Tables :: Export One Table To Another Table

Oct 22, 2014

I have two tables of different structures. Both have sys=autoincrement as a unique record identifier. What is the best way to blend the two tables into one? Should I change the field structure of each table so that they match up for a file export and import and if so how do I handle the fact that each table currently has it's own record identifier number.?

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Tables :: Export Table With Specifications

May 22, 2015

I created a table with an older version of MS Access which was replaced with Access 2010. I was able to export the table simply by selecting specifications that I created.

How do I export with these same specifications in Access 2010 ?

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Tables :: Export Table Data Into SPSS

Jun 4, 2013

I want to export table data into SPSS.

How it is possible.

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Tables :: Export Table To TXT File Without Hyphens And Pipes?

Feb 23, 2013

I need to export a table to .txt.

I need to have the field names as well as the records.

Some records are part numbers with a leading zero like 043095.

Some records are part numbers with dashes and alpha's like 123456E-789.

I don't think I can use .csv because some records have a part number description uses comma's like "some text, more text, even more text".

I don't need all the hyphens and pipes for the grid work.

The problems I have so far are:Exporting to .txt without formatting doesn't bring over the field names (I know they made it this way) Is there a work around other than exporting the data and then adding all the field names in with a macro in Excel? I can do it but, what a pain.

I see dropping of leading zeros = 43095 in .txt and .xlsx

Exporting to Excel sometimes scrambles the part numbers and they come out like this 5.91E-09 when it should be 123456E-789 (so I'm losing data).

Exporting to Excel also puts qoutes in the description field like "A very large part" (extra clean up necessary).

easiest way to get rid of the hyphens and pipes and leave it in .txt form?

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Tables :: Want To Export Data As A Table But Displaying Text Value Rather Than Key Value

Oct 26, 2013

I have inherited 1000 records which need to fit into new criteria selected from combo boxes and to do this individually by the forms will take forever so i want to copy and paste the data in the table, but when I do it doesn't fill in the form.

This may be a problem with the cascading script in the form as the fields fill in when I press f9 but disappear every time I open the form.Finally I eventually want to export the data as a table but displaying the text value rather than the key value.

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Tables :: Export Table In Spreadsheet Format Automatically At Given Time Or Date?

Sep 23, 2013

I have a simple and small database having only one table. I want the data table to be exported in a spreadsheet format automatically at the end of the month. Is there any code or function to do that?

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Tables :: Export Table In Excel Workbook With Separate Sheet Based On Value Of Field

Nov 7, 2012

How to export ms access table into excel workbook with separate sheet based on a value of field?

For Example:

I have One Table with three fields

Name Address Company
Steve a Apple
John b Apple
Josh c Dell
Pete d Dell
Pat e HP
Jacob f HP

Output in Excel(list for Employee by company):

Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3
Apple Dell HP
Name Address Name Address Name Address
Steve a Josh c Pat e
John b Pete d Jacob f

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Table Export Question

Nov 24, 2004

I am using MS Access 2002 sp1 and trying to export a table into a text file. Table has a numeric field with 4 decimals (Ex. 2.5972). Field size: Double, format: General number, dec places 4.
Only 2 decimals are exported to a text file no matter what I am trying to do. Is this a bug or there's a trick I need to know how to do it right?
Thanks for any help!

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Import / Export Table

May 18, 2007

Who can help me out?? :confused:

I am looking for 2 scripts

1) for exporting an existing table with data to an seperate MDB file
(filename to be given by user using a dialogbox)
2) importing the MDB file (from question 1) back into the existing table in
the original database. Script does not have to worry for dublicate data.

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Export Table To Text

Feb 20, 2008

I have an access 2003 table I want to export to a text file. I can do this but the headers disappear and don't export. I can't find anyway to make the headers export also. Can someone help please.

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Export Table In CSV Format

Apr 15, 2008

The transfer spreadsheet function only allows one to export a table from the database to an excel file format. I want to output the table to a file in csv format using a simple function. Is this possible ?

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Export A Table Into Word

Mar 20, 2008

I have a table called "MPI_CODE" it has 4 columns. How can I export this to Word? By creating a new document first (Using Save dialog) then exporting that table to the word doc. Mainly looking for the code to export the table into word.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Tables :: Pull Field From Main Table And Create A New Table With Date Stamp

Nov 4, 2014

I have a make-table query that pulls all the fields from 1 table (MainTable), and creates a new table with a date stamp based apon a form value entered (New Table = MainTableWithDate).

