

Set myXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set myWB = myXL.Workbooks.Open("C:WO_Activity_Report.xls")
myWB.Sheets ("WO_Activity_Report")
Set myXL = Nothing

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Tables :: How To Import Excel Spreadsheet With Merged Cells

Sep 10, 2014

Is it possible to import an excel spreadsheet which contains some merged cells. What I have got is a spreadsheet (like Raw Data in the zip file) and I need it looking like (Finish Data) but in a access table.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Spreadsheet With Empty Rows

Oct 31, 2012

I am using Access 2007 and we are importing an Excel spreadsheet that is received from our customer on a regular basis.When I open the Access table I see over 9,900 empty rows at the start. Following this is the actual data from the spreadsheet.Is there an import setting somewhere that would eliminate all these blank rows?

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Tables :: Update Cell In Linked Excel Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2015

I have an access database with a linked table to an Excel spreadsheet. I have a form based on the linked table so the presentation of the Excel date is better. The spreadsheet is used by other staff in my office to record sales which I need to register with an external organisation. What I want to do is update the spreadsheet with the registration date from my access form rather than going back into excel to do it.

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Populate Form With Data From Excel Spreadsheet

May 3, 2005


I currently have a data-entry form that users fill-out with data (duh!). The data comes an excel spreadsheet that is created during the work-flow process.

I would like to add an "Import" button the field that, when clicked, would prompt the user to select a spreadsheet (different each time) and once that was selected import data into the form (and ultimately the table). The data will always be in the same location (cells and sheet) within every speadsheet.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


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Converting PDF Into Excel Spreadsheet - Moving Data

Nov 23, 2013

I have this file that I created from work,(.pdf). I converted it into an excel spreadsheet. I am now trying to move the data around and am having trouble, I have tried to use ACCESS to do this but I cannot figure it out.

Is there any way I can flip the rows with the columns?

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Export Table Data Into An Excel SpreadSheet (VBA, ACCESS)

Mar 3, 2008

I have an export function below that will export my table "Test" to an Excel Spreadsheet.

However I want it so i can choose where that data in the "Test" table will go in the Excel Spreadsheet i.e. I want to export all the data in to Cell "B2" of the SpreadSheet - at the moment it will export all the data into "A1"

Any help or ideas?

Private Sub Command3_Click()

'Export function

Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim objDB As Database

'Change Based on your needs, or use
'as parameters to the sub
strExcelFile = "E:CSCLDMSLDMSDatabaseAppLDMS_Spec.xls"
strWorksheet = "WorkSheet1"
strTable = "Test"

Set objDB = OpenDatabase(strDB)

'If excel file already exists, you can delete it here
If Dir(strExcelFile) <> "" Then Kill strExcelFile

objDB.Execute _
"SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;DATABASE=" & strExcelFile & _
"].[" & strWorksheet & "] FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]"
Set objDB = Nothing

End Sub

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Import Excel Spreadsheet- Data Type Issue

Feb 19, 2007

I have an Excel spreadsheet. I need to import it into Access, preform calculations in several queries, create a new table (I will call it Table2), and then export it to a new text file. I have a data type issue though.

I need to do this monthly, using the same spreadsheet with updated data.

My steps are:
-Update the linked Excel spreadsheet. (I will call it Table1)
-Run a query to delete the data in Table2.
-Run an append query to update Table2 with my calculations and data from Table1 ****I need my end result to have specific data types different from the Excel spreadsheet(Table1)****
-Export to a text file.

If I do an update query my data types change because I drop Table2. I need my data types in Table2 to be different from Table1.

With my append query I get a conversion type error. I know why I get this and that makes sense, but I do not know how to solve my problem.

Can someone help me, please?

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Forms :: Export Data Displayed To Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 2, 2014

I have a filter on a form using a combobox.I want to export the data displayed to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have used the Exportwithformatting Macro but it seems to export everything.

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Can Excel Spreadsheet Reference Access Table For Its Data

Mar 27, 2015

Can an Excel spreadsheet reference an Access Table for it's data? Sort of like a vlookup, but instead of referencing another spreadsheet, I'd like to pull data in from a database.

