Taking Data From Table1 Modify And Output To Table2

May 25, 2006

hey all,

bit of a head scratcher for me here.

i have a database and i need to be able to read all the records from table1 modify the data and output the data to table2 and I would prefer this to be done via just one button in a form so im guessing VBA need to be used.

table1 consists of an ID field, firstname field, lastname field and date field.

table2 has ID field, full name field, date field

so i want to read the first and last name and date from table1, merge the first and last name and then output the merged names and date to table 2.

ive googled around and all ive come up against is recordsets but im having a hard time actually getting them to even work.

any help is appreciated.



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General :: Append Data From Table1 To Table2 Daily With No Duplication

Jan 6, 2014

I have 2 tables,

table1=productid,ProductName,Qty &

I want to be able to append data programatically once daily OnClose.Although users can log-off & on as many times,but the Append should be once & after then,update subsequent records for that day automatically from table1-table2.

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Help With Query: FROM Table1 WHERE Table2.Column1

Aug 30, 2005


I have two tables. both tables contain an id column (Integer) with the same values. Table1 contains the data I want. Table2 contains one column with boolean values.

So this is what I want (though it doesn't work at all)

FROM [Table1] WHERE [Table2].[BooleanVolumn]=true

So I want all the records from Table1 where the same record in Table2 have a true value in Table2.BooleanColumn.

This is hard to explain, but I hope you understand.

Thanks for any help!

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Comparing Values From Table1 And Table2

Sep 10, 2006

Hello everyone! I've found much use of this forum recently as I am working on a database concerning my work.

I'm not a newbie working with access but this problem seems confusing at the beginning.

I've got 2 tables
1) Information about produced details. Article, Mass etc.
2) Mass constants
Mass min. Mass max. Constant

What I need, is to build a query that compares the mass of the detail with the range mass min. and mass max. and shows the mass constant that the detail belongs to.

Has anyone tried to solve this kind of issue before?

Greets from Estonia,

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How Can I Convert Table1 To Query Or Table2 As Attached ?

Jan 10, 2005

Hi all,

Could you help me in converting table1 to query or table2 as attached?


Mohammed Dallag
Saudi Arabia

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General :: Getting Values From Table2 Based On Value Selected In Table1

Oct 3, 2014

I have a table named Product and Quotation.

This is what i want to achieve

In Table Quotation when i select product name from dropdown menu i want all the related information for that product to be visible in Quotation like product id, productdescription & productcost

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Tables :: Autonumber From Table1 Not Coming Across In Number Field In Table2

May 5, 2013

I have created 2 tables:


Table 1 (StaffID) - contains all personal details in the form of forename + surname + position + email + contact numbers ect. Each field/person has an autonumber.

Table 2 (StaffTrainingID) - contains all mandatory training/lectures (18 fields in total). I don't wish to list each staff member again in table 2 so have put a StaffID field in (data type is number).

However, when I try to type in the StaffID number in that field so I can link that person to the relevant training he/she has taken, Access won't allow it.

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Queries :: Inner Join - How To Return Data From Table1 Only

May 7, 2013

How to return data from table1 only if table key matches table2 key.

I tried this but doesnt return me the data i want.

FROM tbA AS A INNER JOIN tbB AS B ON A.[ keyfld] = B.[keyfld];

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Taking Data From Another Table

Feb 16, 2007

Hi All

I have a quick query. I have a table with a Account Code and its relavant Account Name.

What im tyring to do is in a query or another table, which has 17000 rows of data and the account code has been used in each entry. What i'm trying to do is to be able to create another column where the relavant Account Name can be next to Account code in the query or table.

Could someone please help.

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Data Entry - Not Always Taking In Database

Jul 27, 2006

I am having a problem where I have a form that I enter data into. Sometimes when I enter the information it will add a record to the table and sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't put the information in the table more times than it does.

I have tried to enter the information outside the form and it still does the same thing.

Do you have any suggestions of what I can do to fix this.


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Taking Data From Forms Every Month

Nov 21, 2005

I have a database set up with charts which plot information about support for "quality" purposes.
I have reports that work out the percentages but i would like to be able to take the percentage figure (say on the 1st of each month) and add it to a graph which will then be able to show the figures from the last 12 months so i can see how well the support is performing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Data Form A Web Page

Aug 12, 2013

I am successfully using some code to open a web page and log in for me.


Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
ieApp.visible = True

[Code] ....

The bit I am really stuck on and still after reading various posts and googling I cannot seem to get a bit of code to read a value from the web page.

