I'm not sure why a couple tables are not being updated after entering data. I think my relationships are correct. I've attached the database.
steps: open Main form add addres then try to add an owner. it doesn't work the first time but it does work the second time. add test data and that works. now if you look at the related tables (OwnerInfo, WellLocation, TestData) they all have p_id which is the wellLocation Id
now open gernalinfo form enter in info (tests requested doesn't work right now but you can click on them in the tbl GeneralInfo) Now if you go to the table OwnerInfo and TestData the key p_id has not been updated. But it's there in WellLocation (ID).
I have this table "tblPreventativeMaintenance" which calculates when the next appointment for service. Stored in the field "NextDueService". I have three fields in this table. "SerialNumber", "NextDueService" & "Engineer'sReport".The whole purpose of the table above is to do the calculations.Now the results of the calculations I need them to go into another table "tblInstallations" so I can use it to show Next Due Service when there is a call out in regards to certain ready installed equipment. I have same fields in both tables.I tried update query but for some reason it didn't work or at least wasn't giving me the results I needed from it.
I have ORDER DETAILS set as a junction table so that many products can be recorded within one order. All is good apart from when i go into ORDERS and create a new order. I click the subform which links to the ORDERDETAILS. I then pick a product number(look up from products table). The problem is this: In the ORDER DETAILS I want to display the unit price of this product simply by picking the product id.
Eventually this would form the basis of an order form where I can pick Product Id and have it display unit price.
Any ideas on this one, I'm sure its quite simple!!
I have an Access db in a 3 person multi-user environment on a Windows network.
There is a "PRODUCTION" db and a "DEVELOPMENT" db.
Let's call them PROD and DEV.
PROD has the most current data, shipping records, item master, customer data, sales, etc. - but not the most current structure.
DEV has the most current struture - all the front end stuff - forms, functions, modules, etc. - but not the most current data.
The way I've handled this in the past (it seemed to work) was to take the PROD db and rename it to PRODX. Then take the DEV db and rename it PROD. Then open DEV (now called PROD) using the usual shortcut to PROD.
So now that opens fine, and I have to update all the tables from PRODX - and I mean ALL of them - since I don't really know what data has changed since the last update.If I try to delete records I get blocked by access because of all the related records (I don't have cascade delete set on every relationship). So I delete the whole table - ALL of them (this requires me to also delete the relationships). Then I IMPORT all the tables from PRODX (these have the current data). But now the relationships are all gone. It seemed at first that the relationships were back and intact - but when I last looked they were gone. So this is my problem.
HOW do I COMPLETELY empty ALL of the tables - or even delete them - and then restore them or repopulate them from an exact copy of the db but with current table data - and WITHOUT affecting the relationships?
Obviously any back end structural changes have to be handled differently. Usually by manually making the same change on the PROD db that I had in the DEV db - because deleting the table will cause the structural changes to be lost.
One last thing - I've been working this way on an un-split db, and now I'm in the process of splitting it - which SHOULD make updates much easier.
I have created a database table with 100+ fields with data. I now need to insert an additional 33 fields that will have a static default value between 1 and 33. I have already inserted the Line # field in the table between every 6 fields and gave it a default value. I now would like the existing database to update and reflect the new changes that were made for the new inserted fields.
I am working with MS Access. The database has 2 tables.
-Parent and Student and ParentID is the Primary key as a parent may have multiple Students -There is a form that lets me add students for a particular parent
One of the fields in the Parent Table is FeeDue. I added a field in the Parent Table called NumOfStudents..What I want to do is as follows: When a student is added on the Student Form, I want fee to be calculated automatically for display AND update the FeeDue field in Parent table. Event handler executed when a student is added (checkbox clicked)
OnClick() { Read NumOfStudents from Parent Table
if(student_added = true) NumOfStudents++ else /* This is to cover student withdrawl*/ NumOfStudents--
if(NUmOfStudents = 1) Fee= 400 else Fee = 500 }
student_added check box is on the student form NumOfStudents and FeeDue are fields in Parent
Good Afternoon--- I'd like to use a query to update a table, however the query is based on several tables. I'm pretty sure this is possible, but I've only used a pre-existing query where this applied. Never had to build one like this from scratch.
