Tables :: Preventing Duplicates Values In Fields
Oct 12, 2012
I am trying to modify an inventory management database. I want to prevent duplicate entries to specific fields in centralized table. The table is called Work Stations. Its function will be to track various computer equipment by a specific work station name. Each of the items will have a unique asset tag.
The primary Key for Work Stations is WS-ID. The fields I am trying to prevent duplicate entries in are WS-Computer, WS-Docking Station, WS-Monitor_1, WS-Monitor_2, and WS-Switch. Each of those fields are primary keys in 4 different tables that conation more detailed information about item. The exception is WS-monitor_1 and WS-Monitor_2 have a one-to-many relationship with Mon-Asset Tag in the monitors table.
The goal I am trying to accomplish is when a work station ID is created or modified duplicate entries are prevented to those fields listed above. The computer, monitors, docking station, and switch fields in the work station table may contain data or may be null.
I have tried to set the Indexed Option to Indexed (No duplicates) for each of the fields and I have also tried setting Yes to Ignore Nulls in the index option on the table design tab for the individual fields. Both options have returned the same error stating the changes would create duplicate values, in the index, primary key, or relationship.I have not created form for this table yet as I was trying to get no duplicates option to work first. I have verified the data and the only duplicating fields are the Null fields
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Oct 15, 2013
How to prevent duplicates on the combination of two fields - text & numeric?
I'm currently using the code below that warns users when the combination of two fields have already been used. (Combination of the TWO fields has to always be unique so if used again will warn the user)
Works well when both fields are numeric but fails when the JobDetails field is changed to text in the main table (tblPPMPLanner)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Function IsDuplicateRecord() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim PreviousRecordID As Long
IsDuplicateRecord = False
[Code] ....
The field that should be a text field is called "JobDetails"
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Jun 27, 2005
I have a form and within that form there is two combo boxes and one text box. When one choses a value from one combo box, and then chooses a value for the other combo box and then enters the value into the textbox I don't want the user to be able to enter the same arrangement. That is I want to prevent duplicates on that combination. Also if they do this I want a Message Box to appear saying that that this combination already exists
I was thinking of using a multiple field index to prevent the duplicates, but I don't know if this is a wise thing to do. Can someone give me some help to see how I can prevent duplicates or offer another solution to prevent duplicates on the combination of the values.
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Jun 13, 2007
Hi, How do you normally prevent duplicates being inputted into you forms.My Idea is thisThe input text box doubles up as a dropdownlist of current values held in the database for that field.So when you access the organisation form and go to the first text box as you enter the 'I' for IBM All the orgs with 'I' appear. When you see that the organisation your inputting already exists you will stop and move on to the next form.I dont know how to do this, so currently I have set the field OrgName as Indexed: Yes (No duplicates) but this isnt really any good as the user enters all the other details and clicks submit before the error message comes up.I have attached my file for you to understand this better.
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May 28, 2007
Hi all,
I've got a database with a members table and an events table and a participation table which is like an 'intermediary table' which just has fields for MemberID_fk and EventID_fk.
The form at the moment has a combo box for Members and a combo box for events. This works well but the problem with it is that there is no safeguards to prevent a member from joining the same event many time.
Ideally i'd like for the combo box of events to be updated once the member's been selected to only include events the member has not signed up for.
If anyone's got any suggestions i'd love to hear them. The only constraint i have is that this has to be prevented when it is entered in the form.
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Aug 15, 2013
Access 2007 - I am using the oft used, frequently posted and shard code from srfreemen - modified as below. now I know I sort of broke commandment # 8 - Thou shalt not copy and paste other people's code without at least attempting to understand what it does. but I honestly did try to understand what it does.
I keep getting runtime error 3078 - cannot find the input table or query 'tblEnrolment_Committee_Master'. It is the name of a table in my database but I am missing the very basic element of how to get my form (which draws all of it's fields from that table) to look it up or identify it.
Likely because of a silly basic error. Normally - I wouldn't attempt such things but my work needs me to ensure no duplicates exist in this case AND it's already a primary key - but I don't want to wait until the whole form is filled out for it to identify the duplicate!
How to get the tblEnrolment_Committee_Master to be included in the search and erase this error ...
Private Sub Entitlement_File_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim SID As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim rsc As DAO.Recordset
Set rsc = Me.RecordsetClone
[Code] .....
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Apr 17, 2013
I have created a database which holds architectural drawings for my company. The drawings have a number (dwgNumber), a name (dwgTitle) and a revision (dwgRevision). Each number should only have one title but cannot be unique as they can have several revisions. I am looking for a way to allow the users of the database to only enter a drawing title for a drawing number once. This is because if more than one person is accessing the front end at a time, they may use the same drawing number for different drawings.
For Example:
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P2
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 1 Revision: P1
Number: A001 Title: Drawing 2 Revision: C1
Basically, each number can only have one title assigned to it.