<tr><tdvalign="top"style="width: 50%">


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Modules & VBA :: Opening New Form And Taking Data From Another

Jul 19, 2013

IThe db has a form called ClientFormNew which logs client details into a table called Clients.Each client has a unique client ID in the table called ClientID. Sometimes Clients call back for further information and we want to log that information into a related table called ClientHistory.Each record in the ClientHistory table has a unique ID called HistoryID which is the same number as the ClientID so these fields are related.

When a client calls back and the telephone adviser opens up the ClientFormNew form and discovers they have called before they need to click on a button called Client History which then opens up the ClientHistoryForm..I am struggling with the code to put on the Client History button as I want the new form to display the details of the clients first contact then allow details of the second contact to be added in a new row. Also the new form needs to show all that client past history which would be in the form of the following fields from the ClientHistory table.HistoryID, ContactDate, Name, ContactMethod, ContactReason, AdviceGiven, Notes.

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Modify Data Using A Query

Jun 1, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to modify data using a query.

Say for instance I have a whole load of IP's in a table in the form of A.B.C.*, where and and B are fixed, C varies slightly and * can be anything from 1-255. Can I use a query to look at an IP and the append an IP record to a different table in the form of A.B.C.0. Basically, modifying the data so that whatever the value of *, it is changed to 0.



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Forms :: Taking Data From Form And Placing Into Table

Nov 20, 2013

I have a form that I am inputting data into. I have been able to Clear the form. I have created an edit script and it brings the data from the table to populate the form. When I try to change the data in the form and run a VBA update to push the data down to the table I am having no luck. I can add/Delete recordswith no problems but I can't edit them and put them back in the table. I am novice and just learning the formats and scripting.

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Modify Data Structure Using Code

May 4, 2008

I want to be able to make code that will modify a data structure in another file. Can I do it in an access application or will I need to make a VB application? I want to add some more fields to a table. :confused:

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How To Modify Data Retrived Form A Query !?

Mar 27, 2006

i am very rookie with access.. infact i am doing my first project in access for a friend.. here is my doubt...

this frnd has toy making business.. he wants to keep track of this inventory... i have made one table (ItemId(PK), Item descripstion, noOff, parentItem(FK), stock)..
noOff is the no of child items required for a particular parent item..

now i have to run a query to get all the items which have same parentItem.. for this i designed a form... have put 3 text boxes and a subform.. one to accept the parentItem.. 2nd to display its description.. 3rd one to accept no of parent items which i wud be the multiplying factor for the child item noOff.. (default is one..)


now i can retrive the parentItem id.. from the form and use it in the WHERE clause...

SELECT ItemData.ItemID, ItemData.ItemDescription, ItemData.noOff
FROM ItemData
WHERE (((ItemData.ParentItem)=[Forms]![Display Product Data]![txtProdId]));

but i want to retive the value in the No off: box and multiply it to all the child item's no off...

i have tried to multiply ItemData.noOff with [Forms]![Display Product Data]![txtNoOff] but did not got the desired results....

i need help with this... or if u know ne other way to do it... plese post a reply... thanks...

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Modules & VBA :: Taking Access Data On Button Click And Putting It Into Excel

Jun 23, 2015

I have a database that had some code that enabled the user to click a button and it would take information from one Access query or table and paste it into specific locations in Excel. This is important because the last worksheet has specific formatting in place.

If it didn't, I'd just use the transfer spreadsheet option and not even bother opening Excel at all with code.

I've got it working well except for the last part. The last query being copied has eight records and only one is being sent to Excel. Same code as the other queries where all of their data is going to the right spot in Excel with the right number of records.

Private Sub AM_Top_25_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "delete_ShortPartItems", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "append_to_Short_Part_Items", acNormal, acEdit

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Modify Access SQL To Exclude Data From Query

Apr 13, 2013

I have been successfully using the following statement in Access 2010 to retrieve data from a large csv relational database:

SELECT [1995_1].RPT_REC_NUM, [1995_1].PRVDR_NUM, [1995_2].WKSHT_CD, [1995_2].LINE_NUM, [1995_2].CLMN_NUM, [1995_2].ITM_VAL_NUM
FROM 1995_1 INNER JOIN 1995_2 ON [1995_1].RPT_REC_NUM = [1995_2].RPT_REC_NUM
GROUP BY [1995_1].RPT_REC_NUM, [1995_1].PRVDR_NUM, [1995_2].WKSHT_CD, [1995_2].LINE_NUM, [1995_2].CLMN_NUM, [1995_2].ITM_VAL_NUM
HAVING ((([1995_2].WKSHT_CD)="A000000") AND (Not ([1995_2].LINE_NUM)="09500") AND (([1995_2].CLMN_NUM)="0100" Or ([1995_2].CLMN_NUM)="0200"))
ORDER BY [1995_1].RPT_REC_NUM, [1995_2].LINE_NUM;