Say for example you want to update the contact information for one record that occurs in several different tables without openning every table. I'm not sure that I should even be using a query to solve this problem, but any suggestions would save me a lot of time. Thanks!
Sorry this is so long but I am trying to make it as detailed as possible...
The Setup
My database is similar to the sample "Service Call" db. I have a main table called "tblTT" which has an autonumber primary key. The table also contains several foreign keys such as UserID (not an autonumber) from "tblUser", TechID (also not an autonumber) from "tblTech", etc. I have the relationships setup with "Enforced Referential Integrity" for both updating and deleting records. Each relationship has a RIGHT OUTER JOIN ("Join 3" in access) so that all records from child (tblTT) and only equal from parent (tblUser, tblTech, etc.) will be included. I have a form for nearly every table which serves different purposes but the main function of the DB is to create new Trouble Tickets (TT's), a.k.a. service calls. Therefore the main form used is my "frmTT" form in add mode. The form contains all the fields from my "tblTT" table and contains (directly) no fields from any other table (I guess indirectly it contains fields from all the parent tables...).
The Problem
When I pull up "frmTT" and try to create a new Trouble Ticket for a user that does not yet exist in the table "tblUser" I get the error "You cannot add or change a record bcause a related record is required in table 'tblUser'".
What I want is for my users (the "Techs") to be able to create a new Trouble Ticket without having to worry about populating the "tblUser" table (and other parent tables) first.
My Solution
I was going to (and unless someone can find an answer for me still will) fix this using VB script by setting up a query to check all the parent tables for the values in their corresponding fields in the form. If the query returns no results an "INSERT INTO" statement will run to populate the parents tables so that the form will save itself into the Trouble Ticket table ("tblTT").
I feel that this is a huge work around and not the proper fix. I would prefer to do this the right way both to have a correctly setup DB and for future reference. Can anyone help me with this?
I Have a table that contains the fields: CAT, CHAPTER, ID, someSrting and Completed
CAT, CHAPTER, ID are numbers and Completed is true/false. If I mark a certain entry as Complted (true), I want all the records with the same (CAT, CHAPTER, ID) as the one I marked to be updated to Completed.
For example, If I marked the entry cat:1 chapter:1 id:1 as completed (true), I want all the entrys that have cat:1 chapter:1 id:1 to be marked as completed (true)
the code I wrote is:
Code: Private Pub Completed_check_AfterUpdate() Dim myCC Dim myCat Dim myChap Dim myID myCC = Me.Completed_check myCat = Me.CAT myChap = Me.CHAPTER myID = Me.ID CurrentDb.Execute "Update [my Table] " _ & "SET Completed = (" & myCC & ") " _ & "WHERE CAT = (" & myCat & ") And CHAPTER = (" & myChap & ") And ID = (" & myID & ") ;" End Sub
I'm running the code (my clicking the "check box") and nothing happens, I was thinking that maybe I defined the after "WHERE" statement wrong, and there are 0 entrys changed..
UPDATE: after removing the
"& "WHERE..."
row, the code does update the entire table, so I have a problem with the syntax of the sql..
Have an MDE file in our equipment, it's a language data base one of the languages isn't fully translated so I did a query to pull out those records that equaled the English field which brought the 1800 lines down to 218 to go over and edit.
What I am worried about, well our Software Engineers are nervous about is my trying to udate those records via an update query and then putting the MDE back into the machine's computer.
Is there something that I should be careful about while doing this? I know that I shouldn't try to repair and compact as MDE just goes bye bye when that is done, changes into an MDB file.
Hi, I've spend ages reviewing the relationships between my tables and changing my query but cannot get this to work. I've read alot of the posts on the subject also but trying to apply the suggestions to my problem hasn't worked.
It is a database of engineering drawings. A drawing can have one or more revisions. I have written code to import the drawing and revision info into the datebase so when the drawings are actually received I need to be able to add the additional data in tblReceivedDrawings such as the tracking number, date received etc. These are my tables:
I have created a query called qSelDrawingsAndRevisions which combines tblDrawingRegister and tblDrawingRevisions.
