Tables :: Way To Separate Data In The Cell Into Separated Cells In A New Record?

Jan 21, 2013

I use a Access database to import data from an email generated from google docs..When the data imports to the table it creates a "Memo Field" with several lines of carriage seperated data containing the Form Field name & answer. (ie: Firstname=John, Surname=smith, etc)Is there any way to seperate this data in the cell into seperated cells in a new record?

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Queries :: Entries Separated By Commas - Split A Cell Into Multiple Rows

May 7, 2014

I'm a new to Access, SQL. I need the following output:


PHP Code:

PO              Vendor       State
a, b             1,2            IL
c, d, e          3              TX
f                  5              CA 


PHP Code:

PO          Vendor   State
a             1,2        IL
b             1,2        IL
c             3          TX
d             3          TX
e             3          TX
f              5          CA 

I found the following SQL code from another forum, which splits entries in a cell separated by commas into 2 rows, output being:

PHP Code:

PO          Vendor   State
a             1,2        IL
b             1,2        IL
c             3          TX
d,e          3          TX
f              5          CA 

SELECT * INTO ImportedData
SELECT PO, Vendor, State
FROM SourceData

[Code] ....

How to run a loop so that if a cell has n entries separated by commas, I want them to be split into 'n' number of rows.

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Fill Blank Cells With Appropriate Data From Preceeding Cells

Jun 28, 2005

I have table1:

Name, Date, Points
Peter, 1.8.2005, 100
________2.8.2005, 200
Paul, 1.8.2005, 100
________4.8.2005, 300

etc. and I need to fill the blanks with Peter, Peter... , Paul, Paul, ... etc. so, that I can later take it as a group ID and work with the data.

Preferably with SELECT query, but insert or update is also possible.

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General :: Extract Multiple Values From A Cell To A Separate Table?

Aug 18, 2015

I have imported an Excel table with a column which has several values in one cell separated by "". In my case names of institutions afiliated with a patent. Example of the format of a single cell: MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (US) RIVE TECHNOLOGY INC (US)

In order to normalize the Access database I would like to extract the institutions to a separate table (institutions) and that the patent is related to both institutions.

I am using Access 2007.

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The Actual Data, Not The Record Cell Reference

Oct 23, 2007

I have entered one entry in to the database with the correct values (this is record 6) and everytime I enter a new record, the data is the same (I'm using a drop down list) it will automatically appear in the box. But when I goto the table that the data is stored in, each field just has the reference to the first record that the data came from.

Looks a bit like this:

ID Server Name Pattern Engine Program
6 LN1HOME 4.735.00 8.500-1002
7 LN1WORK2 6 6 6

Is there a way of seeing the origonal data in those fields other than the Record ID Number as a reference. :confused:

I know its a lame question, Im just is a learning process at the moment.

thanks in advance.

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Single Data Form Put Data Into Separate Specific Tables

Jan 9, 2012

I am new to Microsoft Access. I have built two entry forms for product release information. I have a drop box under the label customer for each specific customer. I would like for this form to send the data entered in the form to the customer specific table from the customer names in the drop box. I have tried to research and execute this myself thus have been very unsuccessful.

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Tables :: Extract Data From Memo Field And Put Into Separate Fields Of New Table

Jun 15, 2014

I have a notes field in the customer table that is a memo field. An example of one customer's notes field data :

<div>20.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>4.3.14 Ordered 2 cartons</div>
<div>18.2.14 ordered 1 carton</div>
<div>30.1.14 ordered 3 cartons SCENTED wipes</div>

[Code] ....

I want to extract the date to append to a date field in a "Calls" table and the comment into a text field in the "Calls" table. Is there a way I can do this via query or code?

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Add Value To Cell According To Another Cell In Same Record

Nov 21, 2006

i have a table of articles. A field in the table is ArticleSubject

the ArticleID is made up of 3 letters then 3 numbers. i want the 3 letters to be something according to the subject
for example i want the first 3 letters of the ArticleID to be MAT*** (* is a number) if the subject is Maths
or ENG*** if the subject is English

the subject is picked from a listbox in the same record

how would i do this in a table . i am reluctant to use append or update queries.
but will do so if its the only way.

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Tables :: VLookup Displaying Multiple Cells

Jul 17, 2014

I am creating a staffing database and currently have two tables:

Table 1 - Staff - which contains staff information ie. First Name, Last Name, Other Names

Table 2 - Staff Work History - which displays the shifts worked by each staff member.