This query returns one long column of line numbers (LINE_NUM) representing the itemized salary (CLMN 0100) and non-salary expenses (CLMN 0200) and a total for each of the organizations represented in the data base. My question is: is it possible to modify the query so that it returns only organizations whose data passes that following test that checks to see if the itemized line numbers 00100 to 10099 equal the total for each organizations line 10100: SUM(LINE_NUM 00100:10099)=SUM(LINE_NUM 10100:10100).

I have tried several times to upload a sample file but have been prevented from doing so because of a missing security token. I have communicated this to the administrator.

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List Box Data Output

Feb 21, 2006

I have a list box control on a form which is being populated by a query. It is showing bookings that are placed on three shifts (AM, PM, Night shifts)...the list box is working fine...

- what i'd like is that the output in the listbox is seperated by shift (maybe having a blank line when shift changes, or different text color for different shift, or different background colour for different shift? )

i'm not quite sure if this can be done...or maybe there's another way out ? any ideas?


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Output Data From Three Fields

Oct 15, 2007

I know I am being particularly stupid, but I can't work out how to do the following:
I have a table in which is recorded information about orders for customers. These fields are for orders of meat and poultry. As customers may wish to order more than one Turkey, I have created three fields called Turkey, Turkey 2, and Turkey 3. The data that is input is the weight of the Turkey e.g. 22 (lbs), 16 (lbs).

When it comes to ordering the turkeys, I need to produce a report which shows, by weight, the number of turkeys needed. This will need to add the number of turkeys in each of the 3 fields and order them by weight.

I've just got lost, trying to work out whether I base my report on the table or on a query based on the table. Help!!!

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Automatically Output Value When Other Data Is Present

Apr 22, 2007

Hey there,

I'm setting up a small EPoS system for a shop and was wondering if you could help. I want a stock number to be entered (i.e. a barcode) and then the item name and price to automatically be entered.

I have the fields 'StockID, Description, RetailPrice' in tblTransaction and basically want the StockID to be enetered and the description and retailprice to be automatically be read from tblStock and placed in tblTransaction.

Any ideas? Hope this was clear enough...its really hard to describe!


A very puzzeled Tom!:p

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Output Data To Text File

Dec 13, 2004

Could anyone help with a simple answer please ?

I have an Access db that schedules the sending of emails with attachments.
I run a query on the table that returns all active users
I then need to create a separate file for each active user - in the format as shown below.
Each file is called "ddmmXX.epe"
- where dd=day,mm=month,XX=sequential number starting 01.
The file needs to be formatted ascii text file.
The file extension must be .epe


All the fields within the {} are fields in the Access table
Each file must then be saved to a directory c:mailout
(eg C:mailout141201.epe)

Sample file would look like this:

SUBJECT:{Daily Newsletter}
BODY:{Please find attached today's newsletter}

Can anyone help - it would be much appreciated, as I am still learning the slightly more advanced methods of VBA.


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Form Data Output To Text File

Jul 25, 2005

:confused: I've created a form within our company database which will track hardware/software requests. I'd like to create a macro, or add code to output the data entered into a notepad file. Nothing extraordinary. I'd like for it to be like this:

Ticket: XXXXX
Employee: xxxxx
Reason for Request: xxxxx
Part Number:xxxxx

Those are the headings of the fields and x's denote entered data. I'd like to keep the headers and have the entered data as well. Is it possible?

Thanks to all for your help

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Concatenate Function For Table1

Mar 17, 2014

I would like to join 3 values to one new column called incident number. Problem is that one of the value is from a lookup field.

If the table look like

ID Type PNumber
1 INR 2477

I generated Incident number as [ID] "-" [Type] "-" [PNumber]. the result should be 1-INR-2477 but its shows 1-1-2477 because the Type column is a lookup field and INR is on the first value of the same lookup table.

How I could resolve this in the table or Query.

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How To Get Two Pieces Of Selected Data In A Form To Output A Certain Number

Feb 14, 2014

I've been working on creating a database for a Physical Therapist that will store patients information and information on past appointments (including the amount of money paid per appointment). I created a form that he can then easily select the patient and their D.O.B. and insurance carrier will show up.

But I need to create a way that when he then selects the treatment received for the appointment that the correct payment amount will show up and be recorded as well. The reason this is an issue is because for each insurance there is a different cost per treatment.

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