Tax Band Query Statement

Jul 25, 2005

I am trying to convert an excel formula into a new access query statement.

The statement itself will refer to a tax percentage column within the same query.

Example of excel formula:

=IF(Tax Percentage>22,40,IF(Tax Percentage>10,22,IF(Tax PercentageN2>0,10,0)))

The output I hope to achieve is:

If Tax Percentage is greater than 22 then = 40
If Tax Percentage is greater than 10 but less than 22 should equal 22
If Tax Percentage is greater than 0 but less than 10 should equal 0.

Hope this makes sense?


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Queries :: Update Statement For A OUTER JOIN Select Statement

Feb 12, 2014

I have the following Select Statement:

SELECTTenant.ID, Tenant.[First Name], Tenant.[Last Name], Tenant.Address, Tenant.City, Tenant.State, Tenant.Zip, Tenant.[Home Phone], Tenant.[Cell Phone], Tenant.[Work Phone], Tenant.[Rented Unit],
Tenant.[Security Deposit], Tenant.[Move In], Tenant.[Move Out], Tenant.TenantID, Tenant.UnitID, Tenant.PropertyID, Tenant.OwnerID, Owner.Company, Owner.ID AS Expr1, Property.[Property Address],


Now, I know that something in the UPDATE statement does not match my select statement.What should my Update Statement be, in order to update all the columns in the joined tables?

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Need Help With Query/sql Statement

Sep 22, 2006

Hi all..

Here is what I have:

I have a query that is running a search form. The query is made up of three tables:


When I have the query looking at just tables 1 and 2 it works fine. But when I put in table three my query doesn't work correctly.

Here is what it is doing. On my search form I have a main window that lists all of the entries into the database. I then have two subforms one for spouse and one for children. The spouse now shows this:

Last Name

First Name

(two wives, 1 current, 1 past)

And the children show this

Last Name

First Name


And the one entry that does not have any children is no longer showing up in the main window with the other entries.

Here is the sql of the query:

SELECT tblMain.EntryNumber, tblMain.DriversLicNumber, tblMain.EmpNumber, tblMain.FName, tblMain.LName, tblMain.MInitial, tblSpouse.LName, tblSpouse.FName, tblSpouse.MInitial, tblSpouse.DriversLicNumber, tblChildren.LName, tblChildren.FName, tblChildren.MInitial, tblChildren.DriversLicNumber, *
FROM (tblMain INNER JOIN tblChildren ON tblMain.EntryNumber = tblChildren.EntryNumber) INNER JOIN tblSpouse ON tblMain.EntryNumber = tblSpouse.EntryNumber
WHERE ((([tblMain]![EntryNumber] And [tblSpouse]![EntryNumber] And [tblChildren]![EntryNumber]) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblMain.EmpNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblMain.FName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblMain.LName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblMain.MInitial) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblSpouse.LName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblSpouse.FName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblSpouse.EntryNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblSpouse.DriversLicNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblMain.DriversLicNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblSpouse.MInitial) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblChildren.LName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblChildren.FName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblChildren.DriversLicNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblChildren.MInitial) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*")) OR (((tblChildren.EntryNumber) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearch]![Search2] & "*"))
ORDER BY tblMain.EntryNumber, tblSpouse.EntryNumber, tblChildren.EntryNumber;

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to make sure most if not everything was covered.


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Query V SQL Statement

Mar 29, 2007

If I had a Form 'FrmForecastReview' Based on a Query 'QryForecastReview' I am wondering whether i can dispense with having a query and just use SQL statement in the properties of the form to query and retrieve the data i am looking for?

If yes would this be a technically and/or faster way for Access to produce datasets?

Thanks in anticipation of your pearls of wisdom

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Help With Statement In Query

Apr 24, 2007

This is my first post and would like help with the following:

I have a warranty database that I have to create adjustment claims. There a re two pricing structures depending on the customer type. One customer type is SH and the other is DD.

I need to create an expression within the query that will allow me to add 1.0639 to the SH pricing (SH*1.0639) for all customers = DD.