Currently, I setup the query to pull info from the form field like this:

DateField: [Forms]![frmmain]![DateField]

However, when the make-table query is done - all date fields are blank (all other fields are correctly created), and when I look at the new created table (mainTableWIthDate), the typeassigned to the date field is "Binary" (in the form, I've specified LongDate).

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Export Table To Specific Excel Tab

Oct 13, 2006

How do I export a table from Access into an already existing Excel workbook on a specific tab, without erasing what it written on the other tabs?

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How Do I Export A Table Design View?

Feb 7, 2007

I have four tables in a single .MDB file. I need to export the contents of the Design View of each table to a text file. How do I go about doing that? I've tried the help files and Access for Dummies, but neither are giving me the info I need.

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Creating A Table To Export To Excel

Aug 11, 2006

how easy is it to have access create a table and export it to excel, and then have fields on an already made spreadsheet filled in.

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General :: Prevent Export Of Table

Jun 17, 2013

I have set up a database that each user will put on their own computer, as it builds a running list made specifically for that user of chosen items to be exported to Excel, and because the remote locations have issues when accessing a shared network.

The db verifies the network user ID against a table to allow it to open. This to prevent any unauthorized user from accessing, and if db was copied or forwarded, only authorized users could see the data.

If the user is not on the list, it advises "Not an Authorized User", then exits Access. (I disabled the shift on opening, hid navigation bar, etc.) When further testing this security, I realized that even though users can access only the forms that I allowed, if they were to open another Access db, they could link or import the main table.

So all of my security precautions are for naught, as anyone with access to the db could see the confidential data. Even if they were not valid users, they could still get to the data if they knew how to import from another db. Is there any way to lock down the main table, so that it cannot be exported? Or be imported into another database?

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Forms :: Export Recordset To A Table

Jun 11, 2013

I have a main form with combo boxes to filter a subform. I want to be able to export the filtered subform data to a table within the database and only include the filtered dataset not all records.

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Export Table Data To Excel

Jan 30, 2012

I have been trying to export, in MS Access 2007, data from a table to Excel. and it will not go for anything.

It does not error it just does not go. Now I have used the following in other versions Access for years but not ion 2007, so I do not know.

I have tried these two techniqes:

Where InpdfNotInMastFile holds the path where I want it to go.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel7, "tblIn_Pdf_not_in_Master", InpdfNotInMastFile, True, "A1:D150"

And I tried this:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputTable, "tblIn_Pdf_not_in_Master", acFormatXLS, InpdfNotInMastFile

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Tables :: Make Calculated Field In One Table That Calculates Values From Another Table Linked By Order ID

May 13, 2015

I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?

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Tables :: Update A Field Of Table A By Entering Data On Table B

Sep 14, 2012

Some days ago I made it by using "query", but now I forget it how I make the relation on this situation. Here is my problem.I have 3 Table on mdb file, named Table: A, B, Status.Table Status have One Filed with 1 Data: Dishonor

Table A have three fields

Sl Number: (Auto Number)
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)-Default Value is "Honor"

Table B have two Fileds
Sl Number: Number
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)

After Entering Some data on Table A it's Look like as:

Asl numberstatusamount


Now I want to change the Status of SL Number Honor to Dishonor so I fillup data on Table B is as like following

sl numberstatus

Now how I can get the result as following by using query:sl numberstatusamount

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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Tables :: Disable A Record From A Table Based On Attribute Of Another Table

Jan 12, 2013

I have a keys table and a keysctivity table. I need keys to not be available if they are currently signed out (return_date is null) or if they have been marked as lost (lost_key = true)

This is my activity table. URL....If for example signin_id 1 was not returned or was lost, key_id 1 should no longer be available. Is this something that can be done?This is the access file I am working on: URL....

create two new tables "lostKeys" "unreturned_keys" and have records moved to their respective tables based on whether they are indicated to be lost or currently not returned.

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Tables :: Normalize Existing Table Containing Data And Copying PK Value To FK In New Table

Nov 21, 2014

I am working from an existing database which is just two table. The main table has a massive amount of redundancy and duplication and needs splitting into, at first glance, 5 tables.

After I have run my various make table queries and added a Primary Key and FK field to the new tables how do I populate the FK with the Parent PK.

I thought I could simply add all the fields from the new table and then create an adhoc join in an update query to populate the PK to the FK. When I do this however I get "You are about to update 0 records"

I have tried the table analyzer but it doesn't give the correct options to split the table the way I need.

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