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Tables :: Converting A Spreadsheet To Access Database

Dec 18, 2012

I have been tasked with converting a spreadsheet to an access database. I work for a growing firm of Tree-Surgeons (no pun intended), who service a sizeable chunk of the power grid in the UK. At any time, we have up to 150 operatives in the field, cutting vegetation around power lines. Because of the obvious danger, the power company need advance warning of where any teams will be cutting on any given day.

Various team leaders call in each day and give their intended locations for the following day to an individual who's responsibility it is to log the info onto a central spreadsheet, an Excel workbook. Each workbook contains a worksheet for each day (Mon-Fri). Each worksheet contains the following fields:

1. Number (Unique Numerical Sequence for the individual)
2. Name
3. Phone Number
4. Working/Not Working
5. Type of Line (132kv, Extra High Voltage (EHV), High Voltage (HV), Low Voltage (LV))
6. Area (in this case a lookup of 8 geographical areas)
7. SubStn Number (a name of exact location followed by nn/nnn) (LV Only)
8. Circuit and Pole Numbers (a location followed by nn) (HV Only)
9. Locality (nearest village/town)
10. Grid Reference (nn/nnn/nnn)
11. Time On-Site
12. Time Off-Site

So far I have created a table (Called Contact) for the individuals:

ContactID (Key)


Team Members can move between teams, but Team Leaders remain largely static.I guess I should create a separate table for Team Leaders and Team Members, with a one-to-many relationship between them? All of the others could be around the network but would not be attached to a Team Leader, so I guess they can be in the same table as Team Leaders for the purposes of tracking their location.

Also, what is the alternative to using a look-up for some of the fields, for example the Area field? I was concerned about breaking one of the commandments, and cant see a reason why, but I await enlightenment!

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Pasting Data From A Spreadsheet To Database

May 23, 2006

Hi there,

I have a spreadsheet which has a large amount of data. It is organised by database structure. I'm aware of primary keys etc but what I want to avoid is creating each field as new.

For example I would like to copy the fields from excel and paste them to create feilds in access. I'm aware that I would have to manually input any special parameters. This would save me a couple of hours.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Tables :: Importing Spreadsheet - How To Convert Data To PK / FK

Mar 14, 2013

I have a spreadsheet of generators with associated data: Make, Model, etc.

When I build the tables for the Make, each make will have it's own PK. Is there a good way to update the spreadsheet, replacing the Make for the PK other than using the find and replace function in excel (or update query in Access).


GeneratorID (PK)

John Deere has PK of 1
Kohler has PK of 2

If my spreadsheet has a list of Kohler generators, I need to change "Kohler" to "2".

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Importing Data From A Spreadsheet To Existing Multiple Tables

May 30, 2006

First off, its been a long time since I have been here (since sometime in 2003 LOL), partly because I didn't have to create a new db in a while. Now, I have been handed a project and come across something new.

OK, here is what I want to do. I would like to be able to dump data from an Excel file into existing Access tables (two to be more specific). Now, I also have relating tables that add data into certain fields. I tried using a query to try to group data ad hopeful able to dump data through the query. I noticed that I couldn't import data through a query. Just for kicks, I tried to pull data through table and noticed that I can only create a new table, not able to update and existing table.

How would I go about performing this task? I have never attempted anything in the past.

Thank you in advance for your considered help,


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Export Access Data To Create Excel Charts

Apr 7, 2015

I am using this code it is giving me error 3828 at the line marked red. Says cannot reference a table with multi-valued field using an IN clause that refers to another database. Query has fields which gets input from combo box but only one value is saved in it.

Dim xl As Object ''Excel.Application
Dim wb As Object ''Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Object ''Excel.Worksheet
Dim ch As Object ''Excel.Chart
Dim myRange As Object
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Create A New Database Y And Link To Database X

Aug 28, 2013

I am testing the security of my DB X on Acccess 2007. I could create a new database Y and linked to the database X. Unfortunately i could change the records on the tables. I don't want other DB that make connections to my DB to change my tables!

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Create New Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005

I am trying to use the following code to export a table into a new spreadsheet that does not exist yet:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, tbl_temp, "C:Spreadsheets" & rst!clientid & ".xls", True

but it won't work because the spreadsheet doesn't exist. How can I make Access create the spreadsheet?

Thanks in advance!


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