So, when I pull a DD customer 1.0639 (6%) will be automatically be added to the List Price.

When I pull a SH customer the price will be the regular list price already housed in the database.

What type of statement will I use here. IF, SELECT or what? and if so, what would it be?

I hope this is clear and appreciate any help or feedback that I can get on this.


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If Then In A Query Statement

Dec 5, 2007

I am stumped and need some help I have a simple select query used in a combo box to filter what is shown. As shown below.

SELECT [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Id], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type], [Task Type Drop].[Task Category], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Definition]
FROM [Task Type Drop]
WHERE ((([Task Type Drop].[Task Category])=[Forms]![Task Category and Area Look up]![Combo158]))
ORDER BY [Task Type Drop].[Task Type];

Is is possible to only have it use the criteria if a nother field [Combo158] is not null?

Simply put I would like it to be if [Combo158] is null

SELECT [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Id], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type], [Task Type Drop].[Task Category], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Definition]
FROM [Task Type Drop]
ORDER BY [Task Type Drop].[Task Type];

If not null

SELECT [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Id], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type], [Task Type Drop].[Task Category], [Task Type Drop].[Task Type Definition]
FROM [Task Type Drop]
WHERE ((([Task Type Drop].[Task Category])=[Forms]![Task Category and Area Look up]![Combo158]))
ORDER BY [Task Type Drop].[Task Type];

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Help With IIF Statement In Query

Dec 18, 2007

I have a database where I list prices for products. The prices are based on the type of customer.

I have a table that lists
Customer Type (can be DD or SH)

My other table with is the tire table has the following:

ITem Number
Tire Price
Sh Price
List PRice

If the customer type is a DD - I need to use the List Price
If the customer type is SH - I need to use the SH Price

Here is the statements I've tried, but none of them are working..

Tire Price: IIf([customer type]=[dd],[SH Price],IIf([customer type]=[sh],[List Price]))

Tire Price: iif ([customer type]=”dd”, [SH Price], iif([customer type]=’’sh”,[List Price]))

Tire Price: IIf([Customer Type]=[DD],"[SH Price]")

I was using this IIF statment in my query but it is giving me a parmeter box with dd and then pulls up another box with sh before running the query. The query is not working.

I'd appreciate if someone can help me fix this issue.


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Query Or SQL Statement

Jun 3, 2005

I want to show cell values in a form from a table the form is not sourcing data from where the primarykey of both tables commensurates and tried do this thru a query, but id doesn't work. what would be the expression in the text box or the SQL statement for this.

thanks in advance

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Help W/a Statement In A Query

Apr 2, 2008

I need to know how to take the following statement:

TOTAL: Sum(Nz([TblPurchases]![Qty])*Nz([TblProducts]![PointValue]))

and modify it so that any records in TblPurchases where the field called "ProductID" is =42 is excluded from the calculation.

If anyone can help me out, I would sure appreciate it!!

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Update Statement Or Query From VBA

Dec 24, 2004

I am trying to update the fields of a table from comboboxes and textboxes on a form. I don't want all the fields to receive data from the objects on my form directly. Some of the bound controls are not visible and data would be entered into them from visible comboboxes instead. I am not sure exactly how to do that. I tried to devise a query that would take the values from the comboboxes and equate them to those of the hidden controls, but that didn't work. I tried inserting an update command in code but that came up with an error. If some one could help me I would be thankful.

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IIF Statement Is Acting Up In A Query

Aug 12, 2005

I have a query which is based on 2 tables (Log2000 & Customers) and criteria is entered by the user via a form called 'SearchMarkets'.

In concept, if the user chooses a 'Market' on this form, the query uses that value, otherwise it runs everything. My SQL looks like this:

SELECT Log2000.[Call ID], Customers.ID
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Log2000 ON Customers.CustomerNumber = Log2000.Customer
WHERE (((Customers.ID)=IIf([Forms]![SearchMarkets]![Market] Is Null,([Customers].[ID]) Like "*",[Forms]![SearchMarkets]![Market])));

For non-null values it works grand but the ([Customers].[ID]) Like "*" part isnt returning anything. However this piece of SQL does work when used on its own like this:

SELECT Log2000.[Call ID], Customers.ID
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Log2000 ON Customers.CustomerNumber = Log2000.Customer
WHERE ((([Customers].[ID]) Like "*"));

Can someone please help me overcome this issue?