In Table 2 - I have "Staff Name" which is populated using VLOOKUP and searching for the Staff Name from Table 1 - First Name, Last Name, Other Name.

I want Table 2 column "Staff Name" to display all parts of the name - not just display then when on the dropdown when you select the staff person. Currently only the First Name is displayed once you have chosen the staff person.

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Tables :: How To Import Excel Spreadsheet With Merged Cells

Sep 10, 2014

Is it possible to import an excel spreadsheet which contains some merged cells. What I have got is a spreadsheet (like Raw Data in the zip file) and I need it looking like (Finish Data) but in a access table.

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Importing Only Excel Cells With Data

Feb 17, 2006

Can anyone help with this?

I will routinely be sent a Excel 2000 spreadsheet with multiple worksheets and each worksheets data is to be imported into a related named table in a MS Access 2000 database. No of course I have been using Transfer Spreadsheet to perform the imports but to make sure I get all of the data I use the range A1:AZ65536 (65536 of course being the maximum number of rows available in a Excel 2000 spreadsheet).

What I would like to do however, is just import the necessary number of rows not all 65536!!! Is there a way in code of working out how many rows in the A-AZ column range contain data?

It occured to me that if I linked a table to each worksheet then this would only display the necessary rows and I could count them however, once you have specified the spreadsheet location the code doesnt let me repoint the individual worksheet unless someone knows how to do this???

Any help most appreciated.


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Tables :: Text Box To Cell Not Bound

Jan 4, 2013

I have a memo cell in a table that I'd like users to be able to insert their name into (from the same form). Basically allowing a user to throw their name into the memo, then auto-clear the box. When they enter their name a date will automatically be added.

Obviously if it's bound it will update but then it can't be cleared, and it doesn't paste this to the bottom of my memo, it tries to place it as the first few characters of my memo.

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Combining Data Into One Cell Only IF Data Exists

May 15, 2013

I currently have an access database for tracking company assets and performing maintenance tasks on them.We also have a number of Stores Stock Items that are controlled under a separate finance package.We currently have forms that create individually numbered "Job Cards" in the Job Cards Table..we input the data and manually type into a Text Box the we have used 'X' number of Store Stock 'Item Y'

I have then use a query to export the data i need (Job number, dates, location and Store Stock Items).But I have to manually re-construct the data and items into separate lines in an excel sheet for a paste operation into the finance package (lots of typing of 16 digit stock codes)

What i want is to use a second table (linked via the "Job Card#" key).It will be called "Stock Items" which has a separate field for each of our stock items.the user then just opens second form while creating the job that immediately creates a new record.The user then simply has to put the number of each item used in the relevant text box on the form and close.

example of datasheet view
Job# __ ItemX __ ItemY

Now, I have all of that working as I want, But i nee to be able to combine the data from each field into a single field (either in access or excel).What I want to see is a field containing 3x ItemX, 7x ItemY, etc

if there are none of one or more items, I don't want anything displayed for that item (blank space is ok)I have 30 or more stock items, so there will be 30 or more columns in the table. the actual data stored in the table is simply the quantity of each item used.

this data is used twofold,on export to Excel I can split the data into new cells and it's used on a despatch note that is returned with the item so the end user can see the items that were used in the repair.So it needs to be done upon saving the record, record by record.

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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Tables :: Different Numeric Values In One Cell Of Table

Jan 30, 2014

Is there a way to write different numerical values in single cell of table via form.

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Modules & VBA :: Autofill Cell Based On Previous Record Value

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to write some vba code to auto fill a cell's value based on the value of the cell in the previous record (In a datasheet form) i.e. if the value in record one was '1' and the down-arrow key was pressed then the value '2' should be entered into the new ext record

I have written some pseudo-code to show what I am trying to accomplish:

if keydown = down-arrow and current cell contents isnumeric then
Cval = current cell contents
if current record = last record then
create new record
move down 1 record
set cell value of new record to cval+1
move down 1 record
if cell value = null then set cell value of record to cval+1
end if
end if

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Tables :: Update Cell In Linked Excel Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2015

I have an access database with a linked table to an Excel spreadsheet. I have a form based on the linked table so the presentation of the Excel date is better. The spreadsheet is used by other staff in my office to record sales which I need to register with an external organisation. What I want to do is update the spreadsheet with the registration date from my access form rather than going back into excel to do it.