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Sep 28, 2015
I have 4 or 5 tables. Most of the fields are exactly the name but they all have at least 1 to possibly 5 or six fields that are not in the other table. Additionally there are some duplicates within the individual tables as well as across tables.
I have a
Student Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called student that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns parent, donor, appeal, designation.....
Parent Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called parent that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, donor, appeal, designation.....
Donor Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called donor that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, parent, appeal, designation.....
Appeal Table - with all the info on the student as well as a column called appeal that identifies them as such however it does not have the columns student, parent, donor, designation.....
-A person can be within one of these tables more than once but with all the same information.
-A person can also fall into all of these parameters so they could be on every table with the same information in addition to the missing columns,=.
Question 1 : what is the best way to dedupe and delete the individual tables (they all have account numbers)
Question 2: I was thinking create a new table with all the columns available, however how do i dedupe across tables while populating the additional columns from each?
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Dec 23, 2014
I've been playing around with a new database design and ran into a possible 'error' that I would like to avoid.
It's going to be a payroll database to store time codes for hours spent working on specific projects. I have been struggling on how to put this together to fit with what we've been doing for years and I think I hit a few breakthroughs this morning.
However I want to avoid this error of possible duplication of entry.
Simple table set up - primary key is just a running integer; Employee ID; and Week Ending Date.
I can have multiple week ending dates for a specific employee; but I want to avoid having the same employee with the same week ending date. I cannot set up either field as being unique.
Quick run of data that would be in this table:
1 ABC 11/21/2014
2 ABC 11/27/2014
3 ABC 12/07/2014
4 DEF 11/21/2014
5 DEF 11/27/2014
6 DEF 12/07/2014
7 ABC 11/27/2014
in this example, when the last row is entered I need to get a popup or some warning that this time has already been entered.
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Apr 7, 2013
I have a query which generates a full list of times and appointments for a given day from two separate dates using a right join and enters a "-" in the field for unallocated time slots using an ISNULL function.
I want to refine the query further so that if a single task/appointment is block-booked in multiple adjacent time slots, I only want to return the start time of the first slot, the end time of the last slot and display the task name once.
The intention is that this will be used to create a daily timetable list in an Access (2000) report with the date being specified in a Combo box in a form in which it will be embedded - though I'm not concerned about the form/report design at the moment, only how to do the query.
I've tried several variations of SELECT DISTINCT and using nested queries to no avail.
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May 5, 2014
I am working on a database to track IT assets with third parties. I have a table called "Equipment" that includes info like model, serial numbers, purchase price, date, location, and "Asset ID". I have a second, single field table called "asset tag" that is just a list of asset ID tags, XYZ1000, XYZ1001, XYZ1002..
I created a one to one relationship between the two tables on the following fields: "equipment.assetID" and "asset tag.asset ID"
Once an "asset ID" is used, I would like it to either be grayed out or disappear from the list of available ID tags. Basically, I want it so that each "asset tag. Asset ID" can only be used once.
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Jul 22, 2005
I have a table with a multi-field unique index:
The problem is, date and/or examiner can be blank until that information is updated. I want those null values to be understood as actual values so that multiple instances of that "waiting to be updated" record do not occur. Is it possible for Access to understand my indexes in the following way?
and therefore not allow another record like the second one to be added? The ignore nulls property of my index doesn't seem to affect this issue?
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Jun 23, 2015
im working on a report at the moment that will generate a standard NIP (nutritional information panel, similar to whats on the back of pretty much all packaged food products, see link below for an example)
this in itself is pretty easy, however depending on which market we're selling to, different countries have different requirements for which data is to be shown, ie some markets might require we show how much sodium but not how much fiber, others might require us to show how much carbs and sugars but not how much vitamin C and so on (all up there are 16 different variables for nutritional info, due to size requirements on our packaging we cant simply display all 16 all the time)
at the moment im designing a form which has a drop down box (for the user to select a product) and checkboxes for each of the 16 variables (kilojules, carbs, iron, trans fats, sat fats, etc) following this ive got a report that has all 16 variables on it
i can make the variables that arent ticked on the form invisible (by adding a bunch of IF or Case statements, on print of the report, that determine whether the corresponding checkbox for each variable has been ticked and setting the "visible" attribute to true or false accordingly), however when they are invisible there is still a blank space where the field is meant to be ive got all the fields grouped together, is there any way of making fields invisible and then pushing all the visible fields together so there are no blank spaces?
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Mar 4, 2008
Hello All,
I'm trying to limit the data entered into a specifc field, but also the data must be unique with respect to other fields.
Two fields: System A & System B.
Data entered into System A, can not be entered into System B.
Anyway to prevent this from recurring?
Would I use a validation rule?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 11, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that can sum values of different fields in different tables...Can I sum values of a field and put the result into another field in different table?
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Jan 30, 2008
Hi everyone,
This is in regards to user security. I'm a relatively new user to Access (and this forum). My company uses Access 2000 and I'm taking over a database thats used by several departments at my company. This database contains sensitive information so I put user security on it using the wizard. Due to the nature of the database, a particular user group needs to have the ability to create new tables. The problem is this: No matter what I do with the user group security settings, I cannot prevent other user groups from creating new tables. Is there a way to prevent certain users from adding a table?