Thanks in advance!

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If Statement In A Query Not Working?

Oct 9, 2005

hi im trying to do the following if statement in a query but its not working, anyone know what im doing wrong?
any help would be great.


im trying to say if the field "period" in the table: "TABLE SALES" is the same or less than the value in the field "actuals to pd" in the table :"TABLE-AVERAGE" then the value displayed in this field ("new") should be the value: "actuals to pd" in the table "table-sales" otherwise the value in the field "forecast1 base value" in the table "table update"

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Too Many Brackets Query Sql Statement

Mar 1, 2006

WHERE (((zEnquiries.Enq_Forname) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*'))

this statement im sure has too many brackets.. can someone correct it for me

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Iff Statement For Query Criteria

May 30, 2006

A database I'm creating contains records of events within an academic year. There will be many events in the table, and I want to create a query to show me only those events in the current academic year.

I figure that I need to use some sort of iff statement to make this happen; something which says:

IF the current date is before 31-Aug-CurrentYear
THEN display records in the range 01-Sep-LastYear and 31-Aug-ThisYear
ELSE display records in the range 01-Sep-ThisYear and 31-Aug-NextYear.

I've had a go at writing this, but can't get my code to work. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,


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Help With Search Query Statement

Oct 16, 2006

I would like to display records on a webpage and am unsure of the query statement and would like to seek some advise.
I have a lists of contact numbers(home, mobile) and they are from various Sports groups and different teams. Captains from the different sports group will be able to view the details of their teammates of the respective sports they belong to.
An example of what should be returned is shown in the attached file

Database Info:

Thank you.

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Query Help Using A Iff Statement And Relationships

Jun 12, 2007

Here I have three tables.
Control type – has a field control – 1 row
Table1 – has fields: Acct (text), table 1(text), table 3(text) – 8 rows
Table2 – has fields Acct (text), table 2(text) – 4 rows

What I am looking for is to combine Table1 and Table2, replacing table 1 with table 2 if the control type is 4. if its not then it uses table 1.

I was able to do that with the query test except I lose that data in table 3 that doesn’t match table 2.

I would like to have the information kept on Table1.[table 3] and if nothing matches [table 2]

It sounds confusing so I am attaching the database.

The Query test shows it working but losing the extra data from Table1.[table 3]
The Query test2 gives the SQL Err I received when it runs the way I thought It should.

Any help or suggestions would be welcome.

What I am looking for is a way to set a stactic varable that only changes when I set it. and is available for 4 or 5 different queries. run under the same macro.

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IIf Statement Problems In Query - Please Help!

Jun 13, 2007

Hi there - 1st post so please bear with me!

I have currently got a form set up with unbound combo boxes which draw their list info from seperate tables. My idea was to have a user make a selection from these combo boxes, and then use that data to search (please reference form "Inputs 1b - Generic Search for a Bike" in attached sample file).

When 'Search" is clicked, a query (refer query "Generic Search for Bike") determines the selections from the form, compares it against the master storage table, and I will eventually output it to another form.

My problem lies in the Expression required in the query to read from the input form, but more importantly, in dealing with the Null values if one of the fields is untouched.

The expression I would ultimately like to use is:
IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Inputs 1b - Generic Search for a Bike]![SearchYear]),[YearID] Like "*",[YearID] Like [Forms]![Inputs 1b - Generic Search for a Bike]![SearchYear])

so, if there is a value selected, search with that as the criteria, and if the field has been left blank (Null) then search as if the criteria is a complete wildcard - ie return all results. I have tried many different expressions, with Nz(), Like, etc, to no avail.

I'm baffled, because when I break down the expression into it's component parts and run them as the query (eg the IIF returning simple values, or just the Like [Forms]![Inputs 1b - Generic Search for a Bike]![SearchYear], etc) they all work. It's when the expression is combined that no results are returned from the query.