The form is based on a query called qSelIncomingDrawings. This query joins qSelDrawingsAndRevisions and tblReceivedDrawings. It shows all the records from qSelDrawingsAndRevisions and related records from tblReceivedDrawings and is joined on the drawingNum and Rev.
Adding the extra info e.g. tracking num, date received etc about drawings that are in tblDrawingsRegister works fine. However if I want to add a completly new drawing I get an error message: "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find a record in the table 'tblDrawingsRegister' with key matching field(s) 'qSelDrawingsAndRevisions.DrawingNum'
How can I get it to update the drawingNum in tblDrawingRevisions and tblDrawingsRegister at the same time? Is it an issue with my query or relationships? Or do I need to write an OnUpdate procedure for the DrawingNum textbox so that it created a new record in the DrawingsRegister table to correspond with the one in the DrawingsRevisions table? I have a feeling that this might be overcomplicating it and that I just need to change the query?
Am very confused about how to approach this and would really appreciate a few pointers...
Let's say I have a table with employee's info In that table there's a field about their salary. In this table I have different pay scales. I have another table with Just pay scales..for instance
employetbl Auto Record EmployeeName Workaddress PayGrade Salary 1 Joe "B" 2 John "C" 3 Steve "A"
salarytbl Auto Record Grade Salary Comments 1 "A" $25.00 Technician 2 "B" $22.00 Administrative 3 "C" $23.00 Operations Spec.
If I were to run a a query from the employee table and pull all the fields to my QBE under design view. and selected my criteria and UpdatedQuery to change the update to...(what do i click to get to change the new salary.. ???.
A) Select the proper criteria and and change the update query to the new salary and do it manually?.... B) Can I somehow follow option "A" but at the end select the proper "grade" under my update query and let that somehow change it to the new salary?...(with out me having to type the salary..but only the salary grade?) C. Or can I just type the auto record under to the updated query . Under my update query to ??.
In other words I am trying to select a salary from me typing a record number or a salary grade field..
I have a table and a query both of which have the same [Resource ID], [Resource Name] fields.
I am trying to update the [CBL_1_Date], and the [CBL_1_kW] fields in the table with the [CBL_x_Date] and [CBL_x_kW] fields of the query. The problem is that when I try to run the query I keep getting "Operation Must Use and Updateable Query" error.
here is the SQL Code
UPDATE tCBLAggregation INNER JOIN qBestof4CBLs_avg ON (tCBLAggregation.[Event Date] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Event Start Date]) AND (tCBLAggregation.[Resource ID] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Resource ID]) SET tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_Date = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[CBL_x_Date], tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_kW = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[AvgOfCBL_x_kW];
I'm working on a project management database for my fathers small business. Data Entry goes as follows: Users enter a Work Order, and all the parts that must be created for that work order. The parts have different processes (tasks) done to them to be created. The database runs a simple system like this as we want it to work. I am now attempting to allow handling of more advanced work orders. Specifically, some parts require the completion of multiple other parts before they can be created.
Here is how the database should handle these events:
1) User clicks button named "requires other parts" when entering a new part. 2) On click a subform is opened that allows the user to enter which other parts need to be completed first. 3) Once all of the parts are completed the next part can begin.
This is my current solution:
1) A query calculates if a part is complete 2) Some form of logic looks up to see if all the required parts are completed. If the answer is yes, a field named ready changes to "Yes" and if the answer is no, a field named ready changes to "no"
I have a field in table A (used as my main form) that I would like to update with a unique yet understandable name. I have created a query that takes the first few characters of two other fields and the event date and concatenates them to a unique name.
Challenge is the three fields that create the unique name are in table B.
So I tried the following in query design just to see if I could update a field in the same table
I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'
Private Sub cmdQuote_Click() 'Creates quote date and prints quote Me.QuoteDate = Now() Me.cbAgentID.Requery DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID End Sub
When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.
I created an update query that says it has successfully updated 600 records, but when you go into the table, it has not been updated. I am working with an .mde. Does that make a difference?
I first created a select query to find everyone in TX. Then I changed it to an update query to change all TX to CA. Since it did not update the table, I tried running the update query again and this time it says there are not records to update (since it uppposedly updated my 600 records).