Your help is appreciated
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Apr 24, 2007
I was wondering if there is any way of stopping people from seeing the tables that I have created and the relationships between said tables?
I want to restrict access so that users can only see the forms and access the reports that I've created but am not sure how to go about stopping people from seeing, never mind altering, the table names and structures. Can anyone help??
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Nov 4, 2014
1. I have a database (see attached) with three tables all of them with the same fields. The first three are numbers (InCo_No, Proto_No, Year_No). Each of these fields (numbers) can be the same in the other table(eg. Year_No), but the combination of the three cannot be.
How can I prevent the entry of a duplicate combination of these three fields?
2. I want to have a form to fill the three tables separately, depending the values in the other fields.
How can I do this?
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Jun 11, 2014
I have an Access 10 DB that includes 299 names and other associated data relevant to these names. I have a need to drop 249 of these names that are no longer needed in the DB, and just keep the 50 names that would remain in the table.
If I am in the table is there any way to somehow "designate" or select the 50 names I want to keep and then just mass delete the other 249 in one fell swoop? If I can somehow sort the 50 names so they would appear as the first 50 names in the table, then I could simply delete all the names below.
But not sure how to make this happen. It would seem to be the simplest solution. Unless I can physically drag and drop each of the 50 names I want to keep to the top of the table, but I don't think this is possible.
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Mar 31, 2006
Hi Guys,
I have a problem. I'm trying to import values to a Combo List from a table:
Row Source = SELECT Tasks.Milestones FROM Tasks;
where Task is a table and Milestones a field of that table. In this field (Milestones) there are repeated values, but I'd like to hide those duplicates when I want to chose them from the Combo List. I don't know If it is clear, if not it's because I'm not an Expert of Access :p
Thanks a lot for your attention,
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Oct 23, 2013
I'm looking for a way to grab values from one table that match a criteria, and append them/update them to another, but only grab one value once. Example:
Part ID ---- Profile Profile ID ---- Locations
Part1 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 1
Part2 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 2
Part3 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 3
I have a database of parts that fit in certain profile sizes. Each profile size has multiple open locations. I need a query to grab a location, assign it to a part, grab a new location, assign it to the next part, etc, without assigning duplicate locations to different parts.
Right now, I'm doing this by using the First/Last aggregate functions, marking them as used, and looping it again and again until all have unique locations. Is there a better way to do this?
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Oct 4, 2014
I have to deal with string arrays that store text. I need info on copying, comparing, appending arrays. Also on passing arrays as parameters to subs or functions. Where I can get to this info quickly without having to browse through many screens.
In addition to this I have some questions:
I have to find the duplicates of values in an array. Here is the code that I use.
Sub FindDuplicates()
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, IEND As Integer, text() As String
ReDim text(IEND)
For I = 1 To IEND - 1
For J = I + 1 To IEND
If text(I) = text(J) Then text(J) = ""
Next J
Next I
End Sub
It works but is not performing well. Are there more efficient ways of doing this?
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May 17, 2013
I have duplicate data in a cell, I want to hide duplicate data and display only non-duplicate data.. I changed the property sheet to only show unique values, but it keeps showing data I don't want to see...
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Jun 13, 2013
I am using Access 2010 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.I have a database that I have imported existing data into. For the most part, I have eliminated duplicate entries in my Item Number field.
Obviously I have missed at least one (or possibly more) duplicates. When I try to create a NO DUPLICATES index, I am informed that there are duplicate entries.I am looking for a quick way to generate a list of values that are duplicated so I can address those and correct them.Item number field is a number field of type DOUBLE with 2 decimal places.
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May 2, 2014
I've been looking everywhere to find a better way of finding duplicates in a table and then recording and adding another value in that record together.
Let me try to explain better.
I have a table that has 2 columns "Name", "DOB". I would like to find all duplicate "DOB" and add all of the "Name"'s together.
Name DOB
bob 19800201
Sam 19761211
Jim 19800201
The output I would like is to have Name = bob & Jim DOB = 19800201.
I've tried using the find duplicate wizard in access but I can't seem to group them together and just to find the duplicates it takes upwards of a minute.
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May 14, 2015
I have a query that displays this
Column1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
TripTitleA TravelerA N/A N/A
TripTItleB TravelerB N/A N/A
TripTitleC TravelerC TravelerD TravelerE
TripTitleC TravelerD TravelerC TravelerE
TripTItleC TravelerE TravelerC TravelerD
TripTitleD TravelerF N/A N/A
I want to filter Column1 to have no duplicates so it looks like this
Column1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
TripTitleA TravelerA N/A N/A
TripTItleB TravelerB N/A N/A
TripTitleC TravelerC TravelerD TravelerE
TripTitleD TravelerF N/A N/A
Is this possible?
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