Incidentally, is there a way of running through the expressions in Expression Builder step by step, as with VBA code or Excel functions?

I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide!


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Nested Iif Statement! Not Sure Why This Query Will Not!

Aug 12, 2007

I'm wanting to run an update query but first I want to see the results by using a select query to make sure that I'm getting the correct results.

See the following query statement:

SELECT ([Goodrec - All] INNER JOIN WH_ACCTCOMMON ON [Goodrec - All].ACCTNO = WH_ACCTCOMMON.ACCTNBR) INNER JOIN [Trial-GL-Reference] ON WH_ACCTCOMMON.CURRMIACCTTYPCD = [Trial-GL-Reference].LOANTYPE SET [Goodrec - All].GLCODE = [TrialTotals].[glcode], [Goodrec - All].CURRBAL = IIf(Not IsNull([chgoffamt]) And Not IsNull([partsold]),CCur([grossbal])-CCur([chgoffamt])-CCur([partsold]),IIf(Not IsNull([CHGOFFAMT]),CCur([grossbal])-CCur([CHGOFFAMT]),IIf(Not IsNull([partsold]),CCur([grossbal])-CCur([partsold]),[grossbal]))), [Goodrec - All].PCTOWNED = IIf(Not IsNull([origamt]) And Not IsNull([partsold]), CCur([origamt])-CCur([partsold]/CCur([origamt]), IIf(IsNull([partsold]), [grossbal]));

This is the error that I receive each time I attempt to run it and I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Error message:

Syntax error(missing operator) in query expression '([Goorec-ALL] Inner Join WH_ACCTCOMMON ON [Goodrec-All].ACCTNO=WH_ACCTCOMMON.ACCTNBR) inner join [TRIAL-GL-Reference].LOANTYPE SET [Goodrec - All].GLCODE = [TrialTotals].[glcode]'

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.



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IIf Statement In Query Criteria

Aug 28, 2007

Is there a problem with using an IIf statement in the criteria of a query. If ther isn't then is there a problem with using a Between...And statement inside the IIf statement. Or, does anybody see a problem with this IIf statement being in the criteria of a query.

IIf([blinks_test_end].[Blinks]<>[blinks_test_start].[Blinks],([daily_extract].[Reading_Date]) Between [blinks_test_start]![Reading_Date] And [blinks_test_end]![Reading_date],Null)

[blinks_test_end] and [blinks_test_start] are queries that use the table [daily_extract] the query that I am trying to run uses these queries and the table, however, I have nothing joined. The IIf statement is in the criteria of the [daily_extract].[Reading_Date] field.

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Need Help With Variable Within My Query Statement

Oct 30, 2007

Hi All,

Basically I'm trying to filter records from a view in my listbox based on a value in a text box. As such...

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.SearchResults.RowSource = "SELECT * FROM PatientSearch WHERE Surname = " & Form_frmMain.txtName

End Sub

**Note that this the value I'm trying to pull is from a seperate form.
My statement works fine as long as I don't use a variable ie.
Me.SearchResults.RowSource = "SELECT * FROM PatientSearch WHERE Surname = 'Agnew' "

I'm sure it may be a simple syntax problem but I fairly new at this. Any help would be appreciated.


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Can Anyone Modify This Query Statement

Apr 6, 2008

hi im a first time user of access,

can anyone modify this query statement...

select IDno, LName + ', ' + FName as Name, course, Status,
(select count(io.AC) from in_out_books io where io.IDno = b.IDno and io.DBorrowed >= '2008/03/01' and io.DBorrowed <= '2008/04/30' group by io.IDno
as TotalBooks
(select sum(io.Penalty) from in_out_books io where io.IDno = b.IDno and io.DBorrowed >= '2008/03/01' and io.DBorrowed <= '2008/04/30' group by io.IDno) as Penalties from borrowers b

i also want to set the TotalBooks and Penalties to 0 when their values are null thanks

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Simple Query Statement, Not Getting Anywhere...