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Tables :: How To Insert Text Box Value To First Empty Cell In Table

Mar 17, 2014

I have a simple form (frmAddPaper): txtPaper where user enters name of new newspaper, and cboCity, where user selects the newspapers town.

Also Close and Save buttons.I also have a table, tblCity. Columns as follow: CityID, City, Paper1, Paper2, Paper3, Paper4, Paper5, Paper 6.

Some cities have values (Newspaper names) in just Paper1 field. Others in Paper 1 & Paper 2, and some in Paper1, Paper2 and Paper3.I want to add the txtPaper value, to the first empty column, in the row where cboCity matches City column.

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Extracting Data From A Single Cell

Feb 20, 2005


Is there any way that i could extract data from a single cell inside the table to the forms, and vice-versa?

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Form Cell Won't Accept Data

Oct 24, 2012

I have a form that is based on a query that returns all the students taught by an indidual faculty member. There are two text boxes which I have added to the form bound to a table used in the query. However when I try to add data (attendance data) is doesn't accept it and simply "pings" each time I try.

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Modules & VBA :: Store Data From Access Table To Excel Sheet In Corresponding Cells

Jan 28, 2015

I am writing the following code that will first of all display column headers dynamically using "Headers" field data from Access table and then find out the sum(volume) using column header and first column values. The following code works fine to display headers dynamically in Excelsheet from Access table but doesn't display sum(volume) in all the corresponding cells. As I can't attach the Access table so I have stored data from Access table to sheet named "Access Data" as attached. The sheet2 named "Report" should populate total volume .

Public Function Inputdata()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long
Dim i As Integer


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General :: Changing Column Colour In List Box - Alignment For Cells Data

Jan 7, 2014

How can change column color in list box and also how to make alignment left or right for cells data.

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Tables :: Move Data From One Record To Another Record

Aug 12, 2013

I'm trying to get a DB to move records simultaneously using a command button. The records are setup with check boxes for example: one column has a check box for 1 Year Ratio the next column has a check box for 2 Year Ratio and the third column has a check box for 3 Year Ratio.

How can i move the information out from 3 Year Ratio into another table and then move 2 Year Ratio check into 3 Year Ratio check box and 1 Year Ratio check into 2 Year Ratio check box by using a command button.

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Queries :: Return Records With No Data In A Cell?

Apr 4, 2015

I've got a database of club members with names, addresses, contact info etc.

I need to send letters by post to those members that I don't have email addresses for. How to create a query to return a list of people whom I don't have email addresses for.

I know how to mail merge the info with the letter I've written in word, how to group people who's email address cell is empty.

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Get To A New Subform Record From A Separate Form

May 30, 2006

I think what I want to do is simple but I can't figure it out. I've tried searching the forum for the solution but I'm having trouble with what I've found. Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm composing a text string on one form (recipe ingredient) and, once it is complete, I want to add it to the records in a subform on a separate form (the recipe). The string composition works great, and I can use:

Forms!frmRecipe.fsubIngredients!txtIngredient = Me.txtEntry

to paste the string into the textbox on the subform. The problem is "finishing" the record in the subform. When I prepare a new string for the next ingredient, it copies over the previous string. So, I'm not moving to a new record in the subform. I've tried:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "frmRecipe!fsubIngredients", acNewRec

but Access tells me the form isn't open, which isn't true.

So, what I want (I think) is a way to direct the subform to move to a new record before I paste in my text string. Or, to direct the subform to move to a new record after I paste in my text string.

By the way, the subform has a before insert event that copies in the record id of the recipe for the new record holding the inserted text string, so the table relationships will be fulfilled:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me!lngRecipeID = Me.Parent!lngRecipeID
End Sub

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple here, and I really appreciate anybody's effort to help me get it right.

Thank you!!!

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate Data In One Cell In A Report / Query

Mar 27, 2014

Watch the below tables.

I have a large ACCESS list as per the left one and I would like to make it as per right.

The problem is that I want to concatenate the "invoices" in one record separated with a coma , .

This is the only way I can compact the long list into a short one and make it comprehensible.

The invoices , in one cell, very rarely are more than 4 or 5 items.

So room for 6 is just perfect.

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