Sep 20, 2007

I think this would be a simple query but I have not been successful in getting anything to work at this point. So I thought I would through it out to the pro's here! Thanks for any help you might give.

Table looks like this:
EventID EventDate Score EventType
46 09/20/2007 72 1 Day Net
46 09/20/2007 72 2 Day Net - Day 1
46 09/20/2007 68 1 Day Best Ball
48 07/14/2007 69 1 Day Net
48 07/14/2007 34 Nassau

What I am trying to get from this data is the AVG score, but not include Nassau or Best Ball events. So I have used the Not Like "%Nassau%" etc, in ASP (since ASP requires % rather than * like access. The results I would like to see are one score from each DATE avg'd. That means with this sample data we should get...
46 09/20/2007 72 1 Day Net
48 07/14/2007 69 1 Day Net

Avg score 70.5

I don't care to have the Event Type listed, if that causes grouping issues. I just am not getting anything to work. Thanks for any help.

In short If I could get the avg score using only one score a day that is not a Nassau or Best Ball event, I would have to rejoice! Thanks so much.

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Queries :: WHERE Statement In Query

Sep 11, 2014

I have a Form that is used to print a report and the report is based off of a query.I dont like the WHERE statement in the query. I want the user to enter the employer codes and not have to continue to press enter when they are done entering 5 employer codes.

Example: The want to send letters to 3 Employer codes but after they enter the 3rd employer code the query will continue asking for 21 more employer codes. How can I provide the user a way to not be asked for 21 more employer codes? The current code for the query is:


SELECT Format([Enter Letter Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Letter Date], dbo_partfile.prt_employer_code, dbo_employer.mis_description, UCase([kn_key_name]) AS UID, Trim([prt_last]) AS [LAST], Trim([prt_first]) AS [First], dbo_partfile.prt_middle, dbo_partfile.prt_addr1, dbo_partfile.prt_addr2, Trim([prt_city]) AS City, dbo_partfile.prt_state, dbo_partfile.prt_zip_code, Format([prt_zip_ext],"0000") AS Zip4, Format([Enter Term Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") AS [Term Date], IIf([prt_sex]="F","Ms.","Mr.") AS Title, dbo_partfile.prt_status, dbo_partfile.prt_local_nbr


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Quick Addition To A Query Statement

Jul 29, 2005

I have a query statement:

Final Tax Free Amount: IIf(Left([Final Tax Code],1)="k",Right([Final Tax Code],Len([Final Tax Code])-1)*-10-9,Val([Final Tax Code])*10+9)

If I wanted to include: If final tax code = BR or NT then = 0. How can I add this to this statement?


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Update On A Query With A Join Statement

May 23, 2005


I am trying to do an update on a table with a query which has a join as follows but getting an error:

UPDATE RoleObjects
SET AccessType = 1
FROM RoleObjects
INNER JOIN Objects On Objects.ObjectID = RoleObjects.ObjectID
WHERE (RoleObjects.RoleID <> 1) AND (MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2) = 'SR')

I tried to debug the code and found that the following part of the code with the Select clause works fine.

FROM RoleObjects
INNER JOIN Objects On Objects.ObjectID = RoleObjects.ObjectID
WHERE (RoleObjects.RoleID <> 1) AND (MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2) = 'SR')

Do u have any suggestions.. ??

Thanks a lot for your time.

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Updating Query With IN STATEMENT Failing.

Dec 2, 2005

This is driving me absolutely insane, can anyone find why this won't work?

UPDATE tbl_PrivateMessages SET tbl_PrivateMessages.RecipientStatus = 1
WHERE tbl_PrivateMessages.MessageID IN ([Enter MessageIDs]);

I've tried updating it through ASP with the following:


And also just tried running the query from access itself using 25,26 as IDs.

Neither of those seem to work...please advise. Also, I don't even get an error message as to why it didn't update.

MessageID - AutoNumber
MessageUserID - Number
MessageSubject - Text
MessageContent - Memo
MessageAuthor - Number
MessageDate - Date/Time
AuthorStatus - Number
RecipientStatus - Number

Many thanks

Steve Johnson

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